Pizza time.mp3
Attorney Online is a client where you do mockup cases in the Ace Attorney style primarily, but other series such as Danganronpa, Zero Escape, and the like are replicated as well.
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Pizza time.mp3
Attorney Online is a client where you do mockup cases in the Ace Attorney style primarily, but other series such as Danganronpa, Zero Escape, and the like are replicated as well.
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Reminder Mia is the thiccest
Ugh, here comes frail attempts at civil discourse, then the "You are Verin" Blametrain kicks in and the thread dies.
why do we even try?
That's something Verin would say.
Because you people won't hop off Discord for one second to talk in the thread.
So, any good cases that happened recently?
Now THAT is what I wanna know
I don't even remember the names of cases anymore.
Turnabout Yandere was "good"
Well there was only DG/CTs recently so I won't blame you
No, that's not why. Normal cases just don't stand out to me anymore.
And don't blame DG/CT, blame autism chronos and scientist crocs cases and literal baby cases.
Why and how are there so many baby cases?
"Less stakes" probably makes it easier for rookie DAs to perform.
Only one person writes them.
And that person has made more than 15 already.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just have a normal shooting once in a while?
>there are now more baby cases than LSP, THE pinnacle of "too many sequel cases" on AO
My cat won't shut the fuck up whilst building.
What do I do?
Have you tried putting out the fire?
Whilst I'm building*
See, irritates the shit out of me.
Gun cases are always a mixed bag
They rely entirely on the detective not giving too much information and witnesses being creative.
They also rely on everyone being at the same level of knowledge about guns
Not him but he's right. These threads are literally nothing but shitposting and bitch.
Remember to vote on the strawpolls
>Puppetmaster distances themselves from a friend to avoid getting hurt when he leaves
>Sets a COMPLEX plan in motion
>Appoints Phantom but not Liquid as a mod from behind the scenes (VERY important, remember this!!)
>Creates a rift between the content creators and the moderators
>Has Big Band vetoed before voting commences
>The distanced friend as well as creator leaves, which doesn't hurt the Puppetmaster after the preparations in step 1.
>Liquid, who has frequently vocalized hate over the Puppetmaster, leaves shortly later
>Phantom, who the Puppeetmaster considers to be a smart and admirable person stays on as a mod
We don't even know R___'s endgame and we're all being played like puppet strings on a damn fiddle
Also things like this have to stop, stenos nowadays got this habit and it makes the old players less likely to join The doc becomes spammed with pictures and that's annoying.
But that's what a steno different from the other stenos user, I like it. Personally it makes reading it easier desu
What do you expect?
This general has been primarily used as a run off for salty faggots to anonymously complain about and shit on others because they're too much of a fucking pussy to say anything in-game.
People don't discuss cases anymore, nor really anything to do with the game, for one reason or another, starting with 'muh circlejerk' boogeyman.
Tell me about a good or interesting case that was run recently.
I haven't been on in a while and I'm interested in what kind of cases are going on at the moment.
Unfortunately, some stenos are just plain retarded and pull this shit. Whether it's filling the doc with unnecessary pictures slowing it down, or consistently talking mid-trial, people need to start giving them shit for it and telling them to shut the fuck up.
I say this as someone who mainly stenos whenever I come on.
There's nothing wrong with the odd picture, especially as a reaction to some really dumb shit being said, or a screenshot of someone saying something, but in that user's example, it's just unnecessary fluff.
tl;dr Keep your fucking autism in check.
Well sorry but the steno should not take such a role in the case, idc who's the steno I just want him to do his job.
Reactions/meme screenshots are fine, but not filling with waifu fagging.
People don't talk about cases because all the casing discussion is in the Discord and if you suggest to discuss cases in the thread they'll just go "ew no thread is cancer" so the odd soul that might stumble across Veeky Forums as such in days of yore won't know what the fuck is going on.
And trust me. The people who've discovered this game through Discord first are the worst.
How can you dicover the game through Discord? You need to be in it first so someone would have invited them.
Also is there really such players?
Who knows how but they exist somehow and they're awful.
Some of them aren't even really players
Discord was always a mistake but it has basically replaced the general and for good reason.
It's a shame, but considering the level of shitposting that plagued this general almost instantly after the move from /v/, it was inevitable.
It wasn't that bad until the Discord took over all topics of discussion. The more that people tried to dissuade people from using the thread and the more channels Discord got for literally every topic, of course it was going to be like this.
Are you referring to people in the Discord that does not play the game?
It sucks.
But this general really has no purpose anymore.
No one is going to consistently bump it or create one and even if they did no one else is going to use it for anything other than shitposting.
Might as well go back to the odd /v/ thread if desired. It'd be fine so long as the OP isn't just an obvious general post like the retards used to do.
Well we could just delete #casing on the Discord but >expecting people to suck it up and do something because it's the right thing to do. Then again, the only real reason to keep the general up is to stay in the VGL and I don't know if they'd be against keeping up a pity general just to continue competing.
Still seems odd to me anyways since I participate in other generals and Discords adn Discord and general and exist side-by-side for those games.
people like Korra
that wouldn't fix anything, people are no longer anons. If a case or AAI or CT is about to start, they'll PM their friends rather than posting in the thread, and the people who would be interested in it wouldn't be looking in the thread anyways.
AAI case in Courtroom 2, everyone is invited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then maybe a /v/ thread is the only solution. Force anonymity through mass of people.
The thing is, at this point, 2 years in and a relatively stable playerbase, there really is no anonymity anymore. Most people know most other people. That's not going to change.
A /v/ thread would be absolutely more valuable than a dead general, but at some point they're, probably, going to wind up on the discord anyway and then point of anonymity is moot.
>Discord and general and exist side-by-side for those games.
Normally because there's still value in actually posting in the general, I suppose. That and some people resist using Discord.
This general specifically doesn't really have any value as anytime a case is discussed, most of the time someone will be salty or just shitpost about either the case or someone in the case.
Also, now the majority of the playerbase already uses the discord over the thread, that's something which is almost impossible to re-balance.
Apple in AOV when?
Clovo and peepo did that and they're really old fags.
Stenos have always done that. The fuck are you on?
What I think needs to happen is making the discord illegitimate. It needs to stop being recognized and supported by the mod staff. Whether that's no longer making official server announcements, or even mod staff leaving or deleting the discord, nothing will happen as long as the community discord exists as a tumor growing off of the official server body
>People don't talk about cases because all the casing discussion is in the Discord
The discord is fucking dead most of the time due to non-casers.
>Stenos have always done that.
How new are you?
Serious question. No bullying.
Just over a year. And I reacted similarly and got a similar answer at the time, as well.
How do we increase morale and get rid of despairposting /aov/? It's really ruining a lot of cases recently.
Again, that's never going to happen.
Mainly because everyone is already there so it would be actively detrimental to the community to do that.
Funnily enough, for a while it was the other way around. People were asking for this general to be abandoned and made illegitimate. Seems like that actually happened. It's not going to be reversed.
Oh. Then no, they haven't always done that. It's a relatively recent thing.
Hell, most stenos didn't even put the 'court in session at XX:XX time' in the docs until, like, early this year.
Seems like the people who told you that just wanted to defend their bullshit.
No, Clovo and peepo added memecaps from the case and sometimes OC images related to the case like in the P4 aai, they never did this shit werenthey have their self insert magilou talking in the doc after every question or roleplaying conversations with their co steno Chiaki.
Ban anyone who complains until morale improves.
remove lounge
As I mentioned memecaps are ok, it's waifu fagging that is wrong
>Oh. Then no, they haven't always done that. It's a relatively recent thing.
Nigger please, have you never heard of Donger?
More like remove CC
Is that a twitch meme
>remove the containment zone
You're showing how new you are.
I started in 2015 but have taken several breaks throughout so I'm just horribly out of touch
Name a bigger meme than >namedropping yourself in the doc
namedropping someone else in the doc
Besides, considering the person you're talking to on Discord, I was right about them only starting doing doc timestamps early in the year.
That's not because players who happened to be mod do it that it's good for new players to learn how to make a doc attractive.
Hey look, there's a ladder in the back
@Gato one of the truthfag sisters is back, and goes by the name ILA now.
you are literally retarded
you cheeky little cunt you know it's a stepladder
am I? care to take this into a debate which includes evidence?
You need to stop judging things based on narrow-minded cultural assumptions, user.