/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Give this footboi u're support


Mamui is next

Finally a thread for us, the tharja lovers and niggers

Birthing his dragonkin!

Where is my tome

>not being a lesbian loving, tharja loving gay nigger

Lucina should've been in Fates just so she can be the mother of Caeldori.

wife sheep

>can't lesbian FeMui with anyone that isn't b8 for raul
Objectively the worst part of Fates

wen judg


What do orbs taste like?

Kill yourself.

Cute and pure Dragonboy!

Grab the daily Cloud!

I wish to impregnate Empress Sanaki! I wish to see her smile and give her joy!

Now fix the background and we can add that to the "repost ad infintum" cache

crystallized tears

Blame amiibo. I bet the original draft didn't have retainers or kids. And I think Lucina wouldn't approve of Nohr.

>tell gay stop

Does Julia ever get kidnapped in FE4?
If so, in which chapter?

What's his spread gonna be?

I don't understand

>Ninian yeah
>Fodder Fae

Am I gonna regret upgrading her?

>finn dead

Oh no!

His anus when Arvis is released

>lets slut

>Tharja gauntlet help

You might, if you don't make her marry Ninian

Technically all of them if she gets defeated in battle

>fodder fae
[BAD NEWS]Fae is dead.

>trying to do perfect arena runs
>lose somebody on 7/7 because somebody lived with 1 hp and theres a Wings of Meme dancer in every battle

Blew 10 duel crests this morning for nothing, trying not to fall into Tier 18 again. Cancel special movement skills when?

I only have Paint I don't know how to make transparent backgrounds

If this thread was for us niggers Beruka would be in the OP


start of chapter 10

Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!

Worse than Ike, as he is weaker.

>autism /feg/


Beating the SHIT out of Fae!

>fliers saving meta
I can't wait until my qt pegasus knights BTFO reinhardt out of the meta

>Banner better since build lyn using olivia
but what does it mean

Being very hopeful, I want a better Seth. IE,
I want him to have the defense to manage tyrfing but also the speed to not be reliant on quick riposte/Brash assault.

Plus, he needs to be a fast red cav (we ave very few) and not have him overlap with xander, Eldigan.

she'd be top tier if she had proper dragon BST and didn't get fucked by IS for not being a loli


She can't beat her mother in the chest department

>Post Roy

>waifu Michalis
If you do not marry me now, you will soon...

Your next, now that BLACKEDruka has been tarnished.

What would snuggling with Julia be like?

she's like 15 or something, give her time

Futa Ninian dominating Fae when?


Lugh is better

Imagine sex with Serika.

why is that boy wearing a skirt

Thanks, also can she fall in love? if so who's her best husband?

>I don't care if Meat is "murder" I just find meat disgusting
>Like I said. I don't care if animals die.
>I just think that animals are unclean. Why would you consume a cow that has been poorly fed and injected with all sorts of hormones? Why would you eat something that could very well be sick at the moment it died? >Why would you put it in your body? Why would you eat something that eventually will clog your arteries? Because it tastes good? Is your life so empty that you have to get joy out of life by eating?
>Real men eat vegetables. Eating meat is for lazy, stupid, fat, ugly people. Being a vegetarian/vegan/raw foodist is a sign of a thoughtful, disciplined individual. Even /b/ can't possibly argue that meat is manly, as nobody hunts their meat anymore, and that anybody from the toughest of the tough to the nerdiest, weakest fuck can go grab a burger. The real toughness comes from being disciplined enough to eat only plants. Fuck your meat, and fuck you slobs.

Tell me, What do I do with my best friend, skill set wise? I've just promoted her because fuck using 4* askr units on the Arena

>Felicia getting blacked
Now there's an idea I can get behind.


I never know what to do with this map

Fucking amateur

I am going to give mamuibae a mad huffing >:3

At first I was happy about pulling TA3 fodder but then I saw he was +SPD -HP, that looks too good to just throw away. Main problem is that it looks like he needs DC in order to make use of his weapon effect and even then he only seems decent.

He wants you to have easy access to pooper

8 hours and thirty minutes until Sigurd fries

Killer Lance+
Blazing Thunder
Warding Blow 3
Blue Tomebreaker 3
Savage Blow 3

I regret any decisions I made prior to this point

>The Greatest Happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you. To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters.

Fuck off
You're the one from /v/, isn't it?

Fix it for me

I usually try to lure out either the top or the bottom, but how viable that is vastly depends on what they're using. Enemy dancers make it all less certain.


>Leif counter skill

What is going to be the next GHB rerun? I'd like to actually have the unit 5*'d for the easy orbs

>Japanese name for her overclass is Medb, the whore queen with several husbands
Her pussy is an Arby's sandwich. But she probably sucks a mean dick.

It better live up to the hype since he's the best Lord in FE.

>Another Corrin

He's pretty good




His dad cosplay is better

Nope but there is a decent chance I got it from him

You did beat the BHB and SA4 on the day they came out right /feg/?

Pump and dump this whore



Seliph, naturally.

Yes, I used horses for all of them.

Shit was easy, Mugface.

Ulster. The other infantry males aren't around for long enough to actually pair with her.

Her best husband is Seliph. That's it, a bug allows her to full in love with him and only him as far as I'm aware.

If you want to preserve as much of her base kit at possible:
>Smite or Reposition
>Fury 2/3 (2 is fine on her since her HP is just on the border where 3 is dangerous).
>Breaker of your choice, Sword and Lance are best on her. You can also run a Seal of your choice if you want the debuff build.
>Threaten DEF or Threaten ATK.
>Spur seal.


Who else /Saving flags for tomorrow/

Seliph was a pretty good lord and he's the worst lord in Heroes if you don't count Alfonse.

Ulster is the most popular non-Seliph pair, but you can pair her with anyone by using the jealousy system/bug/whatever, you can give her to Oifey or something, go wild.