Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1456: The Godmother Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love this cute fat baka!

Based Honkers!

aquors a shit

I like what you're doing OP

We know, Sunrise.

We know, Everybody.

Post your favorite Honk card!

Umi is love.

For cutest gays.

Both this and the previous one would be better without the garish name. I love negative fill use though, good op.

For Canon!

Adorable homos.

song of the day

This is good. Where is this from?

At least update the events, you impatient fuck.
Dumb piece of shit honknigger.

Honkniggers need to be eradicated from this general. Update the fucking OP next time.

literally the cancer of this general

>>no one ever sends me messages unless I messaged them first
>Not yet, apparently.
What do people message for? I usually only message for congrats on t1, maybe hard fought t2, or cute new URs. I feel like with much else it could come across as being a bitch, ie:
>"Congrats on that nice new SR!"
might be real if it was from a GT, anything not R is a win there, but seems like sarcasm from a regular pull because no one is happy about only SR(s) there, and the game doesn't tell you what is what.

Fighting klab's garbage censor system (bad particularly because they brought over the JP one to WW unchanged so tons of stuff affects us worse or makes no sense at all) is discouraging too. Though usually you can get around it with alternate language keyboards, one of the few cases where klab's general incompetence with all things technology works in our favor.

>carrying over your circlejerk drama here
Can you please fuck off?

The endless shitposters and whiners are the true cancer, but:
>At least update the events, you impatient fuck.
it quite valid. OP being a faggot nearly 100% of the time is to be expected however.

I'm refuse to post three aqwhores in OP.

Flops ruined Love Live and should be perish.

Kill yourself faggot and stop making OPs.

OPs used to be updated but these past few months have been terrible.

Honkniggers have risen to prove themselves to be cancerous pieces of shit.
Go figure.

aqours beatmaps are awful

KLab wanted it to match their songs.

aqours _____ are awful


honkniggers are no better than the flops..

honk's leaked jav is the reason why muse had to disband too..


Hard issue to solve without more competent janitors or at least enough people stepping up to do an ok job and then pushing the thread that actually has the right updates even if it's not the first one. Two times ago though we had a non-updated troll thread and when someone made an updated decent one and it was getting going it was deleted and they got warned. Kind of dispiriting? If official policy now is "first one wins no matter what" then all you can do is hope for luck in that someone who cares a bit does it or else just ignore the OP entirely. Which isn't a bad idea anyway.

That you neo/vg/ shitposters get triggered by anything game related is your own problem. Many of us only look glance at the thread a few times a week. If the only things worth replying to are in the previous one so be it.

>circlejerking is game related now


Umi wants to lick you, how would you handle this situation?

Umi Umi

Or you could have replied in that thread instead.
Why bring it up here, anyway? Especially when namefag/circlejerk drama only insinuates shitposting.


Eli a beautiful angel

>Or you could have replied in that thread instead.
No I couldn't have, because it's archived. You do realize that means there can't be any more posts there right?

What is the context of that image?

drown umi

Best canon

>it's archived
Are you retarded or are you trying hard this time?


>Circlejerk and Namefag drama
>While no names have actually been posted, let alone anything that can be called """Drama""" without severly altering it's meaning

This is one hell of a reach, don'tcha think?

Here you go.


none of this would be happening if you chose the nina thread

>Why bring it up here, anyway?
Because I was actually curious if anyone ever messages anything else. This is the general thread about the LLSIF game, this is the place to discuss anything game related which includes playing with people in the game?
>Especially when namefag/circlejerk drama only insinuates shitposting.
Everything seems to insinuate shitposting, that isn't under our control. Namedropping is an independent issue from generically discussing mp stuff without name usage. Like most games it's somewhat more fun with some level of multiplayer even if Klab supports very, very little of it. I only have any /llsifg/ friends at all or started using the thread a bit more this year because playing with /llsifg/ in the SMs and challenging myself against much stronger players in general for other events is the most fun this game has offered in a while. As a pure solo experience it stopped being very interesting a while ago. I wish there was a bit more MP options, even with no in-game effect (like, if you could try doing an SM-style match in any live show, no ratings or mmr or rewards on the line, it'd just let you do the same thing with a bit more motivation to it).

I'm not disagreeing with you that some of the name stuff gets cancerous or that nobody should use trips or whatever, that's true of Veeky Forums most everywhere. But LOTS of stuff in this place is cancerous and in much higher volume then trips which all get dumped on immediately. I don't see any need to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater there.

You're only proving him right, user.

>Stats wise Umi and Maki are the smartest muse
>Nozomi is only little bit smarter than Rin and has same "studies" stat as Honk
How she even made it into student council? No one else wanted?

Nozomi is dumb?

Aren't those statistics pre-anime?

What if the he only read the post after the thread was archived? Is he not supposed to reply to it in the new thread then?

I literally can't decide to side with you or not.
So no (You)

Pretty sure "rice" shit came out from anime and Pana wasn't one word meme character before it.
But who knows, maybe you right.

September 2012, right before anime.

It's not archived and it still isn't archived.

You could have still replied in the last thread.
Go ahead, post there. If anyone actually gave a fuck about what you want to know, they'd respond to you.

>what if
Yeah, that's the thing, it isn't. Link your circlejerk here if the previous thread is archived. But as of now? The last thread is still alive.

Whoops! Well, in that case I change my answer to: this is the current thread, which makes it the place to post anything you might want anyone from the previous thread who only visit occasionally (like those rare souls who play the game) to read and actually have a chance to reply to themselves. Without, you know, doing the same thing of replying in the live thread that you're whining about.

At any rate you have no valid reason not to talk about things with people here once in a while. If you don't like discussion just hide it. I filter out all the "roastie/aqwhores/nigger/etc etc" spam, you can do the same thing in reverse and highlight that stuff.

Or get mad and nofunallowed and bitch endlessly about it if you want, it's a free country.

dumb honknigger can't even tell the difference between hitting the bump limit and archived threads

>Go ahead, post there
No, you go post there. Then you won't have to read any of our posts! Problem solved.

Maybe you should lurk a bit more.

dumb poshn

Anyone have the "this poshn poshn is retarded" image?

>I was only pretending to be retarded, ironically :^)
No, you're just retarded user. You always have been doing that. You always will be.


So you openly admit to welcoming shitposting with your drama here. That's good to know then.

This honkniggery reminds me of Maya and Maruchink
Really makes you think

At this point, drama is a buzzword.

How does it remind you of me?

>projection: the post

The irony.

Who are you?

>This is one hell of a reach, don'tcha think?
I don't believe "think" plays much of a role any of their posts user. Granted, accusing everyone else of doing whatever it is they do is a classic bullshit technique for certain types of people too.

Your mother.

Cute chuuni.

I've had fun in this game and all my /llsifg/ friends are nice players!

With whom she will be paired in the all stars?
Can YoshiDia work?

Everyone is retarded, but me.

Very cute!

ok breadbug

Of course it can.

tfw you'll never go back to those comfy times when there were no aqours and moose were only starting to get big

Stop avatarfagging already

>that doujin
The gap when she's trying her best to be the cool fallen angel demon and gets outplayed is the cutest.

Who's avatarfagging?

Kissing you Honoka!

Futaba never disappoints

What avatarfagging?

this is how it all started...

No, there is no going back. That is the great strength and weakness of this stuff, it's all about moving on. LL will die entirely eventually too. So no point in dwelling on it, enjoy what fun we had and what good new stuff still appears, then find the next adventure. They did end ยต's cleanly, even any reuse down the line won't ever take that away from us.

>newfriend STILL trying to push the "reactions = avatars" thing

Calm down Aria.

just make a move already you silly you


"It's not avatars it's reaction images" is my second most favorite Honknigger meme, right after "It wasn't her".

So /llsifg/ is Kimi no Hitomi o Meguru Bouke PV's better than the OP and ED?

It's obvious and blatant avatarfagging, ya dumbo