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NEET did nothing wrong edition

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ded game ded general


Was NEET originally just a dutiful angel that turned lazy or was she a lazy useless NEET from the beginning

Nerf ephemera
Nerf juliet
Nerf round tablet

Buff sybil

burp yurius


>Dragon and Sword managed to kill the game again
Every time

death to all webos

Reminder to filter common classwars shitpost terms. If people stop replying to it, they will fuck off eventually.

Spotted the dragonnigger


t. fshitter

post burn rune deck pls

i think she is lazy but she is actually dutiful when her funemployment ended

otherwise she could end as evelisa evelisa


Nice bait.

Reminder that the game is literally impossible to fix until Dshift is deleted from the game

>nerf Zell
Lol laura if fine.



It was actually turn 7, but that's so fast I can't even keep up.

Threadly reminder to rope all dshitters

*it's fine

t. """""control""""

Just salami it. You DID play a dragonclaw pendant right?

>my games today
>play against blood x2
>play against sword x7
>play against rune x1
>play against forest x3
>play against shadow x2
>all of these crafts played Ephemera
I mean, she's starting to become Alice tier. She's viable in just about any sort of deck that wants to try building a board within the first 3 turns before everyone just starts carpet bombing with AoE removals. Just droping her turn 4 with 3 followers can give you upwards of 6-8 face damage
Not using evolves. 8-10 using evolves. Turn 4 mind you.
Also not considering storm or damage effects
And no one is running early game removal anymore because its all storm. Its honestly better to try and outboard your opponent then just try and remove it these days.

I mean...I don't know what else to tell you all. Ephemera is becoming a problem. Ambush in general is becoming an issue. Earlier expansions, the ambush followers we had didn't have the efects that ambush followers are getting these days. Spawn was a mistake. Pepe was certainly poorly planned out. And Ephemera gives too much value.

Nop, I cleared his 2pp ward, one wolf, another vengeance guy and Yuriousys.

>defend card that singlehandedly ensures that anything but aggro-heavy meta is hard-countered and unviable

why did they nerf pepe? i haven't played for a while, when i temporarily quit pepe was a meme deck with front lines/well of destiny and tutors and when i returned pepe was already nerfed

how has a scary deck with pepe looked like?

>Dragon niggers are complaining about FUCKING LAURA
Oh god, my fucking sides.

I mean you're dropping a 7/3 storm on turn 7 (turn 5) with no set up that can't be attacked
I don't think you have any right to complain.

>List is greedy as ffffuuuuck
>He double yurias'
>No choice but to eat it
God fucking damn

Yeah, she is because it's the only fucking way to accomplish shit with the degree of getting run around by control decks. It's not like the old days where you could just go wider than then and chip infrequently.

They were triggered cause he sat in aggro sword decks doing 1-5dmg but more importantly, fueling shield of flame bullshit. It had nothing to do with the greedy all in frog deck. If you don't believe me, look at every time it comes up from an official source.

Have you done your solemn duty to zodiac demon a servant of darkness for 13 burn?

Pepe is too strong for normies in low ranks. They complain.
Sorta like how Aegis complaints got test of strength nerfed.
Its all the D-B rankers.

They've been doing for far much longer than Dragon.

3 def is hardly can't be attacked. Yes, they technically can't throw a body into it. But any decent deck has ~12-16 things that can put it down.

>zodiac demon a servant of darkness for 13 burn
Wouldn't this be a turn 10 thing?

What did Evelisa even do?

>Do this
>95% of the posts are hidden
Just move on user, this general may not be dead in a literal sense but it may as well be.

>I mean, she's starting to become Alice tier.
Slacker IS from the Neutral expansion. Did you expect anything else?

lost her purity i guess

after the changes slacker became a stickier alice

Also to help you get better perspective, look at the board boosts they can use.

Blood's only board buff is fucking midnight vampire which the only way to make a bats deck work is to literally remove everything bat related to make a real deck
Sword's are all bricks when you simply can't hold 5 slot boards that far out and you only get gawain when you're going first.
Conjuring force is unplayable in any meta, Pascale requires the opponent to brick or to highroll with oz
Forest only just now got elf song. Yes, they have cynthia but cynthia's a brick and gets blown out anyway
Shadow only has kektar

Wind gods were replaced with ephemera cause big surprise, anyone can trivially remove that body. The only reason ephemera is bitched about is because of greedy niggers throwing a childish bitchfit that they can't win any matchup without doing anything about the opponents deck


T9 is the earliest unless you're dragon
Cocytus enhance then demon next turn

Post a link to a stream where you fucking kill yourself

i agree overall but bat engine works fine in aggro blood, it is just that midnight vamp has no place in it

>nep into 4pp leggo
>nep 2 mords
>drop khawy
>get rid of khawy
>drop another on top of 2 mords on board
>Khawy, 2 mords pattern two turns straight
>this is allowed while LB isn't
How do you even solve this shit?

Precious bloodfangs
Executioner's axe
Summon bloodkin
Vampiric fortress
Medusa's gaze
Killer devil
Midnight vampire
Night horde
Vampire bard
Soul navigator
Queen vampire
Stolen life

Is it though? Is it really?

What deck can run Queen Vampire without being a full blown bat deck?

Nice meme retard. Holy shit, are you 13 year old and new to the game?

Nobody? There's no reason to and you have to either play it as a 7pp 2 card removal with axe or blow ep to watch it get dunked by a ping.

That Tempo Face PDK deck is bretty fun. It's nice using their full board against them in the mirror match.

Thanks for proving my point. Run secrets instead of bitching


>Soul navigator

" I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." (c)

she was never played in a bat deck because bat engine (well, its working part) it's aggro and she is a cblood card. she was used in cblood pretty extensively back then

I tuned in to openrec and found Syu playing it too

I dont know what to feel about it, on one hand, it is nice to see a deck that isnt alot of Ramp for once, but it does still use PDK.

openrec.tv/live/IE8m0laP1Zv stream here

Wouldn't really call it the bad engine. they just lifted the removal cause it can keep tempo and the burn cause it's burn, and bloodkin gives a split body for chip snowball if they brick

>tfw you get a good draw, but your opponent nut draws

Nice try, bro. What are you going to hit though?

>tfw no amount of bats going into t6 queen vampire lets you cover a medusa
It hurts to live

Just run hand disruption bro. Oh wait

He's gonna hit the euthanize button cause you're too fucking cancerous


Are you playing against that guy from the last thread who didn't know how Nep worked?

>Nut draw but opponent's deck has higher ceiling

>16 shadows
>2 ep

Different leader and sleeves

reminder to rope every turn and then dc against PDKucks

>go face
>it doesn't work
>they go face
>it works everytime

>ramps to 10 pp by turn 5
>still loses

Literally just went second 8 times in a fucking row, there goes a chunk of GM climb.

You have 5 seconds to defend CoCK
>5pp 3/9 zeus
>neutral so combos with shit like maisy and rabbit along with cinderella
>literally no answer to it if Sword goes first

Ramping doesn't mean shit if you haven't bought crystals.


If I pull Dark Alice with Nephtys does the Last words of the rest of the followers activates or are they immediately banished by Alice?

The last word effects trigger in order from left to right.
I haven't tried Dark Alice in Nep though.

It's just a holdover broken piece of shit from WD. Half the cards from that expansion should have been nerfed

Just Humpty Dumpty my guy.

I can't believe that WD managed to be even worse than ToG, literally every new deck that emerged had to be nerfed because some retard at Cygames thought that Neutral engine was a good idea


This seems like a bad idea from intern-kun

Remember when rowen was just a meme


is there any other havencraft deck besides storm / aegis types?

i dont think they play their own game

Elana if you want to autolose to anyone running Bahamut.

>queue rune dalies
>dshift vs dshift mirror

Holy shit this is the most boring and painful thing ever

Ramp was a mistake

That's pretty much just what it's like to play against dshift for everyone, faggot.

Sybil was a mistake.

Zodiac/Heresy is decent and fun but clunky as fuck since it's like 80% card draw and amulets.

>still complaining about free wins

>plays the de-facto most boring deck to play against
>complains about other people playing the de-facto most boring deck to play against
Entitled much?

It's called queuing into D.Shift as anything other than aggro, subhuman. Stop wasting everyone's fucking time and neck yourself.

I miss those days.

>even dshitters hate dshift

Really wish all the pdk fags would play on unga sword instead

It's unbearable to play SV. One thing I agree with you guys, braindead Aggro aka Sword atm is the worst meta possible. That said, Dragon is just annoying as fuck because the craft itself is tough, I still think it's not PDK's fault, just that for some reason Forte is viable again. I haven't seen a single PDK actually getting played through 11 games, it just seems to me that ramping even without Sybil got too consistent along with that fucking 1pp Amulet, or Cygames want the players to believe so right now. And then there's stuff like Cblood/Dshift which is absolutely broken and frustrating to get matched against. Shadow is also a issue, without Storm it's literally impossible to dispute board against traditional Shadow+random Slacker (sometimes), just like it's impossible to beat Vengeance Blood without Burn perfect curve. Another thing's also true, despite the tier 1 netdecks, I still can't win consistently playing any of them outside of the great rate I get from Sword. This can mean the meta isn't very bad since you can't just climb and win 97% of every match.


Even when sword runs out of steam he can just CoCK/aldiwas or juliet x2. Its fucking impossible to outlive as forest and still build up combo. What am I supposed to do

No seriously why Satan. He can't possibly be more useful than another Bahamut or Zeus.

seppuku and convert to unga
deck extender?

>cute as fuck art
>probably the most autistic voice in the game
>she's a worse cavalier

>the only way to beat unga is unga harder
captcha: forest route