We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, 12th of October: 1960 – Cold War: Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe on a desk at United Nations General Assembly meeting to protest a Philippine assertion of Soviet Union colonial policy being conducted in Eastern Europe. 1960 – Television viewers in Japan unexpectedly witness the assassination of Inejiro Asanuma, leader of the Japan Socialist Party, when he is stabbed to death during a live broadcast. 1963 – After nearly 23 years of imprisonment, Reverend Walter Ciszek, a Jesuit missionary, was released from the Soviet Union. 1964 – The Soviet Union launches the Voskhod 1 into Earth orbit as the first spacecraft with a multi-person crew and the first flight without space suits.
* The R&I may sperg out if you download this ° Talex and his Grandi Youth may harass you if you download this
Noah Miller
>(embed) (embed)
Colton Torres
Carter Watson
How is unHPM, actually?
Andrew Harris
Full of memes like Romanian-Hungarian unions.
Gavin Thompson
Yeah, but are they white and based?
Lucas Brooks
Half of it is.
Logan Stewart
Can I form Australia-Hungary in it?
Wyatt Collins
I think You can form Australia-Hungary in Visegradmod
Grayson Ward
Probably. Maybe not though because that's a reddit meme, not a steamgroup one.
Alexander Hughes
...never knew it was an actual meme.
Jace Ramirez
What is that?
Charles Young
Joseph Barnes
Then what the hell did you think you were quoting? Did you think you invented that meme right now?
Landon Reed
Wew lad sorry I stole your meme
Jose Bell
It's not my meme, I'm just asking why you thought it wasn't a meme despite using it. The two things are mutually exclusive.
Christian Allen
Is the thread officially splitting or is this a shitpost?
James Murphy
Because the topic of Austria-Hungary brought back memories of history lessons when people constantly confused the former with prison colony?
Asher Hill
Yes, that's why it's a meme in the first place. Did you honestly just "create" a meme that already existed?
Carson Lee
I'm going to reattempt my meme mod later. For now you can buy core and expand into liberia and sierra leone so at least it's more than nothing
Ryan Ward
this whole conversation feels so retarded on so many levels
Robert Stewart
Why aren't you posting in the real thread?
Matthew Lee
That's what happen when you spout memes and then claim you have no knowledge of them.
Jeremiah Gray
yeah I fucked up
originally I meant I didn't know it was reddit
Mason Ramirez
Oh, right. Well yeah, any meme that focuses on redundant basic misunderstandings is usually reddit. "Heh, ain't I quirky mistaking these two similar sounding places! But don't worry, I'm just being ironic!"
Ethan King
Jack Peterson
Why didn't yiu take Israel?
Parker Baker
Link? Are you done with it forever now?
Josiah Howard
No, I'm going to work on it through the week. I'll probably upload a finished one this weekend
Easton Johnson
No, you fucking idiot. The point of the Confederacy was to be the Union but with more state autonomy.
Juan Parker
Logan Wood
I don't do thread politics, I'm not that autistic. This is the one I'm in I guess.
Michael Reyes
Are you adding anything else for any other countries? Have you ever modded before?
Eli Reed
Bullshit. You're a shitposter.
Henry Edwards
>The point of the Confederacy was to be the Union but with more state autonomy. WRONG! If you read the confederate constitution, you will see it is literally the american constitution but with less state autonomy. The point of the Confederacy was to be the US, but with slavery being literally impossible to abolish.
Kayden Wood
No shit. How do you think are pushing this epic deport niggers meme?
Easton Ortiz
A little bit of modding before, not stuff I released. I made Louisiana a few days ago and I've done some meme autism mods
Jack Myers
And how is that less state autonomy? The states could still abolish it, it's just the feds could not. No where in the Confederate constitution did it say "everyone in this Confederation has to have slavery", the point was just that the federal government could NOT abolish it.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Can you release a working Africamod, please? The only current versions are the original release, which is entirely broken, and the version included in redditmod that works but has Redditmod with it.
I want a standalone version of it.
Also, will Liberia start as a substate of the US so you can play as them without saving and reloading?
Camden Sanchez
Wrong. There is a standalone version made by Reddit, but with pretty much no reddit features.
Luis Howard
Is there? The only version I know is the one included in HFM. And I think the redditors added some (non cucked) shit to it since then, so it's still not the "complete" version.
Zachary Watson
And they are not allowed to change completely? Thats like saying Weimar and Nazi Germany are the same because they are both Germany.
Chase Flores
He's mistaken anyway, see
Nicholas Morgan
Yes, there is. but it's a couple of months old so you probably would have to update it.
Christian Davis
I'm really not good at modding, I-I've never done it with anyone before, user.
Levi Young
Vanillaposting of any paradox game ought to be a bannable offense honestly
Chase Rivera
CK2 and HoI3 are okay without mods though.
Lucas Thomas
ck2 is the only game that gets worse with mods
Christopher Torres
Do you hate sex or something?
Jose Reed
its virgin shit to add useless mechanics like that
Zachary Martin
Vanilla CK2 is complete garbage, what are you talking about?
Lincoln Hughes
Maybe if you think dick length traits are good additions.
Jack Long
lmao in what way? because you cant fulfill your neckbeard fantasies of raping 12 year olds?
fuck off the base mechanics are absolutely fine if you pirate all the relevant dlc
Lincoln Morgan
barely anyone uses sex mods in ck2 you sperg
Tyler Bell
Then what mods are you talking about? All modd add sex shit.
Ayden Gutierrez
Who ever mentioned anything related to sex mods?Stop projecting. I'm talking about mods such as HIP and CK2+, which actually model culture, religion, the map and historical events a thousand times better than Paradox.
Christopher Green
oh please do tell of what mechanics these mods add that are actually beneficial to the game and not just additional bloat or complexity for complexity's sake
and no i dont mean alt history mods or scenarios
Ryan Jenkins
>All modd add sex shit Wtf? It's very obvious you don't know what you're talking about
Kayden Evans
>>[V2] - Cold War Enhancement Mod So is this just NWO or what?
Luis Miller
HIP and CK2+ are bloated and just completely unnecessary with how much shit base CK2+DLC has I'd agree with you around the time the islam dlc dropped when the game was relatively new and lacking in content but not in 2017
Juan Cook
Hip and ck+ add sex events.
Brayden Cook
HIP improves the game tenfold by adding a ton of cultures and a far better map
>and no i dont mean alt history mods or scenarios >these mods that add content shouldn't count because I say so
Oliver Hill
Sort of, but it fixes the retarded shit Simsulla did like adding one province states.
Nolan Howard
>bloated what, exactly is "bloated" about them
Camden Nguyen
>adding tons of cultures to what end, how does this improve the game HIP also adds a ton of other shit besides that and not all of it is good i concede on the map but its not like CK2 has a map that you HAVE to mod to enjoy
i dont count alt history/scenarios because no i dont want to fucking play in apocalyptic america when i play ck2, i want to play medieval europe and no mods really improve that experience enough without bothering me in other ways
its fine you enjoy those mods but that does not mean CK2 needs to be played with them
Evan Kelly
And all the "shit" base CK2+DLC has, is literally just that, shit.Those mods actually add meaningful features, not garbage like devil cults.
Landon Rogers
That sounds nice. Is it actually playable? Base NWO is full of unfinished and broken mechanics and is unstable as shit.
Austin Jackson
The fact they run like cancer and seemingly add nothing or relevance? What the hell do you think bloated means?
Jose Flores
It's like NWO if Simsulla didn't stop taking his meds
>to what end, how does this improve the game By making it more historical and actually representing the fucking time period you dense retard How could you think that having big monolitich
Levi Morris
>to what end, how does this improve the game this there should be no cultural distinctions we are all just human lol
Luis Parker
It's wacky. You can play it, but don't expect it to be polished or anything. It's very fleshed out and can be fun if you play it for long enough though.
John James
Its NWO with more bloat, the modder started shilling it here like crazy a few weeks ago
Justin Diaz
its also a fucking video game you autist and adding a bunch of irrelevant cultures just for the sake of some nerd's idea of 'accuracy' is not beneficial to playing the fucking game unless of course your fantasy revolves around playing as a count of bumfucknowhere who speaks in cocks
Isaac Phillips
Come on now, Sim. Green doesn't suit you.
Christian Baker
go back to /r/paradoxplaza
Logan Butler
says the guy who likes adding unreasonable bloat to an already bloated game
let me guess, you play M&T?
Cooper Flores
>people started playing it and posting it here >this is the dev shilling it yeah we should all just play vanilla
Joshua Jenkins
>The states could still abolish it, it's just the feds could not. No, the states couldn't either. Remember, it's modeled on the US constitution, which applies to the states as well as the federal government. Anyway, it includes phrases such as "No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed," which prohibits abolishing slavery and "No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs, or to whom such service or labor may be due." which prohibits differences in slave law between states allowing slaves to go free. Other than that sorta shit, it's literally identical to the american constitution, because the possibility of the abolition of slavery was really the only problem the confederates had with the way the american government functioned.
Ryan Gonzalez
Historical accuracy does not mean bloat. Nice Reddit spacing, btw.
Aiden Harris
>believing in the reddit spacing meme you cant be this new lmao holy shit what happened to /gsg/
Cooper Ramirez
I stand corrected. I do feel they would have drafted a more appropriate constitution that emphasised states autonomy after the war. We shall never knoe though.
Joseph Kelly
>playing modern day mods in vicky kys CWE dev Based Yeah, thats why a bug fix appears on the github page in 10 minutes after someone posts about it here. Don't be so naive, everyone shills their fucking mod here. This shithole is just like reddit, you play it because its popular.
Colton Barnes
>he says whilst deliberately not reddit spacing
Jack Green
>he's so new that he doesn't know the "nice reddit spacing" meme ah yes White and based post my friend, as we like to say here on the four chan!
Caleb Myers
>thinking Veeky Forums at large says white and based It's solely a /gsg/ meme.
Asher Price
t. false sense of superiority
Josiah Thompson
i get r&i is a faggot but this thread is full of senseless shitposting
Brody Johnson
>mods delete the early R&I thread It's good on onr hand because it helps deter his shitposting but it's bad because this general will noe be filled with cancerous eu4 posters and shitposters.
>this thread is full of senseless shitposting What? This thread is full of discussion about mods, History, interesting shit. Yours was dull of EU4 posting.
Jacob Nguyen
if i dont have an editor for this paper in 12 hours to edit and revise it then I will be "failed", again, for the third time of attempting a doctorate, I have tried so many times and I am in debt by a lot but please can someone edit my essay, it needs to be.
Ayden Davis
what the fuxk is this vapourwave shit
Kayden Jackson
Treat your schizophrenia retard
Adam Jenkins
Lad, as much as I hate the faggot, deleting his thread this time was wrong. Both threads were posted before the bump limit and both thus are to be considered illegal; mods had carte blanche to delete one of their choosing and they took out the less retarded one - in terms of posts, apart the OP.
Caleb Lee
can you edit my paper Shit Head they can tell when I dont edit it, I was fined for "plagarism" when i was a few years ago back in the year a few mongths, but i cant do that now because I have to be accepted as a doctor