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>Deck lists
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>Open Tournaments
Sponsors edition
>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
>Open Tournaments
Enjoy your 1 packvel
>he doesn't play questlock in brawl
When do they play? Blizzcon?
>he's still playing hearthstone
ROFLing @ ur life
rofl @ this you shitbrick
>hit rank 5 finally
>can now play meme decks without anxiety attacks
Feels good
rogue cancer nerf when
I picked Pavel. What do I do for free pack? Do I have to watch him win or him winning is enough?
you dont have to do anything other than vote , you'll get the packs after the event is over
back to 10-15 posts per hour nice
Thanks lad.
t. virgin shadowreaper
cancer rogue is less in need of nerfs than aids druid and nigger priest
how are you still losing to druid fucking rank20 shitter
>how are you still losing to a rank 1 deck
>aids druid
I legit get summer nostalgia when i see a jade druid lmao and i didn't see any of them in last three days.
the skill floor on this priest deck is so fucking low
rotation when
is there a real celebrity that plays Hearthstone? not that cringy streamer e-celebs. but a real celebrity like Jason Statham or Mark Ruffalo.
god i hope everyone bans priest
who and who?
enjoying your preist /druid meta? funny how the nerf changed nothing
priest and rogue still shit on druid
remember when priest was so shit it was unplayable, miss those times
>zoo and handlock are in there
I just played the most amazing game of hearthstone and I didn't record it.
Is there anywhere I can go watch it online or is it lost forever?
The latter
If you were a HS card which one would you be?
How the fuck does this game not have a replay system yet
It doesn't have lots of functions
The devs are busy trying to fix the spaghetti code
On all levels but physical I am Flame Imp
You're a sassy backtalking SOB?
Yes, I also hurt those around me and I'm lazy. But for a smaller guy I'm rather tough.
freeze x3
ice block x2
infinite fireballs
wow, outskilled once again
fuck all mages and priests
How long must this go on?
As a former main priest I moved on to rogue and warlock bros because of the cancerous curent state of priest. Wish me luck in my new cause.
Glad you stopped being gay, maybe you can cure the other homos.
Best decks for the brawl?
Priest was an underdog class when I started playing Hearthstone mate. Too bad it is even more cancerous than all classes except fucking mage.
I hope that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. user.
Zoolock has been great fun for me. Just constant pressure then if you fall behind you slam DK and suddenly you're back in the game.
damn wtf my heart
Why do I keep winning with Quest Warrior
Anyone got an up to date Hunter Midrange deck?
I'm pretty poor and still have the old version with hyena and stuff
>Toxic arrow is an epic
>Bearshark is common
lul why are blizzard so brainless?
In general, cards with less complex/unusual effects are given more common rarities.
any improvements for this list? i can't craft leeroy or shaku just yet
>Vanilla card with single ability
>"Complex" removal with different uses and situations
Gee golly I wonder
yeah. add a better deck name, retard :^)
thank you
Go Purple!
>100% highlander priest
>88% jade druid
>b-but all classes are represented!
I thought the World Championship was at Blizzcon? What are they doing at Blizzcon then?
Damn I would've voted for the qt Chinese girl if I didn't insta pick Pavel.
I'm surprised they're doing it in boring old Netherlands and not some lavish resort so Zeriyah can get free holidays.
>inb4 paveling book gives him shatter
Can't give out too many free packs
I have a bunch of cheap decks like Evolve, Midrange Hunter and Secret Mage
If i want to save up for a good control deck that's a bit more greedy what should i go for? I have quite a few Jade Cards and Aya but i don't have Malfurion or Kun.
Also i know its not a serious deck but is Rotface a fun deck? It looks hilarious
Might just want to save until the next expansion now that we're past the 50% mark of KFT. Then you can make more of a wise decision about what you're saving up for.
wait until you see him facing a 20/20 frozen c'thun and paveling book gives him shatter
Good point
I'm trying to learn how to be economical with my cards. I've dusted most of the cards i dont see myself using in the future but there's some stuff like Quest Warrior for example that i have the legendary for but i never play or see anyone else play. Is it even worth keeping?
I relinquish my memes to you, Veeky Forums: Tracking + Loatheb in brawl. Just fill the rest with tech cards. You can use tracking to discard the techs not relevant to your particular matchup.
Include patches for an even leaner deck.
It's pretty unique and might have some applications in the future, or Wild if you ever want to Wild. I'd keep it. But if you really don't ever see yourself playing it, and you're thirsty for dust, then I won't tell you not to.
you need to be 18 to post here
>2 priests had DK on 8 so I lost
>rogue shadowsteps Keleseth on 2 so I lost
Frodan really likes glittering doesn't he
university, you dropout.
>big tournament
>playing games off-stream
what. why can't they have a b-stream for these matches. I don't want to watch literal who asians
Congratulations! You've encountered someone on the internet who's local language differs from yours. Better throw a fit about it.
Here we call college-level assignments "homework" too.
Murloc paladin is sweet, you're pretty much guaranteed curve with the 1-2 drops and value with rockpool + gentle saur
must be a hard life being a paki mate
>Takes viewers away from main stream.
>Most (all?) big tournaments don't do this.
>Small indie game.
Actually I'm Caucasian. Must be hard being stormfront, though.
720p? The fuck, really?
>waaahhh why don't they like the fact i stink of curry
720p*60*, user. **SIXTY**
i heard about people like you on john oliver. It feels good to be enlightened. Sorry you're on the wrong side of herstory, friend :)
WOW, that changes EVERYTHING
Image shows how fucking stupid this meta is.
fuck off nigger you can't even type right
/hsg/ is and always will be a white board and all niggers can fuck off
>calling someone a paki makes you stormfront
>/pol/ is stormfront and/or doesn't hate stormfags
lel, stick to lurking faggots
>going ladder as paladin
How is Murlocdin tier 1 again?
What Hearthstone card has the stinkiest farts?
Kun the Forgotten King imo. Like tens of thousands of year old musty farts.
its only tier one if you draw the right cards at the right time
HERstory, stormie.
Who said anything about /pol/? But yeah, blindly attacking strangers on their internet over your random guess at their ethnicity is pretty stormfront.
when do i evolve in evolve shaman?
I can get control of the board with a bunch of totem murlocs and fire elementals and stuff, but is a board full of those even worth evolving or should i wait for bigger stuff like my Jades from Claws/Lightning to build up
It isn't. It can't compete with the holy trinity of autism decks
Depends on what you're playing against m8. Usually comboed with Doppelgangster. But throwing it on a bunch of shit minions to get a healthier board against rogue, or to buff them out of Holy Nova/Consecrate range can be needed. Also one can be used early if you drew two and might not get value out of them if you hold on to them for too long.
Old food doesn't even smell bad. Aside from the fact that farts dissipate quickly in minutes, let alone thousands of years, I bet Kun's farts would be scentless, if not for perhaps the smell of sand and stone dust.
My vote is for Mayor Noggenfogger. Why else would everyone act so disoriented around him?
poor lad clearly can't handle the bants, go back to india mate
>Who said anything about /pol/?
The plates in the image.