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I like this OP better, but the other one is already active.
Kill yourself Raul.
>all this shitposting between Ninian/Mamui, Reddit, and Tharja/BerukaAnons
>STILL don't have the "Surely you jest!" image
Someone pls post it
Their (3) parents when
Nexth month
So, who's joining team Ninian?
Deirdre a shit. I don't want her clogging up the fe4 banner.
only since you asked
probably me, I don't like Corrin
Holy shit this thread is still up.
BK is invincible.
Why is it still up?
Cum inside Deidre!
Tailtiu will be blue Nino! Screencap this
Post Voting Gauntlet(tm) approved builds
>feed Dancer Inigo to Deirdre to get the Dancer Ring
>S rank Deirdre
>Send home Sigurd
I pray to god I don't get both of them, or else I'll feel obligated to make a webm of this.
>I never got to play Jugdral when it came out
>I was told by my fellow fans, the franchise had been saved by the new fanservice focused Fates and Awakening
>That Shadow Dragon had a very difficult reception, and nuFE saved the franchise
>Even though I never knew Jugdral at its time, I loved it wth all my heart
>I loved the themes, the music, the characters and the plot twist in FE4
>As I grew up in the GBA era I found many fans of nuFE fans unreliable
>Sometimes, they would pick on me, and hurt my feelings
>The other fans would not offer much support, as they seemed not to understand
>The only comfort I found in my empty life... was Sigurd
>His character brought joy to my day, and his unit brought power to my army
>On the day of the new banner, I woke up, slipped on my Seisen no Keifu custom T shirt, and walked downstairs
>The other fans gathered up to mock me as usual
>They pointed fingers, mocking me for the fact that I had no representation in modern games
>"Old games don't get represented!", began one of my bullies, "..other than Marth, of course!"
>The children laughed
>"Even an idiot like you should know that Jugdral will never get remade!"
>I didn't make memes, replay games, or laugh with my pals
>I simply went upstairs to my room, and wrote in my diary:
>"May 18th", I wrote in the corner of the page
>"..I've been surrounded by the fandom all day, but I've never felt more alone."
>I put the pen down and closed the book
>I took a deep breath and was... surprised to find my ears filling with the ringing of... fe4 prologue theme
>I heard a gruff, yet soft, fatherly voice from the window of my room
>"You were never alone..", said the voice "..not now, not ever."
>I turn my head and spotted a lonely, blue and white figure on a horse
>"Si..Sigurd?", I whispered "Is that you?"
>"Aye, it is. I'm here for the banner, sheesh."
>My heart rose
>Sigurd raising his wife's daughter
Underleveled Elinica, it's alri-
>Wo Dao
thread OP here, no clue, i made it because somebody earlyposted a thread and everybody still migrated to it, i thought it 404'd
i'm not the one who was shilling this thread btw
>A smile crossed my face
>"Really? Thank you, Sigurd! This is the happiest day of my life!", I told him, elated
>"Come with me, the banner trailer is downstairs.", he said
>I hopped up, took Sigurd's hand, and rushed down the stairs
>The children all looked at Sigurd and I as we entered the room
>"Who else could be on the banner?", I wondered
>I was so excited
>Sigurd winked at me, before crouching down and putting out his arms beside him like an airplane
>He began a cold sprint towards the group of nuFE fans, and allowed his arms to clothesline every single one of them
>I could hear the snapping of necks and the satisfying wheezes of the air being pumped out of the lungs of the children
>Sigurd smiled, and picked up the surviving children by their hair, until he had them all in his grasp
>With his free hand, he unbuttoned his pants and let his thick, pungent cock spring into the crisp air
>With one overhand swing, he impaled all of the children on his Divine Tyrfing Cock, effortlessly
>He fucked all of their corpses until he finished, with a torrent of steaming royal horseman cum
>Hero Axe prf Lex.
>Hero Sword prf Ayra.
>Hero Lance prf Finn
>Hero Bow prf Jamke
>Lewyn with super busted Forseti
>Horse mage Azel.
Jugdral part 2 when?
Just delete this one.
>He tossed the children aside
>No words were exchanged
>My body, writhing with desire, seemed to read his mind
>He looked me in the eye, and within an instant, I knew what I had to do
>I give in to my basic, primal urges and lunged at Sigurd's dick
>Grunting and leaning down, I expose my pale cheeks to the crusader, and let him fill me
>Inch by inch I was claimed
>I bit my lips and began to cry, as pain, pleasure, and love all consumed my soul
>Soon, Sigurd filled my bowels with another flash flood of musky fluid
>He slipped me off his penis, and carried me to bed
>I was exhausted, but satisfied
>Sigurd tucked me in, kissed my forehead, and headed for the window
>"Wait, Sigurd!", I said
>"Stay with me... please. I want you to be my daddy."
>Sigurd chuckled and smiled
>"I am your father, sheesh; for all those who truly believe in the Seisen no Keifu remake are my children."
>Sigurd winked, before hopping on his horse and flying out the window into the cool night air
>I close my eyes, as I think of my last thought before drifting to sleep:
>"Jugdral is love; Jugdral is life."
>the absolute state of Ninianfags
You can't delete your own threads on Veeky Forums
>Sigurd shows up jus when I finished my Firesweep Peri build
t. Oifey
>poop poster is confused which thread is real and is posting in both of them
Does anyone else just want to hug Deirdre and stroke her fluffy hair
Nothing lewd, just hug and stroke
Nice thread, waste not want not.
What seals did you upgrade to max first, /feg/?
I went the safe route and maxed out Squad Ace D and Distant Defense. Did you pick those or did you max out something more niche for a specific unit you wanted to pump up?
Just Distant Defense for now. Not sure what to upgrade next.
I want to give her my valflame
Did those as well. Gonna work on the ATK one next, then after that Deflect Magic.
distant defense
i am gonna do the squad ace seal for speed afterward,
I got 100+ coins
Do I upgrade
>Distant Def 3 on Ike
>Panic Ploy 3 on my SS Blucina (46 HP)
>Wait a few weeks for the Jugdral TT and see what kind of seal they give out
Only DD3 and I'm mostly hoarding now because I know once I start spending resources they'll release a DC seal
Deflect Magic for my Femui and Cecilia. Still thinking wether to do DD or Speed +3 next
Ha! My sister never inherited the right to wield Mjolnir. Now she's going to be demoted to a shitty 4*!
I was thinking Distant Defense and Deflect Magic
Does Deflect Magic work against memebow Reinhardt?
Heads up. Because the Beruka-shitposter got banned this thread is still below the bump limit. So we have 5 threads up.
What kind of workout should I do with Olivia?
It's a ghetto version of Steady Breath, what do you think?
Mods should just autosage all but one of them, assuming they still have the ability to do so (idk)
Steady Breath just adds defense, it doesn't reduce damage
>tfw almost every 5 star you own has shit IV's
Actually shit nevermind. The update drops tomorrow, and thus datamines. So we'll probably have the potential new TT seal tomorrow.
If it's something good like Life and Death, Heavy Blade or Death Blow then I definitely want that first.
It hurts.
Everyday I pray for Reptor
Friege sure is messed up.
>4* bait
>Barblade and Drive fodder
Tailto went through all of that?
He ate a Bow Lyn, Reinhardt and Julia in the Gauntlet.
>Ayra is going to be a tempest reward
Please don't Tobin her, IS.
Do you like Darkness?
I went with Fortify Res because I like blade tomes
Wow. 3,25% pity rate, dancer banner. Happy since I've never got her and I need more green units. She's neutral.
I spent 250 orbs on this banner (bought 200 I guess). Results:
-Priscilla 5*
-PA Olivia ATK+ DEF-
-2 Inigo HP+ SPD- and RES+ DEF-
-Marth RES+ ATK- at 3,75%
-2nd White Azura DEF+ HP- at 3,25%
And now Minerva. That's good, but I think this is probably the right time to stop. I won't get black Azura this year, and that's it.
Don't count Ayra out!
I'm working on HP/Speed/Distant Def.
I didn't realise there was an upgrade screen when it first got added so I wasted all my coins buying the new ones.
Tfw no busted yewfelle prf
What did he mean by this? Did he mean
>I will accept being punished for my crimes
>I dare you to try and punish me
>Punish me, not Dierdre
So Favaro leaks basically is october schedule? i guess i know why IS doesn't bother release schedule this month
Hope she doesn't get screwed out of skills, won't be Ayra if she doesn't have a skill that lets her make a bunch of swings.
she will be navarre'd
She's going to have Astra and a Brave Sword+ and you're going to put up with it. I do hope they go with Swift Sparrow over Darting Blow though. MAYBE she'll get Nihil to negate enemy combat bonus effects, MAYBE.
Holy shit Sigurd looks amazing.
Yes, it reduces the damage after his normal Atk on initiation, after Weapon Type Disadvantage, is added to the Moonbow damage.
Distant Def 3, Deflect Magic 3. I'll likely work on Fortify Res 3 next for Nino DPS and a lack of Verdant Great Badges.
Astra then.
>Sigurd is voiced by Clive
>Deirdre is Doot
There's a bit of irony here.
>250 orbs and all that
I'm almost at 300 now and got a Brave Lyn and a Sonya
all of those were f2p too
I envy you, user also, almost at 5%
pity rate too
He means he doesn't give a shit about whether or not his love is accepted, and will not back down out of fear of punishment
It means he's a masochistic pervert that wants to live out his fantasies of being stepped on or whatever it is he likes.
why does deirdre look so much worse than julia
Ishtar Spd 30+10 Mag 30
Arvis Spd30 Mag 30+10
Julius Spd 27 Mag 25
Will Arvis be SANIC?
M-maybe she'll get Adept to redeem her from being garbage
>If Unit's special procs during combat, Unit gains an additional attack. +1 to special cooldown count.
...Maybe that won't redeem her.
I wonder how awkward it was for Alvis when Deirdre yelled for Sigurd in bed.
she looks way better are you blind
The best part is Tailtiu will probably get demoted to 4*
She doesn't! Deirdre is love!
So you mean he's /ourguy/?
She looks like she's plotting something
That right is reserved for Ced. Arvis will be Knuckles, or maybe Eggman in those 'running away from Sonic but somehow faster than the fastest thing alive' moments after you beat him in a boss fight.
her hair looks like shit and her dress looks like she slept in it and got really sweaty
also she's doing the merkel hand gesture so she's probably a coalburner
>have only physical damage based 5* reds
>+def -hp is the luckiest I've been with her IVs rolling her
Convince me not to promote adult Tiki
That's why I won't complain, I have new units to train so it's cool. I need Sonya so bad btw.
Do you search a certain unit ?
>2 Girl and 1 Guy
>Plus Ayra is in game
Yes, that's right, open that green orb. You will surely get the unit you want.
Mamui relieving his stress fucking hot pegapony in the woods