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Big Hung Macho Bara Orcs
and did you bring these MONGRELS here...
just to watch you... DIE?
post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate
This CGI is god tier
Too bad it's too expensive to make an entire movie look like this because the one we got was awful in looks and plot
Sylvanas' ice cold pussy
Well I see general chat is classy as usual.
9/10 very nice, are these wrath items?
One of the more tame days desu. In fact like that's not even my server, that mage lives on Azjol-Nerub and I have never seen anyone from it talk in chat.
>wow is 13 years old
>hunters still don't know how to turn off growl
hehe I didn't now le pepe frog was funny meme in france too haha quiche lorraine!
What? To be honest became desu? Never seen that before.
im jealous, plate doesn't get any fun mogs like that
>been ERPing for an hour with two doms wanting me
mistweaver monk or holy paladin?
looking to raid and also want to pvp
Paladin has a guaranteed raid spot. Monk doesn't bring anything unique to a raid.
>that one faggot running around argus multiboxing like 10 bears thrashing everyone
Fuck you
is there any all druid guilds still?
seems like if anything all druid everything has become even more viable
user I just had the boys come back from the lab and they have a solution for you! Stop playing on a PvP realm!
Eh, just use whatever you feel the most comfy with really.
>Be warlock farmer
>Go to Argus
>Everyone else has their flashy xmogs/mounts or slutmogs
>I'm just a farmer on a normal horse with a giant chicken following me.
If only I could get my hands on the chicken mount someday. A man can dream. Also for some reason my farmer seems to be fairly popular with fembelfs I run into while questing since they keep blowing kisses at me.
/ourguy/ am I right?
he's Veeky Forums now
r8 my autism
puu sh/xQPDu/e43b8cf666.png
>Paladin has a guaranteed raid spot
what why?
What did she mean by this?
Why would you want a guild where everyone competes for the same gear?
what is the most alpha healing spec guys
Behead those who insult Elune
Ret paladin
>innervate me NOW
>will look like a god if played right
>get bjs on a daily basis
male draenei holy paladin
male undead disc priest.
beacon of light
aura mastery
>s-sorry guys you can't have my gear it's not your armor type!
why are you even in a guild?
Why do you want to give gear to people who can't even use it?
Are there any mods to make my human female thiccer?
You look like Super Mario.
If revival was better I would say mw
LITERALLY not a single day passes that I don't miss it.
>Be warrior prostitute
>Go to Argus
>everyone else has their flashy xmogs/mounts or farm-mogs
>I'm just a horny single in your area on an excited horse with a giant cock following me
>a full month to go before blizzcon
I think this guy looks more like Mario.
Do you have all your class leggos?
Do you have Invincible, Ashes, and the Time Walking Dragon mount?
If not then there's plenty left to do.
A new race is not going to fix your boredom.
Is there a trick to soloing the first boss in HFC?
6/10 almost got me to give a legitimate reply
Always focus on killing adds and then deliver ammo. Movespeed helps.
>thirsty faggots will never be able to get their belfs to have huge tits and ass again
wow im very torn between these two.
already have a 110 UD priest, and a 100 human paladin... just that disc is kind of frustrating to play at times/topping people off sucks
>got mantle first on rogue alt
>tfw too intelligent to play sub
>all 3 specs on bottom of the shit bucket
>playing rouge in 7.3
top keque lad
I got the shoulders and the belt and now I am sad because I actually like disc but won't ever get the required leggos
>not playing tmorph roulette during raids and end up stuck as a deathwing tentacle that covers your whole screen for a pull
t. lfr flex "raider"
Not an argument.
Stay bad.
is this what rogue players actually believe
What about Gorefiend? Is he soloable?
Yah just make sure to use ranged abilities on the adds that fixate on you. I did normal HFC for the rank 3 brimstone quest a week ago and it was alright. The first boss felt super easy cause I'm on a DH so just tons of mobility. The arakkoa boss is gonna be a little tough because of a dot that ramps up through out the fight. The eredar paladin or whatever she was had some debuff that was lowering my max hp but based leech op.
lel that's how you know /wowg/ havent set foot in mythic tomb
>unsub in wotlk
>consider coming back for cata
>decide not to cuz school
>later consider coming back for mop
>feels just like blatant pandering to chinese market
>new zones seem unoriginal and uninspired
>monk looks incredibly boring
>no real antagonist revealed so baddies just seem like asspulls
>former joke race panda feel super out of place
>interest killed in wow entirely for years
>friend convinces me to resub for legion
>can go back and check out content from 3 expansions, so might as well try it
>leveling an alt through mop content
>the zones all look amazing
>the music is fucking beautiful
>alliance/horde conflict takes center stage which is a nice change of pace instead of a mr. big bad
>pandaren turn out to have a lot of heart and are an excellent foil to the horde/alliance war
>story feels well-written and acted (so far)
>dungeons feel really original, particularly the brewery
>monk ends up being one of my favorite classes in legion
so was mop actually as good as it seems? what was it like actually playing back then?
I'm a firm believer that MoP was very underrated and that a lot of people just ignored it because muh kung fu panda when it was much more than that. Although I will say I do have a soft spot for Hozen, they usually get a chuckle out of me.
MoP, outside of SoO (which was made because the fanbase whined that there weren't enough Orcs) was probably the best recent one.
>comfy zones
>comfy music
>actually introduced new lore and races
>troll raid
>turned a april fools race into something respectable
>>turned a april fools race into something respectable
I don't mind the NPC pandas, they are mostly alright. Tt's the panda playerbase that leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth
I really believe this too. I thought MoP was basically gonna be the "fuck it" expansion but by the end I think it had one of the most solid stories. Some of the garrosh's fall stuff was kinda silly but MoP had a way better ending than WotLK, Cata, and WoD. And I like how they expanded the lore of the world as well with the extra titan keeper Ra stuff.
>Although I will say I do have a soft spot for Hozen, they usually get a chuckle out of me.
always have monkey king bodyguard
I must protect the Wild!
>better ending
>lol garrosh runs away into another time-dimension xD
Say something nice about him.
He has a cool surname
I consider all that stuff to firmly be in the WoD's story camp. If only because he doesn't actually run away to another dimension until a book (the events of which are never shown in game) that takes place between the two. I just meant the actual end of pandaria, when we beat SoO and plant that new tree in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
I just recently finished the Operation Shieldwall storyline a few days ago, found it pretty underwhelming compared to the Dominance Offensive story but I'm a tad bit biased for the Horde, Trolls, and Lor'themar.
he is soon in retirement :)
War Crimes was pretty good, I was pretty into the scene where Tyrande had a handful of rocks and was like "These are from areas where Garrosh had fucked up" and tried to make Baine mad by pointing out a blood covered rock was from the arena in Org thereby trying to make him mad about Cairne's death and Baine just examines the rock and crushes it in his hand.
Decided i wanted to play wow again so got legion and stuff. Holy shit there's only 4 full servers and like 5 medium pop the rest is all low pop.
My old chars are all on low pop servers so I'd have to pay I don't know what to transfer them. What the fuck have I done.
What's a good server to start anew anyway?
>argus intro quests with 760 ilvl
I guess the horde vs aliance stuff could have been stronger, yeah. But I never really thought the horde vs alliance stuff was very compelling at the best of times. They try too hard to make nobody the bad guy so most of it just falls flat for me. The stuff I liked was the stuff with the Thunder King/Zandalar, the Timeless Isle, the Klaxxi, and the whole Sha business.
Is it too late to reroll a new main for Argus do you think? Shadow Priests are lookin to be as trash as ever.
People here say either Sargeras, Illidan, or Moonguard for US. Or EU AD for the meme guild that "unironically ERPs"
Why does versatility even exist. It's such a stupid stat, literally "makes you a little better: the stat". At least multistrike had some kind of effect. Fuck.
You can still see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Sadly this little glimmer is already gone. The man is just a husk of his former self. Gone are all his days of joy. The only thing that amuses him just a little bit is telling people that there won't be flying on Argus.
is it mathematically possible to max my concordance ?
Whenever I'm waiting for groups to fill or in queue I like to fly around MoP zones the best. Something about them is just so comfy... Jade Forest is probably my favorite zone in Wow (tied with Uldum and Howling Fjord)
Oh shit I forgot about Thunder King stuff. Didn't really do much of Thunder Isle besides unlocking it so I could grab the little lore diaries for Lorewalkers. And as for the Klaxxi fucking hell that shit was really cool. I started the Panda rep grinds over 9 months ago or so just for the pile of mounts and the achievement but I got so into all the lore and whatnot that it made me love Pandaria as an expansion.
Yah just gotta become a no lifer. I remember seeing a post on Icy Veins about some belf ret pally maxing out the old paragon trait back in 7.1
Howling Fjord still is my favorite zone for music to this day.
Right is the only correct choice.
nice shit taste faggot
uldum is the most bland piece of shit I've ever walked on, out of any other zone in any expansion
>If I can't have hair, you can't have flying, fuck you goyim!
lol you sound like uldum fucked your mom while you were in the other room with the cold or something