/wfg/ - Warframe General

We're in, take the resources Edition

>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/Pr2BmCC
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: lunv.io/E2jK0U
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/854253-warframe-update-22-plains-of-eidolon/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/836927-hydroid-prime-update-2160/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

first for black and red frames

is there such thing as a prime that looks worse than their non-prime?

I'm UNABLE to do any bounties. Something always ends up going wrong, either my game crashing when I complete it, servers being dead, or some glitch that causes me to fail. I think i've attempted at least 10-15 bounties, but ive only been able to do actually complete 2.

WHY is this game so trash?

second for jewing spic chat
50pl for a shotgun veiled riven lads

Rhino, to some extent frost

I've attempted to complete 14 bounties, of that, 10 have glitched in some way, be it automatic failure whilst in the mission zone and doing fine, enemies simply not spawning to drop a beacon leaving my entire team standing around confused, or even the game straight up crashing mid-mission.

This is seriously embarrassing, Warframe finally got a shot to be the popular kid with 115k players and this is the content that newcomers are seeing.

The player count will be back down to 30k within 2 weeks, screenshot this.

Off the top of my head no. Nekros comes close though

1st for cute


nth for are there ant seaspots as good as doublepond near gate?

>both of these the only primes I have

how dare you sir


is it bad if my operator gives me a boner

Only if he is a boy.

Got inside word that DE are buffing the rep that the cores give for Quill syndicate.

Just hang onto them for now and wait for the change.


Insider dude

Wanna try some weapon, so... Soma or Sybaris?

>draw girl
>call it a boy

desu, nakak has one of the "best" animations of this update.

The rest is ugly unfinished , unpolished , glitchy.

The biggest fish in the plains right here

anyone who has already turned in cores with that obviously piddly rep that was guaranteed to need buffing should probably have their brain taken away by the government

What should I use my Starburst for?

why not both?

Well, I can, but something must be first.

Has anyone tried the armors yet? Are they purely cosmetic?

if you catch anything else at 40 let me know

>192kb/s download on a 4mb/s
I think this is a poetic way of saying how warframe fails to reach its potential, thoughts?

Soma goes nice pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew.
Sybaris goes with
PEW-PEW PEW-PEW PEW-PEW PEW-PEW but with nice damage.

Hope that helped you to decide.

All the warframe streamers have terrible taste in music.

nezha is a chinese boy frame and it was common for boys to wear their hair in buns in ancient china. The flowy stuff is ribbons, and the top is an apron-like thing.

Man the Astilla is good.

How good are the other two weapons that came with Gara? The Fusilal and the Volnus

They need to use non copyrighted stuff

It fucking sucks

>he didn't buy the collection
It was well worth it, THAT'S FOR SURE!

>give up and stop watching streams
>the starbursts keep rolling in in small batches

I did buy it. I am just leveling up two other weapons before I use the two secondaries with the bundle

>900 Plat for frost beta and a battle rifle
Wew lad

>design council turning against DE

Kinda obvious SW rushed it out and don't actually play the game huh

Anyone? I'm about to rank up quills. Not interested in cosmetics.

>grinding Io for some Meso relics and Oxium
>a wild Frost Prime appears
>Frost is helping with a fuckhueg Snowglobe
>New Loka fun squad coming for me
>run to lifepod where Frost is camping
>squad arrives and Frost dies in like five seconds
>Frost immediately disconnects

It's not like I could have spent that any better.

New daily focus cap?

Huh? Got any link or something?

I assume they're cosmetic. They're also available for platinum.

>tfw only half way to first rank because eidolon cores keep bugging out

Do you earn more reputation at higher Quill ranks or are we doomed to kill eidolons for

250k but i cant seem to find where they have placed the counter for it

screencap or didnt happen


Ps4 shitter coming back in preperation for plains. Is there anything i need to make, start collecting?

Sniper rifles?
Greater lenses?
Archwings and weapons?

No new topics on design council section that's for sure.

All lenses you had installed should be in your inventory, so craft greater lenses with your regular lenses if you had any.
Do a bounty, do gara quest, do more bounties until you can buy the mining gun and the fishing spear, and then get grinding whatever you want

i have like a 50+ exceptional cores and 300 of the other


He means prep before the update hits.
Greater lens + 5 nu resource makes a nu lens, which is more effective.
Archwing is probably going to be useful but it's locked behind research at the moment.
Everything in the update needs about 90% new resources, so you can't prepare much there. Get Titania, she's great for killing the Eidolons.

if its still possible, sell sniper stuff for high prices. They arent that good for POE. I was able to offload a few prime sets at sky high prices due to the hype

No wonder. This update just added three (or more) Grind walls

The fact that Cetus is using syndicate "respect" points Is meh.

finaly found decsnt spot for seafish

Is Cephalon Simaris standing literally only used to buy items from his shop? I'm nearing 100k, is it okay if I just spend it all on a mod?

>that pic
>happened to me just now
>i was the host

>4000 credits bounty rewards

Who at DE looked at that and said "yep that's a reward worth the time spent!"?

If it helps, I'm a fucking retard who doesn't like full-auto in most games, but the Soma still manages to feel good

But I still lean towards Sybaris

What do I do with all these Latron Blueprints? Sell for credits?

Anybody can recommend a decent secondary weapon? I've been using Lex Prime, but I've been told I should just sell it once I max it out.
Nothing that throws people around, please.

Why does that Windmill have a console icon on the map, yet no interactable console?

Archwing update Soon 10o

>Standing on capture target
>You are abandoning the mission

fuk u.

>hammer shot instead of bladed rounds
you're retarded

>vile accel instead of shred
you're really fucking retarded

bladed rounds is more effective DPS more often compared to Argon

brozime just confirmed that rewards are connected to the Chats of streamer.

you can get more rewards by having More chats open.

have X amount of chats open and watch your favorite streamer, get rewards from all.

Man Mag's deluxe skin is a fine shiny piece of ass. Pity it's hard to colour thanks to the multiple bits that use a fusion of two colour zones


Collect them at this point.

I thought DE had just gone full retard at last, or that you'd unlock a better way to level at rank 1. Fug.

>still only getting latrons and starburst from twitch streams i left on overnight
>twitch soma prime linking still isnt working

>shield disruption is now at least 50 plat
who did this

Thanks. Good to know that pre-plains grind isnt that mat intrusive. Considering how bad I have heard it is in its current phase.

betting on rushed release and not all shit working

For what?

So you just need to pop out the chat? I can leave the stream paused?

Best secondary weapon?

Latron fort.

What's the meta fishing frame? I've been using Ivara.

You've been told wrong, Lex Prime is a solid weapon that's better than most primaries at your level. Pocket sniper. Aklex Prime exists so you could wait for that, but you can't go wrong investing in Lex Prime.

Pyrana from Tenno research in dojo is good. Check the op top gun for a lot of fun/viable secondaries


Is Corrosive the best status?


Until Magnetic gets reworked, yeah.

The balancer who graduated from a gaming college.

euphona prime>akstiletto prime

Eidolon Meta
There is no best but all around good for everything, I would say Akstilleto Prime. Two dual stats and Primed heated charge, and crit mods, you've got status and at least 25k dps

Arca Scisco, Euphona Prime, there's a lot of great ones.

Is there certain places where big fish spawns or is it all RNG?

>>primed frames come with orokin reactors preinstalled
>Explain how this isn't P2W.
Um poetards?

Thanks, 10os.

Not him but its long been accepted that just because something can be obtained in game doesn't mean its okay to be able to save time by buying it.

>fish swims into rock
>comes out at the other side

What's better, Trinity or Octavia?

They fucking don't though.

How could you even come to this comparison, are you a waifufag?

It's DE. There is no quality check. Let's make something and push it to public built... then we find bugs.

now that new zenurik has that aoe energy regen, octavia > trinity

Since when did prime frames come preinstalled with reactors?

It is absolutely okay.

>your head

energy dash?

Got this.
Then internet crashed.

Thats how its always been.
>release update
>entire player base acts as in house testers
>bonzai patch the update for the next month with several small updates

It eliminates DE from play testing their own game.