League of legends general - /lolg/


fuck luluposters

Agreed friend

Previous thread:

When will Watsu fix Eyoson?

so anons who is going to win tomorrow?

is there a better feeling than this?

No NA teams play tomorow so who knows.

G2 and RNG


This was sloppy, but it was first, that's all.

Haven't played in 3+ years and redownloaded today but can't log in. Made a new account and searched my summoner name in client and it just says summoner not found even though my friends who haven't played in even longer, their profiles show up fine.

What do?

xth for Syndra

Yes, watching NA lose.


/whoquitlolbutcomeshereeveryyeartolaughatnascene/ here?

Best couple!

>Riot wants to fight 'toxic behavior'
>gives everyone a FREE passive aggressive thumbs up emote
Can someone explain their thought process to a dumb peasant like me?

post lol nice art.

>that brings me back
It's a timeless League of Legends classic. The song the dance part is cut from is fairly amusing too.
pic related

>Aviator skin line
They're obviously waiting on the Irelia VGU to set the bar higher and charge us more, heh before making more, that's all.
>without mentioning the icon
I thought it was pretty nice, is it not so to you? Are you one of those who preferred her original splash-art? I liked both versions, though, the more Oriental look had its charm.
>more short hair skins
Lux got one relatively recently, even if it took an Ultimate, so I wouldn't put it past Sona and Soraka.


there's none

Factually wrong

You can auto mute all emotes.

She did a piece for them, huh? Very nice. The way it resolves as you get closer to their faces has its charm.

Turns out money is ultimately more important than community health and toxicity for them.

>tfw thresh isnt meta
feels boring man

>emotes are for one purpose only
I know you said that you're dumb, but I think your real issue is narrow-mindedness and not taking the time to think. People do live busy lives.

Yes, your spelling most certainly is. Back to school now.

Probably permabanned for not logging on to their game, which is toxic by proxy.