/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2215

Rerun NEVER edition

>Recent News
McDonalds SkyCompass Collab - Eat burgers in Japan, get damascus crystals and a sunlight stone
Fourth Crew Skill - Available if you have 21+ members
CCS Collab - Dark Unknown Staff, Sakura is the loyalty character

>18M Player Celebration *Co-op won't be affected by MagFest
10/10 - 10/24 - MagFest(Login Raffle, Half AP/BP cost for Raids, Half AP cost for Free Quests/Main Story/Special Quests, x1.5 RP/EXP bonus, Double effect for Journey Drop Buffs)
10/11 - 10/24 - Free Single Rolls and 200 Crystal Login Bonus

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
9/30 - 10/9 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 10/24 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
10/25 - 10/30 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
10/31 - 11/8 - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
>Crew Pastebin

Previous Thread

Can magnafes revive this ded gam?

No since it's always the SAME SHIT

Who's the Kanna of gbf

no because Magisa NTR shit just killed it

This game has nothing anymore

>tfw she got startled and screamed "ENGRISH?! ENGRISH?! THANK YOU"

Why is this streamer such a qt

Are there any characters that get boosted by other element's weapon skills and/or summons?

is it me or does motocoal can only calculate ultima and not atma?

>cucked by a fictional, fake, not real entity

Fuck that's kinda cute kinda embarrassing

>character interaction is now called cucking

i hate this board

>all those fucking gw characters
I thought girls weren't e-sports.



me too, it really distracts from the discussion when people actually start replying to NTRfags. like any Narufag or Magisafag worth their salt is gonna care about their opinions-as-facts attitude.

I need to get lots of rupies. What do?

>not wanting to get the cutest outfits for your Sakura
shouldn't even have run the event, you don't deserve a Sakura in your box.

>the term cucked getting cucked by anons

Little Skyfare lunch?

3BF87AA4 zoi


Are gunslinger bullets consumable or do I only need to craft them once?

I'm reading her skills and don't see it.

I don't know if my question was clear enough, as language is not my first language.
Let-me rephrase.

Say I have a light grid, are there any non light characters that get boosted by those weapon's skills (say, Horu's might II) as if it was a skill that boosted the character native element?

Like a wind character getting boosted by chev guns, or something.

KMR fucked up hard by not making this the SSR.

Is 3 bricks too much to aim for in a single rotb?

When does dama crystal from 3 burgers show up?

Why would I want her?

>Light element
>Can't attack, decreasing your overall damage by 25%
>Mediocre skills
>Long cooldown on skills
>Ougi does nothing worth mentioning
>Ougi doesn't add to the chain burst
>Doesn't fit well on a team with Lights two best characters, Ferry and Song

I could accept her being mediocre. But she's unusable for a new player because she literally does nothing, she's unusable for a mid game player because she literally does nothing, and she's unusable for an end game player because she literally does nothing.

She's easily the worst SSR in this entire game.

This event is boring
The weapon sucks
Gbf is dead
Back to botes

Fleet has 1 slot for someone that plays the game.
Our strike times are 11 pm - 12 am / 5 - 6 am JST, but we do change them during GW.
If you are interested you can poke me on my profile 8817744 or contact me on discord Simo#0465

Once, but you need to craft multiple weaker tiered ones to use as materials for higher tiered ones

yes la but suptix when la
ook ook eek eek tuki tuki

> as language is not my first language

as english is not my first language*.

God damn it, I should go the fuck to sleep.

>I don't know if my question was clear enough, as language is not my first language.
yeah no kidding.

niceme.me, Korwa must be shit then.

How important is discord to your crew? I'm a new player rank 55 without a full magna grid but I play everyday and make progress as much as possible.

Weekend slimes with journey drop boost

Who got kicked now.....
I can't believe Fleet is going esports now......

At least Korwa does something.

Discord is not important at all except for erp

Not really important.
No one got kicked.

Yeah keep stutering like a fucking sissy faggot and i will kick your fucking bitch ass out of my crew. Fag.

>can't find any art of pengy's pilot

That is Pengy



What's the failure % on Baal right now? Is it safe to host?

Weapon skills only increase the damage of allies of the element they state they do. Take for example celeste spear. It increases DARK allies atk and increase WIND allies atk as WIND allies hp decreases.
There's no characters that get boosted by skills other than their own element.

I haven't started the event yet, is it true that Magisa is cuckbait now?

Yeah she thirsts after the cherryboy fiercely.

>There's no characters that get boosted by skills other than their own element.

Shame, I was hoping some obscure seldom used character would have such gimmick as a sub skill or something.

Oh well, thanks for the comprehensive answer.

No, and do not replying to the cuckposter

Amira and Vira's echos are boosted by weapon skills

I don't get it. She's a sexy witch who flirts who probably flirts with like everything.
Regardless of how her fate ended, how was she anything more than a fun person? ("cuckbait")

So I have been bouncing around between two accounts for a while. I think it is about time for me to pick one. Which is the better choice, the one with Shiva and Godsworn / with an okay line up of characters for Fire, Wind, and the rest are meh; or the account with a solid line up of characters for all elements, just not that great of summons.


post both and lest see

Characters can be ticketed and sparked. The best summons cannot.

What are the chances of Cerberus getting a rerun this Halloween?

Shiva/Alexiel wins.

How can i improve my grid
I will toontix 1 more gisla next time

a5881fd2: Maccy HL
first time

is there any proof that Magisa dishes out big numbers?

is ayer esports enough to make dirt competitive?

no, flirtation and overt interest in another character when you're supposed to be a Gransexual is called cucking you delusional Autist

get your head out of the sand

yes, she abandons gran to hunt shota dick in the dead of night and comes into li fiercely.

retards are trying to act like she was just teasing but it's clearly more than that because JP Twitter latched onto it

it's always maybe 2% at the most
one or two warlocks will carry it easy every time, you'll only fail if you get 29/30 wanpan gizokus

wtf my crew isn't dead anymore because we've ascended to ghosts now.

>mfw Gawain, Birdman and Siete will never cuck me

That two timing whore. Kicking her off my airship rn

Please kill my Baal.
MVP free for all.

Quick cum inside Ferry and see what happens

If you could burn units like in FGO I would have already done it to her, if she's not Gransexual she's worthless

fuck cuck trash.

Can't get cucked if you never get content.

So my characters are starting to scale off and I need better grids. What do I do? I know you guys said to do Omegas but what do I do with the Anima?

Send help.

Host your own raids with the anima.

>doing Baal post baalfest

I mean what do I buy?

Do their VAs feature in a dead franchise Cygames is likely to collab with? Especially one where said VA's other character is in a relationship with someone in that series. Cause if so, it's only a matter of time.

What the hellyou were planning to buy with your fucking anima? You host raids with them, the end.

Buy? What kind of game do you think this is user?
You use Anima to host raids. You beat the raid and it drops chests. You pray to whatever god you believe in that you get SSR weapons out of it.


Takagi-san is shit. Please go.

Okay good to know.

>Siete cucking me with Rin
>Gawain cucking me with Seiba
>Birdman will never betray me!

1 HS inside, please help ;_;

Winged ARCHA: 1313f7de

Just buy 300 rolls desu

Oh. Okay.

What should I buy with my Cerulean Stones?

>was going to ticket Magisa to complete my Gransexual collection
>cygames ruins her and saves me $30


Catch you catch you catch me catch me matte~


I'm hearing botobotoboto every now and then even with sound muted
I blame Sakura for this cause but should I panic regardless?


nice daily R

Cardcaptor Sakura is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and homoerotic lolicons. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the cards, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole gay loli camera faggotry and everything about the Cardcaptor world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on homo, and overall Daddy fucking of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Cardcaptor Sakura is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Cardcaptor Sakura threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

Have Titan and Varuna, but no weapon pool. What should I get?

>naruto is allowed on /a/
>there are shitters honestly thinking boruto is good
it hurts

>Pengy pilot
Is this a meme?

Ayer, you dummy.

>7 posts about ticket Ayer