>Gwent Decks
>Gwent Card Art
>Game Help
>Witcher 1
>Witcher 2
>Witcher 3
>Latest Witcher news
>Gwent Decks
>Gwent Card Art
>Game Help
>Witcher 1
>Witcher 2
>Witcher 3
>Latest Witcher news
pls respond
Nighty night /wtc/. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you alive, I was playing some DOS2.
sleep tight friend
Severed limbs, blood and guts
>/gwt/ & /wtc/
Fuck off. I would rather /gwt/ die and be forgotten forever than share a thread with the embarrassing permavirgin waifufagging shitposters that frequent /wtc/.
there he goes again
There's still a select few that want to discuss the game
Granted even the game's subreddit has been dying in traffic, not many replies unless its a thread started by a cdpr employee
Geralt and Triss OTP
This thread might be cool if it was actually about discussing lore, the books, the games, and Gwent. Instead we get frogposters and waifu fags.
Nilfgaard did nothing wrong. The North would be better off under nilfgaardian rule. Prove me wrong
> started a plot among the mages to overthrow the conclave for nilfgaards interests
> did nothing wrong
As much as I fucking hate waifu posters we can't do shit against them. Just talk about lore and maybe you'll get lucky and they'll stop drooling at the mouth looking at waifus to talk about something else.
Well, I'd rather /gwt/ and /wtc/ to merge so if you don't like it, bye bye.
Also, /gwt/ was filled with such negativity that I'm only happy if certain lurkers stop lurking.
Benny, last words?
Don't be too hard on yourself, user. I could just as well blame it dying on sleeping like a log until midday, because I had no courses in the morning.
Couldn't agree more. Everything the Imperator did was to pave the way for Nilfgaard's imminent victory in the next war, which would result in unifying, modernising and strengthening the North, provide his heir with sufficient resources to defend against an alien invasion in the face of the Aen Elle or worse. Who cares about personal agendas such as one character's happiness, willingness, fate or even the incest out of which his heir would be born when his every move is devoted to the greater good of humanity. Hael Kaer'zar!
Ves was a really poor choice for that last part desu. She was the one I missed though apart from Syanna. Sorry, chance!
Its funny how the Aen Elle could conquer the world if ciri didnt exist, nobody could stop eredins army if not for ciri
how can we convince CDPR Gwent is a bad idea and they have to kill it before it brings whole company down?
gwent is not bad. faggot in charge of gamedesign is bad. fire him, fix the game. but I'm not sure CDPR is disciplined enough to get rid of this faggot. I feel like company went socialistic Valve route.
i want triss to piss on my face
She's a key player, but I doubt adult Ciri would work against her Dad when she knows what's at stake. And it wouldn't be that easy for Eredin as well. Sure, he has experience, numbers, mages and he'll get Aen Seidhe support, but there's other powerful figures that also want to protect their world, logistics, disease to take into consideration. I don't doubt that without Ciri he would've easily conquered the world even if they had to teleport his soldiers one by one though.
Gwent's already a moneyspinner, it won't bring shit down
It's fucking impossible to lose money on a card game once you've established it
For future reference, I think the thread name should be "The Witcher and Gwent General" as the Witcher is the main subject that ties both the Witcher games and Gwent together.
gwent wasn't profitable during closed beta. maybe starter packs changed things a little bit it's not a huge source of revenue. don't forget employee's wages
It also cross-promotes GOG store through making their client a necessity
GOG has almost no games though
eredin works surprisingly well atm
very fun deck to play
Cutie :3
Is Stefan essential to Mill? He's in most lists but his effect doesn't seem to have that much synthesis
>head back to novigrad to offload your loot
>sell Hattori 5 of the same "relic" sword
These are more popular to knock off then louis vuitton handbags.
Standart mill deck relies on drawing avvalach. That's why stefan is there
If you don't want crafting skellen you can use any other version of mill, like this one
99% of the relic swords you get from contracts and chests are not worth using and thus worth selling, theres one relic sword that isnt crafted in the vanilla game that is actually good, not counting the DLC items.
This pic contains happy Geralt and Triss' butt. Tread carefully.
Or you can just use that gold spell that draws other golds for now
It's not as good because it's a dead card if you draw it later but it's the same effect
cheers girls
>have borkh in play
>opponent is forced to use Coral on his 9 str card
>I still win the game by one point
SK tears are delicious.
I don't have the game installed right now, so cannot open it and check, but does Hattori offer more money per weapon than the armoursmith dude at the main square? I always sold all my weapons and armour to the dude mentioned without so much as a thought a swordmaster could pay more for weapons.
Ciri is cute
this stupid merge killed both threads
gwt killed itself by being awful
/wtc/ is pretty dead during EU times, and /gwt/friends stopped posting for some reason. Maybe they've moved on.
I lost interest with gwent for the rest of the season when the patch turned it into another bran/dagon meta. just don't feel like grinding to 21 with that. I'll be back whenever they patch it probably
I'm still very new to Gwent and collecting cards is enough motivation to keep banging my head against all the Bran/Dagons around 3800.
would you succ geralt if it meant you could kiss ciri?
I would even eat his shit if it meant I could kiss Ciri
Bored with Gwent too tbqh. I just struggle to complete the six round daily so that I will have tons of kegs to open when the new season starts in... 2,5 weeks. Not much to say until something changes.
This guy is probably the one everyone hoped to leave behind.
I think it was legit just one guy who was really vocal who prevented the merge
I hope you're meaning to wash your mouth before kissing Ciri, user.
would you succ geralt if it meant you could eat ciri's shit
Ciri doesn't poop!
Imagine all the sorceress pussy that dick touched and rammed. Of course I would.
not to mention he's """""sterile"""" which means he always cums inside them and fucks raw
dedicate yourself to ruining dagons/brans lives and play broccoli/eredin
do the books clarify whether sorceress or elf pussy is tighter
Sorceresses spend their late teens to early adulthood locked up focusing on nothing but their studies. They emerge from the academy as full-fledged nymphos, sterile and immune to disease, so no pressure in that regard. My bet's on elves.
>I'd take your dick up close but you reek, human
I see 0 reason to not side with him. Philippa is a heartless cunt.
Too late for that now, at least they are doing campaigns.
We don't really know how large their army really is, even if they had like 20 thousand elves they still would have to deal with Nilfgaard's vast legions, teleporting is OP though.
Elve's more than likely
Sorceresses cannot be powerful at what they do if they keep their virginity in tact it's a huge cop out in my opinion but whatever, virginity = no power so yeah, it;'s a part of their culture to be whores so they can be more powerful.
Elves on the other hand are just extremely racist, so they're very exclusive in who they fuck, so probably them
Sorceress pussy is magically tight. Nothing feels as wonderful.
I'm a fervent Nilffag though, I care about movie cards more than ranks.
The only merit to siding with him is avoiding the embarassment that's RoS. There is no reason not to let Nilfgaard win the war and later crown your beautiful daughter.
>Sorceresses cannot be powerful at what they do if they keep their virginity in tact
Was that actually confirmed though? I get the implications of them fucking their way into political power, but iirc Ciri got meme'd at the temple because nobody liked Yennefer and thus wanted to ruin her image for Ciri.
Cute Ciri :3
Would you watch a witcher movie made by hollywood? Knowing how much they love video game shit now I wouldnt be shocked if they hadn't thought about the books
Yes, but only with Idris Elba as Geralt
I want to see live action high-budget Battle of Brenna
nah, I'd rather have another game I don't have any interest in movies these days
Yes, and I'll defend it as the best movie ever made even if it's utter trash.
What I really wish to see is an animated contract-of-the-week type of show from the PoV of different witchers from different schools in different corners of the world just so we can explore the setting of TW more. The show would ultimately conclude with the pogroms across all witcher schools.
Magically managed pussies are best pussies
i mean, aren't they making a tv show?
I'll ask here.
Is Gwent ded?
And I mean dead-dead.
yes yes
gwent isn't dead, but it's taken a bad blow recently and will need some new content to recover
>pro ladder segmenting the userbase
>too early for real pro scene
>pro ladder and consoles make balance patches need to be less frequent
>bad balance patch last patch leaves us with the same dagon bran meta, with bran being the clear best deck with no counters
>no new game modes
>decks are so consistent that matches play out the same way almost every time
>gameplay feels repetitive
>not much of a community scene, major streamers are terrible
>people waiting for content drops for the "real" game to start
gwent has a good future but for the moment it's in a lull and dead spot, the last patch was probably bad overall for the game
Definitely not a must, but if they could avoid spending their budget on CG'ing a slyzard, that would be really cool, as I'd prefer seeing places such as Dol Blathanna and Nilfgaard of Golden Towers fully fleshed-out.
>gwt died
>barely any gwent discussion after the merge
>I haven't logged on for my tier 1 rewards in almost a week
>barely any Gwent discussion after the merge
You mean:
>barely any Gwent discussion before and after the merge
nah gwt had plenty of gwent discussion before it died, there were deck questions and people asking picks, screenshots and so on. it's all gone now.
Plenty discussion that caused the thread to die? Nah. But you are always free to leave.
Just killed this faggot in W1.
Is there even an option to loot it? I can't.
yes there was plenty of discussion, and it was gwent related discussion. more than now. it stopped completely for long enough breaks to die but it was there, and it got around 3x the number of posts of wtc. since the merge gwent discussion has almost completely disappeared and there hasn't been a single gwent screenshot anywhere. this isn't really something to debate, it's just true.
Yes, his corpse is lootable. It has a unique ingredient that's used to craft a potion which gives you an additional skill point
No, they'd put niggers and trannies in it. Fuck that shit!
>since the merge
You mean... 12 hours ago? You speak as if it happened years ago. You are clearly the guy who keeps telling everyone to "kys" and now feel sad when you can't remake the /gwt/ thread. Just move on.
well you're wrong about all of your assumptions in addition to what you're saying about the threads, I'm not whoever you seem to think I am and I'm not even against the merge I'm only accurately describing what happened
Well, I couldn't for some reason and its corpse disappeared after reloading. Neat.
I'm not fightin it again though.
yeah, that faggot is overpowered as fuck, especially considering this fight is so early in the game. hardest boss fight in TW1 imo.
To be fair sleeping like a log should take precedence over /wtc/. Should never pass on a chance for a good sleep.
Like the other user said, I could've sworn they mentioned Gwent wasn't profitable yet. Admittedly it hasn't fully launched, but since it's completely open beta it's practically launched. They'll probably be able to scoop up more players once they get it on Steam though.
What deck you playing, pal?
You can still find games but the queue time is getting longer. I even bump into the same people fairly regularly since I usually play Gwent around the same times.
Doge is easy to deal with with spectre oil.
>What deck you playing, pal?
Spies. Mustered up the courage to swap to Emhyr yesterday, because I've been running into an unreasonable amount of Calveit mirrors at my rating for the past few days and stealing Joachim or Iris feels pretty rewarding. Though I should probably go back to Calveit once I get out of the Nilf loop.
I've dicked around with spy Emhyr a bit myself and I'm inclined to believe it may be stronger than Calveit spy. Strangely enough seems to thin more reliably, and the Emhyr ability gives you some nice flexibility even if you're bouncing Caellaeacelaeach most of the time, but like you mentioned stealing Iris/Joachim/silver spy can be huge. Fun deck though, still kinda hoping they add more cards so nilf has the option of a soldier archetype next. They would have to be careful with it though since so many of the nilf cards already have the soldier tag, if they add something crazy good it could end up in a spy list and run rampant.
Boost morale, strengthening all Soldiers in your deck by 2 :^)