/civ4xg/ - Endless, Stellaris, Civilization and 4X

Unexpected thread archive edition
Previous thread: /rstg/ /cbg/

>The Development of Stellaris
>Steam group

>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:
>/civ4xg/ steam group

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


Other urls found in this thread:


Is this how it ends boys? Is 4xg as dead as Auriga?

how the fuck did the last thread archive so quickly? last post was within like 20 mins of archival

i know Veeky Forums is a fast moving board, but come the fuck on

Whats the most autistic 4X after Aurora?

When I make a new stellaris game, and say 1 AI empire, and then put 4-5 FE, does it create 1 non-FE, or just 1 FE?

probably Distant Worlds

One AI and 4-5 fallen empires.

How is your empire doing?

missed opportunity for OP edition

Thinking of going as some sort of Christian Theocracy state what other two civics should I take? Should I go xenophone or convert xenos to Christianity??

Im pretty sure xenos don't have souls user

The pope did say he wanted to baptize an ayy.

Whoa where did all those ethos come from?

> You will never be a Father-Captain of a Pax Torchship and lance Ousters with your particles beams
Man I fucking hated the Endymion books compared to Hyperion, but the Pax was pretty rad.

It's a mod.


>hive minds can't take synthetic ascension perks even though they would logically be more willing to technologically modify their bodoes than normal empires since their bodies are essentially expendable tools
>hive minds can't strengthen their psi abilities and reach into the shroud with psi ascension even though they are already apparently psionic
>bio ascension blocks you off from the other two paths even though all it does is improve an ability those other paths normally have access to
Who is behind all this??

In next DLC for mere $19.99.

What mod are you using? Because the goverment and ethics mod I have keeps causing the game to shit it's pants essentially.

>wipe out half of my enemy's entire fleet and force them to retreat
>+0.9 warscore
>enemy destroys a single transport ship
>-0.3 warscore
That doesn't seem quite right.

welcome to wiz's magical lala land


Right here my man its not compatible withother goverment mods though.

O. Mods don't work for me. Thanks anyway.

How, you can use mods even with a pirated copy.

its not really a mod Though. The game should have shipped with this much governments and ethics. I consider it as playing Vanilla plus it makes galaxy generation more interesting.

>Mods don't work for me
No, you're just retarded.

I had to build a new PC to corvet spam, this feels really damn nice

Waste of money really as Stellaris has hardcoded limitations that hardware can't improve

Isn't this one extremely buggy or did they finally fix it? I don't want to invest 10+ hours to test it and find out.

What kind of power does Wiz have at paradox anyways.

Only one bug with machine empires guy said he would update it in a week.

He is the one with magic ability to detect invisible gender bias in a swede company, so pretty high. Nazi Germany Fuhrer high even.

necrophages got to it

>ywn use genetic engineering to improve your psychic powers

What's the funnest roleplaying you've had in Stellaris?

roleplaying as me uninstalling it

>make a fun RP race
>quit 10 years in because it's so fucking boring and there is no RP in the game

I played an Earth in an alternate timeline that was dominated by Byzantium

Okay thanks.

Go on...

Spiritualist Collectivist Militarist multicultural theocracy that annexed territory and populations in order to spread the glory o f the immortal Empress. It was pretty fun imagining various stories in my head as events progressed during the game.

>new patch for Stellaris
>I'm the only one who noticed, because I'm the only one who would rather buy it than beg for torrents

If Stellaris is so bad, why do I enjoy playing it so much?

why would you beg for a torrent of stellaris
that's almost as much of a waste as paying for it is

a primitive species on an icy world that had been the site of numerous alien colonizations and occupations
outliving all newcomers wandering the frozen wastes, a radical group had enough of invaders; they took to the abandoned installations, learning how to use them as much as they could
over the course of a century, they discovered enough to repair and adapt the derelict spacecraft on-surface and bring online the servitors of foreigners, leaving the planet to achieve their goal: make sure that their species is left alone, whatever it takes

since they're just a fringe group, and the majority of the species are tribal primitives still on the homeworld, i stacked as many growth maluses as possible, instead opting to use robots for the majority of my off-homeworld population. i would deny any aid from aliens, and the only diplomacy i allowed was NAPs. whenever anyone declared war on me i dismantled their empire and scuttled all the starports and orbital stations as i could, but tried not to actually conquer their worlds. if anyone had my species in their empire, i make it my main priority to take the pops back. primitive interference was a strict no-go.
i considered my game a victory as soon as i became strong and safe enough that no one could actually declare war on me, which usually meant once i beat crises or awakened empires.

Because you have shit taste?

people enjoy shitty things, user
doesn't mean they aren't shit

how do i play cravers

Respectfully Disagree x 1



never stop expanding
never stop killing
declare wars to get free approval
since you are immune to anarchy and rebellions, the only reason to care about happiness is if you're starving from the food malus, which is what eating slaves is for
non-craver pops will only be enslaved for the juicy 150% FIDSI yield and -10 approval if there is at least 1 craver pop located on the same planet; use this fact to manipulate system happiness and FIDSI gain for optimal output
never stop eating worlds; if you have cravers in-system with healthy worlds, the cravers should be on them stripping them bare - have slaves live on the barren husks you leave behind to help account for the depletion malus
since you have higher CP than any other faction, lower upkeep than any other faction (that gets further lowered with each CP tech), AND can get a coordinator from your very first quest step, you are the queen of early aggression, second only to the vodyani with their arks (who you should out-perform once midgame comes around); abuse your militarist sticky to declare wars for 0 influence cost and murder your neighbors
try to rush your quest; halfway through you can get access to a free virtual endless hero, one of only two in the game (the other one is from a competitive quest). virtuals have absolutely insane fleet bonuses for energy weapons and shields, and are a some of the best admirals in the game.

Did get buffed, or are you running mods?
Last time I spawned Zanaam the Obelisk was 6/6/6, but that was way back in 1.5

why so slow?

> Machine Empires can't interact with the infinity sphere in any meaningful way
Whelp, there goes yet another attempt to get the Gargantua cheevo

Big mountain scientist who ascended into robots. About to finish my first habitat and the only xenophiles are on the otger side of the map. Granted right below me are two AEs sleeping.

>Big mountain scientist who ascended into robots
Like in NV?


>start up ES2 game
>set spawns to "chaotic"
>40 turns in, 4 races are gone because they spawned near the cravers

>too tired
>go to bed
>couldnt stay awake to make a new therad
>couldn't even keep awake to bump the thread

>ES2 custom faction
>expansionists II
>vexed II
>have 14 planets by the time others are grabbing their 4th-5th
>roll niggas over after they war you with a fleet materilaizing form nowhere
>roll the rest too since you already have the ships
>aprooval still ~100% with 20+ planets

Is there anything more broken

>wheel (scout) ships somehow beating my attacker ships

what the fuck

>my scout ship gets beaten up by 2 leechers
>I show up with bigger ships and the leechers run away
fucking ticks, fuck the vodyani forever.


haha time for [Get Lucky]

So apperantly this happened.
I knew there was going to be a hd version, but damn. How did they fuck up this bad

dude with the red hair on the bottom right looks like a muppet but this is a downgrade overall. 2010+ anime styles are so fucking boring.

gargantuan population with stellar vines is also pretty busted, it completely negates the pop's downside so you just have +4 FIDS free

Can you guys help me find a city building game that isn't as complex and convoluted as Cities Skylines but isn't like all the back in Pharaoh/Caesar territory?

>ES2 early game
>pick Get Lucky

how does it work

>crits do extra damage AND negate all defensive modules
>get lucky basically turns crits into double damage
>use energy weapons, suddenly all of your attacks have a 5-10% chance of dealing 200% damage and ignoring armor

I bet they'll trim down the dialogue too
Shame desu

>fight against someone with full shields while i'm using only energy weapons
>it doesn't matter because [Get Lucky]

>have 2 carriers, 2 medium coordinators
>come across a fleet with bunch of medium attacking frigates/cruisers
>lose all mys hips because haha time for get lucky
I hope it gets nerfed

isn't like just spamming a bunch of medium ships the most efficient strategy anyways

it's not get lucky that's invalidating your shields, it's the crit rate
the biggest counter to get lucky is missiles
if you're running get lucky, you're also most likely going to be running energy weapons because they have innate crit chance - meaning you won't have anywhere near enough kinetics to stop missile boats tearing your ships apart

>End game event hasn't started.
>Everyone is signing into federations and the Mutual Threat is active.
>It's only about to hit 2300.

I thought end-game crysis doesn't start until 2400 now?

It does only start at 2400, mutual threat doesn't mean crisis, i means you and another empire have mutual enemies that pose a threat to you, a crisis is just one of the causes of that

>HD version doesn't come with a manual
Fuck you.

merely looking at that makes my mind trigger the select audio

That's exactly the desired effect.

Episode 3/10


Forgot an ethic


mfw shuulathoi in epi2 are actually in life support pods and actually can evolve into a crazy eldritch alien form once they hatch but ep3 is dead so we will never know what they actually look like

>Those traits
>Those civics
where did ya get them user.

There was no reason for them to not finish episode 3 is what miffed me the most.

Valve makes me so fucking mad, I was genuinely tearing up while reading the synposis.
Doesn't help I was having a shitty week either.


The UE Emperor is way better than this senator.

Alex Mercer got pretty buffed.

man why was prototype 2 so bad

There was no Prototype 2. There was only one game who was really fun.

It's not a waste for him if he can now play games that are better than Stellaris.

What's hardcoded in Stellaris?

Is there a mod that lets you research other peoples battles? Currently my playthrough is neat but that would make it perfect.

>Machine empire.
>Anytime someone loses a war declare war on them and eat the left overs, discovering their technology along the way.
>For whatever reason everyone is okay with what I do.

How do I get good at Oriental Empire?

>inb4 "wtf is oriental empire"


>decide to play machine intelligence for once
>download a weeb animu mod because why not
>literally leading a race of robotic waifus
>it now dawns to me that I'm the robotic mom to a race of organic neets
Fuck my synthetic life.

>playing obscure shit not even listed in the OP
[Spoiler]wtf are you doing user?[/spoiler]