/dg/ - Destiny General



DG3 a shit
DG1 a best
Remember that shitters

Destiny 2 Crucible is the worst PvP ever created.

Election results edition

reminder!!! antiope can make crucify slightly more fun but its still shit

use tone patrol too because I said so

>Randoms doing Iron Banner never want to cooperate

Fuck you if youre guilty of this. Seriously

>tfw no Failsafe gf

>it's a IB teammates can't hold 2 points episode
>it's actually a season premiere of the reboot

man I'm just in it for the cape

>rolling up to the point as a group
>immediately get melted because everyone fucked off at the last second

>open 2nd banner engram
>get Steady Hand
literally all i wanted, except maybe shaders, fucking done

you cannot min/max because mods are restricted to hell, you cannot grind for god roll because there is no more RNG and you cannot planetary and faction farm because casual limitations

>You know what 3 initials go here

is this shit worth picking up on glorious master race?

the first one was terrible, but I need something better than pubg to hold me off till crowfall opens up early next year

the shitters did it again

Antiope is cancer. It's Overwatch levels of "get in effective range and automatically win"

why the fuck would anyone care about some shitters clearing some dead content?


Not really. At least not until more content is in the game.

fuck no

ess jay double-you
but ily works too


Reminder alpha team are the reason someone that hates alpha team isn't dg3 leader because zippy said so

>the first one was terrible

And this one is even worse, don't buy it.

I don't see Joff.

Where's joff

he was ded

anyone want to raid? I just need Calus but I'd start wherever

I just use the prosecutor 2bh

Old fashioned, prosecutor and some kinda fusion :)

Go to bed, cheeky cunt.

Good job shitters :)

But zippy endorsed crazy...

Zippy vouched for Crazy, stop trying to stir shit. Kys yourself.

You need sleep too

>playing IB solo
Why even do this to yourself? It's pure frustration.

You thought wrong

yep it can help deal with the hug your teammates ass meta right now, high ttk bitch get dumped on wrecked shreked chicken necked

I was there too.

Wasn't it one of our guys first time? Steel? He did well, we two or three shot that guy.

Don't want someone to leave mid-raid because you suddenly left cuz diarrhea

>get 2v1'd instantly
>get 2v1'd instantly
>each a rocket
>get 2v1'd

I cannot put into words how bad Crucible is in this game. I simply can't, all I feel is anger towards the fucking sub humans that ruined an otherwise fine gamemode. Fuck you Bungie, fuck you Luke Smith, fuck every fucking incompetent waste of air on this fucking dev team.

I always just follow the Warlocks and ignore the Hunters who split off.



>tfw you'll never do the raid.

i got it all out now

>titan is 299.9
>one item being one level higher would probably pop me up to 300
>only "powerful" event left is the raid
>don't feel like raiding
>but I do feel like getting to 300
Fuck me.
I guess I have to grind for exotics or do the raid.

it's that gay cunt kike weinewski who is responsible for this shitfest PvP

DG news here
Thoughts on the rigged election and where do you see yourself leading the clan

dae up for some destiny 1 crucible stomping tonight? better than the faggotfest that is d2 desu

More party chat synchronized shitposting

>friend rants to me about his Nazareks devour build from the terramantis video
>preaches nonstop about how good his build is
>I really want to tell him to stuff it because 'builds' dont exist in destiny 2
>hold my tongue because i dont want to antagonize him
how do you guys deal with your normie friends?

only if awesomeness didnt fuck up everytime we might have it done in less time

Diamont was supposed to win reeee

>Emperor's Respite
>Take B
>Watch as opposing team just walks into gunfire
>Win game

Who thought this was a good idea? Does Bungie enjoy being as retarded as possible? Do they take bets on how hard they can fuck things up?

>mfw finally got hawthorne's shotgun

keep your faggot conversations to your faggot clan chats

It's like the spawning in IB took a page out of Call of Duty.

mate the entirety of destiny 2 is a colossal fuck up and a total downgrade of destiny 1 in every respect

I've been stuck at 299 without mods needing literally 1 point for three weeks reeeee

t. mad fag

I love this helmet
I just love it

hide and report

just go with it

>fighting over DG3
lmao dudes call me when were talking about the REAL CLAN DG1

>have won 4 games in a row
>cannot get the last double kill to save my fucking life

>Does not compute
>Disrespecful stare
>Nameless Midnight

wihich one?

Just edgy enough to be cool but not CRAWLING IN MY SKIN tier.

Nameless Midnight

I won the election by a fair margin. Diamont was an honorable opponent! He took it too far with personal attacks however. Dishonorable!

DGIII will continue as usual for now on, but we will purge inactive players if they do not log in. We will discuss consolidation at a later date.

Uriels Gift

Nameless Midnight. Overall probably the best Legendary Scout in the game. Best PvE Scout and can go toe-to-toe with MIDA in PvP

You'll get it randomly without even trying

Happens all the time with a shit like that

>majority of enemy team just kneels behind corners neat control points with swords
>swords one hit kill even with 10 Resistance

Guess I should just do this too, might as well fling my own shit if everyone is doing it.

To be honest I like it too

oh see it looks neat with a shader on it
can't see any of that detail with the regular colors

Clusters add about half again the size of blueshift's instant kill blast radius and more damage as its 2 explosions not one hitting them in the same inner radius.
The point of MIDA/Pleiades is that it has much the same TTK to most other scouts but it takes 5 shots in the same amount of time instead of 4. This seems like a shit idea until you realize that if it misses a shot, probably due to hical, its TTK is only increased by 20% instead of 25%(the case for 4 hit headshots).
I'm not hating on your choices here i'm just wondering if i was missing something when i crunched numbers.

Fuck, this is seriously making me want to farm IB again

Jake, wait tell he is in his final form and them unload on him.

What really won it for dubbbarino was Zippy's endorsement of crazy

And that one post that described crazy as a depressed man who brings down the mood

That's when it really swung

C U T E !





What do you consider squatting? I don't really have the time to max out rep and do nightfall on more than my main character.


>4% margin

>Showing the poll after the 100 vote count
Just stop, this is embarrassing at this point.

>finally get the super cool k/d emblem
now everyone can see my sub 2.0 k/d


I got a better one for you.

>get arc staff'd at A
>spawn at A
>get arc staff'd by the same guy
>spawn at A again
>eat a rocket on spawn
I had a good a laugh.

IB Hand cannon guy from last thread, I got it on my second package, I love it. New favorite hand cannon, hands down.

It looks amazing, great range, and Outlaw to top it off. Great for pve at least

jokes on you, I voted and I'm not even in the clan

It was an open strawpoll anybody could have voted in.
We should just have people in the clan chat place their individual votes then tally shit up before next reset.
No double voting and no non-/dgIII/ voting.


>Ending a poll abruptly while one person is temporarily in the lead
Just stop, this is embarrassing at this point.

>Die to Golden Gun
>Die to the same guy's Golden Gun, again
Did bungie playtest this

did you try the sidearm? it made me go ahegao too.

No determinations on that so far. Nobody is getting kicked this week besides people who haven't logged in two weeks unless they straight up don't contribute at all.

Not kicking people because they're outside of the "in club" at this point.

I seriously don't know what dogshit map is worse.

Legion Gulch
Emperor's Respite
Altar of Flame

Fuck these fucking maps and fuck the retard who made them


Different guy here
The sidearm's pretty good but the problem is that it's in my Uriel's Gift slot
I use Showrunner for close work

the only other thing i got was the pulse, and that was from my first package. I deleted it as I hated most pulses in d1, and i hate them even more in 2.

Isn't it a suros model though? I like those alot

This is when it was called mongoloids

you can sub uriel's for origin story. its almost as good as uriels.