OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh
Connor Carter
>CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0) I wish
Caleb Richardson
first for fishing is difficult
Andrew Turner
what's the easiest and most reliable way for a scrub like me to make like 20 plat
John Perez
Turning tricks in the dojo
Levi Adams
>finally get a message from tenshin >it's fireworks YEAH, NO, THIS WILL DEFINITELY HELP IN A FIGHT
Nathaniel Adams
t-thanks Teshin
Jacob Gonzalez
>unveil a shotgun and a melee riven >get ones for the sweeper and ether reaper
>unveil a shotgun and a pistol riven >they're for the CONVECTRIX and twin rogga
Gabriel Brooks
i got a question gamers i reinstalled this game to see what was goin on but my xbox 360 controller doesnt work now for some reason with the game pls how do i make it work again
Nathan Adams
>23x starburst please
Ethan Martin
You start by not being console-tier garbage trying to play with a fucking controller.
Thomas Cooper
its a pve game boy it doesnt even fuckin matter
Easton Butler
So Zenurik still the best focus by far? I dunno what they changed for focus 2.0
Carter Watson
>CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
copy the op from the pastebin, not from previous thread
Dylan Bailey
What now
Gavin Scott
Yeah, I'm trying to do a fucking mission and you're in my game swinging your gun around on circles like a drunk fuckin toddler unable to hit shit because ITS JUST A GAME BRO DOESNT EVEN MATTER I PLAY GAMES FOR FN
Henry Hernandez
Did tenshin buy a case of shitty blueprints and fireworks that he has to move or something?
where did he get all these latron blueprints? was he trying to build a tiberon and accidentally move a decimal point?
Grayson Wood
I'm a fellow scrub that hasn't even gotten into vault runs and shit yet, not once. Farm Covert Lethality/Drifting Contact or whatever. Those sell easy.
Levi Young
How do you build vaykor hek?
Julian Cox
dude its a pve game that isnt remotely difficult if it was pvp then i would see your concern but you are getting your tism in a twist for not much of a reason im just tryin to find a solution
Alexander Powell
I literally have a melee riven I cannot equip in order to do the challenge.
Leo Bennett
He's pushing all these Latron blueprints to trick idiots into playing Conclave for the Latron skin. Teshin's a master planner.
>dude its a pve game that isn't remotely difficult >JUST A GAME BRO I PLAY GAMES FOR FUN Fuck off..
Luis Cook
>a solution keyboard and mouse
Daniel Baker
yet you use the frame
Cooper Edwards
jesus dude you are really gettin mad at the fact i use a controller in a pve game
Matthew Mitchell
You have to spend 125k standing with steel meridian to buy it
Colton Flores
>Credit booster sortie reward well at least I can use this for Index credit farmin'
Evan Torres
Because you're already using a riven on the fucking weapon? idiot That's not even a particularly bad unlock, having to do it with an extinguished dragon key is more annoying
Benjamin Smith
at this point I'm used to people having no integrity.
It's disappointing sure but not unexpected.
Hudson Parker
Sorry, I meant how to mod it. Sorry for being an idiot.
John Diaz
thanks I'll try to look out for those friendo
Juan Perry
Mastery aint gonna fuckin make itself lad.
Carter Miller
i see why he sperged when he was in the wfg screen cap. fag is literally a moderator on the warframe subreddit
Landon Scott
How to gain quill standing? Is killing eidolons the only way?
Luke Hernandez
Don't talk when you're uninformed dipshit. you can change the current riven equipped to a veiled one in order to do a challenge.
Evan Jones
i'm interested to see what the fuck the drops are i got a wyrm with a free catalyst and slot, but that was pretty much the only thing worth it
Jace Martinez
Colton Lewis
Hey, I'm not the shitter who can't unlock a simple melee riven
Adam Walker
haven't been a moderator for months buddeh. Got fucked over by one of the other mods who threw a bitchfit about pronouns or something.
Matthew Jenkins
Which Cetus are you guys using
Also >Not having your Mote Amp maxed already
Julian Scott
Find the missing artifact >No area to look in >No intact crates >No enemies >No artifact
Xavier Miller
Jace Jones
>You can buy birds for your orbiter
Joshua Brown
Where the fuck the nistlepods at?
Henry Myers
did anyone else get 2 mote amps?
Jose Brown
What's the fastest way to level up the ninja potato standing?
Ian Butler
Northern end of the map.
Jose Ross
Covert Lethality drops from T3 Spy runs from the third vault, I farm Rosalina for it, it's a piss easy map.
Drifting Contact comes from Medium Nightmare modes.
Carter Baker
Camden Cruz
Okay but wheres the rest of my shit
Xavier Phillips
>hear this got an open world update >get on >some things have changed, but not much besides all these terribly designed warframes >get into the open world planes of eidolon >it's boring as shit, terribly designed, bad graphics compared to the rest of the game, and gameplay doesn't fit an open world structure. I stopped playing after Equinox lady got addes. Has anything changed for the positive? And what ever happened to those Chinese exclusive dark skins? I see there's the Excalibur one for purchase if that's even the same one.
Dominic Thomas
What does an eidolon lens do? what kind of focus does it give?
Ian Walker
Orokin constructs are made up of meat or something?
Elijah Lewis
What's the best warframe for shooting normal guns with?
Tyler Fisher
Yeah that's me. Khuon literally had to pick between me and the other mod, chose other mod cause they'd been around longer. It's fine. I get to go back to shitposting here and hasslin Reb instead.
Grayson Wood
harrow mirage chroma have fun 10o
Robert Kelly
Yeah apparently they're organic constructs. Nothing like having a town build itself.
Ayden Smith
I think they use nanomachines son to transform the environment into materials for their structures. The moon for instance doesn't have a single meat wall, and neither has the derelict.
Hunter Gomez
Is it too late for me to get into this? I played a bit back on release, and I am craving a mech shooty game?
Any advice?
Kevin Lewis
Scan the fish statues. Read the flavor text on their entries in the codex It's some fucked up shit. That tower is alive. But not just 'alive', but fucking CONSCIOUS.
Chase Adams
so is 250% range gara the only acceptable build
Tyler Morales
Or if you want to actually be rewarded for accuracy, Banshee. Far from the most effective, but hey.
William Russell
Anyone else go fishing in the middle of bounty missions?
Grayson Jackson
>is it too late you can reach "endgame" in less than a month it's not that kind of mmo
Nolan Scott
Guys, Energy Pulse or Energizing Dash?
Xavier Hill
Just get as far into the star map as you can solo and then find someone to drag your ass through sedna
Jack Adams
can you trade the weapons you get from twitch prime?
Ian Fisher
How does it feel about the ostrons slowly eating it?
Cooper Baker
No dummy.
Parker Morgan
reminder to optimize your download cache to cut the plains load times in half
Gavin Morgan
>tfw there'll never be a proper beam-and-missile spam mecha MMO where you fly around at maximum speed >tfw there'll never ever be a mecha game that is populated to the point where you can have an enjoyable time, and the playerbase isn't complete cancer. Warframe's my half-assed shit out substitute, but even they ruined it with space children
Daniel Green
Can I do bounties over and over for new chances at gara loot? Or do I need to wait for a refresh every time?
Joshua Foster
>no master baiter achievement for crafting every kind of bait
Joshua Nguyen
the moon and derelict are "dead" towers. Thats why the cetus tower is so significant, it is still living.
Hunter Johnson
Justin Brooks
I don't have all the fish, but the "Unum", the perso who is the mind of the tower, 'permits' the harvesting, and somehow directs the Ostrons in their work.
Benjamin Harris
rip Potatoptering. It was fun.
Anthony Martin
You can repeat, you just dont get the standing
Oliver Hernandez
>Someone actually believed in this Literally master baiters
Jayden Rodriguez
Dash is the only part that matters
Caleb Jenkins
What do I pick? I don't know what half of these even do or cost in standing to buy.
Kayden Hill
Even so, you can see right inside the moon's void structure walls, and they're all made up of moon rock. Christ, many of the backdrops flat out show the geometric mining shafts whatever the Orokin used to build their structures. They're definitely not all made from meat, that's specific to Cetus.
Thomas Price
It's an Orokin tower, dude. It was made to last, and given its location, help the people around it last. I haven't gotten any statues yet but going off of what you said, I would say it's pretty likely, if not guaranteed to be literally programmed to want to give its flesh to others so that they may consume it.
Leo Gonzalez
>said Umbra Excalibur would come about Update 20 and we're well past that Time to firebomb?
Jason Harris
Don't feel sorry for the Orokin Tower. It would mind control you and bolt a giant steering wheel to your face given half a chance.
Henry Kelly
is saryn prime worth making or should I just keep the parts and sell them when it's inevitably vaulted
Xavier Anderson
What's the point in raising ostron standing? The bounty dude doesn't even sell anything.
Ian Allen
Does the higher-tier spear actually do anything?
When we get all this fishlore compiled, we'll see if you're right. It's very possible.
Gabriel Lewis
reminder that max level bounties are easy to solo with zephyr
Jacob Nelson
That one
Luis Fisher
The Cetus tower is the only one still alive. All the rest have fossilized or something.
Carson Collins
>spent all day looking for the container that drops neurodes on earth >haven't found a single one I heard this game was a grind but come on
Eli Long
>Capture the Grinneer Commander >Do Defense 3 fucking times
Asher Richardson
I solo them with Nyx. You can probably take absolutely any frame with anything resembling decent CC and solo it.
Caleb Long
>The entire moon is fossilized and the meat from in between the derelict walls has magically vanished. or >Building materials used as basis for their structures varied heavily, depending on the environment
Occam's Razor user.
Logan Barnes
Do they explicitly say it's the only one? Because the difference between living and dead is clearly very broad if those regular void towers are enslaving like 1 million Grineer a day despite their neural control network being "dead".
Cameron Cox
should I min/max my octavia melody, put some e1m1 or some shit in there so I don't have to tryhard for buffs? What songs does everyone here use for octavia?
they made index harder don't do it
Lucas Moore
then how should you effectively credit farm now
Brayden Myers
>you can see right inside the moon's void structure walls >and they're all made up of moon rock Well first off, the orokin wouldnt be using "moon rock," it is probably some bullshit speudo science alloy or concrete. But that doesnt matter.
Orokin towers are living. That is unassailable. We dont know how much of them is living, but we do know that from the stone fish statues.
In this situation It is most likely that the towers are not 100% flesh, they are still buildings after all. If they were 100% flesh we would see the ostrons tearing the whole fucking thing down. It is much more likely that there are specific parts of the towers that are organic, most likely the neural sentry system that the orokin made.
>despite their neural control network being "dead" Well the towers still actively enslaving grineer and corpus wouldnt be the dead ones. Notice that there are no corrupted units in the derelict or lua?