/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Where can I find Ela's lewds? Hello sfm arthookers do your job

silver and below are literal retards
gold is codfags that dont know they can use drones post prep phase
low plat is mainly goldfags that had a lucky win streak
mid plat is where people with either good map knowledge or good aim sit
high plat/diamond is either stacks or legit great players

I get silver because the charms look the best in generic grey.
That's the only reason. It totally isn't because of my lack of skill or my inability to play without a high risk high reward mentality. Nope. Not me

theres no Ela nude SFM model yet but i can hook you up with alot of great IQ SFM foot fetish porn if you want.

who here /burntout/? I just cant have fun with ela being in the game anymore. She's drained all enjoyment I had from the game and even with her upcoming nerf isnt going to be any more balanced. It's upsetting too since I played through all of operation health only to be pleased with what blood orchid brought and upset by ela ruining the game.

this game makes me feel fucking mentally deficient
no other level 76 is as bad as me
I'm always in the wrong place watching the wrong angle with the wrong gun or stumbling onto the enemy like a retard and instantly dying without so much as damaging them
250 hours in, I've learned essentially nothing

>tfw level 42 and still haven't play ranked
I don't want to expose my mediocre skills.



>playing ranked on console
>every time we attack, our fps drops to 5
>notice in 2 rounds that I see a castle putting up and tearing down a barricade and then we suddenly drop to 5fps the whole round
>teammates are rednecks who start talking on the 3rd round, about how the enemy are hacking, screaming hacking constantly after having us muted the second the game started
>tell them hey guys you know you can't hack on ps4
>they start calling us autistic and say this is the shit they don't wanna deal with
>teamkill us next round

>Google if there's a glitch
>turns out if castle puts up and removes a barricade, it lags the enemy and puts them to 5 fps

Amazing ubisoft, simply amazing. I love it, nice fucking glitch. And fuck these dumb rednecks holy shit. I quit and decided to come back and there's a glitch like this, simply eric