>PSN Community Search PSN community for "Titanfall General", request membership, and state you are from the thread. It helps us add you to our friends lists, and that makes stacking easier.
>Titanfall Assault Guild Just search for tfg. Look for the Apex patch.
Last thread didn't even reach 70 posts Just let it die
Wyatt Brown
delet this we're perfectly fine. Right? right?
Joseph Butler
Roommate just finished the campaign. Started to move into multiplayer and is WALKING around cluelessly with the Eva out hoping some pilot lands infront of him
Alexander Gray
>Thread was made over 2 hours ago >Only 3 replies Literally a dead game, it could have been so great if they didn't ruin the entire game by trying their best to appeal to casuals.
Jaxon Brooks
>/tfg/ is ded >/ps2g/ is ded >even /bfg/ is getting ded Why does it keep happening?
Andrew Watson
Is the first titanfall active at all on pc?
Justin Howard
if you want to play the same 10 people with nothing but carbines, evas, and smart pistols, sure.
Hudson Hill
Beat the slow out of him. It's the only way.
Owen Roberts
come on bois we've just gotta make it to the patch that'll fix everything right?
Leo Martinez
80 players worldwide. you can get attrition games at pretty much any time of the day but you'll play with the same people. no, we don't. we don't need a thread if there's nothing to talk about. shut the fuck up.
Ryan Young
it's still happy hour
I'm looking for a game
Logan Stewart
>we don't need a thread if there's nothing to talk about tell that to half of Veeky Forums
Christian Brooks
>we don't need a thread if there's nothing to talk about there's a fallout general. Jesus, there's an Elder Scrolls general.
Adrian Hill
Tell that to the Armored Core general.
Hudson Jones
>that'll fix everything right? lmao
Henry Roberts
y-you wait and see! They'll finally nerf the smgs! For real this time!
>not titanfall related damn, it would be REALLY cool to embark with a VR headset.
Gavin Morris
muh dick
Jonathan White
>look around inside cockpit, maybe have special button bound to detach camera from titan >see pilot model, a fuckton of buttons and levers, the battery in the back, the whole 9 yards >different inside model for each titan >scorch has like 5 fire extinguishers >legion has belts of 20mm visible in the back >northstar has a rocket fuel tank that visibly fills and drains as hover and flight core are used and recharge >on all titans there's a fuckhuge red button in a hidden corner, padlocked behind a cover >DO NOT PRESS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE printed in big letters >if you run nuke eject, it's unlocked
Austin Thomas
Just because other generals have autists who refuse to let go doesn't mean we need to :^)
Camden Nelson
Fun while it lasted, one of the best shooters ever made and had a good run. Played nothing but this game everyday after school and would just fly around the map at mach 10, just to top it off with a mech fight, something no other game let me do. Hope this series continues and gets the popularity it deserves, it delivered on everything it set out to do.
Maybe this generall'll blow up again when we're all in Titanfall 3.
John White
Hunter Lewis
I still remember watching /tfg/ slowly die at the end of TF1's lifespan, and feeling really sad Then a sudden surge of happiness after watching the first trailer for TF2, followed by a "/tfg/ IS BACK BABY" post on the top of /v/ I'm looking forward to feeling that same surge of happiness once more
Grayson Clark
How hype were you when they showed the first teaser with the titan sword?
Colton Barnes
>hear good things about titanfall 2 in /arena/ >origin I feel for you guys, at least qc is on steam
Aaron Green
>my backup general when this one finally lays to rest is /bfg/ >it's fucking dead also shiiieeeet
Wyatt Allen
>tfw got titanfall when it was on sale >tfw having fun learning how to go fast >tfw discovered /tfg/ only to see that it's ded
Logan Evans
It's an abstract feel. even more abstract is watching it happen in real time.
Tyler Lee
Gabriel White
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down
Luke Barnes
gotta go fast
Dylan Cook
gotta go blast
William Lewis
dont die pls
Samuel Wood
Ryan Hernandez
i might have missed this piece of lore, is it ever explained why the charge rifle twitches like a spastic prawn?
Eli Flores
High energy physics reasons, I'd assume
Jose Wright
because laser beams, otherwise known as eldrich space magic.