/dg/ - Destiny General


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>tfw no Failsafe gf

Alpha team we are publicly calling you out.
Tuesday night we will be doing a speedrun to demonstrate just how effective we are as a team and that we are no joke.
Then on Wednesday we will humiliate you by beating you and getting thread first.
We have practiced and run raids to solidify our team bond to the point we not only think as one we play as one, we are ready for prestige mode and you don't stand a chance against us.
Count the days, because on Wednesday dg gets a new king

3rd for 10 days, 12 hours, and 50 mins till a BEST version releases.

>tfw no Holiday gf

I got you covered Holiday fag

>tfw no iron banner gf

^this is a new meme i came up with, i hope you like it


>all these huntcucks and wardumbs complaining about titan grenades
Not my fault you picked a useless class for everything

epic post man i hope you get some good replies

I know this is bait but that argument isn't a real argument. If 1 class is entirely superior to not one, but both other options, it's a busted class. I sure hope you Titanfags enjoy your hot nerfs.

>tfw no Holliday gf

Titan will be nerfed soon enough.

Low quality bait will always draw replies.

You're late.

>3rd for 10 days, 12 hours, and 50 mins till a DEAD version releases


And posts with actual quality almost never get replies because they require actual thought.

go back to jacking off to the feet of your hunter "guardians"

EDZ packages are 300 light right now

Is there anywhere that actually keeps track of this? I wouldn't mind only turning my shit in when it's 300 but I can't be assed to actually check constantly.


There's a site, though I can't recall its name. We should probably add it to the OP tbqh.



You got called the fuck out by xboners, time to respond or are you too pussy?




How do you get vendor engrams to 300? I thought only weekly engrams could get that high?

Once you're 305 vendor engrams jump around between 295-300 every half an hour.

Once you hit 305 vendors will give engrams anywhere between 295 and 300.
It changes ever ~30mins.
The website runs off the players who are at 305 PL submitting what the NPCs are offering.

By being LL300 without any mods, or 305 with mods. Then all your random draws can drop from 295 to 300. Vendors just happen to be consistent for everyone.

11 days, 12 hours, and 30 mins until buyer's remorse

tfw no fulminator gf

Don't worry PC shitposter-kun, soon you'll realize that you were hype for an utterly disappointing game that delivered on absolutely no ends.

We'll welcome you here in our genenral anyway. You can be angry with us.

Thinking of a potential rework for Code of the Earthshaker

Perk 1 - Death from Above: while airborne, holding down your super activation grants you a brief period to aim it and upon landing creates a shockwave effect that travels forward in your direction of impact
Perk 2 - Terminal Velocity: keeping it the same for now
Perk 3 - Seismic Strike: Since all titans subclasses have at least one perk tree with a sprinting melee, we'll keep this as is for now. Although... I was thinking that maybe it could more damage based on how many enemies we're hit by it
Perk 4 - with the removal of grenades related stuff, the aftershock perk is no longer needed so we another non super perk. Was thinking of maybe another melee associate perk, but Code of the Juggernaut already has 3 melee related perks and I don't want to reuse them obviously

Although while thinking of this, I just got another idea which I'll post later, but this is more of a Titan wide thing though

>1. Reduce the cooldown on radar after ADS
>2. Marginally decrease high RoF Scouts RoF
>3. Marginally increase low RoF scouts RoF
>4. Decrease HC kickback
>5. Reduce the effect of HighCal and Explosive rounds on screenshake
>6. Lower RoF on Omolon burst sidearms

>7. Slower pulse rate on pulse grenades. Pulses less times for less overall damage in the same time frame as current pulse grenades.
>8. Decrease cooldown on all abilities by ~20 seconds
>9. Reduce effectiveness of Healing Rifts marginally
>10. Decreased damage of charged Warlock grenades in PvP. Primarily Axiom Bolt.
>11. Increase the speed and range of the Hunter dodge, making it actually effective as a dodge.

Do you want the secret to having fun in crucible? I'll tell you:

Use blue weapons. There are quite a handful of blues with stats that rival or surpass legendaries. Some even come with idiotic perk combinations. Like the Sand Wasp being a seemingly weaker Valakadyn at first glance, but then you see it's a Valakadyn with a bigger mag and high cal rounds.

Instead of getting people responding with L2P-tier shitposting I get legitimate answers. Is this the Twilight Zone?

Thank you, you legitimately surprised me.

Bad post.

What if instead of being in a patrol zone, Xur set up shop on a crucible map? During the festivities you just have to hope theres a quiet moment on his side of the map so you can pop in and buy a Merciless real quick.

Female Titans were made to be mothers.

>Reposting my shitty joke word for word
but why

Maybe humans but Awoken are sterile and exo can't have children, I don't see how they can be mothers.

>tfw no bf to play destiny with

The fact that you can get blue gear up to max light is a sign that you shouldn't ignore them. There is functionally no difference between using rare gear and legendary gear.


Why don't lucky pants have the stowed reload perk like peacekeepers? There's 3 of these increased ready for x exotics and only one is worth a damn and hunters get stuck with the useless two.
What the fuck.

That will not save them from the mating press

i want a bf who plays destiny and you probably want a gf who plays destiny. why cant we get along and be alone forever?

Lucky Pants and Tricksleeves should have been the same exotic. Both are fucking hilariously bad on their own.

>be Nightstalker + Orpheus and Way of the Trapper
>doing glimmer extraction heroic
>fire shadowshot at incoming fallen
>instantly get super back
>shadowshot lasts so long that the next wave also gets tethered for free
>b-b-b-but the b-b-bottom tree is b-b-better p-p-please take bottom tree so I can get orbs for my own super t. shitans and warcucks
Don't listen to bad players

Anyone doing IB?


How do you stay consistent in Crucible? It's a 50/50 chance each match with me whether I'll have a 3.0+ efficiency score or barely scrapping passed 1.0

; h;

>drang+strum+trick sleeves+lucky pants
A man can dream.


>Always run with people
>Never be the first to run in
>Watch your own six
>Bail if you're alone

Having a fireteam

Literally every fucking normie plays Titan, who the fuck are you kidding

This. I finally bit the bullet and just filled in that perk because I don't use it with Orpheus Rig(or at all really). Trapper tree is better in every way.
Fuck being support you handle yours and I'll handle mine.

It still wouldn't make Sturm and Drang good.

I forgot

>Don't care about winning the match, just about preserving your KD


It would be cool if they introduced more crucible people like shaxx, like a hunter/warlock version.
All the other guardians that are in the tower besides the main 3 are Titans.

>don't care about winning, only care about an arbitrary number on a screen that means absolutely nothing, because random strangers might look at it and be mean to me
This is what autism looks like folks

I see FAR more Hunters in everything than Titans.

You're right they do that on their own you dumb faggot.
Just because auto rifles scouts and burst side arms are the hot shit doesn't mean everything else is bad.

Every single IB match i've played has had at least 2 Titans on each team. Though I less think of it as a normie problem and more of a Titans being overtuned problem. People are just picking the meta.

>because random strangers might look at it and be mean to me
This argument would hold water if k/d wasn't literally held against you so you can't join people without fear of having it posted all the time.

Trapper has
>faster sprinting
>better radar
>bigger and longer lasting tether
>invis on dodge

>b-b-b-but m-m-muh orbs!!!!
Imagine being a Shitan or Warcuck thinking they can tell me how to play my Hunter

Nice anecdote, I literally have that with Hunters. Yesterday I faced numerous teams of 4 Hunters

Every single iron banner match is me as a Titan with 3 golden gun hunters.

It was the same shit in D1 when Sunbreaker came out, Everyone wanted one and then the second it got nerfed the Titan population dropped

>Sturm and Drang
>Not garbage tier
Why the fuck would you WASTE your main and second slot on those pieces of shit? If you want to use a kinetic HC, why are you not using better Devils? If you want to use an energy sidearm, why are you not using Last Dance/Hope? They're fucking trashy gimmick weapons.

>cap A and B on emperors respite
>fucking retard decides LETS CAP C HAHAH

god FUCKING damnit

Can you blame them though, Golden Gun is the most brainless PvP Super. Literal guaranteed 3 kill streak.

>'class sword'
is the most stylish loadout, though.

You got really upset that I stated a fact, user. Sturm and Drang are bad for a lot of reasons, and none of them are "auto rifles and burst side arms are good haha."

Sturm and Drang are bad because their exotic perk is a nonfactor. Its only, singular use is to make mobbing in PvE slightly faster, and even then its only marginally faster than a HC with Outlaw. You are giving up both your weapon slots so that you can have less DPS against bosses and so you can have a marginally easier time clearing adds. Its a stupid fucking choice.

And in PvP, the exotic perk will literally never matter anyway so now you're burning both weapon slots on what amounts to a mediocre HC and a mediocre Sidearm. You are gimping yourself for no benefit.

Sturm and Drang are objectively undertuned. If anything, you should stop making shit up and agree with the facts so that bungie will buff your raifu.

When will we finally have an exotic sidearm that's dual wielded

>is the worst stylish loadout, though.

This. Sturm is so fucking ugly. German-style pistols are fucking hideous.

>DLC1 releases
>MIDA unnerfed
>Autos and Burst Sidearms blanket nerfed
>SMGs get buffed
>New DLC adds a MIDA Power Tool Rocket Launcher
>Crucible meta becomes MIDA in all 3 slots

post yfw

>MIDA power tool

why don't you just kys

Reminder that anyone who uses the MIDA/Uriel's crutch is instantly discredited as a player

w-what about vigilance wing and etana

good thing I didn't list Sturm, then????

>intentionally gimping yourself for m-mm-muh honoru!

Space 1911 when

What if I use Antiope-D instead of MIDA? or Last Hope instead of Uriels?

>MIDA Power Tool
I unironically want this now

>asshurt metacuck who can't win a match without his crutch trying to justify his lack of skill
Holy shit

nth for titan mom

>tfw mapped my wireless xbox controller's right thumbstick press in to activate script on my laptop that equps antiope if im wearing mida and equips mida if im wearing antiope

feels comfy man

He's clearly a coward. I can see them now in their faggy little party chat, probably planning and panicking at the same time. Fucking faggots will get owned come Wednesday.

hunters in ninja gear standing behind walls with katanas as you wave at them

>Bad post
I thinks he's onto something, it seems more striker like and it gets rid of the grenade spam the they can put out

>More of a Titan wide thing though
I want to know

Reminder that a bunch of savages are ravaging failsafe's interior right now

>MIDA Power Tool

Fund it

>28 packages
>3 pieces of armor

fuck this shit race war NOW

>hundreds of tokens later, still cannot get the Nessus helmet


>MIDA Power Tool
Yeah but this doesn't have the same alliteration that the other MIDA weapons do. I propose this:
>MIDA Multitool
>MIDA Minitool
>MIDA Maxitool

>only really want the chest
>have the helmet, arms, legs, and class item several times over
I've got the fwc version, but I want one without the logo on it.

>soloing iron banner