>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Cum inside Cumilla!
Kill yourself numale
The Cloud incoming!
>Quan got to impregnate this twice
Halloween when?
Hey look everybody! It's Chrom, Lucina, and totally female Robin!
>Great Mamui
>Mamui best
Incoming the Mamui surge!
>heroes best story
Stop posting, Leo.
>heroes best story
>bad game fates
The cloud has spoken!
>man heroes best story fe flags yet
Everyday I pray for Arvis....
>die fun
is the cloud WINNING
>best game
>heroes best story
>bad game fates
>wife hp corrin
>love corrin
>beruka fine friend
>kozaki femui garbage
>sex attack around maybe ninian always
She would be a camwhore in modern times, sucking money out of horny boys who pay to see her masturbating.
>Girl lord Tiki
I am confused
Those thighs
>+Def/-Res Dagger Olivia
How to build?
>most of the heroines friendzone you
>they all quite happily take the S rank
If they had just meant friendship they would have kept it at A rank. But no, they went S.
How much for an entire day?
Shoulderpads, chest bindings, bad angle for her face that's hidden under the hood, and she's standing on a box!
>judgral end
S doesn't mean it has to be sex, it could just be stuff like being willing to hold hands and being incredibly close to you in general.
I mean I've played it countless times and I'm only being mostly ironic with it
>it will eventually be possible for you to S rank Midori and Kana
or just stream dancing on twitch IRL
Her username would have "shy" in it, even though she sure doesn't look like it when she rubs a vibrator on her clit and pushes a dildo into her pussy.
>Forrest is a straight trap
Why is this so rare?
My harem increase every day
>femui garbage
Is that some Ethlin?
The question is, how did she get pink hair when Sigurd's is blue?
>tfw no seasonal castle themes
>tfw no comfy fall theme, halloween castle, comfy winter castle, beach theme, or easter theme with easter eggs
I just wanted a beach castle.
Does the hat mean she likes to be on top during sex?
It's a good thing fanart is around to illustrate things that don't actually happen ingame.
Is Leo decent if I’m not planning on running him in a Cav Meme team?
Armors seem to be kinda screwed quantity-wise. They ran out of popular girls and male armors aren't super popular either.
>3 swords 1 lance
who the fuck runs this
You just have a shit lucas
Sacred Seals that would make you shit your pants?
And, you know, baby making.
Remember Elise/Benoit? That single cup of tea turned into this coming out of Elise's womb. And he didn't ask for marriage, he just said he wished to court her.
The hat means that she's dominant over you in general.
TA Raven Leo can bait and kill Blyn.
I love wall man
>+def -res
>+def -hp
>perfectionist so have to choose the right one
fug. What do you guys think? -res performs slightly better vs. colorless and a few lances while -hp does better vs blue mages and also isn't at risk of getting btfo by Tharja.
>feh wears different accessories based on the seasonak theme you pick
>santa hat feh, sunglasses + tropical drink feh, spooky feh, feh with bunny ears, etc.
With Sigurd coming in hot, that only leaves two lords that are yet to be added to FEH.
Who's coming first, Micaiah or Leaf?
>yfw ___taker skills get in heroes
how would the meta change?
>dick eirika
Chad Emphriam is behind this cloud
What's the difference?
Further proof you don't actually cuck many guys in FEH.
>Lilina's Level 40 Confession
>There's someone in my life whom I dearly want to keep safe.
>That is what has driven me to do my best in all things. But now I realize there's a limit to what I can do alone.
>Watching you, always working with our allies, has shown me that. People flock to you!
>And you're all the stronger for it. You seem to share that very quality with Roy...
>So, I just wanted to say thank you. I hope I'll never lose your kind support. I know you'll never lose mine.
>Corrin is still predicted to win
What should NInian do?
Do you like me now user?
>Skitty on Wailord
I dont want to imagine this.
I would take -hp because you can just throw one of the seals on her if it starts to matter
micaiah no doubt
Coming in Micaiah’s hot
If you're a perfectionist you wait for +Spd/-Res lol
>still has the huge sweat stain between her tits
LoD, with A skill LoD give you +10 spd/atk and -10 Def/res
>gets stats after the enemy is dead
>only 4 units to kill
would be more useless than windsweep
>Fire Drain: If the user initiates combat and defeats an enemy, gain +2 Atk until the end of the map. Stacks up to +6.
>|Wind Drain for Spd, Earth Drain for Def, Water Drain for Res
take the loss and save flags for next round
Please tell me that we are going get news tonight?
sure but please fuck off from the 5 star pool forever and take your other colorless friends with you
Ethyln to save healers when?
Well at best in Arena you could get a max of 6 speed, less than that in 99% of games because no one runs all of 1 colour without asking to lose. So nothing really changes at all
that's weak, make it like +6 stacking only once
>panic ploy is a thing
I keep on forgetting about it and build my teams to just take the brunt of the bullshit in this game. Does anyone here make good use of it?
What's the Szechuan Sauce of FE?
This reminds me, since Heroes likes to reuse existing costumes, will Eliwood and Hector ever get units based on their endings illustrations?
pretty garbage, since one unit isnt going to be able to kill 4 heroes since they will most likely be of opposing colors, a plus 6 boost is the most you get
I put it on BK and haven't looked back.
What's the "I am Pickled Rick!" of FE?
According to this, end of October
good post
Whats wrong with Rebecca?
ATiki, wait for another bonus round or dump flags? Got 300 left.
Thracian Sauce
Working on a second flier team cause why the fuck not? Plus there have been some nice recent additions to fliers.
First team I did was Honkers, Cuckdelia, Minerva and Palla, the second team I'm building is Tana, Elincia, Best Corrin, and the fourth member slot is missing, I can do a 5* Camilla I've been saving for someone who wants a Brave Axe, Or bump either Michalis-chan or Best girl Narcian for green coverage. Which one would be better? I could also do a Cherche build if I got one with an IV that ISN'T -atk
Localization Hisame
she got horrible shojo eyes in her default pose, she looks fine in her other ones though.
I think this will happen in the future.