/wfg/ - Warframe General

Old Memes edition
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>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/u9fbkfB
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: lunv.io/E2jK0U
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/840010-hydroid-prime-update-2170/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/836927-hydroid-prime-update-2160/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


ban Nezha



He's gonna kill her! Somebody save her!

>not burn or impale
one job

ban shee__


>impale on ember's dick

But I don't want to impale them
I want to impale nezha




my man

I am making a Mesa to grind other focus schools since I didn't lensed her

What school will be the new hotness? I'm liking vazarin but it took me a few seconds to notice that if I'm in a good team noone will die and thus it will be useless


Naramon :))

Impending doom.

Have you considered English school?


Fuck off Chet

Unairu :^)

I loathe English literature but if it's not gonna get the nerf bat I could do it.

Hey now we all make mistakes now and then xd.
No need to be rude :(

the trips... th-the trips! From this day on, if you lead... I will follow

Delete this

I didnt realize I got trips until you pointed it out

DE should release a mod for nearly all melee weapons that lets you copter

Ok, but you can only use it in conclave

+Spin attack velocity?

>-70% bullet jump
>+90% spin attack velocity

help pls

That's fine, just don't keep it in conclave

left you fool

>punch through
>decent damage
>decent crit chance
>good negative
First is superior by far

>when the slash proc hit's just right

right you fool

left obviously
crit damage is worthless without decent crit chance and punch trough is nice bonus

dissolve it you fool

Gayposting, nezhaposting and all-around gayness will scare away redditors
But it's still gay and degenerate

So I ask:
Is it worth shitting up the general to keep away new people?
Keep in mind that this kind of behavior attracts ERPers, and guys like the nezha poster, who'll keep shitting the threads even when there's no one around

Pretty sure Zenurik is still going to be top.

All the focus schools will have operator upgrades to unlock, which afaik can be unlocked as a passive for all schools with an Eidolon Shard?

They'll all have some spicy kamehameha and void dash memes.
Left and replace seeking fury on your Vaykor

Why are you bringing this up again, just stop.

It's not worth it. The gay redditors and tumblrfags will seep in.

fly you fool

maybe we should go back to fartposting

Here we go again!

Vicious Spread used on shotguns, or nah?

Oh jeez user, as much as I agree with you in the subject, the fire originating from previous thread was best left extinguished


if it doesn't mean we get a new season of "oh its that guy shitting whole threads and breaking anonymity while doing it" then keep posting boypuss

Totally worth it

Nehzaposter was tolerable. Like Phoneposters he just had a quirk that didn't mattered

We have no content so we bait each other. Just so happens nehzaposter got into a heated argument about it and made a lot of people uncomfortable by feeding gay porn to a thread that didn't wanted to see dicks.

This too shall pass.



>this shall 2 pass
sure it will

Did someone say old memes?

>waah some niggers use language I don't like
>waah some dude posts images sometimes and it makes me mad
Shut up faggot, stop trying to derail the threads
We've been inundated with retards recently but nothing has actually negatively affected the topic of the thread outside of this fucking shit, go whine about it somewhere else

>Not IN

ember doesnt have balls you silly
only big fat dick

I like it on s. tigris

Doesn't help that shotguns magically become more accurate when you stare down sight

Ember does have balls, they’re just on the head of her penis instead of at the base.


i'll get bored eventually

but there will be an influx of players when PoE releases.

lets hope Nezhaposting is enough

>they’re just on the head of her penis instead of at the base.
What, literally how this works

So it might not be a waste to grind vazarin?

I have already almost 1.5m in zenurik focus. I wanna play safe.

you can fuck off and suck my feminine dick

Alright then, so this is derailment, go to reddit etc
Looks like you guys weren't here since 10ocon, when this shit cranked up to 11.

>Shut up faggot, stop trying to derail the threads
It already gets derailed, you insufferable cunt, didn't you see the last thread?

Maybe this'll stop after poe hits, maybe it fucking stays like it did on /dsg/ and countless other generals

ah but you fool
once you get bored someone else will pick up the torch
and once they get bored another will complete the circle
nezha posting is eternal
nezha posting is life

>Oh man, Kulstar is so fun, why did I stop using it for so long
>Teammate runs into my line of fire

I wonder how many of y'all will actually stay

Vaykor Hek exists, but yeah, left is better overall.

Honestly I'm with you user. I've been considering filtering everything associated with this bullshit. The content is gross but that's whatever, it's that it's constantly in the thread at all times. It's like trying to sit down to a couch co-op with a screaming baby in the room. You'll all pretend like it's not happening or mumble something and do nothing about it except look uncomfortable.

It sounds like I missed some shit though, I've been away for a week or so.

>It already gets derailed, you insufferable cunt, didn't you see the last thread?
And whose fault was that, faggot? Stop trying to get people to argue with you, be triggered quietly.

Well, the phallus extends out, and at the head, there’s a scrotum and balls dropping down like a forked beard, except with two balls instead of points and skin instead of hair.
Also instead of coming off of a face it’s drooping from the head of her dick.

Glassframe quest comes with the plains update
>This is still launch week for the Plains of Eidolon! Today just isn't launch day


Too bad they named her after a Naruto character

I haven't played in like a week, is poe [de]layed till december? did they nerf stealth again? can I be the little girl yet?

I still say they need to give it the same treatment the Zarr got, and remove the self-damage from the cluster bombs, so you can only kill yourself with the initial rockets.

/wfg/ will be in state of constant derailment until poe hits
deal with it

>be the little girl
No, you can be on a certain list for wanting to be, though.

If you want to be the little girl you can always play wyrmius.
Or just, like, press 5.

to quick to call me a fool.
i hope it continues and fetishists share their censored passions with this humble christian board.

>i-its still l-launching t-this weeeeek ten0

You realize if we got rid of the pedoshits and futashits we'd have a normal thread right? We'd have more room for arguing about other things right? Wouldn't you like to not sit in the room with two extremely smelly people who refuse to shower?

>can I be the little girl yet?
you can since war within

Even if we get rid of them we’re left with a legion of TQs.
There is no winning, only shitposts now.

>not today
>posted 8 minutes ago
Guess I can go to bed early then. Focus farming is going to be piss easy with the increased cap of 250k. I still think the convergence orb garbage is bullshit, even if DE is boosting it a bit with the update.

You mean second dream

fuck off redditpotato

>two extremely smelly people who refuse to shower
That's my fetish user

Until TQ comes back or PoE drops every thread is going to be like this. There's no new content, no new sleeks, no nerfs to bitch about, no nothing.
This is /wfg/ in it's purest form.

You mean the base dumbass, something like a knot

Y-you too

shit I meant with their awful new potato-mode focused powers and armor and shit, looks like they're still insisting it'll be sometime this week

>got rid of
by what means? and what does it matter if it's not the severely shitting the threads up like a certain autistic med school wannabe?

Is it worth using a Forma to change the Aura Polarity for Frost Prime to work for Energy Siphon?

second dream only gives you voidghost/blast thing tho

>implying a self feeding paper shredder hocked up to a megaphone is better than normal Veeky Forums cancer

No user I’m not talking about the base, I’m talking about the very tip.
She has balls drooping from the head of her dick.

>bringing it up again
you're the problem, faggot

Get Steel Charge / Growing Power you poor faggot