Dota 2 General - /d2g/

OLD MEMES, Edition.

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dotards I'm going to die if this patch doesn't come soon I'm unironically browsing reddit for the first time in my life please somebody just put me out of my misery

Why wont pros play with a living legend TI winner.

Just post some old memes in the meantime.

Literally a man-child.

>there are two adelaide posters
explain this dotards


replace AM with arc and it's still relevant

>no patch

Good stuff.
Well done.

still waiting to see user post a replay for hiis meme roaming qop with max dagger

Needs one panel with two arc wardens then another panel with six though

you are playing dota 2 when suddenly a cute loli sits on your lap, wyd?

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
nice fucking game dotards

Women continue to objectify themselves so I don't see the problem. Both sides seem complicit in this conspiracy.

>wake up
>VAC banned

feed me 7.07

It's like they're intentionally ignoring Ahri and the rest of Riot's harem at this point

>tfw you will never face fuck jakiro's fire head until your dick burns off

why live


>spammable slow that can finish off runners
>reliable escape
>can easily semicarry late game

i'm phoneposting rn but don't pretend it's unreasonable

>he thinks this state of affairs is ok
really boils the noodles

Just give Dire Roshan advantage again.

All washed-up pros get a second chance at Dota transitioning to pos5, like kuroky.

Idk why this retard doesn't do it already

You only get dotards, fatty.

Arc warden is some of the most fun I've had in q while

>sending out tempest double and going HAM on enemy knowing I wont even be punished for it
>securing that sweet double lane double midas farm
>melting towers
>playing mind games with spark wraith and stacking them on highground
>good build variety
>being arc warden

Oh hell yes

Reminder that a pos5 HAS TO do all these things
>Buy wards and atleast one sentry at the start of the game
>buy courier
>buy tangos and pool mid some
>preferably smoke mid to place a ward
>buy a salve so you can salve your pos 1 in lane
>harass the enemy offlaner
>but cant pull creep aggro while doing so
>stack and pull or chain pull
>but only do so when your pos 1 pushes the lane
>never take a single lane cs without asking for permission from your pos1 master
>Only ask for permission if it means you get manaboots so you can give your pos1 mana
>not take your pos 1s aggro, but get xp from bounties and pulling instead
>try to kill the offlaner
>try to kill other lanes with ur pos4
>go bully the enemy offlaner if he retreats to the offlane jungle
>upgrade the courier
>place a ward in the safelane if youre going to rotate, so your safelaner doesnt get ganked
>tp react to save your teammates in other lanes
>do all of the above and still manage to find gold and xp
>never be in a position where you can go "im just a support so having 10 deaths is fine"
Did I forget anything?

yea suck this dick

>Always sacrifice your life if it means your cores will live
>give the kill to your core, even if it means just not attacking the enemy when he has like 5% hp

Reminder that a pos1 HAS TO do all these things

>win lane
>win teamfight
>win game


Sounds a lot harder 2bh



post more rylai, the purest of maidens

You mean poor maiden? hahaha

this whole thread should be nothing but Rylais desu

and me

>WR is the good red-head

look here sport, women only hate being objectified by ugly nerds like you. If you are a Chad then women want you to objectify them and all this feminist shit is just to weed out the weak piss chads who give up at the slightest hint of resistance.

>Be an edgepanning retard
>Try drag clicking once
>Now edge panning feels slow as shit
Is this the power of drag clicking?

just a reminder that ta is the best bondage slave

Studies show that women in history have had about 80% success rate in reproducing, while men only had 40% success rate. Realle makes you think no?

they should give opportunity to abandon games, there are games in low behavior pool that this literally unplayable like some guy constantly feeding the courier

you actually do get a free abandon every 20 or 25 games that wont land you low priority

Whats drag clicking

Click the middle-mouse button/wheel and move your cursor around.

i only abandoned 1 game and im now on lp for 4 games today.
im from lp though before that and i always escape within 3-4 winstreaks.
also, before i was sent on lp, i had like 8 wins as shadow fiend and the first 2 lose sent me to lp as the second one being an abandon before the base explodes.
low behavior score pool is actually fun because you can shittalk to people and they will shit back creatively but considering this has happened to me twice, i dont know what to say lmao

as of 2 abandons, the first one was rage and the second one which is today was because of the guy constantly feeding the courier that i got my shadow blade 20 min instead of 16

>reddit want to police the community

Is this the first sign of SJW invasion?

>shadow pool
>behaviour score
>report summary
>8 year bans
>this is the first sign

you sound like youre serious about dota, why not just buy an account?
even pros do that when they were once underdogs (like selling their main account because they're poor af back then) then buy a new one and grind it out after they got their career.
im not spoiling who are they but its pretty good way to save time if you consider yourself as legit.

iirc thats a shitpost

Just DONT abandon games if you dont want to end up in lp, you simple-minded fucktatrd
>durr gg go next

How would actual lore Sand King fuck? He's just sand in a shell.

He's also a scorpion.

Scorpions have dicks

but it tilts my performance if i hold on and watch myself lose which is why i get winstreaks in lp and still win lans.
but yeah, the game wont adapt to me so meh.

im hopeless

>iirc thats a shitpost
No it isn't. Read the comments.

Those are relatively mild and it came from valve to prevent people from ruining the game either by hacking or walk down mid every time.

This new thing, however, is about tone policing. They want to monitor the bahviour of pros and punish people who are actually there to win the game and reward scrub lord who are polite but doesn't know a single shit about the game. SJW is about control, they want to control how community behave and "excommunicate" those who doesn't fir their standard. Another hallmark is that they hate real, hard competition, so they want to remove emphasis on winning the game per se.

But how would that work? His internals are literally

inject his seed using caustic finale

Is Orb of venom viable on bat?

it starts off mild by adding small things which don't immediately seem like a problem and slowly expanding upon it until they've completely taken over everything
you should have realised when you can report people for "communication abuse" and get them muted/LP when there is already a mute button in the game

>inb4 they add a report function for your teammates holding you back

>Dota is an incredibly emotional game
>winning is everything so it is not ok

Feels = real, not only that, they are also anti competition. I am surprised it took them so long to infiltrate Dota. Can't wait to see QoP become boobless ugly whore like the one in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Only reason dota isnt run by redditor SJWs already is because Europe and NA arent the biggest playerbase, thanks the russians and chinks

Change is bad ooga booga
you casual ooga booga
next youre gonna say you have damage numbers on screen enabled

All female characters will be wearing at least 3 layers of clothes, their face will be ruined. QoP will be a transgender, and Bambi will become male and have gay sex with centaur in the lore. Also some of them will be muslims.

>second priority in mm is behavior score
ever wonder why there's a 3.5k in your 4.6k mmr game in peak hours?
good boy system is disgusting.

we're supposed to be good at the game not to be a good person.
and oh, mute exists if someone's a raging closeted cunt.
dota's cancer supposed to be part of the fun until people who spoil the match started to exist.

oh i didn't read it all
>This new thing, however, is about tone policing. They want to monitor the bahviour of pros and punish people who are actually there to win the game and reward scrub lord who are polite but doesn't know a single shit about the game. SJW is about control, they want to control how community behave and "excommunicate" those who doesn't fir their standard. Another hallmark is that they hate real, hard competition, so they want to remove emphasis on winning the game per se.

i agree with this one lol

By mild I mean we still haven't have Muslims, transgender and ugly females in the game yet. Also goodboy system was not that useful in the past. Right now if you are a goodboy, you get matched with new players, so you are actually encouraged to be a bad boy so it is anti-SJW instead.

how is playing support bearable below 5k

>Carry leaves their Aquilla on
>Carry doesn't stop last hitting for a sec to get a kill
>Get to give your team vision in the hopes they will take a good fight and try buffer their decision making skills
>Sacrifice your resources to pool into another person who you HOPE will be able to maybe close out the game

is their a support that makes sure your carry has BB lategame and remembers to activate their BKB?

>Right now if you are a goodboy, you get matched with new players
is that so?
no wonder i stomped as disruptor mid and rapier rush sf on my smurf
i feel like i can reach higher peak in my smurf after that lmao

Jesus, this is fucking painful. How does this Elmo-sounding fuck reach 5,000 MMR and not understand how to toggle creep agro? HOW!?

it's ALL an act
you respond exactly as he wants people to respond
5k from spamming omni and using psych tactics on his team through mic isn't 5k as we expect it
Purge said his teamfight awareness is his true forte

>mfw there are people in here who has lower MMR than slacks

My sides

Esport starting in 3 hours


>you respond exactly as he wants people to respond
By thinking he's a retarded fat fuck? Ooh, what a clever game of 4-dimensional mind chess.


One abandon will make you lose 3k good boy points.

Reduce base gold gain to 0. Remove runes.
Remove rubber banding. In fact, reverse it. Being behind in gold gives you less gold for each kill.
Make dying more expensive. You lose gold and experience, based on how many times you have died.
No AOE experience. You only get experience for last hits.
There, fixed the game. you can thank me now

>ywn be famous for being a fat noisy retard

broke two mice drag clicking. be careful

>every games end in a stomp


>casual mad that he aint getting his welfare xp and gold

When is this game gonna finally die?
Is the new map + good boy points finally the end?

what if continuous last hits gave you more and more gold/xp?

this would probably be interesting desu
teams would either run super defensive lineups or really gank/teamfight heavy ones and there would be lots of fighting i think

what if every time you die your level drop by 1

>corecuck mad that he has to wageslave while I get to fuck around in the trees and get all of the sick plays

What if 7.07 is taking so long because Valve is finishing their testing on the surprise third new hero?

Horrid idea
If your really far ahead and die you should get fucked in the ass for playing like shit and dying

They only need to really bring back pre 7.0 runes to make runes balanced again and get rid of the extra mid creep

Icefrog's autism holds everything up most of the time.

Icefrog got let go m8, and paid off to keep it hushed
Only way to explain why dota since 7.0 has been pants on head retarded
Valve is jewing out and killing their long term investment for short term profit

Remember when there was exactly one (1) bounty rune on the map per two minutes?

Remember when you need to go back to the fountain to heal instead of getting free heals from shrines?

remember when powerup runes spawned at minute 0?

>No AOE experience. You only get experience for last hits.
Offlaners and Supports would cease to exist

Well reducing base gold game to 0 I can get behind. Rune is fun so it should be in the game.

Rubber banding is necessary to a certain extend and it is actually logical since the bigger the prey you killed, the better the price.

Dying lose experience is ridiculous and only MMORPGs have that.

If you only get experience from last hit plus no base gold gain, support is gonna be unplayble (no gold no level). There is a reason why creeps give exp when dead even though no hero ever touch it.

Just get skaddi

Talents have been something he's wanted to implement for a long time outsiderbro.

>shrines and talents are still in the game

why bother moving the camera at all?
zoomhack master race, you're all a bunch of filthy plebs lmao