Old thread: Xayah :3 Edition
Old thread: Xayah :3 Edition
first for TSM making it out of groups tomorrow
xth for my wife Syndra
Xth for beating Syndra to death under tower like the animal she is
>not Vayne edition
>Perfect girls don't exi-
xth for TSM losing all their games tomorrow
Currently getting demolished under her own tower
>people doubted Uzi
Vayne's Q crits on world patch
pathetic general
Hi lolgen, take this OC I made and repost it in the future, ok
Friendly reminder that Lulu is for abuse and forced impregnation
Xth for worlds is fucking dumb
Fucking rude. Not her fault teams draft her into 3 tanks and Lulu because "opop lul".
I won't
>t. butthurt
>tfw no qt petite gf
pls someone pick her again in worlds
>4/0 VAYNE
>tfw I just got demoted to silver 4 in flex
I literally got demoted to silver 3 yesterday
why is flex so hard
Must be hard to be a losing team in worlds, like FB are 0-4, the crowd is roaring for the enemy team, even if you win this match it won't matter. That's gotta sting man
cause you suck
flex is based off individual performance with no real punishment. stop sucking dick.
>Rageblade Vayne
This meta is so fucking bad
if they were eliminated why not just trollpick? At least go out with some fun
>pathetic response
lolgen was a mistake
Is that a noose around her? Is she really thinking of ending it all?
not an argument
flex is shit
dumb frogposter
>Finally a Vayne pick
>It's a meme build
Must sting more for G2 who literally are sitting helpless on the sidelines as their last, best chance of passing groups is getting dumpstered by a 4/0 Rageblade Vayne
This but unironically
right now picks like olaf top, mundo, naut, urgot are just straight up bad picks, there is just absolutely no reason to ever pick them over something like cho, mao, rumble or trundle
In dota you don't have "WELL THIS ISN'T META".
Literally everything is meta as long as you are not shit
It's not so bad. The play-in at least got them some success.
Look at who he's against though...
Not a huge testament to his ability
Who took your pentakill virginity, anons?
Xth for ayylmao
>Worlds meta is always imperfect
Agree or disagree?
correct it is shit and is therefore irrelevant
>wanting your main to get picked in any competitive match ever
I see you like to live dangerously.
based retarded frogposter
its because dota is a shit game that cant get anything right except maybe graphics
this qt
he looks like a girl who looks like a boy
Katarina. I've never even played her consistently, I just tried her a few games when her old rework first came out (not the most recent one), and randomly got a pentakill. It felt dirty.
Best guy!
NuEve is so much fun!
a man can only last so long, they will come in waves
yes but this year its exceptionally bad.
I haven't played LoL for over 3 years and haven't watched competitive LoL for over 2 years now.
Why is EU so bad? At least 2 years ago we could have had nice bantz about NA vs EU. Coreans were always #1 and I guess they still are, but we had our own fun little western thing. Watching this years worlds it's clear that EU is has become literally gutter scene, how come? Is there no new talent anymore or does the existing talent all get sucked in by NA orgs so EU teams have to works with the scraps?
Also what happened to pic related, he still around? He was involved with his own esports team last time I cared about this whole stuff
they would be banned 4 life
Okay after this worlds they HAVE to nerf twitch, right??
So, do the next general and stop complaining faggot
Rammus S3 iirc
Well, get ready for the game to be unplayable unless you ban vayne every game
Because now people will build this shit and when you call them out on it they will say shit like "WELL PROS PLAY IT"
EU, famous for their mids, can't hold on to their talent.
FNC beat IMT TWICE including tiebreakers for a quarters spot yesterday
le snek grill
I didnt think it was that bad last year
this year its really stale
hi guys its my birthday and i have no friends in real life anymore how are you
They would literally be fined for "unsportsman-like conduct" because riot doesn't believe in having fun.
>multiple yugioh references today
>Also what happened to pic related, he still around? He was involved with his own esports team last time I cared about this whole stuff
Riot did some illegal shit to the team because someone virtue signaled on Remi's behalf probably without her permission, and he called it quits afterwards for Lulverwatch which itself is a train wreck.
This next game is going to be the last ever game of this g2 line up
you are a gay man
Pentarina of course.
>get middle
>10 minutes in suddenly all the dickheads in the game come to my lane for some reason
this is the moment I realized I tanked the shit out of my MMR
When does season end
When do i get my rewards
When do the new runes/masteries drop
When does worlds end because its shit and I hate people talking about it
Mister yi season 1 leveling to 30
Fb is Europe team?
Which meta was best meta
>HOLY TRINITY (Trinity force/corki/ez/Graves)
>Blue builds AKA 5 smite or bust
>Varus/Jhin or lose
>Ardent censor
Frosk looks like Ursula, Christ.
god damn
That's hilarious, also the whole crapo stuff. Man, all this juicy drama perfect for shitposts on lolgen and I missed it. What a damn shame
"wow u dont know uzi build this??"
>but ts a bad build
"wow lmao ru better then uzi?? show me ur opgg mr challenjour xD"
this is how the conversation will go.
Few heroes are not viable every patch and thats still only on pubs and they see play on pro games
Literally 5 heroes were not picked in the last championship
This is how you balance a game, not this garbage that league does with throwing balance upside down with every patch
Happy birthday user.
Have a cute Nami.
Fnatic dumpstered an NA team to get out of groups.
TSM is really iffy on getting out of groups as Misfits, en EU team, could easily take their place.
C9 is also really on the fence but realistically have the best chance of making it out for NA, again.
The west in general is a dumpster fire because neither the players nor the organizations ever take it as seriously as the east. The Koreans play this game on an entirely different level and it's blatantly clear that neither EU nor NA bother putting in the effort to close the gap.
its censer but ill let you have your shitty joke
Happy birthday, user.
locket udyr
>Literally 5 heroes were not picked in the last championship
who cares, its a bad game
Why are you trying to sell dota anyway? Is Valve paying you? They really dont need your help user.
Succ or No Succ: Star Guardian Ezreal
rip monte, he got fucked for being associated with someone Riot wanted to take down and he was collateral
Season 3 Assassin meta rewarded individual play the hardest.
pretty good college is making me want to KMS rn and I have no friends either but apart from that it's pretty good. How are you? Happy Bday btw
1000% succ
Dearly missed, tough group
season 2 Morde
Feral flare aka pve meta
Your B-day is one day before mine, congrats
They fucking did it
I miss Locket Zilean, it was actually cool as fuck and fun on him.
Succ his everything.