Oldschool Runescape - osrsg/rs07g/osg

memes that write themselves, edition

>Latest news
- New Jmod, Mod Curse - QA analyst
- Content & Dev Blog for upcoming poll (QoL, buffs, quests)
- Mod Delta - Content dev, has resigned from the team
- Dragon Slayer II poll is now closed
- Volcanic Mine buffs
- DMM Winter 2017 Season live now

Home World: 327
Clan Chat: OSG


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>DPS calculator

>Prices & money making

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previous thread (bad)

Other urls found in this thread:


pay up cunt

have an efficient day, my rs friends


the quest itself has nothing to do with runecrafting, its just that thenew boss and the monsters in the guild and the guild itself will drop talisman/runes etc

good morning everyone


its still night time user



dungeoneering when

never done dungeoneering is it good

but we got raids


whats duingeonering

whats it like

heBy dudes hows it gonig

not bad just saw some cute sexy ladies

hey good :P you

>this is what he does when he doesn't get the thread his way

basted flippin sudo

anyone wanna raid? - furion


I'm not raiding with someone who doesn't even have barrows gloves.

shut upshut upshut upshut upshut up

dungeoneering didn't require autistic connections if you want "fun"

but raids are easily soloable if you dont suck

do you suck



I'm 60k xp away from untrimmed rc cape. Is there anyway I can accidentally trim it after I get other 99s. I know I have to drop it and telegrab when I ding 99 but anything else?

then no complaining

drop on and then telegrab from f2p worlds if you do it on mems it will be trimmed

you can hop and get the 99 and then hop back if its a mem skill

>Clan Chat: OSG
stop changing the OP you retard, noone even goes to that cc anymore


>makes new thread
>old thread didn't even hit bump limit / reached page 10 yet
the current state of osg mods lol

Already reported. My friend is a janitor so I would say they have a little surprise coming to them.

>My friend is a janitor
my dad works for jagex

you won't get away with this again

> →
Watch me you impudent little phillistine. I've won more internet fights than you've had hot dinners. I was photoshopping memes while you were still suckling on your mother's titty.

>I was photoshopping memes while you were still suckling on your mother's titty.
literally a confession of who the shitposter is lads

I tried to warn you all

Guess again clown.

kys roggy you dumb attentionfag

>girl character
>feminine rsn

epic fucking falseflagging

nth for qt girls! :3c

>creates new thread just as things were getting heated

Nice evasion tactics. View the end of the previous thread to get some insight on the people who make these threads and new clan chats on the fly.

did anyone really have any doubts on who it was though?

Just trying to spare some innocent new players user

keep up the good work user. we can't have our newfriends falling for their tricks

>several hours into Sulliuscep woodcutting for fossils
>10 large fossils
>18 small fossils
>1 medium fossil
>medium fossils make up like half the exhibits
I don't think I'm going to make it lads

kinda comfy though, besides when the Archaeologist decides to wander over and ass ravage you.


New Queen


>QA have been making fantastic progress on Make-All, so much so that we're confident in saying it will officially release NEXT WEEK!

It's time to stop posting, Kelsey.

Home World: 327
Clan Chat: Roggy


when is the stream in EST time?

do you think sayob jerks off to his own character

he dick dont work

who wouldnt

big if true

why does this game still have graphics from 2005, wtf

why wouldnt it

muh nostalgia
really wish that oshd project actually took off or teamed up with the jmods and added it to the official client or a side client somehow

Um I've got some news for you anons...

do you really wish that i guess we could have a lot more for 14 year olds but thats it



your sentence is literally in cipher


maybe if youre a dumb norm

why do I care about the age of what it could potentially attract? I care about my visual experience and rshd is nice looking, especially water and lava compared to now

>having shit behind a right click
literally xp waste

yeah i bet it does look nice to a dumb retarded teenbro youre right

this is a good post. how do you intend to tell the jmods this, the moment you try to post it on reddit it'll get downvoted to hell because you spoke against mod ash and reddit's praises

change the second paragraph to something that sounds less like a bitchy manchild whinge and you can post this on reddit

Reminder that this thread is fake, and to report and hide it.

This has potential to cause an uproar but you see, the problem that most Veeky Forums users have is knowing when to not insult someone, especially if you want them (reddit) to agree with you.

What is the proper way to slay Jad if I wante slayer helm benefit? I unlocked the "Hotter" whatever thing for 100 poitns but it says I may have a chance of getting Jad.

Does this mean I wait for a task that asks me to kill TzHaar or will it specifically say Slay 1 Jad? Do I need to unlock boss slayer too?

if u want it to say something better for reddit write and ill fix

ya you need boss task

I thought it gives you an option of either or when you get the task?

Alright thanks. If I get my fire cape and have no intention of slaying in the fight cave should I relock TzHaar tasks or just safe spot them for obsidian gear drop chances?

every thread until you like it

i like it

doings listenings?

ye here:

>kinda wanna make a wyvern alt
>don't wanna get B gloves or fire cape

regen bracelet
and fire cape is easy to get.

The fuck am I looking at here?

a bot

half the fun of making an alt is doing all the nooby low level stuff again

except you now know what you're doing so it all flies by in a couple days

what's wrong with this other than your bot client

probably an ironman that got lucky with a ranger hat
theres no guarantee that book is filled

>two threads for one general
>one made first and with double the posts
>one made second by an hour and with half the posts
>mods haven't done anything

a good question

Do cactus needles regrow once picked or do I have to clear the patch and replant a seed?

They regrow.

Wish I had know that as a poor shitter.

Yea, the three spines per pick really add up.

>idling around in world 1 grand exchange like a noob
>suddenly receive a message
>"nice big ass :)"
>wearing my lederhosen shorts like the f2p cumslut that i am
>figure he won't report me, pull those shorts down and flash my ass at stranger
>freaks out and compliments me more
>offers up 200k for me to follow him to a nearby house so he can fuck me full of hot cum
>20 minutes later
>back in grand exchange waiting for more big dicks with 200k well earned

please die