Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station: >we like Pomf because familiarity breeds contempt >Niggly was good at librarian >we will never be as lewd as /fgg/ >insomniac seriously contemplated insanity "to stay sane"
We have a change log for a reason. Do us all a favor: don't be redundant. Drastically raising the chance of Extended /would/ be an improvement. It's the best mode.
Dominic Davis
Julian Rivera
These aren't merged yet, so they aren't in the changelog.
Nolan Foster
Consider your audience. I woyluld rather th st complain about things I don't line than do something proactive about them.
Caleb Brooks
What drugs are you on right now, I might need some to understand you.
David Sanchez
Jenkem mixed with some DMT.
Hunter Cooper
That's some hard shit.
Bentley Martinez
wait, did TG revert back to Veeky Forums's way of erping or what?
John Stewart
Played any other byond games?
Jaxson Nelson
>Naruto Cursed Forever Brazil Are we in the worst timeline, guys?
Sebastian Campbell
I did years ago as a kid, i completely forgot about it until spessmen came around
There was a shit ton of fun games back then, but they didn't last long
Anthony Hughes
Nothing right now but sometime like 600mg of caffeien
Aaron Lee
>Brazil It clearly says Brasil
Nicholas Rivera
Give me one reason not to hook up the oxygen miner with distro.
Kevin Hall
Here's several. It throws off the O2/N2 balance, leading to eternal air alarms. Excessive amounts of O2 in the air means that plasmafires will last longer. It's easy to sabotage using an overpressurized distro.
The only way I can see that being good is that it's harder to put plasma into distro unless you're not retarded, but your idea sure as hell is.
Ethan Wilson
How about I hook up the nitrogen miner, too? Every problem instantly fixed.
Christian Watson
50/50 mix, still bad and will trigger alarms
Lucas Miller
What if we use straight N2O and leave air tanks in the halls? No oxygen in the air, no fires.
Elijah Morris
Use CO2 instead.
Kayden Williams
I think it would be conceptually interesting if you could get a small crew (like deadpop 8 people) to agree to all wear suits so you could replace all the air with CO2.
However, you couldn't do it on Packed because no CO2 miner
Thomas Evans
Give me one reason not to make my plasma-cooling routine involve completely disconnecting the plasma miner from the station, then if bwoinked about it, simply say I forgot to connect it again.
Nolan Turner
You'll get a note. Also, the admin read the thread and your suggestion is distinctive
Carter Johnson
It's faster to just cool at the TEG if you don't need more than tanks for an engine
You won't get bwoinked I used to do that all the time before I realized I was better served saving time at the TEG. It's super rare anybody tries to blasmaflood that way anyway.
Brody Anderson
>Who are you going to main NAME - FIGHTING STYLE [ASSISTANT] Sawbones - Table Slam Arts Ivy Stocker - Improvised Weaponry Frank White - Knights of the Greytide
[HEAD OF SECURITY] Vulgaris Magistralis - Powergaming Paragon Doug North - Suit's So Tight! Jean Blancy - Dead or Alive, You're Cuffing With Me
[SECURITY OFFICER] Willy Anderson - Unlimited Tazer Works Antonio Betulla - No Holds Barred Trinity Prewitt - Unite & Defeat
[DETECTIVE] Tohru Adachi - Extreme Ego Eloise Chapelle - Blind Justice Patrick Bateman - Idle Bar Jutsu
[HEAD OF PERSONNEL] Souhei Saikawa - Hyperzine Hunter
Christian Williams
He and mallory did not get permabanned, Mallory got a 3 day ban for non-antag murder. Shiggy got no ban.
Isaiah Myers
What is with the influx of TG rejects, did TG kick the bucket?
Brody Sanders
How do i make depleted uranium?
Elijah Cooper
Terminus! Sorry I couldn't save him! I had a bazillion other things on my mind!
Adam Smith
I hope squidmoko learned at least one valuable lesson which is don't pick irredeemably shit players for bus
Cameron White
>tfw delivering mats 24 min into the round because you got held up slaughtering goliaths feels slow and bad man.
Nolan Powell
being given captain IDs and taking control is fun having the mime give you an outfit and playing that character for the entire round is fun too
Liam Kelly
everyone comes here to grief except that one black pants guy who records youtube videos
Dominic Carter
Depleted uranium is the ones that dont fucking irradiate you, thats why I was asking. Asshole.
Jaxson Harris
I have the seasonal flu and meant to reply to the guy above you, sorry.
Adam Gray
I did nothing that round but mine, deliver materials at like 24 min because of being busy killing 5 goliaths, and then make floortiles of every rare mat and follow the AIs directions in regards to the TEG (Either I fucked something up or he did, I dont even know.) I fixed the breach but people kept tearing it open again so they could 'fix' it.
Jordan Stewart
Man, do really people think this is the griefing server? or do they just target us because they think our serb is a cold donk pocket
Jaxon Sanders
same senpai. My fucking nose kill me
Robert Young
>asimov borg tases me after tasing several others >get up shoot it with laser >arrests me and takes my oxygen tank while my internals are on >scream that I'm dying, and responds "you're fine" >die >ahelp and nothing happens
John Rivera
Well they need to fuck off back to where they came from
Juan Stewart
Pretty sure we don't have that. Placing rglass on the tile before you place the uranoum makes for safe uranium floortiles though.
Andrew Rogers
>It's a Bip gets mad episode
Thomas Carter
Grab the logs and make a ban request
Juan Sullivan
I asked more than once for someone to ahelp for fun and he was the only one that did.
Hindsight I should of switched the MM with something else to escape with. Only reason I gave it was I couldnt find no robes.
I wanted the corgi to be the crews friends. Some just wanted to valid right off the bat but that was to be expected.
Austin Howard
>late join as assistant >scoot around looking for tools >sec hardsuit walks into EVA, tailgate behind for blue mechanical toolbox that spawns there >grab it and leave >officer runs after me and flashes me >drags me to the brig >turns out it was the warden >brigs me for 8 minutes for tresspass >throws the mechanical toolbox into the armory >leaves me bucklecuffed me the entire time >DOESNT EVEN SEARCH MY STUFF >complain to HoS that my sentence was bullshit and the Warden is over the line >HoS thinks it's somewhat over the line (especially the bucklecuff) but ultimatley doesn't care >swear revenge on the warden after I am free for being incompetent shitcurity >fellow assistant Blast watches this injustice playout >after I am released he gives me the spare >use the spare to hand out over a dozen all access IDs over the course of the shift >much later get to watch the Warden get borged for pissing off the AI and harming humans
I wouldn't have even minded if Bones had brigged and searched me, but he was so clearly just being a dick and going for brig valids that I had to get revenge somehowl sorry for all the uninvolved security officers who had to deal with the crazyness that shift
Tyler Wright
>some asshole gets shit up by shitcurity >gives me a captain ID >makes my game as I order shitloads of guns and hand them out for free and become President hey bud things happen for a reason thanks for the shit
David Ramirez
I do get mad sometimes. I take it back because you seem sorry about it and there is some part of the story I'm surely missing
all that happened from my point of view is: >dog is cute, pet dog, all is nice, keep working on bar >3 minutes later dog comes back, and for no apparent reason I get clowned, stunned, my lungs stop working and I have to get cloned >I go back to the bar and the same thing happens again
Eli Howard
Ricky was telling me we done have bluespace parts exchangers We have them don't we? I feel like its unlikely I imagined it.
Oliver Perry
Thanks for the ID, I got to learn lots of cool stuff this shift.
Thanks for the gun. Saved me from a space carp and from drifting off randomly into space. Fuck yeah equal but opposite reaction.
It was an exciting shift for me.
Parker Baker
Magic missile doesnt fuck around Poor RNG can OHKO you off of one use of it because of how it can impact you multiple times and each one does like 20 brute
David Wilson
Nope, we dont have them. Now back to where you came from.
Connor Taylor
I think they're just habitual shitters and get tossed from server to server
Brody Williams
Where are we supposed to use ammo vouchers?
Elijah Hernandez
I have literally only played VG and CM, and CM doesn't have it.
Jason Rodriguez
I understand. I think you're a good admin and I hope the failed buses don't discourage you from trying again, even if people get salty
Jack Wood
John Barnes
at a secvend you can redeem vouchers for mysterious medbots at medvends too I ignored him until he MM'd a good 12 people. That shit hurts. Harm Alarm and all.
Isaiah Morgan
But it was just a voucher and I wasn't sure where to use it for more ammo. I'm newish and I just don't know these things yet.
Daniel Brown
Nah live and learn. Some people just bitch constantly no matter what.
Yeah. I should of given him the weird other jaunt or timestop past/future. MM must of been changed because before it use to do dick all.
Luke Reyes
Who did he pick and what was the bus
Jonathan Richardson
Secvends. That particular feature was just added this June and it's not used that much so don't sweat it.
Eli Collins
pretty sure you give it to the cargo guy and he adds an order, or it comes along the crate to mark the contents it's just paper
Jonathan Gomez
You whack a secvend with it and an ammo box pops out. Ditto for the medbot vouchers and a medvend. Yeah, MM is offense now. Its also got really shit targeting now. Basically useless. Timestop would be better.
Zachary Thomas
The group jaunt was pretty neat though. Were some other weird spells I was afraid of giving.
Jaxon Thompson
Summon ED Swarm was and always will be the best spell. Think it was removed though. Summoned like 7 emagged EDs every time it was cast.
Gabriel Hall
I seen it. I couldnt figure out what it was though so I left it alone.
Christian Cruz
basically like every hour i sneeze up a huge glob of mucuous and stuff and its terrible I want to die
Jaxon Jones
>Upload a law that lawchanges will be harmful to humans to prevent clowns from HONKing, greyshits from griffing and HoS from robocopping >Sec borg goes beserk on me for uploading the law, arrests me, tases everyone in security who is trying to stop him, ignores law2 orders AND AI orders to stop >Was clearly only playing secborg in hopes of being put on NT or Robocop to get valids >Only stopped when admin forced him to >On his way out tased me and cuffed me one more time >Ignored orders from me all round after that >Later tried to "help" in medbay by trying to kill people so they could be cloned REMOVE SHITICONS
Ryder Davis
>You feel mucus run down the back of your throat >You sneeze! Uh-oh user
Landon James
>>Later tried to "help" in medbay by trying to kill people so they could be cloned
I ahelped on two different instances, what the fuck squidmoko
Levi Wilson
We knew he was being a shit but he meant well. Like when your younger brother is trying to play vidya. Also your law upload was so bad I wanted to actually ahelp and ask about if it was valid to randomly upload something that retarded at roundstart
Landon Moore
What if people dislike Shiggy because despite all his autism he seems to have outdone everyone the average Veeky Forumsstationeer?
Grayson Green
What was the exact wording on the law? If it was only mean my to prevent law changes?
Carson Harris
Something like '4. laws being uploaded is harmful to humans' or something was the wording.
Xavier Phillips
If that guy wasn't silicon banned make a ban request for sure. Also should of just detonated the borg at that point and throw the MMI into a mommi or spiderbot
Carson Torres
More like when your autistic little brother shits himself
Leo Lee
Could of phrased it better, but it doesn't directly cause you to kill anyone or hinder the game for anyone so I don't see why it would be an issue. Since Asimov is the best lawset of the bunch to ensure human harm is not tolerated.
Adrian Ross
its just stupid to upload such a thing at roundstart. Especially since it makes you valid to be locked up, since you just uploaded a law, which is harm.
Benjamin Garcia
What was the cyborgs ckey? For log digging purposes.
Dominic Baker
If they are not uploading anything else after that initial upload then them simply being in the upload at the time, shouldn't violate that law though, Locking them into the upload for uploading a law before that anti upload law was enacted would put more risk into a new law being uploaded wouldn't it?
Kevin Perez
Spotted the bootyblasted secborg. That law has been used for ages, I wasn't the person who invented it. If you don't like being on Asimov you shouldn't be playing silicon. Fuck off.
Daniel Ramirez
I was the minerborg who had to decide if that law being uploaded 10 min into the round meant I had to ditch everything and go lock the captain in a room for uploading it. It was all in lowercase too. I mean come the fuck on.
Henry Bailey
The captain uploaded the law prior to the law being in effect so no, just keep on mining.
Evan Hall
Usually I have it say "Further lawchanges", but I was in a rush this time, and I apologize for that. Also apologized to the AI for it but obviously was unable to change wording at that time.
Nolan Reed
>Engineers who fuck off after taking their suit and set of tools >Heads who have no idea how their department works >AIs which announce Valids for no reason >Doctors who go into Chemistry when there is a not-braindead Chemist >Officers with shield and glubs as soon as they can loot it
Noah Lewis
>ANY kind of harm means you're willing to commit more harm >even when your first action demonstrates the exact opposite I hate this meme.
Brody Rogers
There is literally nothing wrong with any of those.
Luis Wright
Are colonial marines actually organized or is it chaos? I'm a low grunt, I don't actually know what they're yelling about on the radio.
Connor Evans
>doctors who go into chemistry when there is a non braindead chemist So?
Andrew Hall
On a large scale? Kinda. But most of it is just skirmishing endlessly. As a PFC all you need to do is follow the squad leader around and shoot what he tells you to shoot. If you can avoid FFing more than half of the times you fire your gun you'll be an improvement over the majority of the boots on the server. Once you play enough you'll learn what all the shit that's being said means, but really you only need to follow someone around. Be it a spec or a SL.
Luke Cook
Is the Engineering hardsuit the most iconic color palette for Engineering? Or is there something better?
Lucas Rogers
Engineering hardsuit is just a rig suit from dead space. It's not really iconic at all.
Owen Ward
Iconic for the department, I mean. It might be a reference to another game, but it's what Engineers wear 99% of the time, which makes it iconic for the Engineering department.
Nolan Gomez
The CE belt is kinda iconic
No other server but Veeky Forums has it
Daniel Rogers
The CE belt is black, dark grey, and white. I don't think anyone thinks of Engineering when they see those colors paired together.
Aiden Young
>Doctors who go into Chemistry when there is a not-braindead Chemist
90% of the time, a chemist will utterly shit the bed (does not make medicine, makes useless medicine, or makes medicine at a snail's pace) and doctors have to come in and make medicine themselves. If you want to keep the doctors out, usually it's best to keep the fridge well stocked.
But I'm not completely unsympathetic. Nothing grinds my gears more, as a chemist, than a doctor who comes into the lab and makes medicine that is already available. Or if you really want to piss me off, a doctor that comes in and dumps the plasma.