/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>Halloween Event: Adventures of Singing Pumpkin Castle!
October 17th 3:59 UTC to November 1st 3:59 UTC
3 SQ for 10000 likes or 2000 shares

>Daily Quest "Ember Gathering" AP Cost 1/2 Campaign!
Date: October 10th, 4:00 UTC - October 17th, 3:59 UTC

>Okeanos Pickup Summon
Date: September 28th, 7:00 UTC - October 12th 3:59 UTC
5* Francis Drake
4* Anne Bonny and Mary Read
3* Euryale, David and Hektor
5* CE Victor of the Moon and Another Ending
4* CE Code Cast
3* CE Anchors Aweigh

>Okeanos Pickup Summon 2
Date: October 05th, 4:00 UTC - October 17th, 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4* Medea (Lily), Heracles
3* Euryale, Hektor, David

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn constantly new stuff that I've never heard about.


Remember, user, if it's not the rateup you're waiting for, pic related.

Save all your apples for xmas. There is no reason to use them on anything before this point.

In the next three events (Halloween, Guda, Xmas) You are guaranteed:

20 Lanterns
40 Homo babies
30 Scales
25 pages
20 Void
20 Octuplets
20 Horseshoes
20 Gears
20 Claws
10 Hearts (sumanai)
20 Phoenix Plumes
20 Seeds
20 Snake jewels
As many Fangs, Bones, and Proofs as your Apples can support.
At least 25 Monuments for every class except archer (who gets 5), with 45 for Caster.

Subtract these from how much you need to farm and just be patient.


It's not really new. It's been out for years.

does halloween have claws?

I've been out for years too

dumb lizard thread maker

it's just a 10 minute short fake trailer about Nasu's original vision for FSN. Funny thing is that someone wrote a whole prequel LN series for a non-existent entry, which is where servants like Arash or Ozy originate from.


Does the OP have a wiki?


I'm in similar situation (Waver, Vlad, similar number of quartz) and I'm going to roll.

mfw I just realized NOW that CE are mostly masters or potential masters.

It's older than the UBW and Zero anime adaptations.

Fluffy Servant



Yes, use all of them.


never use your apples, just hoard them until servers shut down

Maybe, ask again later

The end of that webm ruins it, turns into western memeface

Pretty much everything is new to me right now

>have two people who haven't logged in in a day
>don't want to remove them because I won't even get replacement requests anyways

So the New Yeah Paid Gacha
Do you pick what you want or is it just random 5s?

Artoria Pendragon
Okita Souji
Francis Drake
Jack the Ripper
Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Tamamo no Mae
Vlad III
Jeanne d'Arc

Here's a more detailed list, then.

20 Bones
20 Fangs
20 Lanterns
20 Homo babies
10 Scales
5 pages
Caster, Lancer, Saber, Zerker 20 mon

20 void
20 octuplet
20 pages
20 horseshoes
20 homo babies
20 gears
20 claws
10 hearts
20 feather
10 scales
All class mons 5

20 seeds
20 sneks
10 scales
Infinite Fangs, Bones, Proofs (As long as you have apples)
Ass, Caster, Rider 20 mon

This info is also in the drop schedule, but I don't fully trust it.

random out of 11

30 Paid Quartz roll that gives you a guaranteed 5* at random out of the non-Limited ones

Random, so be prepared to be spooked by retarded fox or SEIBAH

>tfw you have 15+ pending requests and have to keep deleting a few a day because they cap at 20

the fox is smart, SMART

So pointless for what I want to do then.
Guess I'm rolling for Shishou in her solo rate up.

>20 homo babies
>20 Lanterns
what the fuck am I meant to do with all that?

>Shirou summons Saber
>Notices she's a girl immediately
>The Knight of the Round went years without realizing this fact


Yeah what the fuck

Save them until you get a servant you like who needs them.

Halloween will save my, 5-6 servants if I misscalculate now. Well, bring it on then!

I love this evil cat!


dumb medbposter

One of them was legit blind so you can't blame him.

Dantes has his strong points.

yeah man, some servants have ridiculous requirements to level up their skills. Such as Herc who needs 2 Hearts for leveling up one of his skills to 5.

GO total of doujins: 1578.
>Ritsuka (female): 384
>Mashu: 351
>Ritsuka (male): 272
>Roman: 125
>Merlin: 115
>Arjuna: 113
>Dantes: 114
>Jeanne Alter: 84
>Scat: 81
>Kiyohime: 79
>Shuten: 64
>Cu Caster: 53
>Raikou: 49
>Kintoki: 41
>Alexander: 39
>Jeanne Alter Santa Lily: 38
>Da Vinci: 35
>Cu Alter: 33
>Bedi: 33
>Nitocris: 32
>Cas Gil: 28
>Lancelot (Saber): 26
>Nightingale: 24
>Ishtar: 21
>Yan Qing: 21
>Marie: 22
>Tristan: 19
>Blackbeard: 19
>Musashi: 17
>Moriarty: 16
>Martha: 16
>Sanson: 16
>Sanzou: 15
>Ere: 15
>Leonidas: 15
>Helena: 15
>Ushi: 15
>Olga: 14
>Boudica: 14
>Ibaraki: 14
>Koutaro: 14
>Tesla: 13
>Hector: 12
>David: 12
>Asterios: 11
>Chev: 11
>Solomon: 11
>Mozart: 11
>Lancer Alter Artoria: 10
>Lancer Artoria: 10
>Emiya Assasin: 10
>Tamamo Cat: 10
>Saber Lily: 9
>Medb: 8
>Edison: 7
>Rama: 7
>Nobuyuki: 7
>Holmes: 6
>Sherezade: 6
>Carmilla: 5
>LZO: 5
>Caesar; 5
>Beowulf: 5
>Billy: 5
>Goetia: 5.
>Sita: 5
>Mata Hari: 4
>Mephistopheles: 4
>Anne: 4
>Orion: 4
>Mary: 4
>Fergus: 4
>ROMA: 4
>Siduri: 4
>Kingu: 3
>Iri (dress of heaven): 3
>Nero Bride: 3
>Wu: 3
>Kotomine (CE): 2
>Artemis: 2
>Caligula: 2
>MHX Alter: 2
>Geromino: 2
>George: 2
>King Hassan: 2
>Quetz: 2
>Benkei: 2
>Pen: 1
>Jaguarman: 1
>Darius III: 1
>Tiamat: 1
>Jing Ke: 1
>Hijikata: 1
>Gilles (Saber): 0
>Phantom: 0
>Babbage: 0
>Bloodaxe: 0

Arjuna and Dantes are super popular. Not just among fujos, but among girls in general for their self-insert to romance and fuck.

Stop making me like Medb.

His clocktower scenes were very popular because of the implied feelings between him and (You). Also his Drama CD is great.

>Mephistopheles: 4


Where'd you draw this list from, out of curiosity? And does it include non-uploaded doujins and non-H doujins?

>Blackbeard: 19
>Medb: 8

get fucked medbfags

An user in /fgog/ pulls it from sites and shit frequently and updates it all the time. And yes, it includes non-uploaded and non-H. It only counts FGO Servants, meaning no EMIYA, Cu, Arturia ect.

Has the Drama CD been translated?

Don't think so, but it's a fucking drama CD. Anyone who has been watching anime for long enough can understand it just fine.

Does it count by appearances or premise?

Ah, thank you for the quick answer. Interesting that it doesn't include Altera even though FGO was technically her debut game.

>These are all the tagged cumulative doujins I found in lexicon+tora, some are missing because they didn't tag them.

Judging from this, in terms of Servant popularity it would be

1. Merlin
2. Arjuna
3. Dantes
4. Cu Caster
5. Kintoki

1. Mashu
2. Jeanne Alter
3. Scathach
4. Kiyohime
5. Shuten

Where is Okita?

Okita is from Koha-Ace, same as Nobunaga

I guess she's not on the list because she's not an FGO-original servant; she appeared in Koha-Ace first.

Does anyone remember where to find that doujin of loli Jeanne Alter tryign and failing to cause mayhem in Chaldea while Gilles cheers her on?

>Not even one yuri pirates doujin

Life's just not fair sometimes man.

Is there a list that includes characters from the other fate works? It would be interesting to see how the FGO original characters rank up against the older characters.

Remember that that any yuri pirates doujin wouldn't be yuri, it would be them being railed by like 20 faceless guys or blackbeard.
Sometimes, japan can go fuck itself.


No, it's alot harder since they're more scattered around. Many of them aren't listed anywhere due to just how old they are.

Thank god Japland didn't give Orion or Yuri Pirates any attention, their artwork is atrocious.

MeidoCat you faggot. Move the Cat back. Don't make me delete you.

It exists, though they're not the focus

Thanks user, I appreciate it.

Actually nevermind, they are the focus, for some reason I remember the Alters doing more

Oh right, I didn't think about that.

Who has the best final ascension art and why is it Nobu?

Yeah guess that makes sense, I imagine most of the original characters would vastly outnumber the new ones just due to how many years it's been since the VN came out.

Ibaraki, Stheno, and Berserker Nobunaga have my favorite 4th Ascension art.

Apparently there are fujo conventions for EMIYA x Cu and other pairings for those circles to release their works so yeah.


This is a Big cup

How does DEF debuff work? Does the enemy get that percentage more damage, is there an invisible DEF value it influences or does it only do something if the enemy already has a DEF buff on him and is useless otherwise?

The oldest F/SN doujin I saw uploaded at a glance was from Comiket 65, so 2003.

there are fate doujins older than some of the people on this website, for Christ's sake

I love Hidari's style. Wish she did more than just Ibaraki

Should I ascend Gil or Herc right now to 4th ascension?

I'm missing 2 hearts for gil but have everything else in limited supply

This is the Big Cup's little (fluffy)

>Well ok it's only one section of a sexathon but it's something I gue-
>Smelly feet


you fucked up

>doujins were being made before F/sn was even out

the madmen

If we ever get Watanabe, then she's probably going to end up drawing him too.

Guaranteed means guaranteed? Just for completing the quest?

Or "guaranteed" means only if we exènd the day grinding using apples?


>Oldest doujin older than the franchise itself

time for me to an hero then


Look, man, I'm just reporting. There are at least two doujins from Comiket 65, so the winter of 2003. F/SN was released January 2004, so maybe they got their hands on a release build or something?

Raita is an OG

"Guaranteed" meaning if you clean out the shop. Which if you use all your AP and farm optimally you shouldn't need to use even close to the number of apples than the event gives you.

Speaking of which, is there a higher res version of it?

That's pretty impressive.

use waifu2x