This game is so fucking shit. Can't wait until we get an actual RPG like Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire.
Kevin Howard
fuck off eder
Easton Clark
Seems I was a bit late with creating a new thread, but can be used when this one hits 700+
Alexander Gutierrez
Reminder to merge your scrolls with books from the same magic school to get the full version of that spell.
E.g. Fireball Scroll + Any Pyrokinetic Book = Fireball Book.
Landon Howard
It shouldn't be Lohse there, not sure who it should be though. Red Prince? Shadow Prince? Mother Tree? Sebille? Lucian?
Jose Morales
>fane tries to defect to voidwoken/backstab me several times during the game >always cheese my way around it >does it again anyway at the end
never liked him
Justin Rivera
Clearly Lucian. He's the only sane guy here.
Joshua Myers
do scrolls benefit from passive bonuses? i.e. a fireball scroll with 10 pyro hits harder than one with 0
Aaron Price
I miss Eder's opposite twin who actually liked Divinity
Jackson Scott
I'm thinking of starting a new playthrough, I'll either play Red Prince as Warfare/Pyro or Summoner/Whatever, or an elf rogue or ranger.
I'll play on tactician+lone wolf and have the secondary character either be a pure mage or ranged+support skills. Difficulty will be handled with mods.
Thoughts on either approach?
Connor Jones
Elemental affinity and the pawn are strong on mages. Basically any talent that nets you free AP is stupid good.
I can phoenix dive to a safe location, move into my weak fire surface and take no damage for 0 ap with the pawn, then proceed to turret fire spells at -1 ap per cast.
Jeremiah Roberts
>newfriends only just learn about this Where've you been for the last... like, 3 years? And yeah, this is especially useful in Act 2.
Levi Walker
And phoenix dive usually lets you reach highground too
Too bad you cant use supernova from there
Kayden James
They recently changed scrolls (although oddly, not grenades) to scale with Int.
Not sure if they scale with % bonuses to be honest.
Dylan Ross
Play as Red Prince as a warfare guy, the more origin characters, the more quests (and experience and loot). Make your second a ranger with support skills, 2 phys is better than one.
Charles Nguyen
I can blitz attack back down into the fray and then whirlwind or supernova when I run out of spells to cast. With a fire staff and max pyromancy warfare skills actually deal pretty respectable damage on a mage.
Levi Bailey
>see a mod that grants party-wide civil skills >shortly afterwards read somewhere that a future patch will make civil skills party-wide >figure this would render the mod obsolete >same mod also adds an item that lets you transfer the cat familiar from one character to another fug I'd be more open to testing mods if adding and removing mods didn't give me a 10-minute loading screen when loading a save up for the first time. There's also the part where I don't remember where I saw that bit about the next patch and don't have an ETA for when we'll get it.
Crafting overhaul is apparently adding armor dyes in its next update. Been pretty impressed by that mod so far. Any favorite mods?
Carter Clark
2 pure physical is fairly easy though, my thoughts were that 2 hybrids might be more fun than a pure party, but then again I haven't tried
Lincoln Smith
Why is Karon's dead body here?
Is he supposed to show up here alive with his skeleton crew if you don't let him out of his cage?
Jesus the story in this game is so fucking bad and its really ruining the whole thing for me. It makes absolutely no sense to play with party members once you learn that theyre all essentially your enemies because they're also Godwoken. Not only that but here I am as such all powerful chosen omnipotent Sourcerer and yet I get my ass handed to me by wild pigs if I dont spend 3 bartering with some jewish fish vendor who loves shit talking me.
I think I'm just going to use mods to make my character strong enough to do a solo playthrough and give myself all the spells and gear, I think the story might actually make a bit more sense then.
Parker Thomas
Just finished second act. How far into the game am I? 50% 66% 75%?
Jace Lewis
It's going to be a slog with two hybrids. You'll have to spread your int and strength evenly and you'll end up dealing reduced damage with both spells and melee. Better off going one caster one physical, two casters, or two physical. If you really want to play a battle mage you can just dump everything in int and beat stuff up with a staff.
Parker Thomas
>read somewhere that a future patch will make civil skills party-wide
I really hope this isn't a prank, it's fucking awful in MP having only one "Talking Man" and then an NPC auto speaks to the nearest person instead and hits them with a persuasion check.
Also, without spoiling too much, does the final fight change if you are Sworn to the God King? Wouldn't make much sense to fight The Kraken if you're on his side
William Butler
it's called lone wolf you weaponized autist
Grayson Anderson
>It makes absolutely no sense to play with party members once you learn that theyre all essentially your enemies because they're also Godwoken
You'd love the Stanley Parable, that's another game where you can just say yes to everything a magic sky voice says and question nothing.
There's a one man army mod though.
Christopher Kelly
You sound like you haven't been paying attention to the story at all. Being godwoken doesn't mean you're inherently a god tier sourcerer. The entire plot of act II is learning that you suck cocks and that you need to improve your sourcery skills before you can accomplish anything relevant to the main story at large.
Hudson Rivera
Lone Wolf is 2 party members my dude. Even with 2 it makes no sense.
>Hey dude we're such cool loyal allies let us fight evil..but I'm going to betray you later because there can be... ONLY ONE xDDD
Gabriel Robinson
Play the game. If you actually interact with your companions and do their quests you can convince them to side with you when the time comes.
Jackson Hill
Classic divinity game. Stellar Act 1 and then everything takes a nose dive beyond that.
Jonathan Taylor
>the more origin characters, the more quests (and experience and loot) There's a ton of interactions, but very few quests that you'll miss entirely without a specific origin character. I can't even think of any aside from candle kino and maybe horrorsleep.
>40 sec late Fug. Just gotta keep it alive for a day or so.
Alexander Flores
That's not odd at all to me. Someone better at casting spells from memory could reasonably be better at casting from scrolls. They wouldn't make grenades explode any harder though
Brayden Anderson
How best to prepare for Act 2 before leaving Fort Joy?
Gavin Miller
Steal and kill everything and everyone
Xavier Baker
I just mean it's odd that grenades don't scale with anything at all, meaning they just become nothing but CC tools later on, and very inefficient ones at that because of the armor system. Really puts a dampener on some of the grenade talents.
Carson Fisher
You don't have to worry about that. I won't spoil too much but you get access to a town in act II almost immediately along with like 2 levels worth of non-combat or easy one enemy quests. You end up replacing everything you get from Fort Joy within like 20-30 mins of questing in Driftwood/Stonegarden.
Dominic Powell
Would be nice if they scaled with Finesse or maybe even Strength (since Finesse has arrows). Not sure if that would really improve usability that much though
Matthew Young
>there are people who don't like Fane
Jacob Cox
If grenades actually scaled, they'd be fucking amazing with Ambidexterity and a good reason to actually take that talent and get right into crafting.
>1 AP AoEs
Jace Jenkins
Just play a pyro for those juicy one AP fireballs with elemental affinity
Nolan Bell
Starting up a new game, Tactician. Will probably get my ass handed to me early game, but I hear that things get better afterwards. Going to do Lone Wolf this time with 2 people max. Any melee/omni builds worth trying?
Wyatt Stewart
That's kind of the point of the story. It's not the usualy party-based game where love and friendship will win the day, because you know from very early on that actually your interests conflict with those of other party members. You still need each other to actually have a chance to achieve divinity, but once you're there, you will have to become enemies unless you find a compromise. This is best suited for multiplayer where players can actually scheme and plan against each other for the eventual betrayal, but also works in single player since each origin character has their own story which involves becoming the next Divine. You can talk them out of it if you do their quests and persuade them that you're better suited for the job, but if you don't manage to do that you'll eventually have to kill them.
The final battle in multiplayer is a pvp free-for-all. It's honestly a pretty great concept, and reminded me a little of season 1 of Tower of Druaga, where the main characters knew from the start that only one of them could have their wish granted when they reached the top. Unfortunately, the anime kinda dropped that part and not only had the other characters ignore the MC going for his wish without any kind of conflict, but also threw in a plot twist that the wish-granting MacGuffin wasn't wish-granting at all.
Lincoln Smith
>Finally get a strength plate chest piece for my tank >+1 Huntsman +1 Intelligence +1 Hydro >Grants skill Summon Fire Slug
Jason Garcia
Any melee build is strong and you can make almost any team composition work with lone wolf. It's really hard to fuck up your characters when you get double the points to spend.
Daniel Adams
Is Windego useful if you let her live? There was a memory of her calling you buttercup, saying she was forced to act for the GK, but it was her trying to manipulate us, right? That said, Lohse and Fane talked about hearing a voice in the sea...
Henry Campbell
>to find the bracchus pants, you need to find an obscure statue (that there is 2 identical copies of) during an unrelated quest and use a guy who has 15 wits to interact with it
wow... it's like i'm really playing an old isometric RPG
how the fuck do you find this shit out without a wiki
Leo Johnson
That's what I was wondering too. Must be a stupid bug because they attack me without even saying anything.
Chase Bennett
i explored the prison super early on no way i was gonna have 15 wits
Samuel Cox
Who cares? The set is trash.
Ryder Bennett
Andrew Cook
>tfw you threw out your old gear and need to replace the whole set to replace it.
Jonathan Bennett
i liked the look on a human rogue
Ryder Parker
>Keep the entire Braccus Set >Use the act 4 merchant exploit to level it all to 19
Jose Harris
the voice is your god, my dude
Juan Hernandez
Use buffs you dolts. Peace of Mind, wits potions or random herbs. Strength check to move the coffin lid getting you down? Use Rested(bedroll), encourage, Peace of Mind, potions or random herbs. Instead of selling old gear for chump change, keep gear that has useful stat buffs like persuasion, thievery, or wits and use it when you need it then swap it out.
God you all suck at this game so fucking much it's like you're babies. Stop complaining so much and solve your own damn problems. Did it never dawn on you that no one else that tested the game had a problem here or do you REALLY think they left the statues with 15 wit checks for the joy of spiting you? MUAHAHAHA, NOW NO ONE CAN PLAY OUR GAMES!! WE'LL JUST BRICK EVERYTHING INTENTIONALLY!
It's really fucking stupid of you to assume THAT is the case, rather than there being a solution that you're not seeing. I just...I don't have a reaction image with enough disgust to truly convey how all these ridiculous fucking complaints make me feel.
One motherfucker was literally complaining about not having enough source points available in fort joy after escaping. Really nigger? There's an infinite well of source points ON A FUCKING WAYPOINT! You can refill for free whenever you want, even in the middle of combat! This drooling idiot was complaining about not being able to suck source out of the bones of adventurers laying in the dirt. Un fucking believable.
Blake Williams
What the fuck was up with that? Why did a bunch of skeletons Ambush me there?
Kayden Price
Excuse me what exploit.
William Edwards
oh yeah, i totally knew about all that shit 1hr into the game keep the autistic outbursts to a minimum
but even a retard like me knew that you should always buy/ hang onto gear with civil ability boosts
Matthew Cruz
is this a pasta
if not then
i did use a buff you fucking idiot, the problem was that i had to look up where to get the pants because it's not conveyed by the environment or storytelling in any way.
also another thing: i just found gratiana's soul jar, but everyone's already boarded the ship. is that quest rip now? i can't find her
Cameron Davis
There's (ONE) merchant in game who keeps everything you sell to him and when you go from the Nameless Isle > Arx, everything in his inventory re-levels to your level.
It only works once, but it levels even unique items. A level 19 Dallis' Hammer has 6 Str, 6 Int and 2 Necro, for example.
Zachary Butler
Gratiana either dies or doesn't die, whether you eat her souljar or not before you leave sets her state. By not waving the jar in her face, you missed important dialogue that would help you make that decision, but you can still do it or not do it.
Jaxson Cook
Hory shet. Is it Tarquin?
Samuel King
Bloody fucking necromancer.
Ayden Butler
No, it's the Fletcher.
Jaxson King
Guess he needed to have at least SOME use.
Connor Martin
>It makes absolutely no sense to play with party members once you learn that theyre all essentially your enemies because they're also Godwoken You didn't talk to your party members? 99% of them go "I don't actually give a shit." and the remaining Red Prince makes it pretty clear that it'll be way easier to reach the "Divinity" part of becoming the Divine if you work together to reach the end >Not only that but here I am as such all powerful chosen omnipotent Sourcerer You are not. Sourcerers aren't actually that uncommon, and Godwoken are merely people capable of becoming Divine.
The only character in the setting who is willing to off Godwoken at the start line is Alexander.
Robert James
does shackles of pain and guardian angel work together?
like mass shackles of pain sort of
Jordan Phillips
>something dumb happens >check the combat log >Lohse apparently hit herself >then took water damage from standing in necrofire, with necrofire literally everywhere I understand everything now.
Gabriel Collins
Probably. What are you trying to do? You can shackle one target, use guardian angel, then soak up damage from nearby party members to damage the shackled target with, sure.
Isaac Sullivan
>Lohse getting killed by 8 damage >Lohse dying twice What?
John Anderson
>dies twice
Carson Carter
The quest is scripted in a way where no matter wether you free Karon or wait for him to escape, his goons and he will appear in that spot.
If you summon him to his circle to free him or after he broke out before revisiting that area, he will spawn there anyways, with the script associated never checking if he is alive.
It's another example of how act 4 was rushed as hell, considering everything else up until that point does always check for character death - Grog, Jahans demons, Reimond. However if you kill anyone in Arx, checks suddenly become hit and miss for later spawns.
Caleb Taylor
>Not getting the point that Fane is trying to make That line is all about how history is not written with a sense of wonder. Fane changed over the course of your adventures together from being a stern scholar only interested in straight facts to someone who understands context.
Also Octopi are planning something.
Michael Morales
I freed and killed him, then found him dead in that spot.
Jaxon Taylor
holy fuck i might use this next playthrough Does the faceripper have any use outside of creation masks of the shapeshifter?
Samuel Powell
As I said, he will spawn there anyways, wether or not you killed him after freeing him, killed him after he escaped or didn't kill him.
Nolan Harris
Not that I know of. That crafting overhaul at least lets you make a crafting station out of them that lets you fuck about with skill books.
Jack Collins
Is Warfare/Necro a meme build or actually good?
Dominic Cooper
It's a good meme build.
Jayden Brown
Matthew Carter
I used it for my playthrough but you can definitely make better. Necro isn't going to save you when you're without armor and cced
Christopher Turner
>Warfare is strong enough to 2 hit enemies >heals you for a percentage of your damage dealt Gee I wonder
Juan Campbell
>heals you from reflected damage >necro healing feeds you magic armor through living armor
Mason King
Good team member. It's a frontline fighter with some ranged abilities that constantly heals himself. Mobility will be affected, since you will have to rely on Phoenix Dive alone to traverse vertically, but apart from that it's great.
Grayson Hill
Take the talent living armor. Necromancy heals buff your magic armor with it even at full vitality, it's stupid good. Makes you unbreakable on the magic side. With a full set of plate it takes quite a bit to break your physical armor as well, and necromancy has bone cage to get a lot of it back from corpses.
Easton Turner
Warfare can kill anything. Necro actually feels unnecessary, opponents cant really touch your vitality and if they do your perma cced anyways.
Ryan Cooper
>Not going for Warfare/2H Yeah, your HP pool really matters in this game.
Tyler Brown
Necro in that build is less about Vitality then about magic armour through living armour. Strength builds more often than not don't have much magic armour to start with, but with living armour restoring and even buffing that necro/war is the true tank build.
Alexander Allen
If you don't have a hydro or geo mage in the party for armor regen and you like to play recklessly with your knight having some form of healing and armor regen can help. You get major gains from minimal investment in necro with how much damage two hand does.
Robert Gonzalez
But I dont feel like you really need too much Necro, like 2 points are plenty to get the magic armor regeneation going.
I would rather put the skill points into more damage (which in return also provides more returned vitality/magic armor).
Zachary Bell
That's up to you, and every player at their own discretion really. I like to go 5 necro for 50% regeneration and 3 scoundrel for more mobility, since more damage, especially additive damage from 2h seems less usefull than zooming around the battlefield to me personally.
The last points I generally invest into polymorph to get the wings for even more mobility, and 1 point in summoning to get a weak decoy out whenever shit hits the fan.
Now I totally expect for my x-let filter to go crazy on the responses to this post, but personally, i have found for this build to cover most of my frontline fighter needs far better than a character that just knows how to hit hard.
Matthew Powell
>tfw you dump points into con and retribution >living on the edge >walk around provoking attacks of opportunity Holy FUCK I didn't expect this to be viable.
Adam Ortiz
Does Overhealing and/or Necromancy Self Healing proc living armor?
Luis Ortiz
Ah shit I wish I knew about that. I even kept the set just in case I could do something with it later.
Julian Price
Yes to both, even overhealing from necromancy. You gain magic armor even at full vitality from necro heals.
Luke Lee
Ryan Walker
That sounds dope as fuck. I've really overlooked Living Armor, but that would help a ton for my Fighter since plate has fuck all magic armor.
Thanks dudes
Kayden Ross
Wait, does this mean a naked run is viable?
John Cruz
>using penetrating debuff mod >mostly for taunt, but also lets certain weaker debuffs penetrate armor, like poison, burning, bleeding, chill, shocked >poison, burning, and bleeding now act as a way to chip away at armor, also makes blood rain real fucking good >shocked feels like much more of a nuisance with its -1ap regen >stacking slow from oil and chill >more of a point in having mages use offensive spells even when enemies have magic armor and when the rest of the party is physical Someone tell me I'm playing the game wrong. It should feel like cheating, but it doesn't. The debuffs aren't strong enough to notice when armor is already gone, but make more of a difference if they're used outside of dealing damage. Kinda makes me want to build Beast into some kind of battlemage making liberal use of global cooling for freezing blood surfaces to slip on and chilling everyone around him. Maybe even some lightning spells to shock fuckers so they can't attack or move as much. Maybe even a future run with a demon pyro spellsword who sets everyone on fire in order to remove magic armor for the mages rather than just dealing damage.