>TSM Edtion
Old: eyosongive.us
>TSM Edtion
Old: eyosongive.us
Euros are free as long as you never commit any wrong think or oppose the government. Completely free.
that one was for discord only
this should be he op
Missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
xth for Syndra
>wake up
>TSM couldnt even get out of groups again
fuck yes
the salty TSM fanboy tears are flowing
Been a good run. I've been following TSM since MSI 2015. Not sure why I latched on then, but I guess I wanted to support the local boys. They were fun to follow and watch them fail and succeed. But I'm done. After three straight years of heartbreak at Worlds and MSI this year, I can't really justify investing more in a team that chokes once they get into the big competitions while easily cleaning up their own league. I just can't justify staying invested in competitive league when my home region and my favorite team fail every year over and over. EU can clutch it out every year, Korea is the undisputed best, China stays relevant as always, but NA falls short every time, and every time it's TSM's chance they can't cross the finish line. It's just not worth it to me anymore. But it was fun to be along for the ride while I was aboard, and I hope everyone else keeps having fun. Best of luck to other NA fans in the future. I hope things turn around for you all, but I don't think I'll want to come back next season
>Patiently waiting for the greatest Thorin tweet
>TSM hasn't been relevant since Season 1
>hey sven I picked Jayce so I really need an early lead, camp top pls
Daily reminder that the West is shit, has always been shit, and will always be shit, and NA is even worse than the rest of the west. Riot should just do 2 Worlds events, one for west so the western fans can kill themselves debating which is less shit between NA and EU, and one for the East so the real teams can compete without having to waste their time playing sub-optimal games against shit opponents.
welding do you remember when you duo'd with me and you couldnt carry me to gold
pedale jebany
it took me 4 months to realize tsm was thrash back in season 4 weldonger
just stick to a better one, dont make emotional decision in something as important
Western All Star team to beat the East?
>couldn't even make it to the final in phreak's basement
I have been a TSM fan since i started watching league. I started playing during pre-season one. I always loved watching Pro League and playing league myself.
But after this years performance by TSM and the way they will change the mastery and rune system, I will stop playing and watching league. I am just completely done with it now. goodbye league.
>EU looks like shit all year
>steps up at worlds and embarasses NA every fucking time
how does this keep happening?
I want to sexually abuse taric!
also >TSM
I don't know what is stronger.
My hatred for TSM and its fans or my sadness that Korea will literally never lose to a western team ever.
How can FlashWolfs be so based? Win only 1 game but kick TSM shitters out of group
>get thid place
this is just pathetic
wow how did they make it to quarters EVER and even face the winners of the tourney
is pork ranger still shitting up these threads with TSM shilling?
where you at fat tranny degenerate
Glad to see this thread being made. I really want to see a serious discussion on what everyone's thoughts are on NA right now. I know C9 still have a chance to make it out as "NA's last hope" again, but I'm sick and tired of the NA week 2 performances. This is year 3 in a row. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us three times, what are we doing??? I want official apologies from TSM. All this talk of "improvement" every year is a joke. Your fans stay up all night to watch these games, thinking that you're the best shot the region has to make it at least out of groups, if not far in the tournament, and you fall flat on your face, again and again. It hurts the most seeing optimistic fans, stick it out year after year, defending our teams, telling NA to never give up, never lose hope, etc. These fans deserve to see that the region is improving, even just a little bit. But at this rate, it will never happen. Is there anything we can even do at this point?
this is what NA put the hopes and dreams into
Mate SSW legit fucked with them and legit threw a game by trolling in that series it was fucking hilarious.
What is Shitkersen's KDA at worlds?
why tho?
The absolute state of NA right now.
>247 people were retarded enough the think misfits would make it out
>they were right
Are Misfits the true 6d shogi masters?
xth for Cute Ashe
Keikaku Edition
>I've been following TSM since MSI 2015.
Been following TSMeme since 2012. 5 years later and they're still trash.
The thing is, if korean teams win again, I'm never watching any games again. I want something worthwhile again like that TPA Cinderella story.
It's what made me really love league.
>hate NA LUL posters
>hate TSM more
there really wasnt a good outcome for me here, desu.
we should say thanks to those guys
6/22/32 kda
jesus christ
>But at least we have rift rivals
I can't believe someone said that unironically last week
I honestly don't know what the fuck they were doing there. Hauntzer could do real damage if he was given the chance. Misfits knew how to play against their comp and yet Sven didn't know their win conditions?
this is true pottery.
especially considering that jungler means tank these days
yeah, they're based as fuck
yeah, ive been invested in league esports since 2011 dreamhack, and even back then Riot was giving TSM preferential treatment. And even THEN, TSM was losing games to troll shit from third world country teams, like Morde top in worlds season 1. I'm just copypastaing a bunch of shit i found from lebit
remember when sven was exciting to watch doing nutty invades? lmao
>Donation message on Dom's stream just now
>"Sven is still farming"
thats with summer split
pic related is worlds only
C9 could beat SKT and go 3-0 tomorrow and it still wouldnt make up for this desu.
I wonder if TSM idiots will allow Sven and Parth to be the scapegoat. They do this shit every year and nothing changes. DL hops from team to team avoiding blame because his fanbase is literal cancer and he carries the odd game when his team is 10k gold up.
How does it keep happening that TSM picks up a solid jungler and turns them into complete shit over the course of a year? They all start out great but end up feeding their asses off every game
>C9 could beat SKT tomorrow
I mean, upsets can happen with bo1s. Too bad SKT on a bo3 or bo5 is a complete monster.
Honestly, I used to hate Regi but now I just feel bad for this guy. He just can't catch a break.
>Pick only 1 front line
>It gets destroyed
They're not well drilled. They play like it's solo queue every game and because they're reasonably talented it lets them shit on most NA teams. It breaks down when they play against the best teams from other regions who actually have good strategy in addition to mechanical skill.
>cant catch a break
>literal millionaire despite being a drop out piece of shit asshole
I don't feel sorry for him, his a literally retard that got lucky owning a team before it exploded and is now rich as fuck from it despite having 0 skills going in.
>Feeling bad for that retarded gorilla
He's always been a shitter and he's always been a massive douchebag. Dan really did get all the good genes.
tfw substitute crash who doest even speak english in a team that went 0-6 was better than pic related
You'd think someone cosplaying a reporter would know how to fucking talk.
I sincerely wish Svenskeren had made a racist solo queue name again.
lets be real, he inherited a bunch of family money, but yeah its still his money nonetheless
How do I run this SSG sandbagging strategy?
doing whatever for the first 25 minutes, being behind and then suddenly winning the game?
>NA loses cause we suck
>EU talks shit
>gets more teams to quarters
is this it?
Can anything change it? Or is it just gonna be NA randomly beating EU, choking at worlds, and EU carrying the West's hopes on its back a few feet further? Could a superteam of NA and EU players even beat a chinese team, let alone Korea?
I'm annoyed at TSM too, but the amount of hate on twitter is retarded. I never understand people who sperg about sports teams or a fucking video game team of all things. Go outside and rethink your life choices if you want to make people feel like shit for doing what you can't and cry over them losing. Especially since most people bitching are shitters that will never stand on a World's stage.
Like how in the fuck is this guy related to that literal fucking ape
>yeah i think TSM is bad but they are good guys!!!!
>you guys are mean to them!!!!
>stop this!!! :(
when did this website went full 14 year old normies
fuck sake just fuck off already you bunch of pieces of shits
The shitters are also the hardcore stans tho when the team performs well. Just fairweather fans which all good teams will have
>TPA Cinderella story
TPA was on a fucking godlike level on that tournament. Attempting to say that they luckied out is retarded as fuck. They were beasts at drafting and their mechanics were on point. Fuck you and fucking kill yousrelf.
>I don't feel sorry for him, his a literally retard that got lucky owning a team before it exploded and is now rich as fuck from it despite having 0 skills going in.
Let's be honest he was good back in those days. Same as how Bjergsen was a good player when Assassins were introduced.
we repostian best salt from twitter and reddit
>TPA was on a fucking godlike level on that tournament. Attempting to say that they luckied out is retarded as fuck.
They were Cinderella in a way that they were fucking underdogs.
I mean who beats M5 and Najin who were so hyped up for actual good reasons.
please AHQ do this, kick C9 from worlds
>Even with Riot rigging the group stage to give TSM the easiest possible fuckin group to assure investors that the LCS Franchising would be a good investment, TSM STILL manage to lose.
You can respond to me directly if you want to cry more shitter. Careful with that edge btw.
>all good
You mean all popular teams. By no means do I think TSM deserved to get out of groups with that performance, but even if it's just a video game, they put a lot of work into it and it's their job. It definitely sucks 100x more for them to embarass themselves internationally and then have "fans" who can't even get out of silver telling them to retire immediately after their loss and acting like TSM killed their puppies. I get wanting change and wanting them to get their shit together or even rebuild completely, but it's like these kids have zero tact or social skills and just live on the internet.
It is bad, but come on this happens with all popular sports
Enough about this lets talk about kissing Kayn and smelling his lovely hair
>he's always been a massive douchebag.
Back then yes.
why does it even matter if c9 makes it out
why would it even have mattered if all 3 NA and EU teams made it
can anyone even stop LZ or SKT
Nah. Riot could have rigged the play-ins to get a literal who on TSM group instead of WE. 100% Riots fault that /ourboys/ couldn't advance.
1st seeds
2nd seeds
Alright boys, predict QF draw and winners
>mfw the absolute state of the city of TSM
i fucking told you weeks ago that c9 will be NA's only hope. you should have listened
>people change
kekerino, I bet you believe TSM will get out of groups next year too huh