/akg/ - Ankama Games General

Previous thread:
On the last episode of /akg/
>new, totally fresh international server coming out on the 17th for Dofus
>multiboxing and character transfer from other servers will be forbidden on it, causing a lot of veterans to come back and bring in new players with them/abandon the other servers
>tfw 3 more days before we can play
>everyone wants a different name
>bullying wakfu players is mean, don't follow Ankama's example


dofusgo.com/ (Useful in-game info)

dofusplanner.com/ (build planning)
dofusbook.net/ (build planning, fr only)

FAQ, polls and additional information/tips:
Class/timezone poll for people who want to join the future guild in the pastebin.

Official discord: discordapp.com/invite/4bQ4yQf
Apparently there is a /co/ guild but they are inactive for now.
Official discord: discordapp.com/invite/UbFaSAB

/co/'s krosmoz pastebin : pastebin.com/Waq1WzVv
Booru link in the pastebin.
Tot's blog (Ankama's CEO, in french) : tot-prod.blog/

>/akg/ discord server (no voice)
Joining the discord is NOT required to join the incoming dofus guild, just heavily recommended for obvious reasons; one of which being that the guild cannot be created and joined in-game before guildalogems are made.
Anyone can join, even people who play other Ankama games, it's not just for the guild.
Reminder to keep posting in the general, don't let it die.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Rogues

Second for our God-Queen of the Elios

Is season 2 or 3 worth it.

Started with two, couldn't care about it too much. Elia stuff sounded so fucking bad I couldn't care about finishing it.

>/akg/ discord server (no voice)
>no voice

Sadida are nice and underated

Why not start with season 1? It explores a lot of the game's elements since it was originally an ad for the game, but then the game failed and they kept on with the show.

I mean I already watched 1, started to watch 2 and it seemed like a fucking mess with bringing back Tristepin and whatnot.

Still, it's not as comfy as the Dofus series.

the dofus movie was kino

They only bought him back because the audience (french) loved him. Guess french kids love retarded guys as role models for life.


will costumes in dofus ever be as good as the ones promised for dofus cube ?

Those are class variants, not costumes.

they're costumes, you change appearance using a specific item on your weapon, you can be a fire iop with a ice weapon, so with the ice costume

>he didn't have a alpha iop role model

So in order to build Ruby Epaulettes, I need Ruby Epaulettes? How does this even work?

Doesn't the arrow mean it's an upgrade from the base Ruby Epaulettes?

there's two different ruby epaulettes
ones who can be dropped and ones who can be crafted
for some reasons, you need the ones who can be dropped to craft the craftable ones, don't ask me why, maybe you can't equip the first ones

>0.333% drop chance

I joined a discord from a general once. It was the same shit as always, bunch of beta orbiters trying to talk with the "hot sounding female", with her eventually settling to go to the private chat with one of the mods.

Having shit ton of fun with int/cha sadi right now.

you need to get the base ruby eppauletes
the only change you get when upgrading it is that it gets an epic rune slot

What is the equipment market gonna look like on the freshly started server? No way is someone gonna grind crafting professions at the start since the pay you'll get will be pitiful and very quickly made useless when more kamas enter the system.

Are people gonna run around in adventurer/gobball/piwi sets at level 80+ ?

actually on newer servers the market is ridiculously high, since there's few people who can craft the items they put them at very high price
We'll have to wait one or two month to see the market stabilise and have decent prices
Some people on the thread want to grind their profession in parallel of their level because it'll be the only real way to get items but I think in most of the case yeah, people will keep gobball and sponge stuff until 40-50 which isn't that bad actually

Gob used to be seen at level 80, yes. But it seems it was nerfed, so people actually use stuff like Tree/Kwak/Blop now. It's not worth getting the premium early game level 80 sets though, just blast through 60 to 100, and get the much better level 100+ gear.

A lot of people usually rush tailor to be one of the few on server. But, they won't actually craft shit to put on the market, they'll just charge you to craft for you.

Gonna start grinding every available profession. Someone needs to be the alleyway market for the new players.

To add on this, only the very, very popular equipment will be put on market (for example, literally every hammersmith will craft nothing, but Ragnaroks and shit), and only at exorbitant prices. Anything you can buy will be 100% not worth it, unless it's a drop put there by a clueless newbie. It's a good idea to keep an eye on market, new people won't know the value of everything they drop.


If I subscribe, will I have access to every quest and NPC? I want to see some of the Siblings and other demigods.

yes, but siblings and other demigods are late game

Speaking of them. Are Kali and Conqueline in here? I heard you can find Toxine too, or least her gang or something similar.

Coqueline yes, on a island and I don't think there's Kali
There's also Echo

Which costume would you like to see? Oreo or Ogrest?

>You can't kill Echo because the history will be altered
What did Xelor mean by this?

So how is Dofus compared to Wakfu? Also is the subscription necessary to enjoy the game to the fullest?

>people prefer oreo to little ogrest
france have shit tier taste
yes since the free to play zone is small compared to the whole game

Oreo is more fuckable than Ogrest.

Ogrest is pure and adorable and you can't fuck Oreo now that he's been whipped out of existance

I want to hug him so hard

Dofus is much better. It's crazy the difference 13 years of content and a subscription can make.

effective, is how i would describe the int/cha sadi, but certainly not fun.

Anyone rolling a chance eca? They seem really op at early levels, especially with pic related as the buyable class spell.

I'm thinking of a restat or be cha/str once I get the stronger earth spells.

Earthquake will take care of the fun part

Will you be able to purchase class changes on this new server?

>buyable class spell

Every class has 1 spell they can buy from an NPC for a token you get from a quest.

When you're subscribed, you can visit your class temple (most are in amakna) and buy your class spell (no level requirements), fight your dopeulganger and even nestat? I'm not sure if they removed the restat I will check..

Rogue's buyable spell is incredible

and getting said token isn't even that hard

you can only restat through dopplekens only once I think

After 6 months or so

If you can restat I'm definitly rolling a chance eca. I can't fucking wait bros.

Unless they removed it, you can also buy spell deleveling scrolls through the temple.

you don't need those anymore, you can restat spell levels anytime for free

Almost considering being full wisdom now..

you can still buy stat scrolls, and stats don't have free reset, only spells

Can't restat your stats when you want, thought

Anyone planning on playing Ouginak ? I want to play it but it reminds me of the homeless in the streets of my city who keep eating kanigou, how to I get it out of my mind ?

I'm sure we'll have a good amount of furries playing ougis

>gee, I wonder if the Wakfu devs have figured it out yet.
>Check the website
>More combat revamps and a new class
>forget about it until next year

Every fucking time.
What was once the bitter sting of disappointment has lost its edge over the past years. It's just a dull and morbid amusement now. They're actually sick in the fucking head. They're not even refining or balancing the combat, they're just changing shit pointlessly without doing anything to address content issues, exp scaling, factions, multiboxing, or the rest of it.

>good amount of furries playing ougis
I think it's incredible how Ankama is able to make furry character who don't feel like furries, is it because they're more than just anthropomorphic animal and have a real substance ?

[citation needed]

>Alors, l’idée pour pallier à cela et de permettre aux joueurs d’obtenir des armes qui changent 100% du look de leur personnage. Nous pourrons avoir les gabarits que nous souhaitons pour toutes les classes. Au final, nous n’avons pas moins de travail mais l’avantage se situera sur une vraie multiplication des styles au sein d’une même classe.
>The idea to counter all this is to permit players to have weapons who change 100% of their look. We would be able to have the bodytypes we want on every classes. In the end, we don't have less work but the bonus will be the real multiplication of the styles inside the same class
from tot-prod.blog/2017/09/27/dofus-cube-notes-02-les-personnages/

hey man, at least it isn't as bad as Spiral Knights

Feels like sram are the hardest class to understand beside those whose mechanics are undocumented for some reason. The way the AI knows where all your traps are and prefers to run away, or even skip a turn, rather than move in your cast range is awful.

Sram is extremely simple. Monsters can see your traps and will avoid them when possible, there is nothing more to it.

they does the same thing with poisons, the good thing is that you're going to be able to force them in one direction

I mean you just make a mine field and throw the enemy into it, what's so hard about that?

At the time, it was so much worse.
Such lovely assets wasted by incompetent game design.

So are weapons no longer strong post 100? I remember back in the day when weapon skills were so overpowered, weapons did more damage than most spells, and were the perfered method of fighting.

Free incarnam restat at 29
Then there is one restat for dopple tokens during character lifetime
And then there is restat available from otomai island, that has some requirements and won't be avaialable for long time
Same for restat for 6k ogrnies.

How to get in cast range of the enemy so you can throw it into the traps instead of running around the map for 20 turns just for the opportunity to start orientating the enemy toward the traps you layed down on the other side of the map.

they're still pretty good even if they're less powerful than before
also healing weapons are incredible high level

How about you use your other spells rather than only traps and play smart? Fear is one of the best placement spells and makes trap play easy as shit.

So sram is unlearnable until >100? Got it.

I remember playing dofus before bots were a thing. Good times

Sram was literally always mass trap > mass trap > fear them into the traps or fear a double. It's as brain dead as any Iop or Cra, and later on they just dropped traps entirely for Lethal Attack and weapons.

Fear is a lvl 60 spell and isn't necessary, you have a fire spell from the beginning to push monsters into traps. You don't even need to use traps. Sram is braindead easy.

you can become invisible and make channel of traps who can make heavy damage, they can also push the ennemy left and right into your channel of traps, the whole point is keeping your ennemy to a good enough distrance while make your channel, then pushing the ennemy inside

So what's the difference between wakfu and dofus and which one is currently more active?

Dofus is more active, and dofus have 13 years of content where wakfu have a lot less
also dofus and wakfu don't really have the same battle system, you have more spell and a bigger map on dofus, since each map are screen, the camera don't follow your character

That fire spell only pushes by 2 tiles, though. And with the little initial MP, getting in position isn't easy when enemies just run as far away from you and each other as possible. Without the push trap and fear, trap srams are ridiculously slow to finish any combat, and non-trap damage is mediocre until the later spells which are ridiculously good.

Dofus has like 100x the population, this isn't even an exaggeration. Sure, it's far from its hey day of 5+ million, but you can't compare a tiny, dead game like Wakfu to it.

Can i play in the new server if i'm Brazilian? no memes please

huehuehue ubr ubr gib kama or i report u huehuehue yes

Never played wakfu/dofus but wan't to give it a go at 17th. What I am in for?

grind and fun

Are the bots still a problem in dofus ?
Also, was it heavily casualised or is it still challenging to level up ?

Thanks. Also, you still need a subscription, yes?

Try dofus on one of the current servers and see for yourself.

Wakfu has more quality of life stuff, and a prettier more lively style than Dofus. It has more character customization in the form of costumes and the like, and the environment itself is dependent on the players actively replanting plants and mobs themselves to keep things alive (I'm pretty sure mobs will eventually respawn on their own so no killing off a species).
As other anons have pointed out Dofus has an edge on Wakfu by having a bigger player count and vastly more content, absolutely dwarfing Wakfu in size

If you're a casual, don't expect high level pvp or pve, you'll get your ass handed to you but low level are easy enough but that's normal

Gonna try it now.
Is it possible to fuck up my character beyond redemption with some stupid build?

This is actually the best time to be experimenting user, theres a new server everyone will be migrating to coming in the next few days. Experiment with builds now since you only get one free respec iirc

Dofus has more content and Wakfu is more HD and everything is player influenced.

What's a good build for Elio? Wanna try one out before server drops.

Can't sell stuff to NPCs in Wakfu. Can I sell stuff to NPCs in Dofus?

not really except if you put all your stats point inside a element you don't use or a little everywhere, but even then you have a quest to reset your stats

Can I register an account and try out the game on some random server and then use the same account to start on the new server on the 17th, or are there some restrictions?

Do I need a special client to play on new server?

yes, but you only get 2-3 kamas, so it's not worthy. unless it's useless shit