The absolute SHIT state of ret
Old thread
First for gnome feet :3c
>tfw literally ass rogue
Won't somebody PLEASE tell me where Pezado is?
He never posts these days
>get level 85
>feature unlocked! wisdom of the 4 winds!
>mouse over it in spellbook, pandaland flying - go see your trainer
>talk to flight trainer in home city
>he doesn't have it available for purchase
>go to pandaland hub
>trainer there won't teach me until 90
what the fuck, how do I get this to make panda leveling not so bad?
black market auction sometimes has the thing that lets you learn it before 90
What did Blizzard mean by this?
FUCK your stats.
>Fire and Frost nerfed
Is it finally time for Arcane to shine?
>"We know versatility is a stat that really has no place for anyone besides tanks and even then is a worse mechanic than dodge or parry, but we're going to force it on you anyway"
so let me get this straight, there are no other weapons besides the ones i get and upgrade along the way?
there are other weapons but you wont be using them
you can get heirloom weapons and get them to 110 too
the absolute shit state of casters
so can i just pop one of those things that give 7217831 million exp towards it?
Easy AP boys. Thanks to whoever in Blizzard decided to put 30% and 25% mission duration reduction items in.
Monk vs Druid for C O M F Y levelling?
it would be really comfy as any class if you didnt just one shot every mob from 1-60
>200% with three champions
>AP missions
You're not very bright are you?
>putting more in than the bare minimum when there's no bonus
What the fuck were you thinking?
is it easy to max it out?
Can't be maxed out
Each champion has 30% and 25% mission duration reductions. The only other noteworthy missions up were 1 ap mission and 1 gold mission that I could 200% with 1 champion each. It's better to send that 1 extra champion out with his 30% and 25% mission duration reduction than no let him sit waiting.
And by the time I typed this, the only other mission that spawned was a champion equipment mission.
>max out
Do I have to have a certain skill in fishing before The Anglers dailies open up?
Look at the party buffs and time needed to complete the originally 3 day mission.
>AP mission
shock troops or +1 champ?
i dont understand then, is this it?
If you have a champion that can grant those "restore 1 vitality" items. Go for shock troops, get 2 units that have good traits and then switch to champion. Keep your units alive with the items.
Whose sexy hands are those?
They're both equally good desu
But now that we got Argus troops, +1 champion is better.
No, more unlocks afterward. The final trait is a 50 rank improving primary stat proc that increases in cost exponentially. You will never max it.
Can anyone redpill me on end-game MW monks? I have been leveling mine just to check it out and I have fallen in love with it, and am having nothing but sheer fun and enjoyment playing this.
I was talking to my friend that is in a high level mythic guild and he was telling me MW are the shittiest of the healers and bring nothing to the table and have horrible mana issues and are straight up unviable in progression mythic raiding to the point their guild turns away any MW monks instantly.
Are they really this bad? Can they work in high level stuff? Probably won't into mythic this tier but perhaps next raid when its out.
more like
>we don't want you to experience the enhanced and fun gameplay stats like haste or crit bring
>MW being turned away after all the raid nerfs
Your friend is full of shit. If they stack only the best at this point then they should consider quitting.
>buy two relinquished trinkets
>get two figurehead of the naglfar
+1 champ is pretty much always preferred. There is times when shock troops can be useful but for nearly every class +1 champ is better. Allows you to have a combat ally and not completely fuck your mission team for one.
That's pretty nice. I don't tend to use the mission reduction items myself, I usually prefer counter item and 2 flat success chance items. Maybe I should start dumping my lower success chance item for a mission duration reduction item.
Your friend is a fucking moron and I'll bet money he plays a Resto Druid and does nothing but mash rejuv all day.
MW is currently really strong, but their performance is heavily dependent on itemization. Stacking Crit/Vers talented into Rising Thunder they sustain for days, even longer than a Resto Shaman, but they don't deal well with spike damage. Stacking Haste/Mastery they can put out retarded amounts of HPS but they OOM in like 120 seconds if they try to keep it up. You can split the difference obviously, but that requires you to think about your gear more than the typical Haste/Mastery hurr resto druids do.
The biggest problem for MW is that Revival is kind of shit and Life Coccoon is a total meme as far as external cooldowns go.
These are the secondaries on my Holy Priest. I want to buy an empyrial hat and boost it to 935, should I get crit/mastery, crit/haste, haste/mastery or something with vers?
why would you want vers
looks like you should get crit>mastery
you just said their raid utility is the worst of all the healers, how can you still suggest MW is good?
Destro kinda sucks and I refuse to play Afflic. Should I switch my loot spec to Demo and try to get some legendaries for that?
If nobody dies then you're doing your job.
>refuse to play Afflic
No, I said Revival is kind of shit and that Life Coccoon is a meme. I didn't make any comparison to other specs.
The worst is Holy Priest. Hymn is a shittier tranq that you can't use while moving, it has none of the advantages of Tranq or Revival, which is instant.
He couldn't get a mount before a weekly reset and rage quit
fault tolerance is like 90% of the job of a healer
if you can't correct the DPS' fuckups you're not a good healer
If DPS fuck up they're not good DPS.
When the guy did post here he would literally be samefagging his own posts as everyone else called him a faggot. I doubt he's gone for good, don't worry.
Demo's fun for the first few hours. Then you realize all the problems of the spec. Better hope you don't need to change targets in a raid situation or called to do mechanics and allowed to tunnel the boss.
>Couldn't heal us through 2 missed armageddon meteors? Shit healers.
How is this an actual train of thought?
I like playing meme specs that nobody else plays
post lewd
Not that lewd but this is one of my favorite pieces of wow fanart
wagies be gone
You have 5 seconds to name a worst questing area than Suramar.
Goblin on gnome?
Thats fucking hot my dude.
s-stop you're making me want to play a gnome ;-;
Thousand Needles. Easy.
blade's edge
highmountain and stormheim, they both perfectly represent neo-WoW garbage map design philosophy
i think you meant high mountains?
new one yes, old one no
best tbc zone
There's nothing wrong with Suramar. Let me guess you're another worthless retard who complains "ugh I hate doing quests!!" or "ugh there are mobs everywhere that can hurt me this is so inconvenient grr!!!!"
Ice crown
How fucked is warrior tank this exp? Its the only class/spec i can have """"fun"""" with.
Hey folks this is Kelani
Its the bottom of all of them currently. Its fun to never see another one but thats about it.
Right? I love getting flooded with elite enemies because I stood 5 meters away from a demon instead of 6 while attempting to stand 6 meters away from another demon. I think there's nothing wrong with casters getting fucked if they have an ilvl lower than 900 while doing basic quests.
You're shit at your class if you struggle in suramar at any ilvl
Only one section of the city has elites, and besides a couple WQs there's really no reason to go there. Plus you have WQGF and flying, right? What's the problem?
damn its that bad? that sucks
>and besides a couple WQs there's really no reason to go there.
The quest line has you go there multiple times.
>being so retarded you cant walk through suramar without pulling everything
>dying to mobs that were designed to be killed in early legion with
I did it on release as a fire mage and never struggled
>git gud fucking casuls i'm so good suck my e-peen
Please don't reply to me until you lose your virginity.
Into the part of the city with the sycophants? Or the ruined part with the demons? The demon part isn't bad at all. I've done this questline on 8 different characters including my shadow priest that sucks and I never really ran into many problems. I don't even think I died.
Thanks anons. I can't speak to actual skill as a player so he could be a shitter as far as mythic raiders go for all I know.
I'm just glad that MW have a place if I git gud enough and get some gear. I have been having far too much fun on mine it would crush me if they were actual trash.
On a side know does anyone know if MW require specific legendaries or can you get away with many of them if you are a good player?
Not an argument.
So you can you not reply to yourself then? You can't even do Suramar, let alone a lady
Of all the shit you can get in invasions, the rolling balls of death is by far the worst.
>situation can alleviated by simply playing better
>get mad when people point that out
You're honestly pathetic
You want the boots and trinket.
I'm sure girls love when you're a tryhard sperg like you're continuing to be.
See above.
>these are the nu-males who develop WoW
Millennials were a mistake.
>getting this mad at video games
so many obese people
Is this normal in America?
>get called out for being an angry tryhard
>u-u mad
what about shroomcity where some FUCKING hunter always aggros the goddamn shamblers.