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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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I love Reisen.
Markyjoe pls
Press F to pay respects.
is this a meme now?
Dumb chicken.
Ugly tranny
do i up my speed seal to +3 for that sweet unbuffed 46 speed nino or +3 the attack one so my brave bow bridelia hits harder?
or get distant def 3 for the double defense memes and do the other seals next week? im missing 1 coin do get both the DD and either the atk or spd to 3
But the schedule
There there
PA banner came out on the 30th. So the earliest would be 14th, most likely 15th.
>markyjoe posts on /feg/
As if this place could get worse.
Muh dick. It's not fair Lewyn gets to fuck that.
Tits McGee can't into anatomy
I wish to impregnate Sanaki!
>FE4 banner is actually a halloween banner of Fates characters cosplaying as them
Can't wait.
Reminder that Sumeragi was fucking her while Ikona was still alive
Reminder that if Sakura and Hinoka are any indication, Ikona was complete shit as a woman
I want to impregnate my best friend.
*blocks your path*
Have you seen the other FE youtubers? It could get much worse.
t. Sigrun
The polite tone gave you away
Get distant defence maxed and then go for what you like
B-B-But Elincia!
Who makes the best use out of Deflect Magic 3?
Corrins face unsettles me
Post it
>phantom speed seal
what the FUCK where they thinking
Anyone you want to tank Reinhardt and not die/don't drop too much HP.
For a company called "Intellegent Systems" they really don't think that hard about things do they?
Who benefits most from Summoner Support?
>Summer Tiki
>Summer Corrin
I'm not sure if stuff like IVs or builds matter so tell me if it helps clarify, but the only thing I know is important is I lack Hinoka.
I'm so fucking triggered right now that the stupid bonus let the hag win. Bullshit.
What is Tana reaching for?
How ready for Jugdral are you, /feg/?
Now sweep skills are viable
she tried her best and that's what counts
>ninian cute
>def sigurd
>fe4 big
>holy arvis attack
Arvis will have the highest attack of any red mage confirmed.
So I got Leon'd. Who do I fodder his slaying bow off to? I only have a Klein and B Lyn. Should I just save it?
lolifags BTFO
Your waifu
Sheena is the GOAT with it.
My only regret is that the lolifags losing wasn't as big an upset as Lyn losing
It came out on the 29th, so there is a possibility of a trailer tonight
>marth cucked
This picture of a vastly improved Nowi probably won't help.
>3 of which are the Xander
Niles desu
None because we will get a fire emblem warriors banner.
Looking forward to super sonic emblem ragefest & knuckles all-stars battle royale hd II.8 final chapter prologue at the olympic games bros alpha test featuring dante from the devil may cry series!
I want to knock them all up though, it's just a matter of which one serves me best for now.
>wo dao and wrath with no special
Next level strats
Whale here.
I worked overtime and have $300 saved just for this.
600 orbs ready to go. Give me Jugdral/Halloween or give me sweet death
That's a gambit i can get behind.
What is she telling her?
Not at all. Lolis>hags
>tfw too intelligent to specials
Sakura is the worst Fates girl and Hinoka is the worst Fates boy.
Never played, don't care. The saving continues.
Damn son that's a nice collection of Bartres, Firs, Oboros, and 5* Merrics you have there.
>Lewd skill lewyn
Wait is that a fucking midget
This is now an anti-loli zone.
Only cow tits are acceptable beyond this point.
This is a hag general. Lolifags go to
Just realised how much like a generic the Black Knight looks
I think I will try her after all then.
Even with that shit str, con, and mov
She's still cute, and looks are the most important thing in FE
That (You)'re a cuck.
>373k feathers
What satanic ritual are you saving up for?
Unsummon him for feathers. B Lyn's default bow is too good to trade for anything else and there's no reason to use any other bow unit.
Is she useful? Rolled her on my free roll on Minerva banner.
This thread is now property of Tiki(Adult)
>redditors pretending they're not nufags.
Redpill me on Windsweep Femui
lol dumb pedo shitter BTFO
I got a cute tan boy. Expected Minerva but I'll take him. Is he any good?
You could always just you know. Use him.
Why is Raul randomly calling people pedo?
>tfw you realize that Boris didn't get to Elincia yet
I want this stupid "lol Hinoka must be a guy because I cant accept tomboy girls superiority" meme to go away.
And Sakura is cute. Way better than Elise.
Is that why all three lolis were eliminated in the first round? Hell, one even lost to male Corrin.
NO! Flat chests are better in literally every way imaginable. You smell like a goat!
Complete horsecock. if Falchions make you shit yourself so much just use Swordbreaker
A terrible idea. Any unit that's fast enough to Sweep would rather just Desperation 95% of the time. I can't even think of a situation where I'd rather have Wind/Watersweep over just Desperation or some other B-Slot.