MANGA >Scans
Dominic Reed
Ohya and Chihaya are cute
Jonathan Sullivan
This is a nice thread.
Julian Powell
Nathaniel Watson
hard to believe there's only 2.5ish months left in the year.
Noah Evans
So, what's the deal with the new IP? Is the Persona team disbanding to do that or what?
Mason Phillips
I love Ann.
Liam Reed
Less popular character need love too.
David Walker
When is Hashino going to grow up and allow the series to include gay romances so the games are seen as more than pedophilic dating sims for neckbeards?
Gavin Gonzalez
nice drawing, haru
Brody White
What are the chances of getting a female protagonist for P6? I mean, 51% of the jap fanbase is female, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t pander to that audience
Julian Bell
Why is Sae the best girl in the game? I used to think it was her sister makoto or even one of the old hags like kawakami but after finishing the game I realized Sae is bae. It must be her sense of fashion because that custom suit really looks good on me
Christopher Martin
>p5 was literally so terrible that I dropped it at the title screen >not a SINGLE P4 character in the entire cast. What a fucking joke Excuse me, but Yusuke was clearly just adult Naoto after her growth spurt Why do you think she wore a hoodie to the beach?
Adrian Sanders
She's mine /pg/
Carson Nelson
Isn't it nuts? I thought the year only just started. Hell, I thought we were only just entering 2015...
Justin Fisher
You mean it isn't Winter 2014?
Ryan Rogers
Hashino left the persona team to set up the new IP studio and direct the new IP. Soejima and meguro will also work on the new IP but will still work on Persona too
Owen Hill
Time fucking flies as you get older. It's crazy.
Kevin Morales
I'm the opposite, this year has really dragged on for me. and yet now it seems to be going fast, too.
Connor Wilson
That's right, somehow it isn't winter 2014.
I remember thinking my grandparents were so weird for saying "I thought you were only just born!" when I was really little. I thought "but that was so long ago!" or whatever. Now I understand.
Jayden Fisher
Landon Reyes
Claiming this carefree, cuddly, caring cutie. Best model. Most compassionate. I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Me too!
Tyler Murphy
I hope this doesn't offend
Gavin Wright
They are. For the guys, it's a self insert to be with their waifus and for the girls fujobait.
Colton Martinez
Space Persona when?
Alexander Cruz
Obligatory Makoto post
Sebastian Gray
Sex with Naoto
Justin Collins
The year is almost over. only 3 months left.
You DID get all social links maxed in 2017, right? You didn't just sit on /pg/ all year?!
Austin Jones
Newfag to Persona 5 (and Persona in general). Do your teammates ever find out about your relationship if you have one? I'm in one with Ann Takamaki because I have a thing for blondes with bodies like that, as well as I figured I'd date a new girl with each NG+. It's just kept so much on the downlow, a bit disappointing to not have Ryuji run into my guy and Anne kissing or something. It feels like a missed opportunity for a comedic moment, as well as some minor bonding.
Xavier Hill
>You didn't just sit on /pg/ all year?!
No, only 6 months since P5 came out in the west.
Asher Baker
Where are my Pixie doujins?
Joshua Robinson
>he made friends
Hunter Foster
>You didn't just sit on /pg/ all year?! I uh, s-sure didn't.
Lucas Turner
jitsu wa... I think I reversed a couple links how do I start this save file over?
Christopher Watson
Would you play a Persona game that takes place in the future? Like on a space colony or a ship?
Jordan Rodriguez
As long as there are attractive anime ladies then the game can take place literally anywhere and I will still play it
James Miller
Do I get to fuck hot robots and aliens?
Tyler Ward
How about android and alien anime ladies?
Ethan Edwards
Kawaclaimed. Kawawriter here.
Nicholas Nelson
those are fine too
Gavin Miller
John Gomez
She dresses like a nun.
Justin Fisher
Eh, we'll see. I'm getting caught up in GAAS (games as a service) games and I'm going back to shit as new updates pop up. Also, Black Friday and the holidays are coming up. I'm looking to pick up some games at a discount that I missed out on earlier in the year. Maybe I'll try to max them all and platinum the game...internet says it's only about 60 more hours to do the platinum.
Ethan Ortiz
The year is 2307 and humanity has made its way to the stars. Earth has become nigh uninhabitable, leading humanity to the stars. Little did they know however, that even in the darkness of Space, Shadows are still looking for prey.
Finding a planet that can sustain life, a single ship is pulled down by a mysterious force stranding a group of humans away from the rest of their race with little chance for rescue.
The planet is full of Shadows but luckily a few other races have been pulled down to the planet as well. If you ally with them, perhaps everyone will make it out alive.
Using the power of Persona, you need to fight the Shadows, fix up a working ship, and stop the spreading darkness from eating up the entire Universe, making friends along the way.
Christopher Williams
Xavier Watson
>Me too! So do I.
Ethan Powell
Fuck off Discorder.
Chase Green
Too hard to pull off. Since those events would be very specific to the choices you made. Imagine mapping out said events for every possible choice for all the possible romances you could have. They do some things kind of like this, but yea, that one would be hard to weave into the main story. There are also events that conflict entirely.
Jayden Nelson
As much as I hate discussing this shit, I thought he left it?
Cooper Diaz
Robert Russell
lame. I want to be a space transfer student who arrives in a new town on a space train and is a space student 2nd year at a space high school
Jeremiah Robinson
Why does /pg/ hate Discord? Also why does /pg/ hate when the P5 MC is called Akira?
Robert Perez
And it has to take place in space Japan right?
Grayson Martinez
For what purpose do you straggle for?
Hunter Evans
Persona's key features are...Japanese Highschool Slice of Life. I'm not sure how you can make a Persona game without that. I'd have a hard time imagining them making a futuristic version or ancient version. P4's rural setting was a neat idea. Perhaps they could do a seaside, tropical, or colder climate location.
Isaac Harris
Mason Sanders
Generals in general hate discord because it splits up the community and leads to more extreme "chatroom" usage outside of the chatroom (generals are bad enough as is in this regard) and other cancerous shit such as namedropping.
Austin Wright
>Hifumi's slink gives you a knowledge point at rank 8 >Need max knowledge to get rank 7
Almonds activated
Brayden Campbell
Ryder Russell
Kawakami a kawacutie
Michael Fisher
Why is Makoto naked and part of immigration control?
Kayden Hernandez
I love my Queen
Noah Taylor
The only good Makoto
Isaac Roberts
Why do you need two ritual posts?
Jackson Rogers
How do we make sure P6 happens with characters all around their early/mid 20s?
Isaiah Reed
Juan Richardson
I played some Kotor 2 recently and now the very sight of the Ebon Hawk triggers me. >repair the ebon hawk to finish the tutorial >spend 5 hours trying to get to the ebon hawk in the hanger >Ebon hawk is immediately confiscated stolen and I have to spend another 5 hours getting to it. >Go to Nar Shaadaa and just landing has Gwado tell me he's going to impound it >Atton says it's super important we get new docking codes for the ebon hawk >walk a hundred feet and a guy tells me I stole the ebon hawk and he has the papers to prove it and threatens legal action >go to onderon and the ebon hawk is immediately grounded pending repairs.
I've never seen a game cuckhold a player so hard about a primary gameplay mechanism. Even the Regalia wasn't jerked this hard.
William Gray
>Persona Q2 localization for 2019
Daniel Lee
Carter Barnes
>I'll be playing a 3DS game in 2019
Samuel Turner
Oh I worded that post poorly and can see how that would cause confusion. I'm a separate person from the only good Makoto poster.
Christian Barnes
Kayden Reed
Ok, but the IP counter didn't change when the webm was posted.
Jayden Barnes
I wouldn't mind if some of the main, playable cast aren't highschoolers, but a lot of them have to be. It's part of what makes a Persona game Persona. That's why they're making that new IP. So they can dump ideas that wouldn't fit into their established IPs into that.
Nicholas Anderson
I want to see more of Haru's Harus
Christopher Hughes
Liam Clark
Lucas Young
[citation needed]
Parker Turner
please no
Carter James
Source please.
Evan Thompson
the source is Atlus USA's track record
Charles Bell
Michael Cruz
Naoto is weak to Mara
Nicholas Russell
How long to learn basic japanese?
Liam Taylor
If you got started right now and kept it up you could probably learn enough to play through a good chunk of the game without too much trouble. Learn the kanas, learn grammar, try and learn the 50 most common verbs/adjectives/etc, learn radicals, then move on to learning vocab from there and you should be good to go. If you learn basic stroke ordering then that'll make writing in unfamiliar kanji into your google translate app a lot easier.
Blake Richardson
>Changed the font to a serif that doesn't fit P4 >Didn't change any of the context and barely changed the wording. >Sloppy clonestamp >Missed capitalization >Fucked spacing
Why bother?
Carter Foster
Hey Morgana wanna try to suck my seed outta Ann before it reaches her womb?
Liam Ward
Has that STILL not been scanned?
Lucas Sullivan
Were you born and raised in Japan? If not you're not gonna make it
Juan Mitchell
It really says something when they prefer to use our language in their country.
Brody Lee
Best boy is actually best girl.
Blake Davis
Sorry, user, I was not and am not a discorder. Those chucklefucks can keep their little sekrit klub to themselves. While I do admit having once accepted an invitation to find out what the rave was all about, I stayed there probably less than 2 full hours before deciding that they weren't my crowd.
Cooper Hall
A friend of mine from middle of nowhere USA is fluent in Japanese, and he's gotten to the point where his Japanese is better than his English. But he's been studying it hardcore for the past 8~9 years.
Aiden Nguyen
Seeing as it both requires an account and the sound of your voice gives you an accountable identity, not to mention that you can't possibly avoid mothers calling downstairs that tendies are done from getting on the mic, Discord is the absolute antithesis of Veeky Forums.
Just ask Jake.
Brandon Cooper
There are chatrooms in servers, voice isn't an absolute necessity. You're right on every other point, though.
I mainly use it to keep in touch with a few irl friends.
Josiah Carter
>lavenza will never call for you from downstairs that your tendies are ready why live
Aiden Smith
>You will never put Lavenza in your school bag and tell her to meow occasionally so people think it's Morgana.
Juan Wright
I wish tendies weren't so fattening. They're so good.
Adrian Rivera
geez, what a weeb
Andrew Cox
>lavenza will never cook for you as a loving wife it hurts so much