/akg/ - Ankama Games General

Proper OP edition

Previous thread:
On the last episode of /akg/
>new, totally fresh international server coming out on the 17th for Dofus
>multiboxing and character transfer from other servers will be forbidden on it, causing a lot of veterans to come back and bring in new players with them/abandon the other servers
>tfw 6 more days before we can play
>the two wakfu players left are on suicide watch, be gentle with them folks


Build planners:
dofusplanner.com/ (en/fr/es/pt)
dofusbook.net/ (fr only)

FAQ and additional information/tips:


>Not game-related but universe-related
/co/'s krosmoz pastebin : pastebin.com/Waq1WzVv
Booru link in the pastebin.

>What's the difference between Dofus and Wakfu?
Dofus has a subscription (5$ a month, paying with in-game money is possible and isn't hard if you sub for a few months first).
Wakfu is free to play.
Dofus is a good game, with 13 years of content and regular updates.
Wakfu is not a good game, it was supposed to be a promising, different game but Ankama fucked up and made a more generic Dofus clone with none of Dofus' content and polish.

Tot's blog (Ankama's CEO, in french) : tot-prod.blog/

/akg/ discord server (no voice channels):
Joining the discord is NOT required to join the incoming dofus guild, it's just a good way for the people who care to plan shit out beforehand and contact others easily.
Anyone can join, even people who play other Ankama games, it's not just for the guild.
Reminder to keep posting in the general if you join discord, don't let it die.

Yes. Every class can do damage. Eliotrope is pretty good at it.

what are the classes brainlets can't play?

playing any class that would be better off not being a damage dealer

From reading the past thread I think I understood that Xelor, Sram and Fogg are the three most complex

I'd replace Sram with Eliotrope

>the animations for the ouginak
Well I know what I'm gonna main now

Do you have a video showing them?
Heard ouginaks aren't very good except in 1v1 pvp but if the animations are somehow better than xelor's (I doubt it) I might give them a try

Go to thw oficial page, the have a video showing off.

Xelor is still better.
Except for that transformation, damn.

I want to play an Eni because I mained one back in the day - but now that they're busted as fuck and everyone (who isn't playing Cra) is playing one, the pressure is on to not be a shit. And I'm the user that was worried about falling behind because of work too. Fuck me.

Parties are always looking for healers, r-right?

Yes. Though there will be no short supply of enis since everyone and their mothers will be playing one :^)

Doggos and Huppermages animations are just so much better than the others. I wish Masqs had Wakfu's animations and effects. Mask switching in Wakfu was satisfying as fuck.

Stopped playing Wakfu ages and ages ago. How are Osamodas, Foggernaut, Masqueraiders, Sacriers and Xelors?

Doing fine, you?

I meant how are they in Dofus. my bad.

Evens: Make a Mask
Odds: Make a Feca

All good at something. Decent overall.
Osas can buff and fuse with their summons.
Foggers can deal and heal and the turrets are nice.
Masqs are not as good as they used to be but still have dank shields for group play. I'd say they could use a very small buff but they're still good.
Sacriers were reworked recently and seem decent enough.
Xelors require you to be a rocket scientist in order to play them decently.

I heard the Foggernaut turrets have wonky AI and attack players

It's not wonky AI it's intended. Either you plan your turret placement better or use the spell that makes it not target allies.

>five more days

Would you guys say that all the classes are balanced for PvE?


To all the new people joining in and trying the game before the proper server is out, so long as you're still under level 30, you can reset your characteristics as many times as you want by talking to Fairy Sette in incarnan and you skills too by just picking a lower level.
Use it to try different builds and setups without having to restart from zero.

Some classes more than others, but all classes can be useful in PvE yes.

Yurop sleepy time really isn't good for this general is it?

Can someone explain Huppermage's runes? All the skills mention putting runes on the ground, but I don't understand what the runes are supposed to do.

>6 more days

>you'll wake up tomorrow and the server won't be up

>you'll wake up tomorrow
truly, hell

So for healers we have:

And for off/semi healer we have

Is this correct?


Huppermage's rune have to be put on the ground, when someone walk on it, they act luke glyphs and put an effect on whomever is walking on it, like the one you're giving them with most if your spells
With the spell propagation, they can have zone effect outside their zone
Can be really nice to debuff and ennemy

See you in a week!

See you in your dreams, baby.

>wake up
>no server

Why are people so reluctant in playing huppermage?
Is it really that hard to play or is it just weaker than other classes?

I'm hesitating, at first I wanted to go with enutrof because I enjoy playing it, but I also want to step out of my comfort zone and try a more support class, would water panda be good ? does I get a attack spell early enough or should I go with another element ?
I really like the animation of the water spell

I think it's because they're hard to grasp the way your supposed to play it, but once you get it it's going by itself

Legitimately thinking about maining Enutrof for the economy side of the game that i always loved, start out with a strength build until 50-60 then reset stats to chance and start getting them drops.
Btw are wikis guides really that outdated, just looked over them and they seem kinda fine

enutrof is a special case since they didn't have much change in a long time, but they're outdate for most of them

i had trouble finding semi-recent info even in french

That's really good to know and it's encouraging me to go Enu even more, back in the day I leveled Xelor and Iop, enjoyed it a lot but now I'm looking to play the more Pve/economics side of the game, it's either gonna be Enu or Feca that's what I'm thinking for now

because it's overwhelming.

Ask me anything.

how does it feel to not play cutie huppermage ?

What builds do you see used/use yourself, at a glance Int/agi and Int/str seem to have the best syngergy, but I might be talking out of my ass.

I'm using agi/cha.

agi cha is pretty common.

Oh yeah? Interesting, I'm quite interested in the class given the whole elemental combining thing, do you ever use fire spells with agi/cha for the AP burn on enemies? Or do you mostly just stick with water/wind?

No. Never use other elemental spells. You can put elemental states on your enemies through the spell Elemental Shield. Then you can use those states to buff you by using the spell Contribution.

Good to know, thanks for the help!

Oh, forgot for a sec, when levelling how would you allocate your stats, split between agi/cha til 200 then dump in vit, or max one first, then the other?

I'd probably focus one being mono element until you hit 190 or so. So 300 into one, rest into vit.

Just a quick rundown on the beginners sets everyone will use
level 12 - Young Adventurer set, can be dropped on Incarnam's monsters
level 21 - Moskito set, only good water set for this level
level 20 - Gobbal set, 1AP and very good fire and earth stat, hard to craft at the start but it'll be fine
level 25 - Sponge set, 1AP and very good air and water stat, the gobbel equivalent of the other side of the fence
level 30 - Toady set, only two items and very good air stat
then level 42 you can go with the elemental kwaks sets and level 50 the blop sets
from there on you'll have to do theory crafting by yourself

Are xelor really that hard to play?

yeah, but you can give them a try
add lvl 43, the akwadala set for water element, better than the kwak, more life and more water, the kwaks set really only have their resist to make them relevant

akwadala set won't be easy to farm and kwaks are a cheaper alternative for the level

the JoL's guide of class seems update from time to time, I'll translate some of them but I need to know what class people need guides of

Qualified Enu consultant reporting in.

>they don't give you a title for how much time you are playing
Fuck it, new account then

they give you cosmetic items, look in the shop at the veteran reward window

>not wanting the Goba Vett livi petsmount

Yes it's good. The water attacks come a bit late but you should be able to level using quests and an adventurer set to have SOME damage if you really want to go water immediately, until you have a water spell.

They seem very outdated to me.

How does it feel to play a class everyone who isn't going to play cra, eni or iop is going to be playing?

What makes you think I'm playing Enu on the mono-account server?

That you didn't say otherwise

Nice logical connection user.

When is normie yuropoor prime time I want this general to be alive

Good job guys, we survived our first night

>/eft/ general died in the first day of its conception
>fucking dofus survived
>server isn't up yet
Literally impressed

it's noon here user, people are on their break and the church are ringing their bells

Noon isn't normie prime-time, they're busy eating so they can continue slaving away their time in the afternoon

don't be too impressed, there's still 5days left and it'll die the day before the release of the server

Just resurrect it when the server launches.

My OP paste is ready for this eventuality user.

What's the most fun class to play?

Depends what you find fun

>no panda gf to throw you around

>from there on you'll have to do theory crafting by yourself
where the actual fun begins

all of them

Its all about the numbers, Mason.

Making different builds on dofus planner/dofusbook, gathering the resources then getting it all crafted is half the fun of the game for me

Daily reminder that Iops are dumb.

Daily reminder that Cras are beautiful.


Daily reminder cra players should kill themselves.


>there are people who still think some class are less valuable than others
the true pleb

t. Foggposter
I bet you like teamwork too

The most popular classes are the least valuable because you can find them everywhere and they have shared cooldowns when in the same group.

>being a huppermage in wakfu
I struggle but god damn is the thing beautiful
That alone makes it worth it

Do these share cooldowns apply to every skill?

Obviously not, mostly skills that can be abused/are too powerful used by a group of the same class. Like explosive arrow.

female huppermage are a gift of Tot

Have any new dailies been added to the game? Only ones I remember doing were every dopple fight and almanax and want to know if there's more stuff I could possibly get w

There's daily quests

There's a bunch of them scattered around the map now, every zone has at leadt a pair.

Her smug smile makes me want to be abused

>five fucking days

feels like time is going backwards
kill me