/srg/ - speedrunning general

Goku - god gamer. has a huge love and passion for his craft for the sake of the craft itself. trains efficiently and practices smart, constantly fine tuning and optimizng his ability. frequently learns new techniques and even improves upon them. always looking for new ways to become stronger and jumps at the chance for a new challenge to overcome.

Vegeta - grindmonkey. no passion for what he does outside of beating others. no interest in optimization beyond brute force. mindlessly trains by doing pushups in anti-gravity chamber for 10,000 hours. never learns new techniques, just spams the same shit forever. bonobo howls when things aren't going his way. doesn't understand why goku is, and always will be, better.

Other urls found in this thread:


>He doesn't' do glitchless runs


post the funny cosmo tranny vid please I cant find it.

thanks for the advice, Eli-chan!


aren't they all though



>go to the Discord and argue about toast's skill there
Not even the SM64 discord is as informed about skillful players as this thread is.
It is no surprise to anyone who has seen the top 10 most skilled SM64 runners list that batora would get 1:39 without even trying that much. Toastrider will smash it immediately and they won't even see it coming.

okay toast you can leave now holy shit

fucking pathetic. you are absolute shit at rta, which is actual speedrunning and your discord is cancer

Top 10 Most Skilled SM64 Runners
1. Xiah
2. Toast
3. Akira
4. atmpas
5. Cheese
6. Whitearis
7. puncay
8. lyfey
9. batora
10. Simply

wrong. cheese and puncay are the only 2 who can competently speedrun sm64


mfw my speedgame might be ran by an ugly tranny at next agdq

>absolute shit
lmao meme game runners are retarded.

superman 64?

Xiah, Toast, Akira and atmpas would beat cheese's and puncayshun's PB more quickly than they got them.

Should have gotten WR and submitted instead

Reminder sm64 posting is just a fancy way of bumping this ded doggie

Nice effort boys, but it can’t save the general

because newer strats are available and there are better practice methods such as the ever drive. regardless, this 'could' stuff means absolutely nothing and doesn't suddenly become true because you say it. are you 12?

>newer strats are available
That cheese and puncay don't do because they don't practice or update anything.
>better practice methods such as the ever drive
the practice rom is literally just the normal gameshark practice codes added to a rom.

wrong wrong and wrong.


post yfw you're not a speedrunning autist

frequenting a general to discuss people who actually speedrun is more autistic than speedrunning faggot

>That cheese and puncay don't do because they don't practice or update anything.
Puncayshun does practice, although he rarely ever updates anything. Cheese gets bored of practicing or updating strats after an hour max and goes back to grinding attempts. We rate this statement Mostly True.
>the practice rom is literally just the normal gameshark practice codes added to a rom.
Mostly True.

>not getting your HOT FIX of Zelda goodness from GDQ LLC right now

wrong. infact everything someone spouts on srg is just wrong because the people here just say things to fit whatever agenda they have lol

You made me check...

fuck off tofley0

Pants On Fire

Meme game runners cannot play SM64 competently.

Can you please talk about something other than a game for children?

>I only like edgy mature grown up games like Devil May Cry 4. It's so dark and mature and really speaks to the blood of my soul.

I just got WR in a game

What? Shouldn't you be strawmanning an actual edgy/bad game like Hatred, or do kids not know how this words?

Happy National Coming Out Day! Are there any speedrunners we should celebrate on this occasion?

>boy that looks like a girl
>don't want people to think I'm a tranny
What do I do lads

grow a beard

So, I was looking through the AGDQ game list and saw Metroid Prime 3, so I was like "sweet i can't wait to watch Miles!", but then I looked and it's a girl named Claris that's running the game... I did some more research and found out that this "Claris" has the WR and Miles is no where to be found on the leaderboards! Is this girl his girlfriend or something? I really don't think it's right that he just gave his WR away like that.. is that even legal?

I've been away a while, did slayer get banned again?

About as likely to be released as the Ulilillia documentary

>splitting the general between the general and a discord
Gee I wonder why the general is dead.

Yes it is. Dont forget to give me your WRs in your will :)


Dead gen

Who are you?

>you know that you're good at the game, you know that you can pull off every single trick, practice wouldn't make you any better, but you keep on resetting



merge with emugen!


I fucking hate that post-rock shitty music nu-males put in trailers

does anyone even speedrun anymore?

>did the epic retard do something epic and / or retarded again
you already knew the answer

why didn't you sage?

shit image that the freak needs to stop posting

so i assume diddeh has the better 70 star time by now r-right guys lmao

thanks for the late responses!


thanks for the late response!

clint's currently -0.5 going into vanish, this could be it

of course not lmao his approach is wrong

where is the diddeh defender now? its been months and he still has the worst time even after squid stopped playing.

he realised his crusade was all incorrect and wrong

No one has ever been more incorrect than the freak.

They said the same thing when he was starting out with Sunshine. He was mocked for being too hardcore on practice and doing hard strats too early. But it did pay out in the end as it will with SM64, when he returns to it.

SM64 is not a piss easy meme game like SMS. His lack of consistency in SM64 can't work. You are incorrect, as always.

months later and he STILL has the worst time. what a joke your crusade was lmao

I got a time and recording for a game that will put me at 50th place of a speedrun leaderboard.

when it's THAT LOW down a leaderboard list, do moderators bother watching the whole run before putting me on there? I feel kinda bad about making somebody watch such a mediocre run. It makes me want to buckle down and improve my time down to at least 30th place so that it isn't so much of a burden on them.

Are you deluded? Mods just accept runs that get submitted, probably skim through high ranked ones and check it's timed properly.

>even after squid stopped playing.
diddeh stopped playing too

did you know?

hi serg missed you guys yesterday dont leave me, k?

oh wow this place is still here

wanna watch me stream?

stop resetting

diddeh still has the worst time and played even after squid quit and still plays offline now

thanks for the late response!

>it's a 30 second run

>it's a Half Minute Hero

Hero 3 is the only mode worth running

thanks for the late response!

Dropping a fat word on this

thanks for the late response!

Dropping a fat word on this


why didn't you sage?

where do I go to find all the drama over the whole Strider tutorial speedrun at AGDQ? 5 min game taking up what will be an hour of the marathon that will probably make people not want to speedrun after they see the kind of autism required.

It's a decent idea but they picked such a shit game lol

SM64 is the most basic bitch speedrun game there is.


any game wortha shit would taken like 5 hours to properly explain!

t. piss easy meme game runner

it doesnt have a place at a gdq. 99.99% of the viewers of a gdq dont give a flying fuck about how speedruns are done. and the ones that do care can easily google "how do I speedrun" and find their answer.

the biggest argument I found was that strider was toted as a meme game before and now they are trying to take this seriously. it's a complete joke and they know it. if they actually felt the need to show someone how to speedrun, they would upload a step by step tutorial video on the gamesdonequick website and play sections of it during their massive set up times like an advertisement.

no shit, it's literally a game for kids

All games are for kids.

Unless you're playing Euro Truck Simulator or some boring shit like that.

t. kid who just got access to mommy's credit card
play a real man's game like cho aniki kiddo

wheres your sub 50


and you are?