Old thread! 192111643
Yuri is the best! edition
Old thread! 192111643
Yuri is the best! edition
I wanna cuddle Jinx
xth for Syndra
haha lets all start using tripcodes guys :D
Ahri is a lesbo slut edition
femboy champion when and dont say ezreal
>animeposter fucks up the thread
quelle surprise
What if
Draven had TF's passive
this is what your bot lane is like
how you feelin
It's awesome when fags use tripcodes because it's easier to filther. L24chan senpai
>Evelynn's full Q damage has a total of a 195% AP ratio
>E is functionally a 60% ratio against targets with 1500 health
>R has a 75% ratio increased to 150% against low health targets
>W shreds %MR
oh my...
I want to cuddle Lux
What if he had Darius passive?
Objectively best couple
Which /lolg/ grill would you fugg?
I'd do Vladfag.
>tfw no qt petite gf
Delete this
>what is 2+2?
>dont say 4
is gorgeous and captivating
>hit plat
>game quality suddenly goes way down
nice game lolbabs
>wanting to get stealth farted upon
Xth for sterilizing retarded shipfags with hot irons.
Not her fault that she gets molested by the other girls.
you died too soon friend
That sounds great
post more beef cakes
>implying vladfag doesn't look more like this
>there's no report option specifically for avatarfagging
Vladfag is a britbong whale
2d girls don't fart, silly
>hit plat
>start queuing fill instead of support
>shit up the games for everyone when i'm not support
>shit up the games for everyone when i'm support because i'm memepicking
i'm a gatekeeper
Why, all of them of course, especially the grills (male). With a pear or a spiked dildo.
What do you think her hair smells like?
I'm betting she uses coconut scented oils and shampoos.
>Being rude
Stop this.
so sad to see cool sailor aesthetic ruined by literal whales. In death and reincarnation they had their revenge
>Diamond 5 Graves main trio with me in silver TT ranked with his support slut
>Carry them a few games
>They fucking feed 2v1 against a pantheon and then bitch at me, unfriend me, and queue on their own because they lost.
Guys never multi-queue with strangers, it never works out.
Tfw no Kayn bf
I bet ezreal is low key hung
Explain onara threads
If she looked like that I'd do her with the strength of a sledgehammer colliding with a quail egg.
>imagining her mascara running down her cheeks as her eyes role back into her head as you facefuck her.
In Elementalist's case, it depends on which form she's in.
Vladfag is cute and has a thicc bush.
Dude! We wuz anonymous hackers and shit! Unironically off yourself.
>tfw you'll never be one of the younger Star Guardians
>tfw you'll never get molested by MF and Syndra
> This skin is too good but the champion is too useless/shit
What's their name?
Disgusting albanian freak
>Explain onara threads
they're not canon
shit taste
Wow, it's literally a 4/10. Well done, lads.
Didn't watch the games, how the fuck did we end up with
I don't see timestamp. Hence it's not vladfag
Gas yourself
A jesi peder.
Anyone here wanna play with a level 18? Leveling alone is dreadfully boring.
Yuri will conquer the earth, dumb ai poster
Justicar is better.
every singed literally ints and expects you to roll with it as some kind of plan.
Well, user, why don't you use your imagination to make it more fun? You could pretend you're speedrunning! Try to run over the Nexus in less than 15 minutes!
Dumb idea
It's difficult, I normally play top Garen and stomp whoever I'm playing against but I can't say much for the rest of my team.
lurk more faggot before you start apologizing tripfags
If you want to be an ewhore dont do it here
>Purest form of love
>Shit taste
she will be after this patch
>still worst base ad
>if you wanna go lethal tempo or press the attack u get outclassed by every adc that takes that other than liek jihn, and you get stuck ith 20% as and 0 ad level 1
>predator as primary is shit as she cant even ur the sudden impact rune
>no more armor pen till you get it from items
shes stuck with either a shit aerie build or frozen mallet / klepto build with 0 armor pen
I have a friend of mine who plays singed a lot. Sometimes he carrys games by himself and sometimes he just kinda dies a lot. I don't really get it.
Swift did you check the Lux chapter
Just tell me if she's in character
Cody had has 322 moment
What's a good hub for LoL porn? Lolhentai is trash
I still can't believe I disenchanted that skin
Low mobility, not very compatible with Ardent Cancer
Shit tier.
>Nu-eve is good because she is fun guys!
this will never stop being funny
Just take dark harvest dude, it's like having 2 duskblades
Trust me I have a pbe account, you won't even miss DFT after trying it out
Gelbooru is trash now as well, they started forcing obtrusive ads.
>ask a literal e-whore and blogger to make herself filterable
Sincerely, without memes, irony or friendly banter, I hope you die slowly from sepsis acquired in a house fire. You stupid,
disgusting faggot.
na week 2
huh? I'm using ublock origin and don't see much
You're not wrong but I only have mecha Aatrox.
Let's play a game /lolg/
Post winrates and try to guess eachothers division/elo.
G3 shitter
It seems like it's never worth it to suicide for a dragon steal even if you have a 100% chance to pull it off.
Am I retarded because I see people go for that play all the fucking time (and usually they just die for nothing) when they could have instead pushed lanes and taxed the enemy with denied minions and turret damage which seems way better.
Who is Miss Fortune's preferred boytoy: Graves, Twisted Fate, or Ekko?
He's right you know
As fate would have it, we actually lost because we were down a person. This Naut was braindead and made terrible decisions all game, and left/came back a few times.
Oh well. Back to the most frustrating of all LPs amounts, high 90s. Enough that you have to play another game, but not enough to just be in your promos.
Need this in my life until I fucking die
Zed cares for kayn in the sense hes like a mini-me kayn has endless ambition and the skill to back it, hes probably grooming kayn to take over the order if he dies or surpass him.
Is it possible to reach gold in a month after not playing a single ranked game? I want that Graves skin.
Anyone else enjoy making custom games with 3-5 intermediate bots and just 1vX'ing them? I find it relaxing and moderately fun. also I don't have to deal with people
>ywn be kidnapped by dragonzyra and shyvana and forcibly turned into a bedslave for them, spending the rest of your life relentlessly milked for you seed
Archlight/Justicar Kayn where SA goes Archlight while Rhaast goes Justicar fucking when?