/rsg/ - Runescape General

Who's a good goy edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

>I've been inactive since the First Age, what did I miss?
>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest Update
>October's Month Ahead

>RuneFest Reveals

Other urls found in this thread:


nice keys friend

For anyone wondering. Yes I kind of regret my purchase and yes I might just do it again.

Just doing my part

>the state of /rsg/

"That's right! This week the Golden Glow magic has settled and as a standard you will see all white prizes on the ticker be replaced with yellow prizes!

Continue playing and you may see all the prizes on the ticker go up to a minimum of orange rarity, or even a minimum of red rarity."

> Continue playing and you may see all the prizes on the ticker go up to a minimum of orange rarity, or even a minimum of red rarity.

This does not mean that it will stay at orange or red even though that implication could be made.

Well jewed

Source: OP paying the gold price and finding out

Royal bolts or Ascension with chaotic crossbows?




>Games of skill



Why did it take them so long to create the use all button?
This seems like it would greatly increase the mtx usability

how do i find the unicorn cart thing for the novtumber title?

>runeshitters can't even make it to 20 posts before dying

why is this place so much deader all of a sudden?

I blame jews

Its like this because school is in full force and rsg too busy.

That and no major content has been released since menaphos as well as bxp weekend hype.


The last thread only lasted 200 posts /rsg/ is dead

Do you have anything that you would like to discuss?

worship of an eldritch being in order to keep the threads not quite alive and not quite dead


no if you want to worship the ded that lies between page 10 and 11 you need to make your own god

Zamorak is the only likeable god

Fuck Saradoimin and Zaros fags
And especially fuck the gay bird fags too

>a cowardly piece of shit who always loses and blows up forinthry in his childish bickering after being cornered and ruins literally everything he touches (see: morytania, forinthry again), with an ideology that makes no sense due to Jagex changing their mind about him being the bad guy years later and trying to explain how his chaos theory somehow isn't bad, is the only likable god
My ass. Fucking Marimbo is more likable than Zamorak. Fuck Zammyfags, nobody likes them, that's why Zamorak lost in Lumbridge.

what about crystalboobers?

>insults jas


Hey guys, I used to play from 2006 to about 2011 or 2012. Can I buy a membership card from Walmart or somewhere similar and use it to play the old school version of Runescape they released? I still remember my account information. Had a lot of time and effort in my character but I want to play in the old school version because I remember the game being better back then.

All the gods are shit

>forced a race to destroy themselves to keep her retarded mother alive
>leaves behind her followers on tarddiad and lets them become insane crystal addicted trannies
Seren has to be the worst god by far and should be brutally executed by the mahjarrat for her crimes


membership is unified for both games, subbing to rs3 is subbing to osrs and vice versa

Kill yourself.

for what?

thanks. out of curiosity, is funorbs still open? i used to play on it some back in the day

also, does the one month card cost 10 bucks or 5? i remember membership used to be like 5 or 6 bucks a month

This is the only guy that likes Zamorak

it's still open but it hasn't been changed or updated in years

card prices are fucky but memb has gone up too.

Seren is the embodiment of the saying "Good intentions are not enough"

Everything she wants to do seems fine and dandy but once it gets discovered she turns out to hurt a wide variety of people.

thanks user, i might go buy a membership card tomorrow. also, how do i convince myself from not chunking old quest items? i remember having a fuckload of old items i never used after their quest but didnt feel like chunking them because i had maybe ONE instance of having to go fetch the item again.
example being something like that fishing contest quest near seers village. i kept all my shit from it for no reason that i remember never using since the quest completion

shouldn't the extra 2 daily keys from count check have stopped at this point? did they forget?

>his account gets keys

>Hey boys, who wants a drink? ;)

my account that I made years before ironman existed even as a concept? yes it gets keys

If you haven't abandoned your main for an ironman at this point you're actively killing the game

t. brainlet that can't play 2 accounts concurrently

>he has terminal autism
My condolences

I might be autistic but I'm not wrong

What did he mean by this?

Is there a best method of obtaining tokens in the novtumber? Aside from buying them that is.


Everyone's sad because the Evil Dave quest isn't coming until November 1st.

i would imagine whatever gives the fastest xp drops, but most of the tokens except for the pets are down to around 100k each

Sucks ironman can't buy these tokens on g.e like bonds. These events are hardly designed as standalone content like the rest of the game. They're buyable with real money why not GP.

Honestly I just want beer stien over-rides but they probably look like shit anyways. Instead I get three party fever run tokens in a row that I can't even drop.

This guy is maxed and has done all quests

Good ways to get bowstrings in f2p?

How to check goblin raids on multiple worlds at once?

looks like what I'd wear but with nox bow instead.

>Floor 1 through 51 medium C6
>Still no doors I couldn't open, thus can't finish Daemonheim medium tasks
Shit task, desu


I seriously don't know how you have this problem. It's a red letter day when I get a floor with no boosts required.

Find a strength door and get weakened by a mage

that's extremely unlikely, you are cursed.

ask someone to let you join their Hard Mode floor.

If you still have membership you're actively killing the game, even if you play ironmeme or 2007scape. Jewgex gets their shekels either way.

Is this thread #3 or #4 that has died at less than 600 posts?

If you die again I'm abandoning you for a week and hoping you'll recover, /rsg/, because I can't stand reddit any longer than that.

You could try not going on reddit regardless of how well this thread is doing.

this fucking TH event is so shit and we have to stick with it for another 100+ hours like what the fuck


How evil.

Better reddit than dead.

better dead than red dead 2

I miss pre-EoC Dungeoneering so fucking much

but I've never gotten so many cosmetics before.



1. Should I bother doing the memorial to guthix shit? If so, am I prestiging or no?

2. fuck pre 80 thieving

Elite Dung outfit. Wish I could turn it off.

Only floor I found where the mage could drain my stats faster than they were naturally restoring didn't have a strength door

I don't really think you have to prestige, it is better xp per strand at the cost of gp.
It depends upon what you do with divine locations. If you use them for wc xp as you should I would take the +25% xp and change the other one when you train hunter instead of thieving or divination
>fuck pre 80 thieving
Did you mean pre 90?

you should at least get the world gate engram so you can get the perk that makes wisps last longer. it's worth doing all of them at least once because you also get a bunch of xp when you turn in charged engram, and after that you can start handing in memory strands for free xp instead of bothering with the engrams

What do ironmen contribute to the game's health?

If I kill myself will I go to a heaven where I can play 2011 Dungeoneering again all day?

I thought 85-6 was dwarf traders where you don't gotta click

How is it any different?

no, 86 is the start of waiko which you don't have to click
Also if you have invention and you get the outfit you can semi afk anything

It was much more dangerous because the monsters were stronger. You had to actually collect food. Sometimes people would collect and buy food to drop at the base for everyone to share. If you weren't playing with autistic speedrunners it was worth stopping at ore to mine it and make some extra armor too.

Here's an example: you had 990 HP and just one member of the Skeletal Trio could hit for upwards of 400 damage at their highest level. Now you have 9900 and they seldom do more than 1000 damage.

There was a dedicated keyer role because the key would only be in the inventory of whoever picked it up and only that person could use it.

>It was much more dangerous because the monsters were stronger. You had to actually collect food. Sometimes people would collect and buy food to drop at the base for everyone to share. If you weren't playing with autistic speedrunners it was worth stopping at ore to mine it and make some extra armor too.
The only reason people actually did that stuff was because the meta wasn't figured out. You could very easily sustain for a whole dungeon with only soul split flicking.

Sounds shitty



>no you'll go to hell where you will be forced to grind your least favorite skills in the most bored ways imaginable for the rest of eternity

oh god not construction, anything but that

this thread better still be here when i get up in the morning

which will never come to PC.

>dg even more annoying to level up
No thanks.

Bad news

Wow, /rsg/ is worse than reddit now.

I hope you die in your sleep.

That's what you'll get if you commit the sin of suicide.

The worst skill in the game is Farming though

>plant tree for 30 seconds
>come back tomorrow and check it while planting another one for 30 more seconds
>15k exp
Wow, that sure is hard


>plant crystal tree once
>get 15k per day forever with no further cost or work
>realize all prior farming gains are rendered irrelevant