League of Legends general - /lolg/

Old thread: BZZZZZZZZZZZ Edition


i like xayah, why does she have to cuck me

Would you wife this Blood Lady

Why does Elementalist Lux wear such lewd outfits?

xth for Syndra
double threads again

people who play shit like sona and ezreal mid have brain damage

Why Eve so fcking bad? Every time i press W enemy just group and cuk me

Stop replying to the tripfag thats just an attentionwhore

No, they removed Tumble's bonus damage being amplified by crits. Tumble can still crit, and the bonus damage still applies on its own. Tumblecrit build wasn't only broken because of the tumble bonus damage crit, but because of the sheer number of damage Vayne can do with a crit build with ult+q and literally 1 auto attack. Until they nerf crit build, it is still gonna be happening my man.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

give me her nudes

she actually got to plat by herself so she must be 6/10 minimum

Vladimir is so fucking boring

>Morde is so bugged his bugs are contaminating other champions

Just played a game as Tahm where my ult was replaced by Morde's.

xth for TEAM SIREN

I can barely tell it's a lady

Just filter them retard.

That's a cute boi. I wanna see his tiddies.

show me your picks for last night and tonight and tell me how confident you are for tonight. I still believe in the flash wolves

Yes that's just called normal crit build

And her Q damage now is shit, don't ever Q for the damage, especially past laning

I want him to filter himself by ending his life

There are plenty of viable mids that don't have waveclear.

Just because it's gimmick doesn't mean it doesn't work.

You forgot shiv proc that adds even more damage to that q and also crits

>getting this asblasted cus shes better at the game than yoo


Sexy hobos.

Who is your /lolg/ gf?

I see hobo but hobo not sexy???

>not hating all attentionwhores regardless of social status, rank or cupsize

>tsm first place
>we last place
what is wrong with you nigger
i know na want their teams to make it out of groups but be serious guys

Brittany do you enjoy the drama centering on you or do you just try to ignore it?

>Yes that's just called normal crit build
Right, let's pretend that's actually true and that Vayne's tumblecrit build is the standard crit build -- I said it in that post, and I'll say it in this one, crit items are a problem right now. Vayne's just a choice example of it.

>And her Q damage now is shit, don't ever Q for the damage, especially past laning
You uh, you know her tumble damage was buffed right? Like, 20% fucking higher at level 1?

When will we see Fidlstek again

What's the problem with tripfags? I don't give a fuck about them. They don't bother me at all

Still, someone who is legit decent at the game, and got there by herself, is my fetish

autism or introvert girls

Girls love attention, especially virgin neets like Brittany.

why is this suddenly a thing
isnt this just some low elo shitter whos never done anything and showed up like a month ago
is euro hour that desperate for ecelebs

Hopefully never.

I still want to know who this is

i want a poppy

a shyvana is fine too

Hobo very sexy you just need glasses.

>There are plenty of viable mids that don't have waveclear.
name one that isn't Kassadin

>Arcane Comet change on PBE makes it so that every tick of spell damage you deal reduces the cooldown of Arcane Comet
>Crows on multiple targets
>Lifedrain ticks
>Ultimate ticks on multiple targets
>Fiddlesticks just puking arcane comets fucking EVERYWHERE

Literally preseason.

I hate these faggots ever giving a slight of attention to these other lolg "celebs"
it truly IS the cancer that kills generals.

shes a super oldfag from the 2011 /v/ League threads, her and aniki-tan had a thing (mainly cus aniki was a guy pretending to be a girl and britt was a real girl)

After 28 days, my elo will decay if I don’t play right? Not 7 days after the 28 days right?

>wanting poppy over tight rippling dragon pussy

Check the file name.

The cooldown reduction just got changed to have it's own internal cooldown of 0.5s, and DoTs only reduce Comet's CD by 5%.

Plus, Fiddle can't confirm his comets will hit anyway.


That was hard.


wouldn;t that simply be 35 days?
It's stupid
>your elo will decay 7 days after 28 days!!11

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>names a mid that doesn't have waveclear but is viable

Why do his job for him?

blue kayn is bad amirite xd


You used to build crit specially to one shot squishies from stealth

Now you build crit to DPS the tanks and don't rely on the Q burst damage. Yes that is called just a crit build as it has nothing to do with the tumble

>You uh, you know her tumble damage was buffed right? Like, 20% fucking higher at level 1?
as soon as you finish 2 core items your Q's deal significantly less damage than before, more over Q has always been weak too to actually DPS, the entire point of the Crit + Q was the massive initial damage to a squishy champ. Using Q has pretty much always been the suboptimal move to just standing and autoing when ever that is actually possible.

u may correct me if im wrong but i am 100% sure the kid was an absolute bottom of the barrel no name back then i am asking why the sudden surge in circlejerking
did something happen recently

There has GOT to be a faster way to grind IP, jesus christ.

Furthermore, carthage should be destroyed, and remember to BOYCOTT and NOT POST IN lulu and lissandra threads.Just make another one.

i am honestly fishing more for the bad art of that image

looks atrocious

haha upvoted

I'll make a virgin walk about the Chadow Assassin and the Virgin Darkin next week.

It's called getting a McJob and buying RP

they are drawn you won't get any of these

she recently came back some weeks ago, she was only a namefag then, then ppl started to copy her name and shitpost, so she put on a trip to avoid it, you can see how well that worked

>wanting bad art
why tho

Anyone want to start a /lolg/ flex queue team and get masters?

Diamond 3+ soloq only

Blue Kayn is so snowbally it's insane. You depend on ending the game fast but otherwise his one shot potential is just too good.
Went 19/3 the other match. Couldn't win because we didn;t really have a frontline and out mid was braindead salivating retarded, but it went to show me once more how fucking OP blue Kayn is.

Also, threadly thanks for all blue Kayn enthusiasts for not killing Kayn every match :)

>get 3 towers top and inh
>get 2 towers mid with rift
>inh minions kill 1 nexus turret
>dominate the whole top side enemy jungle and steal pretty much everything
i guess my team didnt deserve me

> every tick of spell damage you deal reduces cooldown of arcane comet

is this for real?

Would have won with red kayn

holy fuck im the right guy literally just jarvan not garen

so its nothing huh thats a real shame y cant old content creators come back instead


>mid morg
>fish for Q's
>70% with Q + comet
>W resets the comet

top kek

Reposting because new thread

The ones I get for allies, no. But the first time I had an enemy ezreal was kinda bizarre. He never actually showed up in lanes and they lost, but he cleared out drake in a speed that makes me think he must have two-shot it or something. I was just there, went away for two secs, boom, drake gone. And all the laners were in their lanes, it could only have been one or two.

Favorite thing about some matchups?

>Yasuo top just braindead pushes the wave, giving my jungler free ganks

I know, me too.

But Kayn will always be my husbando. None of that Rhaast thing for me

Hey guys 50IQ silver player here riding the malz freelo train.

What other mid champ is good for me? people are picking/banning malz lately and I need that freelo real bad.

Had he showed up in the lanes with the kind of damage necessary for that, he would have rekt us all.

Wait a second, didn't they release a Zed skin not too long ago where he was also colored blue?

literally just "omg a girl"

so the usual shit

it's mainly why lolg has never had any consistant qtposters, because people are so anti female after getting turned down by stacy, they chase them off with hyper aggression, ive been here since season 1 myself, and its hilarious watching the rise and fall of lolg

Now pick malz instead. Bugs, E, R, R pool, and can't miss all this shit

So lads how do we fix aram , and riot what new map should add ?

>Haven't played Ornn since a few weeks after his release
>Play him today
>Ram moves way faster
>Q + E combo smooth as peanut butter without the peanuts.
>W + aa feels faster and even got a damage buff

Holy fuck.

>got a job after Kayn release
>Feel in love with Blue Kayn's playstyle after that deathfire touch fiasco.
>never stopped since
>My boy Levi, taking it to worlds.
The base Kayn at 22 minutes was sad, though, but I'm happy I got to see it played.

And I so fucking swear I'd have one-tricked Kayn to at least Masters if I didn't have this job, fuck.

fall would imply lolg has ever risen. It's just another day in the pathetic pit that is lolg

So I'm on PBE and buying champions but they aren't being added to the account. The RP/BE is deducted but they're not added.

Anyone getting this as well?

Are you retarded?
Been here since season 1 btw. Oldfag here.
Try something easy like Kayle or Shitsuo, maybe Akali.

Furthermore, carthage should be destroyed, and remember to BOYCOTT and NOT POST IN lulu and lissandra threads.Just make another one.



>You used to build crit specially to one shot squishies from stealth
You built tumblecrit because you would do 1000+ damage in mixed damage on an incredibly low CD for dirt cheap incredibly early into the game. Vayne mains were experimenting with Triforce and Duskblade builds solely for the tumblecrit meme, and, wait for it, they still are. Once it was discovered, as long as crit items remain unnerfed/not nerfed enough, it will literally still happen. Think Jungle Ezreal or Ardent Censer.

>Now you build crit to DPS the tanks and don't rely on the Q burst damage. Yes that is called just a crit build as it has nothing to do with the tumble
Statikk Shiv+RFC+IE builds are not traditional crit builds, newfriend.

>as soon as you finish 2 core items your Q's deal significantly less damage than before
You mean it will deal significantly more damage, just that the damage itself is separate from the crit.

>more over Q has always been weak too to actually DPS, the entire point of the Crit + Q was the massive initial damage to a squishy champ. Using Q has pretty much always been the suboptimal move to just standing and autoing when ever that is actually possible.

Only true at ~2.35 AS or so, which you're not gonna get in a crit build anyway.

fun thing is... my team was behind until 20 minutes in the game and that match had 40 minutes or so.

But yeah, having a frontline is a must

>malz freelo
I am plat and I think he's shit, is he actually good or he just works?

shut the fuck up and pay up?!

>enemy pushes lane to tower
>there's barely any enemy creeps there
>jungler is nowhere to be seen

>I step past the river for a second
>enemy jungler is up my ass

easily the worst part of top lane

Tell me about it fellow wagecuck friendo. Kayn is the only champion aside Kindred who I have genuinely mained and one-tricked with. If I was still in school / neet I would have played this fucker 18 hours a day I swear.

Kayn (and Kindred) is by far the most successful champion release for me. The last champion I enjoyed so much was Jinx (back in the day I used to play ADC)

>So lads how do we fix aram
give everyone access to every champ in aram

aram only accounts can get fucked

>he doesn't know

Actually scratch that, it's not just with champions, it's with everything else too.


How in the fuck do you deal with Panth as Kayle

Yeah, I oneshot their mid and adc easily but then I popped and nobody could deal with their gnar and maokai by themselves.

People say assassins are bad design but tanks are the REAL cancer of this game and I will FIGHT you for it.

Remember, she's in permanent heat.

Yeah I don't get it either. Once they nerfed his E damage I wanted no part of him.