/scg/ /edg/ Elite Citizen: Star Dangerous General #212

>ED info:

2.4 is out and has already been ruined, RIP E:D it was a good run.

Space legs never.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Ayy Lmao
>Star Citizen Information:
3.0 Is in evocati NDA release.

It is the standing Recommendation of /scg/ that if your game package contains an Aurora MR, Aurora ES or Mustang Alpha you would be well served to upgrade it to an Aurora LN.
It's only like ten bucks and provides a significant increase in firepower and survivability without any real downsides.
Be aware, this is the gateway drug to wasting your life savings on spaceship jpegs,
keep your discipline and don't upgrade further unless you hate money and love waiting, frustration, feelings of betrayal and high blood preassure.


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.
However these games are not the topic of this thread.

Old and Busted:

Other urls found in this thread:


Old thread.

Have you seen the IC?
>my teir 1 non-tracking missles are no longer tracking in this new build
>+200 confirmations
Damn right only the ETF can be trusted to make a report

'Threadly' reminder that Star Citizen will have it's commercial release before the announcement of Half Life 3

>2.4 is out and has already been ruined, RIP E:D it was a good run.

I'm a clueless outsider, I only heard that 2.4 adds aliens to shoot at, which sounds kinda cool. Why is the game ruined now?

they've aggressively murdered every money making "exploit" there is only the grind now. The aliens are literally nothing, another set of half assed cutscenes, box collection missions and unkillable ayylmao starfish ships with plot armor.

>Have you seen the IC?
Ever since it's inception.
Hardly a valid reason to deny backers access to what they paid for I was reminded recently there were people who paid $5 to get alpha access and when it was given to all in a big showy speech by CIG how it was "wrong" to charge for Alpha and it should be for all backers they were given store credit.
MMW CIG will shelve the Evocati and make another big deal about it all, the streamers who get access regardless will agree with CIG it was a good thing and those who had access will sulk and kick up a stink over all the "bads" not using the IC properly :(

Sounds like they took out all of the fun from the game.

Plax is gay and retarded

Seeing evo scrapped and seeing the evo cultists sulk about it would almost be worth all this bullshit.

As a non-cult whale I hate those faggots more than anyone else related to SC, I like derek more than I like Cult Whales. those fucks are the ones who want to solo fly caps and ruin group play, and they're the ones that agitate for exclusivity and special snowflake programs for them to suck each other off about. fuckers would intentionally make the game worse just so they can feel unique and powerful in it.


They do seem to hate fun.
They have a VISION for how everything should work and Grind is part of that. Any time someone finds a way to shortcut the grind Fdev nukes it and sometimes even rollbacks it. Heaven forbid any gameplay emerges, Emergent gameplay, the lifeblood of online games, is not in the VISION.

Croberts blatantly lied and fed the very people who has made the SC project a reality false hopes with the whole "3.0 before the end of 2016" from fucking last year, on stage no less.
Said people who for the most part at this point in time are looking like fucking jerk-offs with one or more fucking jpegs
Don't fucking be a cuck-sucking inbred telling those people that they're "not entitled" to fucking know what the fucking deal is, the deal being why is Croberts willing to go as far as pull shit from his ass and give it to the very people who has "donated" their hard-earned shekels
I mean if Croberts and CIG as a whole are the 'would-be-space-sim heroes' that people clearly make them out to be, how come they got to "save face" by feeding the masses false hopes when it comes to giving a 'status' on the development of the gayme???
It wasn't fucking ready LAST YEAR and it isn't fucking ready at this very fucking moment
This shit gets my almonds going like no other

You're mad because yoy cant buy your way to evocati

wouldnt worry about it too much

people are severly underestimating how much CIG wants to ensure 3.0 is well received. removing NDA for this patch would be a critical failure, especially when 90% of the people who think theres anything to see behind that NDA just want to use it as a tool to attack CIG.

There will be no real reason for NDAs after the patcher, and if they don't have a PTU and live game running at almost all times with open access or the same access that current 1-2nd PTU wave gets, THEN start getting worried about how they're managing this. and if you're the kind of turd who just wants to play the patch early without reporting issues in either build then it will be more incentive than ever for people to be active on the issue council and actually have some kind of impact on the game

I don't want to be part of the secret club, I want there to not be a secret club, If I wanted into evocati I'd be in it, I was offered and turned it down because I didn't want to be legally bound.

Ah so its that common developer trope again, where they're trying to make their game sterile and stable at all costs, without realizing that doing so erases any possibility for enjoyment to take place.

No, we are mad because we paid for access, but are denied by twink no life faggots who do what should be paid work for free and perpetuate CIG's ego of not being a complete dumpster fire of a dev.


Holy fuck, the alpha version is already better thaan eve kek!


They even have a functional DUST like FPS!

DUST was absolute garbage though so its not hard to top that.

>buh mah numbas

Check out this amazing snapshot of the 90's!

Its shit kek

I want you to know the apples are objectively better than oranges.

Evocati had a genuine use prior to the delta patcher, we'll see how it goes from here.

But its not a secret club. Everybody knows about it, and how to get into it.

Both taste a lot better than pumpkin. That I can tell you.

>and he didnt even need to wait 3 months to acquire the SP for the gladius


>But its not a secret club. Everybody knows about it, and how to get into it.
Except you can't get into it if you've been a naughty poster on Spectrum or Reddit no matter how good a tester you are.
The only measure of skill the ETF has is how good at sucking flaccid STD ridden cocks you are and if you can maintain eye contact without looking dead inside.

>Posting on Spectrum
>Reddit posting having any bearing on anything


>Underwhelming ship explosions
This is it

Plenty of testers out there who have submitted many IC and not been considered for ETF because they're a little negative of CIG on spectrum and reddit.
Please don't try and deny that doesn't happen we all remember when CIG's internal backer tagging system was found.
This is what makes the ETF such a farce it's not there for using the best testers frequently and quickly it's there to control and buffer backers.
The fact the ETF were not used once in the last 8 months not even for the Gamescom demos shows they're not for testing.
Although it was mildly amusing to see the ETF raging at CIG that they were not given access to the Gamescom demo just like backers are raging they're not given access to the "ETF" builds. Shame the ETF is too dense to see what it was like when the shoe was on the other foot.

>CIG is the NSA

>we all remember when CIG's internal backer tagging system was found.

do we? I'm sure they know who you are from talking on spectrum, but not reddit. Especially after what I say on there and the fact I'm in the Evocati just fine.

tfw last time I bothered making any posts on autismo spectrum, back when autismo spectrum was new, they banned me for a week for doing the 'we have to go deeper meme' with the hulk hogan faces

>do we? I'm sure they know who you are from talking on spectrum, but not reddit. Especially after what I say on there and the fact I'm in the Evocati just fine.
Some idiots use their same usernames on both because they think it's important people know who they are or something.



The only time when eve was popular was when plex was more or less affordable.
Its nowhere near SC or E:D. Its not even a space sim. Its a third person single character RTS.

stallaris has higher APM and you play half of a stellaris match paused to multitask

eve has one reason for existing so long, and it's the same reason anyone still plays WoW since day 1. they're litterally too invested in it to stop, it would be soul crushing guilt and emptiness to stop

EVE is a classless space MMORPG, you level skills(books) and upgrade equipment(ships) to customize your character. EVE has more in common with WoW or EQ than it does with SC or E:D, all it shares with E:D and SC is that they're all set in the future in space.

>tfw just stopped wow like two months ago after 12 years.
They finally ruined enough things for me to quit.
Also EVE does have one thing that few games can match and that the whole player driven geopolitical and macroeconomic metagame. What you do in EVE can actually matter on a grander scale. I hope SC captures a little bit of that.

I would say thats more of the game than anything else.

God knows the fighting doesn't have any depth to it

Go back to sleep, Ben.

I was negative as fuck about CIG on their old forums and I still got in

Don't lump erectile dysfunction with actual MMOs.

Anyone here is into evocati inner circle? How does 3.0 look? From what I've seen from leaks it's even bigger piece of shit than current PU.

These threads are always full of kneejerk losers who don't have any reading comprehension at all.

Comparing it to the current PU is pretty much exactly why its on the ETF. Its not done.

thank (you) senpai

its literally 2.9

y no one is taking muh b8 :-/

have a (you)

yeah absolutely, thats not something players are in control of in any other games to that degree. and i'm sure it's the main thing that would be "fun" after the first 2-3 hours of experiencing literally everything the gameplay has to offer

unless CIG steps in and changes some serious shit then it shouldnt be too much different for SC, just with some actual gameplay that involves the player playing the game. depends on how heavy they go on the AI police coming to save you if you're in a UEE system etc. i don't think it'll be on such a grand scale as eve at all but you'll certainly be able to strongarm players out of areas long term, and reputation of you as a player /org will be a constant factor. more emphasis on the individual

What about this thing? Shouldn't it be more than finished by now? I'm surprised it's not in 3.0.


It's buggy, but there are a few nice things. You can now equip separate pieces of armor instead of full one piece suits, so no more being forced to wear the shitier helmets. Moon landings are neat. Npcs wandering around stations was ok until they went all horror movie and started standing in a straight line staring into space. Being able to close/open/lock doors from your seat is handy. The new radar globe is better looking. Guns seem to overheat more slowly. They say they're bringing cruise mode back. Cargo sort of works.

Well yes, but when the schedule page that has the 3.1/3.2 stuff on it came out it was like May and 3.0 was scheduled for June.

How about guns overheating in space vs atmoshpere? Cooling in atmosphere should be way more efficient.

how are the moons? Would it be possible for you to take a close up screenshot of an asteroid around Yela? I'm particularly interested in see the progression of space rocks.

star citizen is an objectively almost unplayable title in its present state that lacks any semblance of direction along with anything resembling a meaningful, fun, or engaging flight model. it is completely lost in terms of development direction and systems that must indeed exist for it to be a passable space 'sim' or otherwise are totally undeveloped or entirely absent

there will be nothing even resembling progression or advancement within the game for quite seriously years to come and what is progression in SC even going to amount to? accumulating credits? garnering new ships that people have already had the ability to pre-purchase for years? all that the game has to sell is an angle on social interaction that other titles haven't been able to touch upon and every indication presently given is that SC as it stands is a burgeoning mess of a game positively tripping over itself at every turn to simultaneously satisfy each and every scatterbrained design goal laid out by someone as close to a manchild as it gets.

haven't thought to check that. I did once blow up a crashed vanguard because I realized it was actually my abandoned ship from a previous session, and I was able to fire for a pretty long sustained burst without issue.

texture scaling on environmental objects still seems a little screwy right now

The fact that this isn't pasta should really bring shame to your family name

arena commander is fun
persistent universe is fun
star marine is fun

Go back to bed, Ben.

arena commander is fun
persistent universe is barely playable
star marine is shit

Its wierd that they fucked up the FPS module the most considering the framework already in place using CryEngine. Would have thought that would be the easiest part to implement to a decent level

I can mathematically prove this as false.

>arena commander is fun
yes, back in 2014
>persistent universe is fun
maybe when you finally get around to adding all the positive parts of persistence instead of just the negatives.
>star marine is fun

But do the asteroids look any different? I know it's asking a lot, but if you're playing right now, it would be nice to see the Yela asteroid belt from space, with the moon in the background. My dick would thank you. I'll give you a spicy /pol/ maymay in exchange.

it's a dip, you meme.

v0.8 was shit, so no AC wasn't fun in 2014 you poser

Weapon skins confirmed I guess. Are you hype for lockboxes?


these things are used to create drag and make things not fast

Known this for ages, they did segments on it months ago

but it makes it LOOK fast, user.

I am somewhat frustrated by some of CIG's behavior, but I also appreciate the work they are doing and I'm completely comfortable waiting for things to happen because I have not spent an unhealthy amount of money on the game, and I'm not desperate for outrage.

avatarfagging is against the rules

>make things not fast
Well that depends on how you look at things

any new patches today? CIG better be turning them out like clockwork

they're already off for the weekend user

The concept was worse.


> check screenshot folder because I just took a trip in a caterpillar to yela
>fucking watermark is right on top of the ring on nearly all the shots.

God damn you, cig. This is the only one I have where the belt wasn't covered by water mark. Up close the asteroid belt still looks about the same as it does on 2.6

Did they fix Qdrive yet or do you still have to fly down to the surface for ages? Or did they at least say anything about that?

maybe you need drag to do tight turns

Isn't that intentional? You fly to a "station" orbiting just outside the atmosphere and fly in. I believe they even made the atmospheres larger even as it didn't "feel realistic" to have the entry effects so close to the surface.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw someone do this.

why would they prioritize this in any way? i doubt it sold anywhere near well enough to warrant a rush delivery.

Well yes, but the way it was before I got b& you got dumped several hundred km away from the surface and it took several minutes at max speed just to get to the point where you enter the atmosphere.


Qdrive doesn't break early as much as it did the first couple of patches. It still takes for ever to actually fly down to a planet from the closest Orbital Marker. They're still discussing about ways to make planetary landing less painful. Cruise mode for the larger ships or more OMs to qt to seems the most likely. Thought the forum dads are already bitching that the time it takes is just fine, in fact, quantum travel seems a bit too quick for their tastes (forgetting that they're literally just jumping between a satellite and a moon orbiting the same fucking planet.) and we don't need more ways to get around planets, and the pvpers are already whining that cruise mode coming back will make it too hard to intercept ships in a sabre or super hornet or would let big freighters possibly escape them.

How long does it take to land on a planet exactly? Similar time to say travel Yela's ring to get to the outpost?

Not saying they should rush it, but they showed it several times on the UK ATVs. The webm is from an ATV that came out in April and back then it was pretty much art complete. Unless they put it on the backburner for some reason it should be done already.

Forum dads have to be the worst people in the community, where do they find the time to put up with all the shit they suggest? Don't they have work? A Family? Do they expect Star Citizen to be funded by a niche audience of people willing to put up with 10+ minutes of cruise every 30 minutes (after launch)?

That effect doesn't actually hide anything

Why is that?

Dads love it therefore

Cruise mode WAS fucking irritating to fight against, though. You've got to design combat around it being available too considering it negated missiles entirely and allows people to engage and disengage like its the teleporting shit in dragonball Z.

A little less time I suppose, thought it feels much longer because you don't really get the sensation of actually getting closer to anything for a while, Especially if you're flying to the dark side of a moon. They seriously need to do something to give to ships more light because it's basically pitch black on a moon's dark side, and nearly impossible to navigate. I just crashed into one and exploded (and they still have collision damage turned way down, so hitting something hard enough to actually explode takes some effort right now) while doing a recovery mission, because I couldn't fucking see the ground much less the crashed ship I was suppose to explore, and while there's no atmospheric flight physics yet, you do get your orientation fucked up once you hit a certain transition point.

they sure as hell didnt need to nerf weapon ranges to get rid of cruise mode.

the 2km max weapon ranges are cancer, completely invalidates half the ships in the game against fighters

it's still being considered, and probably wouldn't show up till few patches from now. Last I saw on the matter, the yellow text dude said they'd probably give it a long spool up time to fix the issue. So it would take considerable time and effort to ramp up to, not just "press button, suddenly go 8x faster" like before.

Spool time helps a lot rather than instant insane thrust from nowhere that made little sense but that does open up other opportunities to troll people with 2000m/s flyby shootings

>open up other opportunities to troll people with 2000m/s flyby shootings
Remember, even if they add Zoom, there's still not that much Boom to use with it.

And they have to add something, even CIG has finally realized that expecting ships to fly around real space at fucking 360m/s (the cat's max AB speed) or even slower is just not going to work.

High alpha strike weapons like rocket pods, missiles and torpedoes would be highly irritating to face if its launcher platform is travelling 3 times the speed you can without spooling

Torpedos and shit also need time to lock on. Or they could just disable weapons in cruise mode I guess.