League of Legends General - /lolg/

NA potentially on suicide watch edition


How many more games?

>You doubted we'd be the best NA team at worlds user?


New eve with a hextech gunblade is a fucking beast, just try it you won't regret it

2 tiebreaker games




I want to marry boxbox

>Samsung beating LZ
thanks for the laugh user

shut up and suck my cock gayboy, get your injection of testosterone because your body doesn't produce any

Can Zac feel pain? I mean... he's just goo.

pob /comfy/

xth for I want to sexually abuse taric!

xth for Syndra

>Implying western teams aren't half imported asian players

>immortals is completely destroyed mentally, cody sun pulled off one of the worst plays in worlds history, pobelter is frustrated, flame can't carry these shitters
>fnatic is hyped up, soaz is untilted, they just got to spend a whole game watching their every move

why even play the game, just go to the next one

>Cody can't play tristana so he has to pick twitch away from rekkles

They are DONE.

Nobody ever doubted that and it's never been false

52 minute game user 52 minutes

>Fnatic picking Naut over Galio
>Picking Naut top over support
>Picking Courage over Stone

For what fucking purpose?

never thought i'd see this meme used here desu

my all-time ADC top 10:
>Cpt Jack

>ezreal again


Well, fnatic is full eu.

>Fanatic got Janna
>Rekkless on a champ with actual escape tools
This game is gg.

>cody sun pulled off one of the worst plays in worlds history
I haven't been watching. Was it the flash knockback?

>rakan up

gg IMT

>Somehow Fanatic still lose
remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

xth for Syndra AND Zed

>Rating NaMei and WeiXiao
GTFO Frosk




Wow user you're diamond now, i wish I was that good. I would trade my entire family to be platinum.

good reference

>Rakan not picked
gg FNC

xth for Cute Ashe

EU vs NA Edition

I respect your opinion but just seeing that there is no rekkles I assume its shit
whenever you like fnc or not you have to agree that rekkles is a good adc

>froggen's immense autism used to make him a feared mid-laner across the world
>he became a normie and now he's struggling to compete in NA

uuh lolbabs?


Trust me, you don't wanna be plat. It's legitimately the worst elo.

i have bad feelings about it

snoopeh's look tells it all

>get plat
>first 3 games while plat have people inting on my team

fuck this elo

gargoyle stoneplate was a mistake
redemption was a mistake
shen rework was a mistake
chogath rework was a mistake
locket was a mistake
knights vow was a mistake
ardent was a mistake
rageblade was a mistake
lulu attack speed was a mistake
i am so tilted watching this game be played competitively

rekkles was very close, but i couldn't justify putting him in the top 10 when his peak is super lackluster compared to these guys

Her husband, you ding dong.

>So Ass

>soaz already tilted
oh lol

(not him) I would give away my mid dia account to get my 5 years back...
I always hated this game but I am just too competitive and I can't play shooters and Dota never really gave an incentive to play rank (MMR inflation, when I calibrated at 3500mmr it was the top, 5k mmr was the highest anyone ever had, now pros are reaching 10k mmr easily.) so it left me with league

Soaz definitely on tilt

Fucking Soaz
Imagine calling yourself a professional player, yet you don't know what Ezreal jungle does
fucking amazing baguette brainlet

>soaz begins
I was hoping this wouldn't happen, and that they would sub someone in, but it seems it is too late now.

Yes that would be me, hi.

gargoyle and lulu as are the only true mistakes
ardent on worlds patch is bullshit but its better now so i dont want to include it

>soaz feeding again
I swear if Fanatic lose again because of him i'm gonna be so tilted.

>Finally got to plat
>Everyone has a ego the size of the moon
>People are still shit
>Everyone keeps tilting

Hi Rekkles

>being this much of an intentional dummy

you've already shown why syndra would never love you


will they ever buff looloo again ? ;__;

Zed? What are you doing posting on a anime image board?

So Eve is shit (gameplay wise)?

Syndra has a wife though.

plat 1 made me quit the game

people are so full of themselves, esp the d5/4 shitters, you are guaranteed to see sperging out every single game

does anyone know any pros that post on Veeky Forums?

Hey don't bully Syndra user.


i can confirm this
it's full of retarded people who throw games and even gold 1 players are better

yeah a guy called The Grand Line he's a really good EUW player :^)

How did this ugly cunt end up with such a hot girlfriend

but dyrus is pretty hot

Idk what you're talking about, but have fun projecting as always.

Well I hope the rest of your life makes you happier. I did nothing at all for the last 5 years, and I have no skill in anything. Have a good time of day where you are located.

because he's not a manlet

hey i have a bowser rammus/ufo corki account how much do i sell it for and where

Because he has money.

What a cute girl

>shit talking dyrone

imaqtpie used to post on Veeky Forums

I'll give you 2 dollarydoos for it

>presses q
>presses r
>starts right-clicking

/ourguy/ pobelter has played in Veeky Forumss

twitter memes are okay


no thanks

yeah im here dude


>malzahar passive



>NA doesnt know about Malz passive

How is Eve, guys?

Can we just get our hopefully not last GAM game already?

(him) Exactly the same situation. Managed to quit for a year and was pretty happy, then nosedived back into this shithole after playing a few games to blow off steam after a week of heavy coursework.

fun but useless in jungle before 6

>NA team
>Korean, Filipino, Half-Korean, Vietnamese, Korean

>poopbelter is one of the best NA adcs

>my boy malz putting in work in worlds

Got my balls dry all night