Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Oh no...
Zeku this weekend.
Street faggots 5 sucks dick kill yourselves.
How do we deal with the Brick problem?
Is Capcom just going to drop the hints on twitter and stay quiet? Aren't they going to tell us when the character is getting announced?
kof 14 is really good
i wish there was a reason to play it
devs need to realize how important netplay is for fighting games now
*gets sick and creative*
BBCTB looks really dumb and really fun.
jive lobby when
chipper.. charger?
Boatsluts fg when
>achieving hyper speed
>combos are the only difficulty in a fighting game
stay retarded
who umihara here?
Stay mad virgin :)
How problematic.
Game development is insanely hard though. It's a miracle we get to enjoy any kind of videogames at all.
Why doesn't everyone use GGPO?
No one plays fighting games and GGPO wont cause more people to do so
*kills sfv*
Incompetence and the general public not being able to tell the difference
Is that the highest form of life: the oppai loli?
i play scary boat!!
Fighting games with DLC characters should let you test the characters out in training mode before you buy them. I would be more likely to purchase a character if I were sure I liked them. I think a F2P model could do notably better with that, and it seems like a fairly minimal addition.
It's too expensive and too complicated to implement.
It's not like some random coding kids can just make a rollback netcode for any game.
Nah go fuck yourself. Just another whiny consumer that produces nothing but shit and tears. You're a fucking worthless sack of shit that I hesitate to even label human.
Repost for spaghetti brain
KoF 14 fails in visuals but not as hard as Mvci. The models in 14 look fine but the lighting is garbage, meanwhile both are bad in Mvci. He also listed things besides graphics that KoF 14 got right like roster, music, animations, interface, and ultimately it plays extremely well. KoF has better and more technical combat and has more versatility with a higher skill ceiling than Mvci.
The only thing Mvci beats KoF in is terms of budget, I don't care about this unbacked claim about the small budget Mvci had because even if it's true SNK assuredly has less money to work with, and playerbase size. And the playerbase of Mvci is well on the path of being just as dead as KoF at this rate.
This is literally Killer instinct.
Brawlhalla and KI do that.
it is the final form
>I'm not mad btw :)
Kill yourself street faggot
I really, REALLY like this image...
>KoF 14 fails in visuals but not as hard as Mvci.
You're right, they fail harder. At least Infinite attempts to make character and skin textures instead of KoF where everyone looks like a fucking plastic doll.
Well then more games past KI should do that. KI did a lot right, everyone should be looking to them for inspiration.
KI is also irrelevant and makes no fucking money. Sounds just like shithalla.
Silence, kusophile
>and playerbase size
Would have easily be in the favour of kof14 if snk did not sell out to sony and instead release the game to their markets.
>I am buttmad and have no idea what I am talking about
>mvci and kof 14 fans arguing about which game is less shit
KoF doesn't have characters that look like they are melting like over half the roster of Mvci. In good lighting KoF models look fine, in good lighting Mvci characters still mostly look like shit. I'll take a smoother look as long as they don't look like Mvci where Dante looks like he was sculpted out of cheese.
For comparisons' sake. The new one seem to be lacking that armor.
What's the fucking point of changing designs for fucking newcomers at the moment right before release is beyond me, but I guess Takayuki Nakamura has to brat about something he did for this game, since most of its base comes from Dimps anyway.
/fgg/vo is TONIGHT!
The series is starting off with Breakers Revenge.
9pm CST.
FT3 Single Elimination.
This user right here is right
>The models in 14 look fine but the lighting is garbage, meanwhile both are bad in Mvci.
That's wrong. The real problem? The too tryhard realistic look
*lmaos at your life*
Maybe he still has that armor but since he's on front in the new silhouette you can't see some of the details on the arms and legs.
ec/eu or ec/wc?
How am I supposed to approach people and get in? I'm talking about MvCI specifically also how do I figure out combos by myself?
KoF14 has both terrible models and some of the worst animations in the genre.
Only the stages are alright. You're fucking blind.
>background blurr
Literally the lootboxes of graphic options.
No one ants it but retards still like it.
Frame data.
You can do most of the combos with a single button and its a low IQ hyper figher, there is no getting in, you hop around swinging tagging in and out like a bad draft till something connects than you smash for a bit and pop off a super.
Just gun all the way in with gamora, bruh
>Add cat references in Menat's animations in order to fit with her "cat ears"
>Remove any resemblance of cat ears from her design but keep the animations like that
They can't do one shit right since the betas.
No that would be chromatic aberration
The person who did the screenshot modified the background to blur to make the character stand out. Also blur has one r.
My computer found a trojan from Melty Blood.
>playing gay furry kusoge
Just go back to jive if you lack the gene
lol im not mad but you clearly are lmfao
cat ears would have been absolutely retarded, kys
story/vanilla costume
>You can do most of the combos with a single button*
*If you have auto combo on.
>cat ears would have been absolutely retarded, kys
Then why aren't you wearing them, you fucking sperg?
lp > lk > hp > hk > > jump > j.lp (1-2 times) > (1-2 times) > hp > super or hk
That's the base of all combos. Play around with it and work your teams special stuff in there.
Best way to get in is usually some sort of projectile coverage than tag into high/low mix-ups. Air dash hp/hk usually works too.
>you can't have cat references without cat ears
The hair/helmet is clearly different, they redesigned him again.
cr. hp.* not
aacc or one of the old ones?
Our lad will play
Even worse is they are fantasy screenshots you aren't capable of taking yourself without being on a PC and using patreon mods most likely.
Why is Broski's voice so scary
>not being on pc
Could it be a false alarm? It has been in a quarantine for almost a month.
we might get Broski Vs Luffy
>he begs for lame stupid shit like single player content against AI bosses with feel good ladder systems instead of things like screenshot mode in replay
I just realized. Avengers Alliance lasted a long time. The Marvel MMO still exists & was put on consoles recently. MvCi might actually last a bit longer than we thought.
i dont know, but there should always be a reason for a false alarm. mbaacc is also popular enough to get reuploaded/repacked, so anything can happen.
when in doubt try virsustotal. if it gets multiple hits then theres something bad
I'm tempted, but I've never played. Is there a set time registration closes?
Whats this obsession people have with wanting games to die in the first place when its clearly not going to happen anyways?
>marvel players are playing marvel
>sfv players are playing SFV
>GGs play GG's
>BB's play BB
>irrelevant fighter play by irrelevant
etc etc etc.
Also the PC platform is irrelevant and only an idiot cares about steam numbers. Thanks.
When Capcom dies, Guilty Gear can finally get their turn as the premier game of the FGC, they deserve it so much more...
watch him move!
But SFV has crossplay so PC is the best option
You're like an ant dancing on a pile of shit, oblivious to the tank that's about to run you over with the words SMASH printed on the side.
Im happy it wont die immidiately
registration closes once its started
>no exclusive CPT colors
>best option
I swear twitch becomes more and more of a joke each passing day, unskippable, unblockable ads, and now you can't even mute the fucking thing anymore.
Getting fucking tired of this shit site and its killing my desire to continue caring. Paying huge money for fast internet so I can piss away my time and money watching fucking commercials so I can watch people play fucking videogames.
So close to just being done with this shit. So stupid.
Is Menat good for a beginner?
Fucking posting glitch.
Jesus Packz Karin is sloppy as fuck.