League of Legends General - /lolg/

tiebreaker soon edition

last thread

I don't want to see any fucking memepicks from Misfits, just facilitate Hans Sama


xth for fertile blueberries.

xth for Syndra

The gap is closing.

xth for memepicks

>tiebreaker soon
WE will int to piss off TSM. Shouldn't have been BMing.

Is she really even a blueberry anymore? All of her skins have her white and she isn't as dark a blue anymore.

Why won't anyone pick Nasus in worlds?


what I meant is an organization as big as TSM would normally be expected to perform well but the management is absolutely atrocious, players aside

the owner looks like he should be ripping ticket stubs at a movie theater

>Tsm best na team

>TSM lost

Let's not ban JANNA

He was picked though, by Longzhu I believe not sure though

Because Khan is the only toplaner with balls

lz did and got a perfect game with it

MSF have 2 chances to fuck TSM if they blow both of them then it is 100% rigged

another thing that consistently happens is that bjerg has to lane without blue buff. He is just doing his best to keep up in lane while not getting the help everyone else gets and he STILL is expected to carry everyone elses load while being handicapped. Bjergsen is clearly not at fault for TSM's problems.

Just win Misfits, put me out of my misery.
I hope I never again have to watch Sven play jungle for the rest of my life.


Do yourself a favor and check out the TSM subreddit.

>1 turd is shinier than the other

link to vid?


Thank God, stop trying to make Blitz/Thresh work

i honestly can't tell ignar and hans sama apart, someone help me out here

"xth for fertile blueberries" was a shitpost I used to do ages and ages ago, I'm just reliving old times.

I didnt care for dardoch very much either but omargod is just plain bad. I still pray every night for CLG Mike Yeung or CLG Lira to happen.

cutest girl

Nasus is a dog champ, and you can't do anything on him.

Like Shen.

literal garbage champion that has no mobility, can't come back if ANYTHING goes wrong in the early game, and no real teamfight presence


>WE got sej


>TSM subreddit.

go away

Was against Fnatic if I'm not mistaken

If Kalista is always banned, why do teams ban her first? Why not ban her last at the chance the other team wastes one of their bans on her?

if misfit win this game, we're going to have 2 tiebreak? one for 1 place and one for the second ?

>The absolute state of NA right now

lz vs fnc week 1

Frosk would be passable without the neck tattoo

Why do people hype doubletrash over and over and over and over?

I've been watching league since s2 and it's the same story every time.

Sneaky/Stixxay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doubelshit

Not even a tsm fan but I genuinely feel bad for bjerg/bio/hauntzer for having doublelift on their team.

Won't even start on the trash that is sven.

>Trying to fit in that hard
How is your first year on Veeky Forums so far?

Jinx is cuddly and cute

xth for SG Ahri being an alien cocksleeve

>WE starts roflstomping Misfits
>Misfits looks over with nervous gazes
>15:00 hits
>"Red Team has agreed to a surrender with a vote of 5-0"
>Team WE looks over at TSM
>xiye gives a smile and thumbs up
>Team WE go on to play Misfits again in 45 minutes


Welp, 3-3.

Is it bad if I like old eve's look more than new eve? I don't think new eve is unattractive or anything but old eve will always hold a place in my heart


It's a red side ban


>needing to wait for Varus to get 4 items when Kog is on the other team
Nope, game's over. MSF fucked up

Because as a guaranteed ban red side will always be the one forced to ban it else blue side first picks it.
By banning it first they can get extra info on the other team's plans by scouting out their bans since the Kalista ban is completely null info.

unfortunately its probably going to be TSM MikeYeung, but lira would be great too.

there is a tiebreaker no matter what, if WE wins then its MSF vs TSM for 2nd place

if MSF wins, it's MSF vs WE for 1st place


WE will throw so NA gets fucked mark my words


More like he knew Soass was gonna be his bitch so he just wanted some fun.

You have no excuse, newfriend. GO BACK

I'll never understand how anyone can unironically cheer for this fucking preteen midget

Why is it a red side ban?


>Mid Lucian

Travis is the only person in the scene I hate more than DL. They're both fucking talent-less leeches.

I really hope Mike doesn't go to TSM. I love watching his comfy stream and don't want that to be ruined by TSM fanboys. Also I think he is probably the second if not the best jungler NA at the moment.

What doe tiebreaker mean?

>This region sucks ass and only benefits from Riot pooling resources in this god forsaken place. I will gut anyone who says NA has good talent.

True. Americans suck at these games. No matter what Regi does, he can't get TSM to win a world championship.

He'll always have a meme team.

>Janna and Lulu again
I wish to kill the faggots in the board meeting who made ardent cancer

how different would draft be if players werent allowed to trade champions and had to play whatever they locked in

I literally just said it

>red side will always be the one forced to ban it else blue side first picks it

What is reading comprehension

I love both equally.

Why is almost every NA team full of mexicans and low-tier asians? Are there any gaming houses outside of california with real players?

>VOD spoilers in the OP


i need the sauce on that


how good is lucian mid? Why are so many adcs going mid

>TSM fucking up again

And it's almost time for Bjerg's contract to end!

Can't wait for the massive team restructure that would land TSM into a relegations.

When NA loses, WE win!

I can respect that. Have a nice night.

Decent, it's chinks still hyping it up to be the next best thing

Reminder that IMT didn't even speak english.
Reminder that between all three teams there is only 2 non european white dudes.

Nice teams NA LUL

"hey, wanna trade surrenders?"

What does TSM even stand for?

Are there really this many fucking idiots who don't understand how tiebreakers work and what makes them happen? Jesus fucking christ you guys are actually autistic. I hope this is some stupid meme.

Generally used as a counter pick. Snowballs hard

is sneaky balding? is that why he has those bangs to cover up a receding hair line


>Can't wait for the massive team restructure that would land TSM into a relegations.

So who will be left TSM?

Any bets?

I honestly think Intskeren is kill.
Doublelift no doubt.
I don't think Bio will stick around as well.

Only one I can see carrying TSM's name will be Hauntzer.

They are inting, what the fuck

WE literally inting wtf


>we literally throwing just to cuck tsm

>Janna first blood

Instant Ardent Censer all planned

ayyy we is gonna throw to fuck tsm

the redditor is right though, you should stay on reddit

I would ejaculate instantly.

Based WE making sure TSM doesn't qualify.

What happens if MSF wins this game?

>First Blood


BYE NA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should throw. TSM doesn't deserve to get in anyway.