League of Legends General - /lolg/

For my followers! edition
OT: eyosongive.us

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Poppy is cute.

Quick /lolg/, I have a huge fucking boner right now. post the worst league girl so my boner can go down!

POST main and theme song youtube.com/watch?v=8_OSWJeVTg0&t=25s

Is that Renekton who kept calling me "nigger lips" from a game a few minutes ago here? Fuck you.

For the record:
Ornn will not be recurring theme. I just liked these pieces.

Xth for Syndra

She's not supposed to be cute. She's supposed to be an ugly grouch.

xth for Syndra

I want Vlad to penetrate me

She's cute!

You know, Kassadin might actually be a good champion if only he were ranged.

3 Champs
4 Tags
Make a doujin plot

Let's see how good your taste is

Post the Kayn tinder pic

Why the fuck does riot not dodge me when I turn off my computer in champ select. Fuck this fucking shit company.

>tfw no qt petite gf

Xth for best girl
Liss a cute! CUTE!

>nuvelynn has the same armor as poppy, more health than poppy, a health regen passive, long range farm/harass, a long range blink and gets stealth at six for easy mid/bot ganks
Tell me why you don't think she's a toplane champion now.

>honor capsule
>it's a tristana champ shard

because i can still play her in mid like before

Buff the Caiterino

What are some comfy streamers I can watch through the night?

I wanna cuddle Jinx

>no shield
>no sustain
>burns mana fast


Can someone give me tips? I'm starting to perform like shit on late game.

Mundo, Braum, Annie

rape, ahegao, mind break, creampie.

Xth for violently impregnating Lulu as she screams for help

>>no sustain
>literally can't fall below half health like she's garen or someshit

>vladfag wn sit on your face
Also I made this pepe

>when the coinflip comes up in your favor

Just got a 14 day for telling shitters they're bad and lost my season rewards on one of my accounts

Ask me anything

>this was traced
it still amuses me when i see traced artwork

>Honor 4
>honor capsules every other time i login
>Honor 5
>havent gotten one since
What the literal fuck is this shit?

Have any of you tried getting a coach? Was it worth it?

>3 Champs
Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx
>4 Tags
Femdom, BDSM, strap-on, mind break

Are you mad?

>tfw Midnight Ahri from a chest
I like how that skin goes with her base particles.

That's some decent work.

Nice one but onion hair isn't canon reeee

You'd have to be stupid enough to let it proc

>go 4/0 top
>botlane is 1/8
haha i love this game

How is Sona nowadays? I haven't seen one in forever

>tfw level 3 honorlet with like 4 chests until they put a hard cap

Let the court of /LoLg/ decide if you're innocent.
Protip: You're not.

Not at all, I wasn't going to get my plat border back by the end of the season, and I have no problem being banned for telling people they're bad and them getting upset about.

I have more accounts anyway like I said

>not pushing your lane and taking pressure off the other parts of the map so they can farm up

The only emote worth buying would be a "hang yourself retarded shitter" emote

and that doesnt exist yet

Leona, Diana and young Pantheon

Straight shota, mmf threesome, reverse rape, facesitting

Do we have an ornn poster now? One that isn't into Furry Bara?

Game 1
Kaliśta: i like how the wheel in the loading screen still spins
Kaliśta: when the client crashes
Kaliśta: this kalista fucking sucks
Kaliśta: jfc
Kaliśta: can you just
Kaliśta: hit the fucing leona
Kaliśta: she goes in on me
Kaliśta: under tower
Kaliśta: and you tunnel on kalista
Kaliśta: like she wont kite you
Kaliśta: holy shit
Kaliśta: WENT IN ON ME
Kaliśta: jesus fuckign christ you're retarded
Kaliśta: just kill leona
Kaliśta: she has no flash
Kaliśta: under tower
Kaliśta: lmfao
Kaliśta: fucking trash silvers
Kaliśta: lmao nautilus doesnt know his autos
Kaliśta: root
Kaliśta: and misses every hook
Kaliśta: lmfao
Kaliśta: fuck you
Kaliśta: mute me you faggot
Kaliśta: lmfao
Kaliśta: yeah
Kaliśta: go ahead
Kaliśta: bye
Kaliśta: why arent you afk?
Kaliśta: afk faggot
Kaliśta: scared to get banned?
Kaliśta: why arent you afk yet
Kaliśta: im disappointed
Kaliśta: thought you were a tough guy
Kaliśta: talk so much
Kaliśta: waaah
Kaliśta: im so sad
Kaliśta: naughty naut muted me
Kaliśta: what shall i do
Kaliśta: guess ill cry
Kaliśta: your mom had swallowing issues

You'd have to be stupid to be unable to proc it.

we need a Kanna emote.

>losing rewards on an account for telling some invisible nobody you'll never see again that they're shit
not worth in my opinion but post logs

can't believe they made it live, especially the cost

>ive played with you before
>ive lost because of you before
get fucked. you deserve that ban for more than just what you said

Had an ornn top today
i was considering a dodge but I checked his op.gg and he was sporting a 70+ winrate
got 2 solo kills on a jax so i just set up vision for him and he snowballed pretty well

Although judging from what I saw the jax didnt respect his ult or E at all.

You're retarded.

I agree

Why are all Kalista's aggressive fucks?

Sona, Janna, Soraka
tea party, fancy dresses, friends, relaxing

They meet up and Sona plays music while Janna makes them all tea and Raka creates starfalls to visualize the music.

She's really good, I just had a bad luck streak with team mates. They just buffed her gold generating item, and nerfed coin, and she applies ardent better than anyone.

She can't farm effectively if she wants to sustain herself, making her fall behind quick

Reminder onion hair ain't canon and never was (old lore describes him with long flowing hair )

Pic related is latest riot image of Vlad

You're a shitter and you should hang yourself because you're the entire reason we lost

Seriously consider buying a lethal amount of potassium

Has anyone here bought or is planning to buy any of the new emotes?

I honestly don't understand how people can sperg this hard in a video game and then also complain when they get banned.

I bought all of them.

Because playing champions who have to win the game in less than 30 minutes or endure a slow and painful defeat after that mark makes you hate people who can't end quickly

>Spending money on emotes
There aren't any true BM emotes so it makes no sense


Maybe if they make one for Twitch but probably not.

Ornn seems to do a retarded amount of damage now

>Fnatic from a reroll
>Hextech in my shop
>Forecast from a chest
>Star Guardian in my shop
>Hextech from a Worlds Orb
I get it, it's a nice skin, but really?

I never complained though?

I literally just said ask me anything, I didn't say I didn't deserve it or I'm mad that I got banned

Reading comprehension is important

I bought "Really made me think" Blitzcrank because i had 370 RP and i don't regret it one bit.

I bought blitz and cait, and I will buy any of them related to Sona in the future.

the blitz one is perfect for when they die to your tower or run at you and die and something like that. It's just the "?" in all chat equivalent.

But you're right about that second part. I even got TL out of a chest just in time for his buffs. Might just wait until new runes first though.

Why can't you just don't talk in chat?

its not like insulting someone is going to make them get good all of the sudden.

Just fucking accept that one of your teammates is a retard and play around it (ie. don't rely on him, don't count him to be of any use in a tf,etc...)

Really, the only way to climb out of anything lower than diamond 1 is by understanding that everyone is a retard and if you aren't good enough to compensate for their lack of chromosomes you ain't gonna climb.

I recommend just typing /mute all and moving the chatbox outside the screen.

kys you cock sucking faggot
its not my fault you fed 0/14 all those matches ago. i lost my promos because of your bitch ass

K. That still doesn't tell me how someone can have such a lack of self control that they sperg out like this.

shota champion when

You value social too much faggot

g e e i wonder what's inside here

I saw this guy on the enemy team once, he fed like 7 kills in bot lane and spent the rest of the game getting caught solo


Neither, but I might since I have RP leftover from a skin I decided against. Hextech's been real good to me so it was worthwhile. I'd rather wait to get emotes from Hextech and just buy chests given the cost comparison and how often I get Ward Skins (which i like).

This little fucker right here is the epitome of BM, alongside the blitz emote.

>have some leftover RP from awhile go
>get the best emote because GEMS

I've literally never went 0/14 in a game so you have the wrong person

Because if I keep telling someone why they're dying in a nice way and they keep dying the same way, I'm just going to tell them how fucking stupid they are for not learning.

soccer akali

get pooped on kiddo

>emotes are announced
>lolg hates it except a certain fag
>suddenly emote shilling everywhere
>even had an emote thread that wasnt deleted today

Starting to think riot shitposts here too to influence us

fuckoff emote posters
go play facebook games

>play snow day bard
>flash m7 to tilt them on the spot
>kill them with only meeps and aa
>flash m'pengu once they die
i know what im doing


Ornn seems like he'll be pretty good come season 8 with the new runes. He has so many options.

League of Legends anime, when? I really fucking like the lore of LoL and I bet there would be hundreds of thousand people watching it if they put some effort into it. Really, the LoL lore has potential.

Steel Legion Lux.

It can be used positively too, but you're not wrong. It's a top-tier emote.

Best for (You). It's very lacking in versatility compared to others.

Graves, Braum, Darius
>4 tags
Daddy, Hairy, Threesome, Power top

I got Tarics because GEMS.

I'll get an Azir one when they make it. Even after his miniwork he's popular,
and since he got merch it means Riot knows he's popular enough to market with so I at least anticipate something in terms of an emote.

The emotes call to us now. We want to shitpost in game

Yeah, now.

you literally have. check your match history before youre permabanned you dumb faggot

>diactritic ni name

loli champ when

Is that a berserk reference?

Nice. A good chunk of essence, at least. Chromas will be in BE shop too if I'm not mistaken. If you even care to play him.

Is that right? I've been avoiding getting too excited until at least the first iteration is out. Wouldn't want to craft something and then have sudden changes before it goes live. Still, it's a nice enough skin to play for the sake of playing.