Characters edition
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I enjoyed act 1 Yuri to broken Yuri, though.
Not to say that I didn't enjoy broken Yuri.
I was unaware you could be so wrong about so many things in one image.
Just Monika. And Yuri.
Kissing Monika!!!
Just Monika.
Natsuki is kinda on the same situation as the player but inside the game
My dad doesn't beat me or force me on the auschwitz diet though.
Where's Wally edition
Reposting Monika love from last thread!
> People who are into Monika for how crazy she is for you are probably into her for the wrong reasons. Her obsession with you doesn't even come out of a good place, it's just her way of trying to keep as much of her sanity as possible and work towards an objective in a world that is seemingly empty and meaningless. She isn't infatuated with "you", just the concept of an escape from her hellish world, as she pushes all the horrible acts she commited in order to hog access to you to the back of her mind, justifying them as reasonable and completely logical.
> If she magically found a way to actually come into our world as a real human, she'd 100% lose her unhealthy obsession with the player.
> But that's not why I love Monika. I love her because of her character, the way she thinks and acts, her opinions and tastes, her entire arc that she went through in the game, and how I can empathise to her and the unwinnable situation she is presented with. Not to mention how her design also strikes my fancy with those sweet ZR stockings, slender figure, green eyes and ponytail hairstyle, all of which just makes her so fucking hot.
> Monika is a gem, and the girl that finally made me understand why Waifufags and waifu culture exists.
Don't forget to vote for her on the twitter poll if you haven't already! Monika is best girl!
Helping Sayori to tie the noose!
>2^5 hanging Sayos
Just Yuri.
ok user, that one got me pretty good.
thanks user, i'll take a free pass to jail
0x20 sayo-naras
He should have.
This is the first time a video game NPC has made me feel personally threatened. I’ve been gaming since I was a child and I’ve never felt that. What a great use of interactive media.
I guess if characters like Monika became common they would be less special, but I hope to meet more like her someday.
I'm going to protect her smile
>tfw my dad did this shit
Natsuki is in pain and I want to show her some understanding love.
It's okay. All Yuri is good for you
Natsuki is a pedophile who wants to fuck a broken loli.
The game world is falling apart and the ones who aren't dead, being influenced by Monika or are Monika are (You) and Natsuki. While the player watches from their perspective, Natsuki does from inside.
Yuri literally peed his poem?
The chain of events from this scene through to hanging around sure is jarring.
Still kind of expected KS with depressed girls at this point, not immediate horror.
Yes. She's great.
Did you forget the have a nice weekend file?
She knew exactly what she was doing.
I don't think she intended Yuri to actually kill herself.
Monika encoded crazy bloody bondage yandere sex with yuri!
Now this I can get on board with.
Where is the poem about Natsuki's dad? i'm in the second loop of the game..
Natsuki desperately needs a soft bed, a hot meal, and a good dicking. And I want to be the one to give them to her.
>Worked very hard on updating it
>The original version gets used.
>Angry Yurifag getting outed.
Imagine having her fall asleep next to you, my heart beats so fast.
A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.
Luigi, look!
It's from Yuri!
What was the spookiest part in the game for you? For me it was when both me and MC-kun reacted to Sayori's poem with "Holy crap"
I bet she wouldn't if she knew what I really looked like instead of generic hot VN protagonist.
Dan did a good job with the build up to Sayori's suicide.
Get hotter user.
It's one of the special poems, you only see a random handful of them each playthrough so you might not get it.
The deleting monika early ending
Oh, k then
Pretty much that, and the lack of music indicating shit's about to go down.
All the distortion effects out of nowhere kept making me flinch too.
Loop 2 choosing any of the other girls instead of Monika
Guys did you want a gallery of all the Yuri images I've made so far?
please do
>not riding the Yuri train from day 1 until she commits sudoku
Yes please
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
How many people have you told about DDLC, user? Monika wants lots of new boyfriends and girlfriends.
desu if the JUST monika CG looked this good instead with the creepy atmosphere i'd never delete her
Don't make life harder for Monika just because she couldn't get lighting :(
0, technically 1 but I just referred to it as "DDLC" because I'm a closeted weeb
I've gotten 2 people to play it, but they're the only people I know I could tell to play a VN.
Still exist!
Poll is still open!
Fucking brain keeps giving me DomYuri x SubNatsuki ideas...
Pretty much everyone I talk to. One is playing in small chunks and about 10 minutes away from hanging out, should be interesting.
In hindsight, I don’t see why Monika didn’t just make Natsuki and Yuri gay for each other. It would have very tidily solved the issue.
DomYuri x SubProtag
Why would anyone use this one when there is an actual poll on the official twitter?
This is for general interest as a write-fag. I forgive your autism.
The ghost menu is easily the best spooky thing in the game, in my opinion. Though I'm probably biased because I got it when I was playing without knowing anything about the game. It's kind of a shame this and a few other cool things are on insane RNG, I don't know why it was set up like that when you can disable it once it's been seen.
Leave her alone. ;-;
Will do, thank you for pushing me over the edge. I'll just down all this sleep aid.
The thought of it makes my kokoro go doki doki.
That's the daytime CG in afterstory.
I regret asking just a little.
Reciprocating Sayori's confession of love!
Telling her you'll always be there for her!
Deciding to spend the rest of the day with Sayori!
Having fun just being around her!
Sayori realizing its already 11 o'clock and asking you to stay the night!
Cuddling up next to Sayori!
Feeling how hot and red Sayori gets when you put your arms around her!
Going in for the kiss on Sayori's neck!
Sayori's soft hand gripping your leg signaling for more!
Sliding your hand down Sayori's shorts!
Rubbing Sayori through her panties!
Sayori turning to kiss you hard on the lips!
Rubbing even harder making her breathe deeply as she awkwardly tries to find your lips again!
Sayori cumming without penetration!
Sayori thanking you for spending the night!
Loving Sayori forever!!
user stop, don't make this harder for us.
Jeez user, do you want ANOTHER award?
No, I'm happy with the one I have.
I just like all of the girls and these short things are fun for me! Sorry!
Don't ever apologise for expressing yourself
I like where this is going
You're not proud of these, are you? I assumed you had actually created some Yuri art, not just opened the sprite in Paint and pasted eyes or a mouth from another sprite on it.
Aaa okay I'll do more as they come to me!
I know, I want to protect Sayori's smile.
>ywn spend the night cuddling with Sayori preventing her suicide
I'm a tiny bit proud because people were happy to see them, I know it's nothing special but it's nice to have more pictures of your favourite girl.
>2^7 Sayo-naras
Thanks user, best base 2
this is getting out of hand.
When it was just two Sayori I thought it was meant to be stereoscopic.
Sayori's theme:
>Not Suicide is Painless
Step it up, user