/twg/ - Total War General

Vlad (not that one) Edition

Possible release date for Mortal Empires October 26th

Enter the Vortex Trailer

High Elves 360 Trailer

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info

>History information:
Saga title is a spiritual successor to Rome 2. Some are guessing the map will be Britannia.
Campaign pack coming up for a past history title, probably Rome 2.
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Last thread Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!

Nice of the Everqueen to invite us over for a picnic, eh Teclis?

Teclis looks quite feminine from behind

Skaven or Lizards?

th for dabbing Elves


*blocks your path*

Between lizards not chasing properly and menace being bugged I'm going to have to go with dark elves for now. Probably skaven once their ability is fixed.



>Tomb Kings still not announced

How did they fuck up the graphics this bad?

Is there a point in using dirty skinks as lizardbros? Seems like they proceed directly to higher tier troops which invalidate low tier ones.

Looks little different from the first, aside from the sharpening, which they are apparently turning off in the next patch


yeah sure

Welves are due a LL and Lahmia is present in the new map, nerd.

I must've gotten a bootleg version of the first game then because mine didn't look like a my little pony episode.


What, the colors are the problem now?

how can that thing even fight looks like its going to fall apart

Warpstone is a hell of a drug.


Yeah, they really failed to capture the dark, gritty atmosphere of Ulthuan.

>That feel when twwh2 pushes your graphics card to 70 degrees
>when you thought 60 was its hottest

w o r r y
probably need to upgrade from a 960 anyways

New high score!

menace below bug literally doesn't matter in campaign.

Just try not to use menace below on low armour single entity units if you don't want to exploit it.

Skaven, lizards are the most boring faction cos most of their mechanics are irrelevant.

Are you saying Bretonnia and Empire are dark and gritty? It's almost like there's a massive area between being grimdark and going for some Splatoon spinoff aesthetic.

Yes, look at their stats.

As long as you're below 100°C there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

What should Ulthuan look like then? Post an image.

>Welves are due a LL
yes but hopefully CA isn't retarded enough to consider non-combat leaders like Finnubar or Ariel when there are several better options
>Lahmia is present
so are Lustria and Albion, so amazons and not-celts are totally coming huh

You betray this clan?

I don't get this meme.

Looking like the first game but with less fog would be fine.

The Empire is pretty dark and gritty, lots of common soldiers dying in horrible ways. Bretonnia is 50-50, given the huge class division. Ulthuan however lacks that division and is far more fantastic than Bretonnia.

So you want Ulthuan to look like the Old World? Right ok, I'm sure that's a common thing, there will surely be a mod for that soon.

Do you guys think they'll add more stuff to the older factions as the game goes on? Like Mechanical Engineers to the Empire, Josef Bugman for the dwarfs, Doombulls, etc.

I doubt it, though they did acknowledge at some point that many people want to play as Middenland. So maybe.

They have said that they do intend to give lords that currently share their position with other lords in the future, so that is coming at least.

>Do you guys think they'll add more stuff to the older factions as the game goes on?


Yes, having a consistent art between games would be preferrable instead of going from Witcher 2 to Splatoon.

No one's talking about the lore or how the innocent widdle soldiers are dying, but how the game looks like shit.


Could make the Mechanical Engineers a RoR of the Grenade Launcher Outriders. The problem with adding new units is, at it stands, the Empire has the most balanced roster. It doesn't really need anything more except maybe flavour stuff.

haha epic post dude :) add me on r*ddit /u/rafagget


That's just what it looks like. I suppose you want the Land of the Dead to be a temperate forest because an Egyptian themed desert doesn't fit in with the aesthetic of the first game?

the LOTR movies are shit

What is with this hyperbole? Splatoon and MLP? Is it the rainbows that are triggering you?

t. Chris Tolkien

Something I didn't realise until this campaign was that if you steal technology with the buff already active it adds to the duration rather that refreshing it. Makes it quite a bit better than I'd originally thought.

It would have to be a even bigger bonus to be preferable to having the hero in one of your stacks.

>Invade Naggaroth turn 90ish
>Naggarond and Cult armies are all dreadspears and other trash
>even after wiping their armies they don't recruit better ones
Caledor had more elite units than this. I guess it beats the other time I invaded Naggaroth in the 200s and literally every army had nothing but executioners, black guards and black dragons.

Total War Victoria when?

I train agents up until they have their good stats before adding them to my stacks.

How is the endgame of TW:W 2? Snorefest like TW:W after defeating Chaos?

>That's just what it looks like.
Wow, you don't say. Very acute observation, user. Smart lad.

>Egyptian themed desert doesn't fit in with the aesthetic of the first game
Why would you even think this? It would fit in nicely as long as you don't make the maps glowing orange cartoon bullshit like TWWH2 did. Like I don't even understand what goes through the head of someone who considers pic related grimdark.

Why do you consider it hyperbole? You honestly can't see how cartoony those graphics are in comparison?

Dragon breath ground targeting when?

Fantasy isn't grimdark though, it's always been part tongue and cheek with a lot of high fantasy elements.

superior warhams 2 version coming through

>tfw this looks way better than my game

Do you like fighting Adolf Hitler of not-canada and his stacks of gold chevron'd shades?

I disagree. Sure you want a mage of some kind in you main couple of stacks but dark elves in particular have quite a deep research tree and minimal ways to improve their tech speed. That sorceress is worth almost four and a half provinces worth of research buildings.

>Start an ERE Attila campaign after 2 weeks of TW2
>Makes you realise just how barebones Warhammer is and how much it's missing

The fucking backslide is unbelievable.

Why do you make up this obvious bullshit, user? You know that we all have the game and know you're full of your own shit?


Because it is hyperbolic. I have no idea how you think MLP or Splatoon when you look at that. The Elves especially have had bright colors on their units since forever and I see no issue at all with the colors of their units.

I agree with the orange thing though.

agent cap is huge, you don't have to give a shit.

Steal technology is great, though I can't imagine it's actually detrimental when AI factions probably get awful techs.

What the fuck is wrong with you? What don't you like about the sweet WH2 aesthetic? I suppose you want the game to be in black and white?

>makes you realise just how fucking dull and bloated Attila is, and how little actually happens in it

I absolutely agree.

Stranger still when you consider that it's the same team. Only explaination that I can think of is that it has less budget or/and is aimed at a more casual market (Warhammer TT fans and people that weren't into either TW or Warhammer before)

Attila has some boring stuff, sure, but I'd take its sieges over the current ones any day.

presumably the orange filter is because they want to evoke aztec culture and the setting sun on the temples etc, and possibly to foreshadow the apocalypse/coming night in the next game.

>Dark elf army
>Lord last name "barbstorm"
>7 units of executioners, shades, cold ones, black guard
>No darkshards

Pathetic Druchii

Did I misunderstand? I figured it was a ironic post with bullshit colour to illustrate how bad TWW2 looks, since TWW2's colours aren't that sharp.

>Siege escalation
>360 degree sieges
>Family Tree and Marriages
>Deployable defences
>Army traditions
>Minor settlement battles
>Climate change
>Unique building icons

Ah yes all bloat. Delete it at once.

>not using an AI recruitment mod
LMAO@ur life

Atilla was such a good game I have to play it again
Any recommended mods?

>siege skaven
>wipe out my entire army using warp bombs

fucks sake

One that makes AI resettle ruins

Hell no, WH2 looks pretty much like that. I mean just look at or the color of the sea and foliage in Why would you dislike this? Do you want the game to be like Bloodborne?

The unit colors look fine in WH2 for the most part. It's the maps and the lighting where it shits the bed and makes everything look garbage. If you play on a map with similar lighting to it will actually look good.

The green and yellow in the Helf screen is nowhere near the intensity of the red and blue in the Bret one.

What exactly determines how many chaos stacks spawn during rituals? I had 7 chaos stacks coming from 3 different directions on my second ritual so i was expecting to be anally annihilated on the third. Instead i get measly 3 stacks this time...

its particularly retarded that warhammer has a fucking god of disease and still doesn't have any sanitation mechanics, sanitation could have even been tied to skaven somehow

I would kill for the ability to set this forest on fire right now. There's a bunch of faggot swordmasters and seaguard in there that refuse to come out despite me having artillery in range.

How is it? Any weird unintentional effects?

>only 12 days until I can purge the elf shits with superior firepower

The war for notafrica is such a slog

>Atilla was such a good game
CA realized that after the R2 disaster they had to push out something good. And they did, even though it ran like crap

Because the base colors are less intense but the aesthetic is the same. So why don't you like it? Or do you like it aside from just the bret uniform???

Nurgle isn't in the game yet beyond his plague.

>tfw both of these are true
>tfw no good mods for Attila

Everyone hates dwarfs

It's possible there's more in the fog to the north or east of you. You only just started and they can spawn half a continent away.

Does he make handgunners as good as thunderers?

Just to pick up on a couple of those

Always been shit, WH atleast made them quick and painless.

What a fucking joke.

>Minor settlement battles
Yes, fighting in the exact same village for 75% of all battles is so much fun.

Most hated """feature""" of Attila, right up there with

>Climate change
Absofuckinglutely nobody liked this.

I will not at all be surprised if they throw that, or something similar, in in the third game and try to spin it as a "unique corruption" mechanic. Or they throw in migration for the Ogres and/or Orcs and call it "unique"


>Non combat
Ariel is an incredibly powerful demigod same as Orion

I like the climate change mechanic.

>fighting in the exact same village for 75% of all battles is so much fun.
factually not true, there is a large number of village layouts, every culture group has 5

No, all it does is change the AI's affinity for recruiting certain units. They recruit less monsters, more infantry and slightly less ranged basically.


I guess I should start using it. It was a must have in TWW1, but I found it wasn't that necessary in TWW2(only encountered 2 silly stacks) and I was afraid it would only fuck things up.