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nth for wiki girl

what is the best salyer task

Helmie here
I'd say nechs / gargs / black demons (gorillas).
Gotta love them seeds and alchs

i'm a helmie too lol :P what's a neck? is that a necharyeal? ive never done them im only 48 slayer

Yes. Abby spectres are great too, lots of herbs, but less seeds.

>this fella killing brutal blacks
should I tell him

so the guide to infernal eel fishing says theyre good for ironmeme moneymaking from the onyx tips, but where the fuck are you supposed to get rune bolts to attach them to to alch?

Demonic gorillas + Wyverns

> 70-80 combat: wagecuck
> 90+ combat: Scrooge mcDuck-tier wealth

Endgame *should* have the best and most options, but throw the little guys a fucking bone jesus christ.


Our New Queen!!!

QT, Southern, good runescape knowledge.


why is she playing as a guy

>Let me search up some straight pornography so I can see two penises.

I bet you're not even an ironman

god damn I just cannot kill zulrah
everytime it changes to tanzanite, I get destroyed, even with brews as food

what am I doing wrong??
i'm 75 magic with toxic trident and 80 ranged with blowpipe btw

what bird is that

Quickprayers are Protect from Magic and Eagle eye. Make it just a 2-3 way switch and nail that first.

Pensive Canada Goose

what kind of bird

that's what I'm praying + steel skin for max defence
it still hits constant 30+ with its ranged attacks

what do you mean? are you talking about wealth distribution?

>rune pick

she literally said shes too lazy to camp for d pick

Ye my mistake, didnt realize she was a helmie


>Mod Ghost designing the Gargoyle bosses
>check out his previous works
>Zulrah + snek items, zeah, all ornament kits
oh no


T-this is the thread


Why are there two threads?

>spend two hours making Tuna Potatos for RFD
>use sixteen of them in total
I fucked up

Why are you posting in the thread that was made an hour after the real thread?

checked the catalog for new thread and searched for "/osg/"
this one was the first search result

this thread was made after the old thread ended. not hours before it ended...

osg mods btfo

braindead tranny cuck mods on suicide watch as per usual

>spend two hours to make food that heals 2 hp more than sharks

osg mods are still people too even if they don’t show it

fuck off penn you worthless paki shitstain

OP deliberately made this thread to rival the other for whatever reason, despite the other being made first and been up for an hour.
This is the new thread: If you want a more in depth answer you'll have to ask them in that cc of yours.

The real thread is here

>OP deliberately made this thread to rival the other for whatever reason, despite the other being made first and been up for an hour.
>this is what "osg" mods actually believes

This false flag anonymous cc wars shitposting meme was old in 2015

the spoiler looks like a penis lol

So fuck off and go to your shit thread

Instead of fueling the cc war, just stay in your own god damn thread

piss off cunt

Loser OSG mods need to give up. It's over.

Where would one look to buy bulk swamp tar?

Alright we get it. OSG mods are tossers stfu.

from the ge, or if youre a helmie, zulrah

g.e has a limit 13k/day

I want to buy 1mil+

ask other people to buy them for you and pay them 10k as a reward

kill yourself dhargash

t. dhargash

smol gz pls first unique



gz tanzer

fuck off penn


>using zulandra tele scrolls
doesnt that result in a loss?

kill yourself penn
you put false info in your OP, again

>75 magic
>80 ranged
That's really low. Get 85 in both stats and you should be fine.

Half my tasks are fucking elves, the other half are dagganoths, and the last half are fucking metal dragaons what is wrong with this video game

dunno its comfy and they're pretty cheap now
also got 700 gambles but missed the screenie

ur comfy

why are you gambling away all your points?

Aynone care to explain why there are two official cc's? And what's all this drama about?

same stuff

osg mods are nazis

oh fuuuggggggggg Golem pet


why are there 2 threads?

>max stats
>max gear
>still cant kill more than 2 kqs per trip even with attack flinching
what the FUCK is her problem?

i love you
For the pet. What else would I use them on? I have everything unlocked

whats the chance to get the pet from volcanic mine?


Who's boipussi do I want to fugg? yours

Maybe he just can't afford barrows or something


shut up tranny, noone likes you
fuck off

*tickles your penis* :3

boaty aka /ourguy/ died on his HCIM
what now?

So cute!!!
He didn't die, what you on about?

Is this cosplay? Or did this champ actually upgrade to an Ely? Wtf

he did and now he's droptrading everything over to his main

uh what a dumbass

Does the silly guy have to drop trade on steam? Someone's gonna steal all his stuff


nice tastes in music bud

I'm playing osrs on campus and this girl has tendies right next to me. They smell awful.

what the fuck


whats with all these champs

am i retarded or do you not get bonuses without the full set?....

You only get void bonuses if you wear the full set (any void helm, top, bottom and gloves)

making sure I understood the meme, thanks

You are welcome


void has good magic defence

Am I the only one who hates slayer? This skill is so boring. Whenever I get assigned a task, I'm doing the same thing over and over again: equip melee gear, slay monsters that use melee, pickup some shit alchables and repeat.

Why is there no variety? Like, why are there not more monsters that use different attack styles similiar to gorillas? Or monsters with unique mechanics (some monsters require you to have +100 str bonus to be damaged, some require very high accuracy etc, you know)