I want to have Fernando's new emote as soon as possible!
Logan Price
Nimble Sha Lin/Strix soon
Caleb Wood
i want Maeve to get a yuno gasai skin that'd be nice
Colton Edwards
Wedding Mal'damba skin when?
Brayden Myers
Buff Ash's shield._
Thomas Cooper
No problem, anything else?
Christian Rivera
terminus is shit
Matthew Wood
Best pairing
Isaiah Collins
>barik nerf >ash soon after
Dominic Stewart
i want to protect that smile
Ethan Richardson
Buff skyes butt
Brody Young
Austin Gomez
Ladies and gentlemen of Palg, i came once again to remind everyone, that Drogoz is still the best husband. And now he gets a very beautiful hot outfit as well. Say something nice about him, because he is still better than everyone else.
Also, Pillar Man looks like a fun champion.
Connor Williams
My wife Ash i so cute.
Brody Powell
s-send her to me with an armbinder for me
Anthony Johnson
Terminus x Ground is canon, stone people are naturally conneted to mother earth.
Landon Brooks
That little shit knows exactly what is he doing
Henry Barnes
I want ying to fart on me.
Logan Nguyen
I agree. Terminus and floor is going be seeing a lot of action ingame.
Jose Lopez
It depends on the country they're came from but most black people don't care about violence or sjw shit and just want to have fun. Veeky Forums would explain it better.
Evan Nguyen
Sebastian Wright
Holy shit match quality is godlike here in Plat I, I wonder if it gets better when I reach Diamond. My aim, my aim has improved so much, I can finally play FOR REAL now! It's great! I'm not kidding I'm having more fun with paladins than I've ever had before.
we need /ss/ of Cassie/Talus now preferably Cassie initiating preferably Talus being embarassed as fuck and shy about it too
Hudson White
nice to see we already went back to normal
Ian Reed
woops second quote mean to be
Matthew Torres
What's with Hi Rez and skins that look plastic as fuck? Infernal Seris, Samurai Ash and now Draco
Jack Perez
They're putting less and less effort into every PTS that comes out.
Kevin Cook
Lack of metal shaders.
Owen Garcia
Reminder that we are now Quake.
Landon Sanders
"this is the most important one to test yet, guys"
Tyler Stewart
That's a good thing?
Samuel Carter
This patch has really drastic changes, you can hardly call it low effort.
Jackson Phillips
>Reminder that some champs are now Quake. Fixed
Gavin Campbell
with movement speed supports + Barik, everyone can be Quake.
Liam Moore
I think that is a good thing, personally (from the other side prepare to get raped by anything with speed buffs)
Anthony Wood
It is nice to see we still have at least a little spark of life left. That said, with delight I have to tell you that my love for her is quite the opposite; indeed, for I simply cannot stop myself from loving her more each passing day. I wish to remain at her side no matter what adversity might come between us.
Thomas Butler
of course. if they make the pts look like shit as a first impression people won't bother putting in the effort to test things, so hirez can just push the change to the main server easily
Jordan Campbell
Anyone wants to try their luck at halloween cosmetics?
Those were never good because they are a surprise buff Great, not at home right now
Camden Myers
Tyler Cruz
Joshua Taylor
bully plank poster
David Wilson
Delete this picture.
Luis Brooks
I miss you
Andrew Ross
add loli champs
Ryan Lee
>OniTalus: "Wassup? You lost? You must be, if you've run into me. Don't worry, I'll get you back, but uhh... let's have some fun first." >"You look quite gullible. Sorry, I mean that in a good way."
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Matthew Bennett
i hope you are doing well
Carter Morgan
Reminder that pic related can snipe you for 1750 damage and there's nothing you can do about it.
Jaxon Flores
It's more about the polish of the PTS than the changes.
Dominic Rodriguez
this is not bullying
Jaxon Stewart
Darn, just some glowing tree bark Thanks anyway though.
Lincoln Turner
I don't play Tyra so good luck then.
Benjamin Carter
its a test server, polish is exactly what that build is NOT about
Jose Reyes
Is it bullying if the victim wants to be bullied, but the bully doesn't bully them?
Lucas Hughes
Fucking bugdins
>change to third person >shot on enemy >nothing happens >change to first person >shot on enemy >nothing happens >change again to third person >shot on enemy >works >shot on terminus >nothing happens
Juan Miller
can she bully me sexually and with her knife?
Zachary Lopez
Adrian Martin
Ayden Gonzalez
Being able to use legendaries is considered to be too much work/polish for you apparently.
Kayden Reed
that is not polish user, polish would be something like the artwork for new cards being missing.
Adam Stewart
are you ready for the best Paladins patch in history /palg/?
Lucas Anderson
Well it certainly helps if the game is in a playable state so that things can be tested before it goes live.
James Gomez
Had a cool menu bug popup and took some screenshots, gunna dump here
Owen Morales
Of course
Sebastian Perez
Easton Gutierrez
They were still able to provide everything you and I listed in past PTS's, no matter what you call them.
Andrew Jackson
is this the new get rekt chest exclusive skin?
Jace Howard
Liam Sanders
This one looks good.
Grayson Wood
Kayden Clark
Is this a mini boss?
Julian Taylor
You're just queueing up for a nice game of competetive when suddenly WADHAWDUAWHDUWDUDHASUD
Xavier Collins
>guy second bans jenos >tfw first pick damba What's the next step in your master plan >first pick tyra kek
Brandon Edwards
>meelee champion >3rd person >everyone is damage now >aggression 1.5 What's the next step in Martini's masterplan?
Liam Reyes
do Drogoz with the Mean Mug pose
Kayden Robinson
Aiden Collins
Reminder that this + Skye's Pilot skin are Neon Genesis Evangelion references. Took me a second desu
Oliver Harris
But, uhn, user, tyra's molotov counters healing, its metagame
Ayden Ortiz
sanic speed champs
Kayden Roberts
Ethan Thompson
bug fixed itself as soon as comp match came up, only have what I already took sadly
Easton White
He wants you to move onto Hi-Rez's next game, he's just trying to smooth out the transition for you
Lucas King
cute boy champ when?
William Evans
Had the same happen to me but could mix the champs, this was the Maeve and Sha Lin OTP
Joshua Stewart
I have always wanted 3rd person because of this.
Christian Davis
i didnt got Skye Ayanami at first
Kevin Powell
Jayden Foster
My girl is too cute to be spooky!
Thomas Walker
I hate it when the bugs in this game look more interesting than the game itself. like this one for instance.
Easton Wright
>queue up for a comfy match >teammates and enemys start taunting in spawn >takes me a moment to realize they are jerking off The Best Patch