League of Legends General - /lolg/


Sensual voice edition


Does no one read fucking patch notes anymore? Does no one ever look at upcoming changes at all? Takes a whopping 30 sec to read over a champs abilities, maybe a full minute if you wanna watch the example videos. There's literally no excuse to not know what a new champ/rework does except just being pure fucking garbage

xth for AGGRESSIVE interspecies impregnation.

>tfw no qt petite gf

Rather this than lulu cancer.

But it's more fun when I complain about it and pretend to be on 2 levels of irony while Im actually just starved for attention!

>play taric
>ult under enemy turret during a dive
>my jungler flashes away from me and dies

Anyone want to duo? Just add me, name is Brittany.
Only d4 or higher please.

Xth for my Syndra.

I don't really have anything to say but I feel the need to post in order to make sure the Lulu thread dies and this one stays

Xayah doesn't have tits like that. Part of her appeal is her flat chest.


I wanna cuddle Jinx

Lets talk about me

She will after repeated pregnancies. Human babies require a lot of milk.

So, wh's getting the next VGU? Also do you think the GU is going to fix Aatrox?

>still not buffing the best ADC by design in the game
This timeline was a mistake

>flat chest

uhhh, what?

I'm going to the store, you guys need anything?

>tfw Kayle in this meta


But user, its me this time. Neither of those cunts.

You're a cunt. Your mother was a cunt. Your father was a cunt. And I fucked them both behind your back.

can you get me some sticks of butter and hand lotion?

>be me
>be taric
>be playing bot lane with adc
>be in ranked
>retarded nigger teammate walks away as i line up a stun off them making it miss


Nunu is the one after Aatrox.

Yeah a massive dragon dildo for my wife here

Oooh! ooh! And some cheetos!

Some ready to cook hot wings would be nice. Worlds in about 3 hours

it worked

>he doesn't enjoy itty bitty titties
Not everyone likes saggy cow tits.

>Fucking a man
That's pretty gay user.

I love Jinx.

Based on what? The page hasen't been update and there no comment by riot employe about it

>these constant Press the Attack changes
Deciding on runes for Illaoi for pre-season is going to be really difficult. On one hand, Phase Rush is really good, and the bonus AD from Sorcery as a primary is really good looking. Transcendence is going to be mandatory, and then that also leaves me with gathering storm unless Riot fix scorch to be a much more powerful and frightening early game rune.

But, Press the Attack keeps fucking changing. I'm debating taking it purely for the +12% to ALL damage, but losing the bonus AD per attack in favour of flat bonus damage every 3 attacks isn't appealing at all. Plus, I lose 15 AD early game and phase rush as well as mana band.

I could take Sorcery as my primary and do precision as my secondary, picking up Last Stand and Tenacity, but domination is also a really appealing secondary solely for Ravenous Hunter. It's literally having 2 DDs instead of one in terms of healing.

If Press the Attack is reverted to give bonus AD again I'm looking at quick access to lots of bonus AD on a champ with huge total AD scalings and up to 25.4% bonus damage on EVERYTHING, but I don't know if it's worth giving up Phase Rush. Summon Aerie just got buffed to, which looks incredibly strong early game now so I might not get Phase Rush even if I get Sorcery.

Also gimme a new skin you fucken cunts

why are you namefagging

if you want attention that badly, i'd recommend suicide. it tends to do the trick.

>he isn't a pedophile and/or is actually attracted to boys

yeah okay enjoy your "itty bitty titties" I guess

And I proudly stuck my cock so far up his ass he called me Daddy.

>thinking ANYONE will be recieving buffs anytime soon once preseason hits

hahah no

maybe like after a month of data you may begin seeing small tweaks.

pic related


There are a number of things I want to do to Jinx when I see this picture. A lot of them involve her anus.

>we're going to see a meta where 10 different ADCs are banned each game and the role is unplayable
>Lethal Tempo is clearly THE most broken rune and it's the one that hasn't been touched

>Not everyone likes saggy cow tits.
Yes, I know that. Because you fucking spam it every single thread because you're desperate to let everyone know and validate your taste.

man and I thought I was dedicated getting to 100k

I want to protect him from the cruel march of time

I want to FUCK mama gnar

>Yes, I know that. Because you fucking spam it every single thread because you're desperate to let everyone know and validate your taste.

Yeah cuz that's suck a unique thing that happens on this general. Speaking of which whatever happened to Ezfag? Did his mom finally take his computer away?

Who's ready for 0-6 fnatic?

trap champ when


riot just doesn't care about the game anymore

100k aint too bad

Guess ill just use a trip til the silver child fucks off.

its not broken

that guy had awhole teamcomp dedicated to the strategy of increasing his AS.

thats strong in the same way Master Yi with 4 supports is also strong or how 5 AOE wombo combo teams can be strong. Or an entire team of shield spammers with lockets can be strong.

so long as the strategy are not oppressive they dontn get nerfed.

Also to do such a build you need to sacrifice nearly all AD for AS so the math evens out anyway. the same way how in runescape weapon speed harshly mattered because DPS would generally be constant

>"halloween skins"

what a fucking trash idea, hope it gets dumped like sewn chaos mumu and blitz

I'm still here just don't post anymore because I became popular on reddit instead

Have you seen the nude version? It's even better.

give me one reason not to go full armor runepage malphite vs all AD team

Seriously, fuck is this dumb edgy shit? I want my halloween skins to be modeled after classic horror stuff, not this poor man's soulstealer garbage.

Actual xth for Syndra
Sorry, go away.

post more Darius pictures please

Because one crit red is better for the memes

because you could go full armour Sej or Rammus instead

It should've been a chroma and not a skin desu, it's basically just a palet swap.

Lazy af.

Apparently they're getting bullied on Reddit for the skins, so they may improve.

That looks fucking awful what the fuck

Why do you think my mind wanders?

Your finally among your own kind. Get cancer and die horribly from /lolg/.

Because without AD reds last hitting under turret is going to suck.

a handle of evan williams and a helium exit bag. i'll pay you back for it later.

>God Fist Lee Sin
>Dawnbringer Riven
>Nightbringer Yasuo
>SG Ahri

It's time riot. Time for a fucking Vayne legendary skin already

Ahhh, yes. This'll do nicely.

There are so many good ideas for Halloween skins as well. I mean, fans literally do riot designer's job, and that kind of steaming pile of shit gets through.

Yes - molasses and a bottle of cheap rum, please. Thanks man.

>when you juke into a bush and get 2 duskblade empowered autos back to back
this should be Illegal

Hello, I am the worst LoL player of all times and want some tips to fix this.

>it's a "one player keeps getting caught out solo and dies causing the enemy team to 5v4 us multiple times episode
>"b-b-b-but I was warding"
>"b-b-b-b-b-but no one helped me"

jesus christ why can people not reaize that if you're defending and/or the enemy team is MiA don't go off alone.

You're not a splitpusher with TP/ghost and survivability
You're not singed with the above
You're not tanky enough to survive them diving you 5v1

God every time I fucking try to tell them to stay grouped they just DON'T FUCKING DO IT

>5 Weeks after calling a dude a faggot after he ran down mid lane calling me a nigger
>I went from 0 honor back to 2 honor


It's only gay if you kiss.

They really should just hire the people that make all these neat skin concepts as official designers. They get good PR AND non-garbage skins, it's a win-win.

if a champ that was not your waifu released a sex tape, which champ would you think released it.

>get shit on because i'm bad but so does everyone else
>/ff at 15
>team is never surrendering ever
>play on because i'm a good boy but i /ff every 3 minute on the clock
>game finally ends in a victory in minute 52
i really did not enjoy that game and i wish they would've ff around 15-20 or so so that i could've played another game

Play to get better instead of just spamming games.

Finally a Jix cosplayer thats actually flat

Actually silver 2 flex

Azir and his harem.

>person has the max level honor flair
>the flame the hardest and are toxic as fuck

every time

>not enjoying a hard fought victory
>your behavior in general
You are the cancer ruining this game

>under tower

who plays mal like a bitch?

I do try to improve myself, but I've already received my first death threat tonight.

Mordekaiser and No. Aatrox is always going to be shit

Quinn would post a porno of a girl who looks like her but pretend it's actually her to hide the fact that she's a pathetic virgin.

I will deflower

Have your peripheral vision glued to the minimap and call the enemy jungler's current location whenever you know it during laning phase. Also practice last hitting in the practice tool without runes or masteries. Lock the EXP levels and enable turret invincibility, and try to get at least 90 CS by 10 minutes consistently.

Good god.

Is this PBE with the new runes in place?
If so, what are those for Twitch?

Or... judging by that build... is it just the build alone?

user please, you're better than that. Have SOME standards.

Name something that impressed you in League of Legends

It doesnt even have to be good. Something that has just genuinely made you appreciate what it was

hey its not like i asked for the honor. but im not complaining that riot is giving me free shit even though i intentionally lose games the moment a teammate acts like a shithead.

Maybe if you weren't such a gigantic "ff 15" faggot you would get more enjoyment from this game. Games aren't over at 15 minutes. Ever. There is always a way to comeback.

You do, cause you do no damage and shall get bullied by a top laner that actually knows to exploit your ass.
However if you are playing normals or low elo ranked, then go ahead and be truly ROCK SOLID with the full armor rune page.

Jinx is like an A- cup size. She has breast their just not impressive as most.

Does the cancer stop in plat?
Does it ever stop?
I hate my teammates

Come on ASol poster, help me lose my virginity. Honestly, I aint bad looking or fat, just socially akward and not white.

I'll give you that firey asol skin to trade.

I'm ok at last hitting, just seems that I really don't understand build or character design.