League of legends general /lolg/

Anivia edition

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Rate my wife

>tfw no petite gf

xth for Syndra

>Lets do some aram
>Enemy has lux janna twitch blitz and thresh


Can I write my eve fanfics here?

Should I write it from the perspective of evelynn or the perspective of the victim?

what type of fanfics are we talking about here

Am I trippin? Is there a new thing that lines up all the positions/roles like this on the loading screen or its just coincidence?


write them in pastebin then dump the links here

dont actually shit up the thread with a billion post tho

>there are cute asian girls in that crowd who tried to make him feel better after he lost his chance at the title.

>panth top
>1st blood jax
>jungler comes and pushes my wave to enemy tower
>jax freezes
>can't run past my tri because enemy jg is just sitting in our top half jungle
>ask him to come help
>"why would I gank a winning lane? you're doing fine"
>mid and jg feeds malz 7 kills
>bot and jg feed kog 5 more
why can't they just make a test you have to pass before playing anything except mid?

fuck yes

Yes, also here's some inspiration to keep the ideas flowing.

the perspective wouldn't work from either end unless you suffered through torture in the very least to be able to put such things to word

>4 enemies dead with 30 second + timers
>me + 3 people on my team alive
>super missions pushing up midlane
>our jungler goes to do dragon
>taric does blue buff
>20 mins later we lose

when I lose games like this I can't even get upset, it literally feels like my team deserves to lose the match

It's been like that ever since they introduced role selection

Seeing all the bullshit bugs Morde brings makes me think buying him to go on an adventure of discovery would be fun

would this be a mistake

>Hitting gold 5 (SIlver 2) is an acheivment for lolg users

LMAO, even reddit isnt this fucking shit, what the fuck has lolg become

>this champion's best skin is their base
>this champion's best skin is their release skin

*changes your experience*

I was raped by my big sister's friend when I was 8. Is that enough?

and I enjoyed it


>Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol


we're talking physical and mental duress boyo, not sex, and certainly not smut written by soft men or women who never took a lash and would break faster than a twig



I will write it anyways.

>Someone calls me a cuck in pre-game chat for playing eve.
>Force him to sit in the game he lost for as long as physically possible

Xth for morde deals damage in a cone

So do the champs that have morde ults on them, can they get dragon ghosties? Asking for a friend

you are fantasizing of something you hope to never endure~

Fanfic or fapfic? Not that I actually trust any of you cringelords to write something that isn't porn, let alone something good at all. Plus you posted Eve so that's a big tip off.

youre not welding get outta here


Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

what a terrible eve to have a curse

Kill yourself

>remember when Karma had a cone!
>remember when Karma healed in a cone based upon missing hp

I remember complaining about not having a hard disable, but damn it, they ruined my girl.
>when will they kill Sona


get good plat shitter

Why would someone make this edit for Morde? It makes no sense and you can't even see his face. Why not Corki since he's flying a plane?

Eve sfm fucking when?

>he doesn't know about gigashit marines

ganking with quinn out of birdform, what do you do?

>move as close as possible
>auto to cancel birdform
>auto again to proc the mark
>blind or vault
>the remaining

>vault out of bird form as soon as possible

or other?

the target tends to get away (or even have time to turn on me) if I do the first and they flash but the second is not always (rarely) enough to kill

>ban trist
>they pick lulu





New Eve

I can make it as soon as I finish my essay.

I need to write about how my favorite movie made me feel. but my favorite movie is kimi no na wa.

>GAM does a thing
>does well
>his calculation had an error

lulu is balanced

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

why are not mirror matchups allowed
games would end up being even more of a display of who has the best skill with the best team composition possible without being limited by dumb restrictions like contesting

lulu isn't even good. sona is way better and the stats prove it.


>nu-eve is not stored in the data like it used to be
>its now held elsewhere
>gotta dump shit differently
>cant even get proper names
>gotta mix and match until you get threright one now
i have the data dumped, but i dont have the proper files matched up because some can map differently

2 am can't fucking sleep coz my nap after work turned into 3 hour sleep. Games start in 4 hours. Wat do.

I thought you guys were kidding when you said top was the worst position right now. I queued for it and got it instantly, like no one wants to play it.

you can play blind pick. no one is preventing you (depending on your region).

Why do some people here post the same shit over and over again? I mean posts such as ''xth for Syndra''. For what purpose? I don't get it.

Because champ select is part of showing who is the better player. Too bad that OTPs ruin solo queue with their braindead attitude.

blind pick is not ranked
blind pick does not have designated lanes
stop being an autist


I'm going to be grinding out 3v3 Intermediate bots until level 20. respond with your ign (NA) if you want to level up also.

man, why do I have to be the one to carry? how come I can't get carried instead?

People over exaggerate this too much coz they watch challenger streams and think just because it's true for streamers elo it's true for their shit elo.
You can pick a carry toplaner and shitstomp just fine unless your'e high on the ladder.

Do you dump these files anywhere for download? Like LoL files in general

> Vayne claims to hunt evildoers as an excuse to kill because she loves murdering
> Vladimir loves murdering so he joined Leblanc to legally murder in Noxus
> Share the same skin theme

>people who mute and flame

What do you think of these people?

the matchmaking system expects you to carry user, that's why they only let everyteam have one good player (you!)

I suck though

Idc if someone flames, but muting is fucking retarded

i can but id have to still sort them
they dont dump into dedicated folders. they mix particles animations textures and models all into the same folder with machine naming conventions. the only way youd know what goes where is if you figure out all of it by hand (until someone develops a better tool)

I'll dump it but give me a bit

steraks/triforce ezreal? It gives him close to another 100 damage on mystic shot.

Now that you mention it, I can't fucking remember the last time I got carried. I mean, I've had matches where everyone including me did well, but I can't remember the last time I just said "Welp, fuck it, this guy is snowballing out of control, just gonna sit back and relax as he carries me to victory". Nowadays it feels like if I don't do well, no one will.

its not that fucking hard

how is a hypercarry with that kind of retarded self peel and mobility allowed to exist

well it shouldnt be, so you gut it

thats for trist

and shielding supports are just fucking cancer in general and should all be removed from the game

well, not to me user (^:

If you reply to this with dubs you get to kiss+hug Lulu OR Poppy ONE TIME

>really want justicar syndra
>need 93 rp for her

I dont have 2 euros I can pay no.

>Stefanie Joosten

ekko buffs when

>new sterak's on ranged champion

Name a Champion, Whatever posts share the same digit with is now a ship

Thanks, I'm just autistic and like to look at shit, sadly it all got fucked via the new client


not allowing mirrors is just another layer in the constraint satisfaction.

Assuming there is an optimal composition, then partial or full mirrors would allow both teams to get it

if mirrors are not allowed, then it is not unreasonable to assume that there exists a set of decisions in responses to the other teams decisions that results in (with perfect play) the same team always being able to pick a superior composition.
(because they can respond to every pick of the opposing team, and ban optimal champions they are not able to secure)
I would not be able to say which team would be in this position, but it is not unreasonable at all to claim that one team would

this no-mirrors system is only salvaged by the fact that perfect play is pretty much impossible,
and because of this the system is just an arbitrary restriction

if one champion is so broken both teams wants it in their composition, the game clearly has a problem. No-mirrors is just a bandaid that tries to hide this by making teams tend to ban those champions, while picking other (likely just as contested but varied enough to give riot plausible deniability) picks.


fugg I didn't read the notes carefully.




sign up now


its worse
>wad file
>signed by riot
>cannot modify it
>can only dump it
>cant mod the data successfully without bugsplat
>all you can do is jump the sigcheck
>no public tool has this ability
>only skinspotlights has this tool
it sucks

ill dump it all once i have these main models named properly. im ignoring her spikes from her q because there are too many and theyre irrelevant to me



>Additionally, when your wards expire, they resurrect as zombie wards

Like not even the "outsmarted by their counterpicks"-thinking is an argument here, because you do not have to pick a mirror just because you can. Maybe a mirror happens to be the perfect choice in one case, maybe a counterpick is better than the mirror in another case.

It would make soloq more enjoyable and I see no reason other than the pretentious misconception that solving the same boring constraint satisfaction problem every champion select is in any way more than extremely superficially interesting strategical play (ban your opponents picks, pick something that counters their remaining picks -- oh no they changed their pick, oh well better ban that next game... repeat).

That's real shitty, though I see why they'd do this

Do you want to turn yourself in, or should I?
