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big tits
Nice OP
Who would be the winners of CYL 2 if they excluded the previous winners?
>people actually care about who wins the guantlet when feathers are the only thing that matters with the new multiplier bullshit
Who here former Y.Tiki/Nowi/Faefag turned Mamuifag out of spite?
Chrom, Hector ,Camilla Therja.
drill is literally outdated and irrelevant, but the retards here just love typing "kys drill" as much as they love saying "t. raul" and "trip back on spic" because it makes them feel like they're part of some sekrit klub with wacky special /feg/ maymays no one else will get
>inb4 someone calls me raul, for the record i block his fucking trip, along with any mention of the words raul, spic, belka/beruka, and french; drill was an oversight but that is added to my filter list as well now
Huge tits!
I'm gay but I'd fuck Ursula like a wild animal hot damn
Shittiest lord.
>Not wanting victory feathers to go with raising your Cumulative Score
Not after 8 months of Heroes
>not caring that Mamui didn't give Ninian the bonus, so she could rocket ahead and give us x7.3 and x7.4 multipliers
I want my feathers dammit.
I don't understand how gauntlets work.
It seems to win, you have to have LESS voters on your side.
How does that work?
Why does this game mode seem to only benefit 3DS characters, when they're popular, they win(first gauntlets) and when they're not as popular (last and this gauntlet), they also win.
I literally have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
>implying there is a difference
Why havent you gotten a raven lilina yet?
> Lolifags now support MCorrin
Ugly literal who and a massive bitch. You only like her because FEH gave her a boob job.
Second only to Micaiah in shitness.
Ruh roh... but... it was Mamui's turn....
Micci a best!!
>think Ninian will be an average team that makes it to round 2 so I can max out feathers, choose her and don't give a shit about her having not played Elibe
>she has gotten maybe 5 bonus hours total, multiple of which I have been asleep for
This has been my least favorite gauntlet. I should have gone with Femui, one of my first 5 stars.
C'mon, isn't it a little fun getting into this? Just a little bit?
we lost, then?
well, whatever
IS is actually retarded and has no idea how to balance Gauntlets.
Dump flags
How long are we going to have to deal with this retarded faggot forcing this?
Mad Faefag here
>That name
>Femui is predicted to have another bonus at last hour
rip tiki
>posting it in both threads
Take your family drama somewhere else please
Soon we'll get 45 new coins.
Oh god it's over. Mamui has won. Just go and spend your flags. Nothing matters anymore.
>Ninian has the last hour bonus
spend flags this round and you'll be able to push corrin into a multiplier
and then he cucks himself
So who wins? Ninian?
Titty Tiki is our only hope of a slightly less shitty final match up.
O' great and powerful Naga, please deliver us from this shitty timeline.
Anyone else think it's been too long since the last Sacred Stones banner?
Resume gayposting.
I remember when it was said that people would start shilling for Micaiah once more nuFE games came out. I didn't believe them...
>lolifags support Male Corrin out of spite
If you wanted any further proof that lolicons don't actually like girls, here it is
Soon I'll get DD3 seal and we get the Jugdral trailer.
>seething waifushitter
Sauce mi hermano!
This. Frenchquck has become obsessed with BBC and seeing his wife taking it and now he's forcing it down all of our throats. What a disgusting generate kuk.I feel bad for Beruka, having such a disgusting degenerate latched to her. To think that piece of mentally ill trash has the nerve to call gays mentally ill......
I was kinda expecting fae to lose so I wasn't to disappointed, so I supported corrin for some easy feathers. Speaking of which anyone got the image of summer gaius with the bag of feathers slung over his shoulder?
>Corrin lost.
Fucking nuFE lightningninian
Can't deny the thigh
Guess Ninian will win then ? Dame, rip the salt
A.Tiki wins again. Fuck you, Corrin.
>A.Tiki bigtitfags shitpost to no end
>Ninian is somehow the enemy
As expected of a frog
Do it faggot.
why were people expecting ninian to lose?
only thing that can save this night is Sigurd reveal..
Fuck off raul
If the back and fourth continues like it has been, Corrin will be the one getting the final hour multiplier to secure the win
>still same
come on team ninian, how the fuck are you not beating mamui? give me my goddamn bonus already, i've still got 1.2k flags
>We overpower them from flags and numbers this hour
>Mamui gets bonus hour following
>Final hour is Ninian bonus
Am I missing something, it's not over till the next hour
Welp, the dream is dead. Free feathers though.
Is it possible for Corrin to use the predicted bonus to boost to same then beat Ninian?
Reminder that if you dont have a least 5 girl and boy ranked S-Support, you are a faggot
>yfw Ninian blew NuFE the fuck out
who do you think is the one forcing the blacked beruka shit
>ninian vs nuFE character
>accuse ninian supporters of being nuFE
>Ninian Projected to get a last hour bonus
how do you do three gauntlet battles in an hour?
i know its possible but i dont know exactly how its done
Kaga, this is getting sad
when was the last time you saw you family?
2 more hours to go
>fags thought they stood a chance
>they actually thought they'd win
>7 billion lead
Oh dear....
I enjoy the more the shitposting than the Guantlet.
(But i suppose using character i will never have like Bride Cordelia is a bit fun)
What if Japs overshoot? I'm scared because that's something that might very well happen.
New Mistery user again.
Are Master Seals hard to find?
You have to overshoot this hour if you want to win. Otherwise she coasts Mamui to a multiplier in the last hour.
>Literally posting the OC of a braindead underage /pol/tard
Nice, I'll get to spend 400 flags on Tikis last bonus next hour and then 100 on the final hour since we'll lose anyway, then I can switch to Ninian.
I supported like 4 pairs of units and never made use of the system again since I don't regularly pair up any other units.
Nah, the game gives you a bunch of them.
Is there any community for Cipher cards here or is the best place for them the sirene forest community? Trying to decide if I want to collect them.
>total rank: 15