/simg/ simulation games general

): feels lonely now edition :(

Previous thread: >>
>DCS: Do not buy M-2000C and NTTR and newer modules from steam, because you can't use them in stand-alone.Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher:
>Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher is a replacement for stock BMS launcher including key/axis mapping feature. It can configure and save BMS SETUP per Joysticks. When you launch BMS through this app, it auto generates proper setup files and overwrites them for current device order before BMS find them changed and initialize your setup.
>TL;DR: Your pain setting up controls is over


>Steam group

>Falcon 4 and BMS 4.33U3 setup

>Repository of various aviation related material

>Planes pastebin

>Tanks pastebin

>Boat/Submarine pastebin

>Link to this OP text

>Example of welcome games
>Flight Sims
Falcon BMS, DCS: World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Strike Fighters X
>Driving Games
Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, Euro Truck Sim, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, DiRT Rally, OMSI 2
>Ground Sims
SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Graviteam Tactics, Squad
>Submarine Sims
Silent Hunter, Ship Simulator, Cold Waters, Dangerous Waters
>Misc Sims
Command: X, Swat 4

>Example of non-welcome games
Ácé Cómbát, Wár Thúndér, Wórld óf _____, Ármá 1-3, Thé Síms, Sím Cíty, Góát Símúlátór

>Extra attention grabbing search terms
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/ /cwg/

Other urls found in this thread:


stop touching each others dick on discord and come back here you idiots
dont leave me alone


i found this game by chance, at a gamestop(before they actually had that name) as a curious kid, age around 9
had just watched u-571 with my teen bro which was into nazi-shit
i used to love ubisoft

being a little kid, i didnt know how to aim with the periscope or uzo
(also i was too little to fully read the manual which was english only)
so most of the times it was gunning only
still had great times

talking about gunning shit
this one here was my personal favourite
my bro wasnt interested, he care only about subs
but man i loved this

im actually thinking about redownloading this if it works on win 10
i mainly just played around with the AAA and cannons
casually used depth charges
as a kid i learned that the Fletcher class was op as fuck

now with this one things strarted to get serious
first off our pc was too shittty to pass the installer requirements check
had to give up at first
we studied the manual, learning every bit of it even without being able to play the game
i used to watch tutorials on google video

then a year or so later we got a new pc

it barely passed the requirements
had to wait 20 minutes to load up a mission, not even kidding
weirdly though, it ran smooth during the actual gameplay

played the SHIT out the default missions

"Happy times" being the n1 pick


this one being one of the only i could get out alive from on higher realism settings

>get in the middle of the convoy
>place yourself at 90°
>blast off the 4 bow torps
>poop out the aft one
>dive fast as fuck zig-zagging

with this image I hereby summon the harmdogdewd to the thread to impart his aesthetics upon us


this nigga right here
one of the best mods for any sim out there at the time
il2 1946 modpacks came later on i think

with my shitty 56k modem i took me literal days to download

that if the connection didnt drop out or if an incoming call wouldn't fuck up the line

when i finally got it running sh3 felt like a new game

that was my first experience with a hefty pdf sim manual

fuck you migger this is my story thread
go back to your gay discord

i completely skipped sh4 cuz ww2 burger subs are ugly
and fat
oh wait i already said they were american

sh5 is still unexplored
i remeber liking the first person all around interaction with the sub
but it was buggy as fuck
i always got stuck on ladders
i feel like getting back into that with proper semi-autistic mods
but i know it's just a a momentary craving. i'll get bored midway through

naw senpai dis a migga thread, stay mad fliyboi


this shit here
first contact with modern era combat sims


talk shit all you want about dcs nowdays

but you cannot deny back in the days this was LIT

also teenage me wasnt too aware of every realistic aspect involved and i used to believe i was playing some professional sekrit shit


i remember watching these vids
over and over
until i managed to get my first air to air kill on a single player mission

it felt so nice :)


this wasnt too bad for its time either

back when they actually gave you a printed copy of the manual
it had that good smell

here's another semi-unknown ""sim"" i loved


ooops forgot pic

i remember having these long ass range engagements
but the fx were too shitty (or realistic?) so it was fucking hard to tell when your target was destroyed or not
pic related
when the barrel is pointing down like this
it's ded

problem is, from far off it was hard to see, even with the commanders' binoculars

the tank models were really well done
full interior view
barrel animations too
really nice


it was fairly realistic and unbiased even though i think this was a ruskie made game

i used to bounce loads of shells with the tiger



anuone of you has any xp with this?

i tried

in the end





That's a negative, sempai.

why would you post that
you literal degenerate faggot
only good thing about slavs is that they hate pidors like you

Omg, where are my manners!

up your asshole.
together with aids and a nigger dick


>play civflightsim
>take off
>press ap button
>wait 3 hours
And i thought train drivers have it bad

I mean given how planes are basically perfect in every way, you're really not needed to fly at all.

What anime?

Boom and Zoom Academia

I actually missed this shithole

slavaboos on suicide watch

/ourguys/ are making a stick for the F-14

makes ya think huh

>thread is shit with no ops
>discord is shit with no ops
>DCS is a terrible game anyway
Just wanna die desu


what a fucking waste, proof that the new generation is nothing more than "MEMEME"


me too laddie
be a good dood and post your random shit here instead of that nickname ridden shithole with authority ranks that is discord

>magz is streaming

>mig-21 climbs at 600kmh
this can't be right can it? it sounds far too low

the d00d is our only guy

>“The idea behind this work is that it is a sculpture but it also involves some choreography. We all know what a plane is and what a funeral entails. But the artist turns things upside down to make us think about them, think about the meaning of our actions; machines are confronted with the man’s last rites.”

wow... powerful

I mean we all know he blows through hours upon hours of recorded footage for 10 min videos that is apparently the 'good stuff', but this is just dumb

He needs to spend time if he doesn't want 90% of his video showing how shit he really is

Does the SPS-141-100 have any use against more modern fighter planes? My assumption is it SHOULDN'T be able to jam them, but this is a game.

>Does the SPS-141-100 have any use

Is it also completely justified to be scared shitless because of the near completely lack of SA the SPO provides and the blind as fuck radar?

Yes. The radar is excusable because the MiG 21 we have in game SHOULD have Lazur. Meaning the pilot is literally just there to look at the target, go "yep that's a B-52" and fire the missiles. The GCI flies the plane for the pilot through the SAU mostly. It's not a search radar.

The SPO is broken, and has been for a while, it should offer a smidge more SA than it currently does

>smidge more SA
I honestly can not imagine how 4 lights, "beep" and "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" can provide a "smidge" more SA

Well it shouldn't light all 4 when locked, what should happen is the lights indicate the direction in which the lock is coming from generally, like a low res SPO-15

Was the SPO-15 audio different with different emitters?

Yes. The SPO-15 is the RWR seen in the Su-27, Su-25 and MiG-29 in DCS

The SPO-10 is very rudimentary but it should actually be better than it is in game

anyone here fuck around with the stock 172 in xplane 11?

this thing controls like fucking shit, the left turning tendancy is so drastic its literally unflyable.

I decided to try to let the autopilot try to fly the aircraft and even it couldnt handle the retarded fucking physics in the plane.

pic related: i gave the a/p a simple command, follow GPS and maintain 5000 feet. it then proceded to lose and gain altitude at a rate of +/- 1500 fpm and would turn wildly in every direction.

It would get so extreme that the autopilot would just disengage, as seen in the pic. I wasnt looking at the monitor and noticed the aircraft going into a steep dive. apparently the a/p was having such a hard time it just fucking disengaged without warning.

am i doing something wrong? or is this shit really just broken

pic related again;

its maintaining GPS track this time, but for some reason initiating a 1000 fpm climb at a 30 degree bank while already being 80 feet above its altitude hold

why the fuck

I had a similar problem , did you calibrate your joystick?
Use the Calibration tool in game, i have to do that every time i start up xp11.

yeah, I've calibrated it numerous times. I think the issue might have something to do with rudder and aileron trim

i can get the aircraft somewhat hand flyable if I trim it out significantly, but it only holds for a short time before doing some other stupid shit.

the problem is that I shouldnt even be able to trim ailerons and rudders since the 172 doesnt even fucking have those

That is weird can you unplug your joystick while the AP is on just to make sure it's not the sticks fault?
Or maybe it's just wind?

ill report back on this shortly, the flight im in is tied to FSeconomy so im going to just land as soon as I can and do a regular flight to fuck around in.

which brings me to another issue with xplane 11. is there no way to request specific approaches from ATC? I dont even seem to have the ability to contact the tower without filing an IFR flight plan and going through center.

this whole game just doesnt seem thought out. It's pretty, and I can see how the devs WANT this to work, but it just feels unfinished and borderline unplayable

sure am glad i fucking pirated this.

I think ill just go back to FSX for now

Try the 124thATC plugin for ATC and the game is fairly new but i think it has a lot of potential, at least in the graphical department it's above FSX.

But what i'm missing the most is AI traffic, the world is just so empty right now.

I'll give it a few more chances. I finally got the aircraft landed, but it was like riding a bull in a rodeo trying to control the aircraft down to the runway. As soon as I turned off autopilot the plane began to climb and turn in seemingly random directions.

it might be my controls, but I'll have to check that later. Im pretty dissapointed so far desu, the game has alot of potential but it just seems to be fundamentally broken. The ATC mod you linked seems pretty neat, ill check it out too.

I liked it better when he was dead.

>let's make an artistic installation by destroying thing I didn't make

I thought we agreed to keep /simg/ dead until there was content to talk about.

What is a comfy non-war simgame?

Let's talk about dating simulators.

jealous shitters

fuck off back to your gay discord