League of Legends General - /lolg/


pob looks ready to go home

cody twitch v rekkles trist


gargoyle stoneplate was a mistake
redemption was a mistake
shen rework was a mistake
chogath rework was a mistake
locket was a mistake
knights vow was a mistake
ardent was a mistake
rageblade was a mistake
lulu attack speed was a mistake
i am so tilted watching this game be played competitively

>riot made a censored eve loadscreen
but why

>ezreal jungle again
pack it up boys


to stop losers like you from jerking off to cartoons

>midriff is not okay
alright but consider this
nice tummies

Pob is really gonna go 0-4 again, isn't he

i think fnc has the better team comp here

Dunno about you user but the heart on her tummy (womb) turns me on more.

>xmithie blowing a flash again

why are these "pros" not warding against jungle ezreal when the enture reason you play him is for his early ganks

The disrespect. Also it's another NA early lead only to throw episode.

Why did he flash away from the turret? He either dies under it where turret can attack enemies, or he dies away from it where Malz can ult him without aggroing the turret.

>NA vs EU
>thread dies

if this is 3 way tiebreaker why is GAM only playing 1 game?

So is imt gonna lose?

>spell flux doesn't break malz' spell shield
fucking /remake

Will GAM beat FNC after this game?

shitters against worse shitters

Pob is tilted after that bullshit spellshield. Giving Malzahar a spellshield was so unnecessary.

But will it reflect on the model or is it limited to the splash? For various reasons, it's a neat alternate look.

it might be
its hard to tell when theyre changing how they package the goddamn files

Time will tell then, but thank you for the insight. I like her true form significantly more than her guise when it comes to the base skin, so having more of that shadowy material would be neat.

>IMT only playing one tank in this meta

> "Oh fuck I finally got into gold 5 promos"
> Make skarner my little slut as shyv
>Riot games spoggoti code crashes the game >makes logging in impossible
> "Loss" even though my team won

It cant get worse guys?

>lets make files in a .wad
>make sure they cant edit them
>be sure to fuck up filenames too
its so fucking irritating. I have to figure out the file names at this point or hope theres a way to mess with the .wad files.

trying to mess with them causes a bugsplat and immediate repair on the game which is pretty annoying to start with. im not sure how i can manage to make this work

Your expertise in this matter heavily outweighs mine, so I can't help but be a little impressed in the face of knowledge on a subject I've never dealt with.

IMT is pathetic. Cody Sun should never play pro league of legends after this.

i wonder when these trash western teams will realise that they can't put in half the amount of effort and practice as the korean teams and expect to compete with them.

maybe season 10

He's worse than keith lol.

ggs to fnc

every time I crash or dc I have to pretty much restart my computer to get back in
the client is ass

rip "huge euge"

>league of chogath

Called it before worlds started.

Its a ADC meta and Faggy Sun is a shit tier ADC.
There was no way IMT was going through.

see this red green and blue square set? these are what *i believe to be* 3 of her base textures. i have no idea if they really are because theyre in the wad file and unpacking em fucks up everything.

in the event i manage to find a way to mess with the data, her entire model will be one of 3 colours you see here. if i fail it will look normal. the issue now is what the fuck do i do here to make them show up since wad editing isnt really working out. even file redirection isnt working out

to quote someone who actually knows more about reverse engineering
>Turns out the header is actually a ECDSA public key and signature, so, according to what I've read, it's basically impossible to modify the file without re-signing it with the private key
and without explaining the crypto shit behind this, its essentially a "fuck you" given by riot

what game was this image taken?

I'm assuming the gauntlet vs C9

pretty sure cody is the worst adc at worlds, so glad he's exposed for his bullshit, even doubleshit doesn't play this badly when he chokes

he cant even compete against rekkles or GAM's adc

>GM where just memeing all this time
>They are actually on par with the koreans

>already excited for Victorious Graves and diamond border
>realise that I got banned for 14 days earlier this season and that even bronze players will get more rewards than me

yeah, k thanks

you could mitm it, and tell rito that you are using the original files, while your client thinks you are using the official files despite using modified ones (you might just have to sign them yourself)

I have no idea how to do this in practice, and if riot implements some secret function you forgot to cover in your "translations" between your end and riots end they will find out something is amiss

how fucking long did it take you guys to get honor 4 from honor 3, ive gotten so many honors but just
not honor 4 yet
fuck you riot go fucking kill yourselves you fucking shitty company

got told by one of the lads who knows what to do and he says i can jump the signature check if i wanted, but due to having no programming background im out and hes obligated not to help me on this

honors don't matter. you need to play a lot of pvp matches.

really? does blind pick count

yes just don't get reported

so reports count vs you and honors don't lol? that makes no sense, either youre misinformed or straight lying

Number of reports you've received limits your max honor ranking I'm pretty sure
If you mute all every game or are the kind of person to never say anything than you should easily acquire honor level 5 regardless of how little games you carry

you get honor progress for every game played
honors give a miniscule bonus
reports give an honor penalty
getting banned is instant honor 0

thanks, so i shouldn't beg for honors anymore?
does winning give more honor progrss?

Well, I guess there was no way they'd win. Heh.

Well still fuck Fnatic for getting themselves into this bind.

I really wanted GAM to pull through, they have the same chance of winning as Fnatic i.e. zero but with GAM we would have got some fun matches out of it, all we have to look forward to now is watching them get knocked out on their first set as soaz feeds out of his mind because he's utter shit



There are two threads.

will I get to masters this season

Will I replace soaz as the new Fnatic toplaner?

holy shit these proportions

How do we fix immortals?


Bring back Huni, Reignover, and Wildturtle.

get on my level

how to kite using the A key? when I press it, it only shows the AA range
I know theres some kind of cheat you guys use to attack the nearest enemy champion

Dota/bro/ here

can you guys tell Riot to put this Eve girl in my game? she's hot


>from 2-1 to 2-5

So is Eve still shit? I know she'd never work in her current state in competitive, but what about the disorganized mess that is solo q?

only if you put skeleton king back into your game
complete turds in terms of carrying, somewhat of a great assassin for single target kills though though

Will I become a pro at Smash bros

>legitimate thread deleted

>get honor 4 super fast
>still no honor 5

We back here now?

I kept saying I really liked true form - adorable, attractive and yeah intimidating - and I stand by that all the more now.

Why does lolg always fucks up with new threads?
Also best couple!


>Last thread to be posted is being kept
Fucking fags

At least the anti-lulu thread was also deleted.
So this is fair i guess.

xth for Syndra

Classic 0-4 comeback script

It was well done

Will I lose my virginity before I turn 25?

Honor 3 and Honor 5 were quick for me, 4 was the slow grind.

Untrue. I made two Ornn OPs twice in a row with no issue.

It's not about Anti-Lulu, or at least that's not the important part. It's about variety. Change is good.




And i was exited to be posting in Mallet Man thread.


Will I get Masters and/or Challenger next season?

xth for Cute Ashe

Is Ashe the cuttest Freljord ?

Don't reply to any of my posts EVER again, you fucking retard.

will I be a challenger mundo by next season

But ez is their fucktoy

This image is like a parody of really small mouths in anime

>tfw just wrote a 20 sentence paragraph to riot why I'm toxic and added screenshots of people telling me to kill myself and get cancer for the whole game while.

if they dont get banned then im legit gonna kill myself and state that the reason for doing so was because of the toxic enviorement riot wouldnt deal with even after i beg them,hopefully my discord erp friends will sue them >.

Post your main and off role


>Aviator skin line
They're obviously waiting on the Irelia VGU to set the bar higher and charge us more, heh before making more, that's all.
>without mentioning the icon
I thought it was pretty nice, is it not so to you? Are you one of those who preferred her original splash-art? I liked both versions, though, the more Oriental look had its charm.
>more short hair skins
Lux got one relatively recently, even if it took an Ultimate, so I wouldn't put it past Sona and Soraka.

Objectively, yes. If Sejuani and Lissandra have a 'soft' side to them then they could compete. They're all pretty attractive though.

You need to chill the heck out bro


Thinking of switching Top for Mid or ADC though.

Will I ever win my masters promo duoing with my retarded girl?

>because ardent is so good now I can press fill and nearly always get jungle or top
no better feeling